
67 lines
2.5 KiB

package lila.ublog
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import lila.common.Chronometer
import lila.common.config
import lila.common.config.NetConfig
final class UblogMarkup(baseUrl: config.BaseUrl, assetBaseUrl: config.AssetBaseUrl) {
private val renderer =
new lila.common.Markdown(
autoLink = true,
list = true,
strikeThrough = true,
header = true,
blockQuote = true,
code = true,
table = true
type Text = String
type Html = String
def apply(post: UblogPost): String = cache.get(post.markdown, process(post))
private val cache = lila.memo.CacheApi.scaffeineNoScheduler.maximumSize(2048).build[Text, Html]()
private def process(post: UblogPost): Text => Html = replaceGameGifs.apply andThen
unescapeAtUsername.apply andThen
renderer(s"ublog:${}") andThen
imageParagraph andThen
// replace game GIFs URLs with actual game URLs that can be embedded
private object replaceGameGifs {
private val regex = (assetBaseUrl.value + """/game/export/gif(/white|/black|)/(\w{8})\.gif""").r
val apply = (markdown: Text) => regex.replaceAllIn(markdown, baseUrl.value + "/$2$1")
// put images into a container for styling
private def imageParagraph(markup: Html) =
markup.replace("""<p><img src=""", """<p class="img-container"><img src=""")
private def unescape(txt: String) = txt.replace("""\_""", "_")
// toastui editor escapes `_` as `\_` and it breaks autolinks
private[ublog] object unescapeUnderscoreInLinks {
private val hrefRegex = """href="([^"]+)"""".r
private val contentRegex = """>([^<]+)</a>""".r
def apply(markup: Html) = contentRegex.replaceAllIn(
hrefRegex.replaceAllIn(markup, m => s"""href="${Matcher.quoteReplacement(unescape(m group 1))}""""),
m => s""">${Matcher.quoteReplacement(unescape(m group 1))}</a>"""
// toastui editor escapes `_` as `\_` and it breaks @username
private[ublog] object unescapeAtUsername {
// Same as `atUsernameRegex` in `RawHtmlTest.scala` but it also matchs the '\' character.
// Can't end with '\', which would be escaping something after the username, like '\)'
private val atUsernameRegexEscaped = """@(?<![\w@#/]@)([\w\\-]{1,29}\w)(?![@\w-]|\.\w)""".r
def apply(markdown: Text) = atUsernameRegexEscaped.replaceAllIn(markdown, m => s"@${unescape(m group 1)}")