
49 lines
4.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="preferences">Preferências</string>
<string name="gameDisplay">Exibição do jogo</string>
<string name="pieceAnimation">Animação das peças</string>
<string name="materialDifference">Diferença material</string>
<string name="boardHighlights">Destacar casas do tabuleiro (último movimento e xeque)</string>
<string name="pieceDestinations">Destino das peças (movimentos válidos e pré-movimentos)</string>
<string name="boardCoordinates">Coordenadas do tabuleiro (A-H, 1-8)</string>
<string name="moveListWhilePlaying">Lista de movimentos durante a partida</string>
<string name="pgnPieceNotation">Modo de notação das jogadas</string>
<string name="chessPieceSymbol">Símbolo da peça</string>
<string name="pgnLetter">Letra (K, Q, R, B, N)</string>
<string name="zenMode" comment="zenMode&#10;&#10;This is not the religious meaning. Turning this option on takes away make elements of the user interface.&#10;&#10;Can also translate as 'Focus mode' as one example.">Modo Zen</string>
<string name="displayBoardResizeHandle">Mostrar cursor de redimensionamento do tabuleiro</string>
<string name="onlyOnInitialPosition">Apenas na posição inicial</string>
<string name="blindfoldChess">Xadrez cego (peças invisíveis)</string>
<string name="chessClock">Relógio de xadrez</string>
<string name="tenthsOfSeconds">Décimos de segundo</string>
<string name="whenTimeRemainingLessThanTenSeconds" comment="whenTimeRemainingLessThanTenSeconds&#10;&#10;The &amp;lt; symbol is not required (you can write it as a word), just do NOT use &lt; in its place.&#10;&#10;Technical information: &lt; is a reserved character in HTML, which is why it cannot be used.">Quando o tempo restante for &lt; 10 segundos</string>
<string name="horizontalGreenProgressBars">Barras de progresso verdes horizontais</string>
<string name="soundWhenTimeGetsCritical">Som ao atingir tempo crítico</string>
<string name="giveMoreTime">Dar mais tempo</string>
<string name="gameBehavior" comment="gameBehavior&#10;&#10;In the user settings page, &quot;Game behavior&quot; is the title of the tab for configuring how the player can interact with the game.">Comportamento do jogo</string>
<string name="howDoYouMovePieces">Como você move as peças?</string>
<string name="clickTwoSquares">Clicar em duas casas</string>
<string name="dragPiece">Arrastar a peça</string>
<string name="bothClicksAndDrag">Ambas</string>
<string name="premovesPlayingDuringOpponentTurn">Pré-movimentos (jogadas durante o turno do oponente)</string>
<string name="takebacksWithOpponentApproval">Voltar jogada (com aprovação do oponente)</string>
<string name="inCasualGamesOnly">Somente em jogos casuais</string>
<string name="promoteToQueenAutomatically">Promover a Dama automaticamente</string>
<string name="whenPremoving">Quando mover previamente</string>
<string name="claimDrawOnThreefoldRepetitionAutomatically">Reivindicar empate sobre a repetição tripla automaticamente</string>
<string name="whenTimeRemainingLessThanThirtySeconds">Quando o tempo restante for &lt; 30 segundos</string>
<string name="moveConfirmation">Confirmação de movimento</string>
<string name="inCorrespondenceGames">Jogos por correspondência</string>
<string name="correspondenceAndUnlimited">Por correspondência e sem limites</string>
<string name="confirmResignationAndDrawOffers">Confirmar abandono e oferta de empate</string>
<string name="castleByMovingTheKingTwoSquaresOrOntoTheRook">Maneira de rocar</string>
<string name="castleByMovingTwoSquares">Mova o rei duas casas</string>
<string name="castleByMovingOntoTheRook">Mova o Rei em direção a torre</string>
<string name="inputMovesWithTheKeyboard">Inclua os lances com o teclado</string>
<string name="snapArrowsToValidMoves" comment="snapArrowsToValidMoves&#10;&#10;The 'arrows' are for quick annotations you can do on the board, by holding right mouse button. With this setting enabled, it means the arrows will align themselves to places were pieces can move.">Limitar setas a movimentos válidos</string>
<string name="sayGgWpAfterLosingOrDrawing" comment="sayGgWpAfterLosingOrDrawing&#10;&#10;When enabled, this setting will automatically send 'Good game, well played' to your opponent if you are lose or draw the game. It's meant as a courtesy message.&#10;&#10;The message will be sent in ENGLISH.&#10;&#10;It is up to you how to deal with this. For example, you may want to put '(message will be sent in English)' in your translated text as one example. Or you can leave the actual English text and put a brief translation in your own language.">Diga \"Bom jogo\" após a derrota ou empate</string>
<string name="yourPreferencesHaveBeenSaved">Suas preferências foram salvas.</string>
<string name="scrollOnTheBoardToReplayMoves">Use o scroll do mouse no tabuleiro para ir passando as jogadas</string>