Thibault Duplessis a2e965b0d6
New Crowdin translations (#6143)
* New translations: site.xml (Bosnian)

* New translations: site.xml (German)

* New translations: coach.xml (German)

* New translations: site.xml (Estonian)

* New translations: site.xml (Basque)

* New translations: site.xml (Azerbaijani)

* New translations: site.xml (Arabic)

* New translations: site.xml (Albanian)

* New translations: site.xml (Belarusian)

* New translations: site.xml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations: site.xml (Bosnian)

* New translations: site.xml (Bulgarian)

* New translations: site.xml (Catalan)

* New translations: site.xml (Bengali)

* New translations: site.xml (Estonian)

* New translations: site.xml (Esperanto)

* New translations: site.xml (English, United States)

* New translations: site.xml (Dutch)

* New translations: site.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: site.xml (Danish)

* New translations: site.xml (Czech)

* New translations: site.xml (Croatian)

* New translations: site.xml (Chuvash)

* New translations: site.xml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations: site.xml (Finnish)

* New translations: site.xml (French)

* New translations: site.xml (Galician)

* New translations: site.xml (Nepali)

* New translations: site.xml (Mongolian)

* New translations: site.xml (Malayalam)

* New translations: site.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: site.xml (Polish)

* New translations: site.xml (Persian)

* New translations: site.xml (Norwegian Nynorsk)

* New translations: site.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: site.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Indonesian)

* New translations: site.xml (Lojban)

* New translations: site.xml (Lithuanian)

* New translations: site.xml (Latvian)

* New translations: site.xml (Latin)

* New translations: site.xml (Kurmanji (Kurdish))

* New translations: site.xml (Korean)

* New translations: site.xml (Hebrew)

* New translations: site.xml (Hindi)

* New translations: site.xml (Hungarian)

* New translations: site.xml (Icelandic)

* New translations: site.xml (Greek)

* New translations: site.xml (Georgian)

* New translations: site.xml (German)

* New translations: site.xml (Tagalog)

* New translations: site.xml (Turkish)

* New translations: site.xml (Thai)

* New translations: site.xml (Turkmen)

* New translations: site.xml (Ukrainian)

* New translations: site.xml (Vietnamese)

* New translations: site.xml (Welsh)

* New translations: site.xml (Uzbek)

* New translations: site.xml (Urdu (Pakistan))

* New translations: site.xml (Interlingua)

* New translations: site.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Slovenian)

* New translations: site.xml (Slovak)

* New translations: site.xml (Serbian (Cyrillic))

* New translations: site.xml (Romanian)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: site.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations: site.xml (Portuguese)

* New translations: site.xml (Swedish)

* New translations: class.xml (Welsh)

* New translations: site.xml (Welsh)

* New translations: class.xml (Polish)

* New translations: class.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Welsh)

* New translations: class.xml (Latvian)

* New translations: class.xml (French)

* New translations: class.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations: tfa.xml (Russian)

* New translations: class.xml (German)

* New translations: class.xml (German)

* New translations: class.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: class.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: contact.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: class.xml (Danish)

* New translations: class.xml (Indonesian)

* New translations: contact.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Korean)

* New translations: emails.xml (Korean)

* New translations: site.xml (Korean)

* New translations: class.xml (Russian)

* New translations: class.xml (English, United States)

* New translations: activity.xml (Korean)

* New translations: class.xml (Basque)

* New translations: class.xml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations: class.xml (Polish)

* New translations: arena.xml (Korean)

* New translations: contact.xml (Korean)

* New translations: settings.xml (Korean)

* New translations: search.xml (Korean)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Korean)

* New translations: site.xml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations: contact.xml (Korean)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: class.xml (Norwegian Nynorsk)

* New translations: class.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: class.xml (Dutch)

* New translations: site.xml (Nepali)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: patron.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: patron.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: patron.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: site.xml (Polish)

* New translations: site.xml (Indonesian)

* New translations: site.xml (German)

* New translations: site.xml (Danish)

* New translations: site.xml (Latvian)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Estonian)

* New translations: site.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations: site.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: site.xml (Norwegian Bokmal)

* New translations: site.xml (English, United States)

* New translations: site.xml (Dutch)

* New translations: site.xml (Norwegian Nynorsk)

* New translations: site.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: site.xml (Burmese)

* New translations: site.xml (Burmese)

* New translations: contact.xml (Bengali)

* New translations: site.xml (French)

* New translations: site.xml (Punjabi, Pakistan)

* New translations: site.xml (Punjabi)

* New translations: site.xml (Punjabi, Pakistan)

* New translations: site.xml (Punjabi)

* New translations: streamer.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations: site.xml (Tagalog)

* New translations: class.xml (Italian)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Italian)

* New translations: coach.xml (Italian)

* New translations: coach.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Romanian)

* New translations: coach.xml (Italian)

* New translations: contact.xml (Italian)

* New translations: coach.xml (Italian)

* New translations: site.xml (Telugu)

* New translations: team.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: class.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: site.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: site.xml (Afrikaans)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Afrikaans)
2020-03-16 21:57:18 -06:00

91 lines
6.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="lichessClasses">Klasse</string>
<string name="teachClassesOfChessStudents">Bied klasse vir skaakstudente aan met die Lichess Klasse-funksionaliteitpakket.</string>
<string name="features">Kenmerke</string>
<string name="quicklyGenerateSafeUsernames">Genereer spoedig veilige gebruikersname en wagwoorde vir studente</string>
<string name="trackStudentProgress">Monitor die studente se vooruitgang in wedstryde en kopkrappers</string>
<string name="messageAllStudents">Stel alle studente in kennis oor nuwe klas materiaal</string>
<string name="freeForAllForever">100% gratis vir almal, vir ewig, met geen advertensies of koekies</string>
<string name="applyToBeLichessTeacher">Doen aansoek om \'n Lichess Onderwyser te wees</string>
<string name="noClassesYet">Nog geen klasse.</string>
<string name="teachersX">Onderwyser: %s</string>
<string name="newClass">Nuwe klas</string>
<string name="closeClass">Maak klas toe</string>
<string name="closedByX">Gesluit deur %s</string>
<string name="reopen">Heropen</string>
<string name="removeStudent">Verwyder student</string>
<string name="removedStudents">Verwyder</string>
<string name="inviteTheStudentBack">Nooi die student terug</string>
<string name="sendAMessage">Stuur \'n boodskap na al die studente.</string>
<string name="aLinkToTheClassWillBeAdded">\'n Skakel na die klas sal outomaties gevoeg word aan die einde van die boodskap, so jy hoef dit nie self by te voeg nie.</string>
<string name="className">Klas naam</string>
<string name="classDescription">Klas beskrywing</string>
<string name="visibleByBothStudentsAndTeachers">Sigbaar deur beide ondewysers en studente van die klas</string>
<string name="teachersOfTheClass">Onderwysers van die klas</string>
<string name="addLichessUsernames">Voeg Lichess gebruikersnaam om hulle as onderwysers te nooi. Een per lyn.</string>
<string name="theyMustFirstApply">Hulle moet eers aansoek doen om Lichess Onderwysers te wees.</string>
<string name="resetPassword">Herstel wagwoord</string>
<string name="makeSureToCopy">Maak seker dat jy die wagwoord nou kopieer of neerskryf. Jy sal dit nie weer kan sien nie!</string>
<string name="passwordX">Wagwoord: %s</string>
<string name="generateANewPassword">Genereer \'n nuwe wagwoord vir die student</string>
<string name="invitedToXByY">Genooi na %1$s deur %2$s</string>
<string name="realName">Regte naam</string>
<string name="privateWillNeverBeShown">Privaat. Sal nooit buite die klas vertoon word nie. Help om te onthou wie die student is.</string>
<string name="addStudent">Voeg student by</string>
<string name="lichessProfileXCreatedForY">Lichess profiel %1$s geskep vir %2$s.</string>
<string name="studentCredentials">Student: %1$s
Gebruikersnaam: %2$s
Wagwoord: %3$s</string>
<string name="inviteALichessAccount">Nooi \'n Lichess rekening</string>
<string name="inviteDesc1">Indien die student reeds \'n Lichess rekening het, kan jy hulle na die klas nooi.</string>
<string name="inviteDesc2">Hulle sal \'n boodskap op Lichess ontvang met \'n skakel om by die klas aan te sluit.</string>
<string name="inviteDesc3">Belangrik: nooi net studente wat jy ken, en wat aktief by die klas wil aansluit.</string>
<string name="inviteDesc4">Moet nooit ongevraagde uitnodigings na arbitrêre spelers stuur nie.</string>
<string name="createANewLichessAccount">Skep nuwe Lichess rekening</string>
<string name="createDesc1">Indien die student nog nie \'n Lichess rekening het nie, kan jy een vir hulle hier skep.</string>
<string name="createDesc2">Geen e-pos adres word benodig nie. \'n Wagwoord sal gegenereer word, en jy sal dit na die student moet aanstuur, sodat hulle kan inteken.</string>
<string name="createDesc3">Belangrik: \'n Student moet nie verskeie rekeninge hê nie.</string>
<string name="createDesc4">Indien hulle reeds een het, gebruik eerder die uitnodigingsvorm.</string>
<string name="lichessUsername">Lichess gebruikersnaam</string>
<string name="generateANewUsername">Genereer \'n nuwe gebruikersnaam</string>
<string name="welcomeToClass">Welkom by jou klas: %s.
Hier is die skakel om die klas te betree.</string>
<string name="onlyVisibleToTeachers">Slegs sigbaar vir die klas onderwysers</string>
<string name="lastActiveDate">Aktief</string>
<string name="managed">Onder Administrasie</string>
<string name="thisStudentAccountIsManaged">Hierdie studenterekening word gadministreer</string>
<string name="upgradeFromManaged">Opgegradeer vanaf geadministreer na onafhanklik</string>
<string name="release">Stel vry</string>
<string name="releaseTheAccount">Stel rekening vry sodat student dit onafhanklik kan beheer.</string>
<string name="releaseDesc1">\'n Vrygestelde rekening kan nie weer geadministreer word nie. Die student sal die kindermodus kan aan en afskakel en die wagwoord self herstel.</string>
<string name="releaseDesc2">Die student sal in die klas bly nadat die rekening vrygestel is.</string>
<string name="realUniqueEmail">Regte, unieke e-pos adres van die student. Ons sal \'n bevestigende e-pos na dit stuur, met \'n skakel om die rekening vry te stel.</string>
<string name="teachers">Onderwysers</string>
<plurals name="nbTeachers">
<item quantity="one">Onderwyser</item>
<item quantity="other">%s onderwysers</item>
<plurals name="nbStudents">
<item quantity="one">Student</item>
<item quantity="other">%s studente</item>
<string name="progress">Vordering</string>
<string name="noStudents">Nog geen studente in die klas nie.</string>
<string name="noRemovedStudents">Geen verwyderde studente.</string>
<string name="overDays">Oor dae</string>
<string name="timePlaying">Tyd gespeel</string>
<string name="variantXOverLastY">%1$s oor laaste %2$s</string>
<string name="winrate">Wen koers</string>
<string name="na">N.v.t.</string>
<string name="news">Klas nuus</string>
<string name="editNews">Redigeer nuus</string>
<string name="notifyAllStudents">Stel alle studente in kennis</string>
<string name="nothingHere">Nog niks hier nie.</string>
<string name="newsEdit1">Alle klas nuus in \'n enkele veld.</string>
<string name="newsEdit2">Voeg die onlangse nuus aan die bokant. Moenie vorige nuus uitvee nie.</string>
<string name="newsEdit3">Skei nuus met ---
Dit sal \'n horisontale lyn vertoon.</string>
<string name="markdownAvailable">%s is beskikbaar vir meer ingewikkelde sintaks.</string>