
85 lines
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package lila.setup
import chess.Clock
import chess.format.FEN
import chess.variant.{ FromPosition, Variant }
import{ Game, Player, Pov, Source }
import lila.lobby.Color
import lila.user.User
final case class ApiAiConfig(
variant: Variant,
clock: Option[Clock.Config],
daysO: Option[Int],
color: Color,
level: Int,
fen: Option[FEN] = None
) extends Config
with Positional {
val strictFen = false
val days = ~daysO
val increment = clock.??(_.increment.roundSeconds)
val time = clock.??(_.limit.roundSeconds / 60)
val timeMode =
if (clock.isDefined) TimeMode.RealTime
else if (daysO.isDefined) TimeMode.Correspondence
else TimeMode.Unlimited
def game(user: Option[User]) =
fenGame { chessGame =>
val perfPicker =
chess = chessGame,
whitePlayer = creatorColor.fold(
Player.make(chess.White, user, perfPicker),
Player.make(chess.White, level.some)
blackPlayer = creatorColor.fold(
Player.make(chess.Black, level.some),
Player.make(chess.Black, user, perfPicker)
mode = chess.Mode.Casual,
source = if (chessGame.board.variant.fromPosition) Source.Position else Source.Ai,
daysPerTurn = makeDaysPerTurn,
pgnImport = None
} start
def pov(user: Option[User]) = Pov(game(user), creatorColor)
def autoVariant =
if (variant.standard && fen.exists(!_.initial)) copy(variant = FromPosition)
else this
object ApiAiConfig extends BaseConfig {
// lazy val clockLimitSeconds: Set[Int] = Set(0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90) ++ (2 to 180) *).toSet
def from(
l: Int,
v: Option[String],
cl: Option[Clock.Config],
d: Option[Int],
c: Option[String],
pos: Option[FEN]
) =
new ApiAiConfig(
variant = chess.variant.Variant.orDefault(~v),
clock = cl,
daysO = d,
color = Color.orDefault(~c),
level = l,
fen = pos