
36 lines
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package lila.db
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import reactivemongo.api._
import reactivemongo.api.collections.GenericQueryBuilder
import reactivemongo.bson._
trait QueryBuilderExt { self: dsl =>
final implicit class ExtendQueryBuilder[A](val b: dsl.QueryBuilder) {
def skip(nb: Int) = b.options(b.options skip nb)
def batch(nb: Int) = b.options(b.options batchSize nb)
// like collect, but with stopOnError defaulting to false
def gather[A, M[_]](upTo: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[_], A, M[A]], reader: BSONDocumentReader[A]): Fu[M[A]] =
b.cursor[A]().collect[M](upTo, Cursor.ContOnError[M[A]]())
def list[A: BSONDocumentReader](limit: Option[Int]): Fu[List[A]] = gather[A, List](limit | Int.MaxValue)
def list[A: BSONDocumentReader](limit: Int): Fu[List[A]] = list[A](limit.some)
def list[A: BSONDocumentReader](): Fu[List[A]] = list[A](none)
// like one, but with stopOnError defaulting to false
def uno[A: BSONDocumentReader]: Fu[Option[A]] = uno[A](ReadPreference.primary)
def uno[A: BSONDocumentReader](readPreference: ReadPreference): Fu[Option[A]] = b.copy(options = b.options.batchSize(1))
.cursor[A](readPreference = readPreference)
.collect[Iterable](1, Cursor.ContOnError[Iterable[A]]())