Thibault Duplessis 174aa46255 fix challenge rematch permissions - fixes #1652
also some refactoring
and a close button on the modal box
2016-02-29 08:55:07 +07:00

77 lines
2.4 KiB

package controllers
import lila.api.Context
import lila.insight.{ Metric, Dimension }
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.mvc._
import views._
object Insight extends LilaController {
private def env = Env.insight
def refresh(username: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
Accessible(username) { user =>
env.api indexAll user inject Ok
def index(username: String) = path(username,
metric = Metric.MeanCpl.key,
dimension = Dimension.Perf.key,
filters = "")
def path(username: String, metric: String, dimension: String, filters: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
Accessible(username) { user =>
import lila.insight.InsightApi.UserStatus._
env.api userStatus user flatMap {
case NoGame => Ok(html.insight.noGame(user)).fuccess
case Empty => Ok(html.insight.empty(user)).fuccess
case s => for {
cache <- env.api userCache user
prefId <- env.share getPrefId user
} yield Ok(html.insight.index(
u = user,
cache = cache,
prefId = prefId,
ui = env.jsonView.ui(cache.ecos),
question = env.jsonView.question(metric, dimension, filters),
stale = s == Stale))
def json(username: String) = OpenBody(BodyParsers.parse.json) { implicit ctx =>
import lila.insight.JsonQuestion, JsonQuestion._
Accessible(username) { user =>
err => BadRequest(jsonError(err.toString)).fuccess,
qJson => qJson.question.fold(BadRequest.fuccess) { q =>
env.api.ask(q, user) map
lila.insight.Chart.fromAnswer(Env.user.lightUser) map
env.jsonView.chart.apply map { Ok(_) }
private def Accessible(username: String)(f: lila.user.User => Fu[Result])(implicit ctx: Context) =
lila.user.UserRepo named username flatMap {
_.fold(notFound) { u =>
env.share.grant(u, flatMap {
_.fold(f(u), fuccess(Forbidden(html.insight.forbidden(u))))
private def AccessibleJson(username: String)(f: lila.user.User => Fu[Result])(implicit ctx: Context) =
lila.user.UserRepo named username flatMap {
_.fold(notFoundJson(s"No such user: $username")) { u =>
env.share.grant(u, flatMap {
_.fold(f(u), fuccess(Forbidden(jsonError(s"User $username data is protected"))))
} map (_ as JSON)