
71 lines
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import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import lila.common.HTTPRequest._
import lila.common.config.NetConfig
/* CSRF protection by using the HTTP origin header.
* This applies to all incoming HTTP requests, and therefore, all forms of the site.
* The origin header is set by the browser, and cannot be forged in cross-site requests.
* Read along the code comments for details.
final class CSRFRequestHandler(net: NetConfig) {
/* Returns true if the request can be accepted
* Returns false to reject the request with 403 Forbidden
def check(req: RequestHeader): Boolean = {
/* Cross origin XHR is not allowed by browsers,
* therefore all XHR requests can be accepted
if (isXhr(req)) true
/* GET, HEAD and OPTIONS never modify the server data,
* so we accept them
else if (isSafe(req)) true
/* The origin header is set to a known value used by the mobile app,
* so we accept it */
else if (appOrigin(req).isDefined) true
origin(req) match {
case None =>
/* The origin header is not set.
* This can only happen with very old browsers,
* which support was dropped a long time ago, and that are full of other vulnerabilities.
* These old browsers cannot load Lichess because Lichess only support modern TLS.
* All the browsers that can run Lichess nowadays set the origin header properly.
* The absence of the origin header usually indicates a programmatic call (API or scrapping),
* so we let these requests through.
monitor("missingOrigin", req)
case Some(o) if isSubdomain(o) =>
/* The origin header is set to the lichess domain, or a subdomain of it.
* Since the request comes from Lichess, we accept it.
case Some(_) =>
/* The origin header is set to another value, like a domain or "null".
* We reject the request.
* Note that in the case of an HTTP 302 redirect,
* or when privacy requires it, then the origin header IS SET, and contains "null",
* causing the unsafe request to be rejected.
monitor("forbidden", req)
private def monitor(tpe: String, req: RequestHeader) =
lila.mon.http.csrfError(tpe, actionName(req), clientName(req)).increment()
private val topDomain = s"://${net.domain}"
private val subDomain = s".${net.domain}"
// origin = ""
// domain = ""
private def isSubdomain(origin: String) =
origin.endsWith(subDomain) || origin.endsWith(topDomain)