
736 lines
32 KiB

package lila
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.{ Cache => CaffeineCache }
import kamon.metric.{ Counter, Timer }
import kamon.tag.TagSet
import lila.common.ApiVersion
object mon {
object http {
private val t = timer("http.time")
def time(action: String, client: String, method: String, code: Int) =
"action" -> action,
"client" -> client,
"method" -> method,
"code" -> code.toLong
def error(action: String, client: String, method: String, code: Int) =
"action" -> action,
"client" -> client,
"method" -> method,
"code" -> code.toLong
def path(p: String) = counter("http.path.count").withTag("path", p)
val userGamesCost = counter("http.userGames.cost").withoutTags()
def csrfError(tpe: String, action: String, client: String) =
counter("http.csrf.error").withTags(Map("type" -> tpe, "action" -> action, "client" -> client))
val fingerPrint = timer("http.fingerPrint.time").withoutTags()
def jsmon(event: String) = counter("http.jsmon").withTag("event", event)
object syncache {
def miss(name: String) = counter("syncache.miss").withTag("name", name)
def timeout(name: String) = counter("syncache.timeout").withTag("name", name)
def compute(name: String) = timer("syncache.compute").withTag("name", name)
def wait(name: String) = timer("syncache.wait").withTag("name", name)
def caffeineStats(cache: CaffeineCache[_, _], name: String): Unit = {
val stats = cache.stats
gauge("caffeine.request").withTags(Map("name" -> name, "hit" -> true)).update(stats.hitCount.toDouble)
gauge("caffeine.request").withTags(Map("name" -> name, "hit" -> false)).update(stats.missCount.toDouble)
histogram("caffeine.hit.rate").withTag("name", name).record((stats.hitRate * 100000).toLong)
if (stats.totalLoadTime > 0) {
.withTags(Map("name" -> name, "success" -> "success"))
.withTags(Map("name" -> name, "success" -> "failure"))
.withTag("name", name)
.update(stats.totalLoadTime / 1000000d) // in millis; too much nanos for Kamon to handle)
timer("caffeine.loadTime.penalty").withTag("name", name).record(stats.averageLoadPenalty.toLong)
gauge("caffeine.eviction.count").withTag("name", name).update(stats.evictionCount.toDouble)
gauge("caffeine.entry.count").withTag("name", name).update(cache.estimatedSize.toDouble)
object mongoCache {
def request(name: String, hit: Boolean) =
"name" -> name,
"hit" -> hit
def compute(name: String) = timer("mongocache.compute").withTag("name", name)
object evalCache {
private val r = counter("evalCache.request")
def request(ply: Int, isHit: Boolean) =
r.withTags(Map("ply" -> (if (ply < 15) ply.toString else "15+"), "hit" -> isHit))
object upgrade {
val count = counter("evalCache.upgrade.count").withoutTags()
val members = gauge("evalCache.upgrade.members").withoutTags()
val evals = gauge("evalCache.upgrade.evals").withoutTags()
val expirable = gauge("evalCache.upgrade.expirable").withoutTags()
object lobby {
object hook {
val create = counter("lobby.hook.create").withoutTags()
val join = counter("lobby.hook.join").withoutTags()
val size = histogram("lobby.hook.size").withoutTags()
object seek {
val create = counter("").withoutTags()
val join = counter("").withoutTags()
object socket {
val getSris = timer("lobby.socket.getSris").withoutTags()
val member = gauge("lobby.socket.member").withoutTags()
val idle = gauge("lobby.socket.idle").withoutTags()
val hookSubscribers = gauge("lobby.socket.hookSubscribers").withoutTags()
object pool {
object wave {
def scheduled(id: String) = counter("lobby.pool.wave.scheduled").withTag("pool", id)
def full(id: String) = counter("lobby.pool.wave.full").withTag("pool", id)
def candidates(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.wave.candidates").withTag("pool", id)
def paired(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.wave.paired").withTag("pool", id)
def missed(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.wave.missed").withTag("pool", id)
def ratingDiff(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.wave.ratingDiff").withTag("pool", id)
def withRange(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.wave.withRange").withTag("pool", id)
object thieve {
def stolen(id: String) = histogram("lobby.pool.thieve.stolen").withTag("pool", id)
private val lobbySegment = timer("lobby.segment")
def segment(seg: String) = lobbySegment.withTag("segment", seg)
object rating {
def distribution(perfKey: String, rating: Int) =
gauge("rating.distribution").withTags(Map("perf" -> perfKey, "rating" -> rating.toLong))
object regulator {
def micropoints(perfKey: String) = histogram("rating.regulator").withTag("perf", perfKey)
object perfStat {
def indexTime = timer("perfStat.indexTime").withoutTags()
object round {
object api {
val player = timer("round.api").withTag("endpoint", "player")
val watcher = timer("round.api").withTag("endpoint", "watcher")
val embed = timer("round.api").withTag("endpoint", "embed")
object forecast {
val create = counter("round.forecast.create").withoutTags()
object move {
object lag {
val compDeviation = histogram("round.move.lag.comp_deviation").withoutTags()
def uncomped(key: String) = histogram("round.move.lag.uncomped_ms").withTag("key", key)
def uncompStdDev(key: String) = histogram("round.move.lag.uncomp_stdev_ms").withTag("key", key)
val stdDev = histogram("round.move.lag.stddev_ms").withoutTags()
val mean = histogram("round.move.lag.mean_ms").withoutTags()
val coefVar = histogram("round.move.lag.coef_var_1000").withoutTags()
val compEstStdErr = histogram("round.move.lag.comp_est_stderr_1000").withoutTags()
val compEstOverErr = histogram("round.move.lag.avg_over_error_ms").withoutTags()
val time = timer("round.move.time").withoutTags()
object error {
val client = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "client")
val fishnet = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "fishnet")
val glicko = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "glicko")
val other = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "other")
object titivate {
val time = future("round.titivate.time")
val game = histogram("").withoutTags() // how many games were processed
val total = histogram("").withoutTags() // how many games should have been processed
val old = histogram("round.titivate.old").withoutTags() // how many old games remain
def broken(error: String) = counter("round.titivate.broken").withTag("error", error) // broken game
object alarm {
val time = timer("round.alarm.time").withoutTags()
object expiration {
val count = counter("round.expiration.count").withoutTags()
val asyncActorCount = gauge("round.asyncActor.count").withoutTags()
object playban {
def outcome(out: String) = counter("playban.outcome").withTag("outcome", out)
object ban {
val count = counter("playban.ban.count").withoutTags()
val mins = histogram("playban.ban.mins").withoutTags()
object explorer {
object index {
def count(success: Boolean) = counter("explorer.index.count").withTag("success", successTag(success))
val time = timer("explorer.index.time").withoutTags()
object timeline {
val notification = counter("timeline.notification").withoutTags()
object insight {
val request = future("insight.request.time")
val index = future("insight.index.time")
object search {
def time(op: String, index: String, success: Boolean) =
"op" -> op,
"index" -> index,
"success" -> successTag(success)
object asyncActor {
def overflow(name: String) = counter("asyncActor.overflow").withTag("name", name)
object irc {
object zulip {
def say(stream: String) = future("irc.zulip.say", Map("stream" -> stream))
object user {
val online = gauge("").withoutTags()
object register {
def count(api: Option[ApiVersion]) = counter("user.register.count").withTag("api", apiTag(api))
def mustConfirmEmail(v: String) = counter("user.register.mustConfirmEmail").withTag("type", v)
def confirmEmailResult(success: Boolean) =
counter("user.register.confirmEmail").withTag("success", successTag(success))
val modConfirmEmail = counter("user.register.modConfirmEmail").withoutTags()
object auth {
val bcFullMigrate = counter("user.auth.bcFullMigrate").withoutTags()
val hashTime = timer("user.auth.hashTime").withoutTags()
def count(success: Boolean) = counter("user.auth.count").withTag("success", successTag(success))
def passwordResetRequest(s: String) = counter("user.auth.passwordResetRequest").withTag("type", s)
def passwordResetConfirm(s: String) = counter("user.auth.passwordResetConfirm").withTag("type", s)
def magicLinkRequest(s: String) = counter("user.auth.magicLinkRequest").withTag("type", s)
def magicLinkConfirm(s: String) = counter("user.auth.magicLinkConfirm").withTag("type", s)
def reopenRequest(s: String) = counter("user.auth.reopenRequest").withTag("type", s)
def reopenConfirm(s: String) = counter("user.auth.reopenConfirm").withTag("type", s)
object oauth {
def request(success: Boolean) = counter("user.oauth.request").withTag("success", successTag(success))
private val userSegment = timer("user.segment")
def segment(seg: String) = userSegment.withTag("segment", seg)
def leaderboardCompute = future("user.leaderboard.compute")
object trouper {
def queueSize(name: String) = gauge("trouper.queueSize").withTag("name", name)
object mod {
object report {
val highest = gauge("").withoutTags()
val close = counter("").withoutTags()
def create(reason: String) = counter("").withTag("reason", reason)
object log {
val create = counter("mod.log.create").withoutTags()
object irwin {
val report = counter("").withoutTags()
val mark = counter("").withoutTags()
def ownerReport(name: String) = counter("mod.irwin.ownerReport").withTag("name", name)
def streamEventType(name: String) = counter("").withTag("name", name)
object comm {
def segment(seg: String) = timer("mod.comm.segmentLat").withTag("segment", seg)
def zoneSegment(name: String) = future("", name)
object relay {
private def by(official: Boolean) = if (official) "official" else "user"
private def relay(official: Boolean, slug: String) =
Map("by" -> by(official), "slug" -> slug)
def ongoing(official: Boolean) = gauge("relay.ongoing").withTag("by", by(official))
def games(official: Boolean, slug: String) = gauge("").withTags(relay(official, slug))
def moves(official: Boolean, slug: String) = counter("relay.moves").withTags(relay(official, slug))
def fetchTime(official: Boolean, slug: String) = timer("relay.fetch.time").withTags(relay(official, slug))
def syncTime(official: Boolean, slug: String) = timer("relay.sync.time").withTags(relay(official, slug))
object bot {
def moves(username: String) = counter("bot.moves").withTag("name", username)
def chats(username: String) = counter("bot.chats").withTag("name", username)
def gameStream(event: String) = counter("bot.gameStream").withTag("event", event)
object cheat {
val cssBot = counter("cheat.cssBot").withoutTags()
val holdAlert = counter("cheat.holdAlert").withoutTags()
def autoAnalysis(reason: String) = counter("cheat.autoAnalysis").withTag("reason", reason)
val autoMark = counter("cheat.autoMark.count").withoutTags()
val autoReport = counter("cheat.autoReport.count").withoutTags()
object email {
object send {
private val c = counter("email.send")
val resetPassword = c.withTag("type", "resetPassword")
val magicLink = c.withTag("type", "magicLink")
val reopen = c.withTag("type", "reopen")
val fix = c.withTag("type", "fix")
val change = c.withTag("type", "change")
val confirmation = c.withTag("type", "confirmation")
val welcome = c.withTag("type", "welcome")
val time = timer("email.send.time").withoutTags()
val disposableDomain = gauge("email.disposableDomain").withoutTags()
object security {
val torNodes = gauge("security.tor.node").withoutTags()
object firewall {
val block = counter("security.firewall.block").withoutTags()
val ip = gauge("security.firewall.ip").withoutTags()
val prints = gauge("security.firewall.prints").withoutTags()
object proxy {
def reason(reason: String) = counter("security.proxy.reason").withTag("reason", reason)
val request = future("security.proxy.time")
def rateLimit(key: String) = counter("security.rateLimit.count").withTag("key", key)
def concurrencyLimit(key: String) = counter("security.concurrencyLimit.count").withTag("key", key)
object dnsApi {
val mx = future("")
object checkMailApi {
def fetch(success: Boolean, block: Boolean) =
timer("checkMail.fetch").withTags(Map("success" -> successTag(success), "block" -> block))
def usersAlikeTime(field: String) = timer("security.usersAlike.time").withTag("field", field)
def usersAlikeFound(field: String) = histogram("security.usersAlike.found").withTag("field", field)
object hCaptcha {
def hit(client: String, result: String) =
counter("hcaptcha.hit").withTags(Map("client" -> client, "result" -> result))
object tv {
object streamer {
def present(n: String) = gauge("tv.streamer.present").withTag("name", n)
def youTube = future("")
def twitch = future("tv.streamer.twitch")
object crosstable {
val create = future("crosstable.create.time")
def createOffer(result: String) = counter("crosstable.create.offer").withTag("result", result)
val duplicate = counter("crosstable.create.duplicate").withoutTags()
val found = counter("crosstable.create.found").withoutTags()
val createNbGames = histogram("crosstable.create.nbGames").withoutTags()
object playTime {
val create = future("playTime.create.time")
val createPlayTime = histogram("playTime.create.playTime").withoutTags()
object relation {
private val c = counter("relation.action")
val follow = c.withTag("type", "follow")
val unfollow = c.withTag("type", "unfollow")
val block = c.withTag("type", "block")
val unblock = c.withTag("type", "unblock")
object coach {
object pageView {
def profile(coachId: String) = counter("coach.pageView").withTag("name", coachId)
object clas {
object student {
def create(teacher: String) = counter("clas.student.create").withTag("teacher", teacher)
def invite(teacher: String) = counter("clas.student.invite").withTag("teacher", teacher)
object bloomFilter {
def count = gauge("clas.student.bloomFilter.count").withoutTags()
def fu = future("clas.student.bloomFilter.future")
object tournament {
object pairing {
val batchSize = histogram("tournament.pairing.batchSize").withoutTags()
val create = future("tournament.pairing.create")
val createRanking = timer("tournament.pairing.create.ranking").withoutTags()
val createPairings = timer("tournament.pairing.create.pairings").withoutTags()
val createPlayerMap = timer("tournament.pairing.create.playerMap").withoutTags()
val createInserts = timer("tournament.pairing.create.inserts").withoutTags()
val createFeature = timer("tournament.pairing.create.feature").withoutTags()
val createAutoPairing = timer("tournament.pairing.create.autoPairing").withoutTags()
val prep = future("tournament.pairing.prep")
val wmmatching = timer("tournament.pairing.wmmatching").withoutTags()
val created = gauge("tournament.count").withTag("type", "created")
val started = gauge("tournament.count").withTag("type", "started")
val waitingPlayers = histogram("tournament.waitingPlayers").withoutTags()
object startedOrganizer {
val tick = future("tournament.startedOrganizer.tick")
val waitingUsers = future("tournament.startedOrganizer.waitingUsers")
object createdOrganizer {
val tick = future("tournament.createdOrganizer.tick")
def standingOverload = counter("tournament.standing.overload").withoutTags()
def apiShowPartial(partial: Boolean, client: String)(success: Boolean) =
"partial" -> partial,
"success" -> successTag(success),
"client" -> client
def withdrawableIds(reason: String) = future("tournament.withdrawableIds", reason)
object swiss {
def standingOverload = counter("swiss.standing.overload").withoutTags()
val tick = future("swiss.tick")
val bbpairing = timer("swiss.bbpairing").withoutTags()
val scoringGet = future("swiss.scoring.get")
val scoringRecompute = future("swiss.scoring.recompute")
val startRound = future("swiss.director.startRound")
def games(status: String) = histogram("swiss.ongoingGames").withTag("status", status)
val json = future("swiss.json")
object plan {
val paypal = histogram("plan.amount").withTag("service", "paypal")
val stripe = histogram("plan.amount").withTag("service", "stripe")
val goal = gauge("plan.goal").withoutTags()
val current = gauge("plan.current").withoutTags()
val percent = gauge("plan.percent").withoutTags()
object charge {
def first(service: String) = counter("plan.charge.first").withTag("service", service)
def countryCents(country: String, currency: java.util.Currency, service: String, gift: Boolean) =
"country" -> country,
"currency" -> currency.getCurrencyCode,
"service" -> service,
"gift" -> gift
object forum {
object post {
val create = counter("").withoutTags()
object topic {
val view = counter("forum.topic.view").withoutTags()
def reaction(r: String) = counter("forum.reaction").withTag("reaction", r)
object msg {
def post(verdict: String, isNew: Boolean, multi: Boolean) = counter("").withTags(
Map("verdict" -> verdict, "isNew" -> isNew, "multi" -> multi)
def teamBulk(teamId: String) = histogram("").withTag("id", teamId)
def clasBulk(clasId: String) = histogram("msg.bulk.clas").withTag("id", clasId)
object puzzle {
object selector {
object user {
def time(theme: String) = timer("puzzle.selector.user.puzzle").withTag("theme", theme)
def retries(theme: String) = histogram("puzzle.selector.user.retries").withTag("theme", theme)
def vote(theme: String) = histogram("").withTag("theme", theme)
def ratingDiff(theme: String, difficulty: String) =
Map("theme" -> theme, "difficulty" -> difficulty)
def ratingDev(theme: String) = histogram("puzzle.selector.user.ratingDev").withTag("theme", theme)
def tier(t: String, theme: String, difficulty: String) =
Map("tier" -> t, "theme" -> theme, "difficulty" -> difficulty)
def batch(nb: Int) = timer("puzzle.selector.user.batch").withTag("nb", nb)
object anon {
def time(theme: String) = timer("puzzle.selector.anon.puzzle").withTag("theme", theme)
def batch(nb: Int) = timer("puzzle.selector.anon.batch").withTag("nb", nb)
def vote(theme: String) = histogram("").withTag("theme", theme)
def nextPuzzleResult(theme: String, difficulty: String, result: String) =
Map("theme" -> theme, "difficulty" -> difficulty, "result" -> result)
object path {
def nextFor(theme: String, tier: String, difficulty: String, previousPaths: Int, compromise: Int) =
"theme" -> theme,
"tier" -> tier,
"difficulty" -> difficulty,
"previousPaths" -> previousPaths.toString,
"compromise" -> compromise.toString
object batch {
object selector {
val count = counter("puzzle.batch.selector.count").withoutTags()
val time = timer("puzzle.batch.selector").withoutTags()
val solve = counter("puzzle.batch.solve").withoutTags()
object round {
def attempt(user: Boolean, theme: String) =
counter("puzzle.attempt.count").withTags(Map("user" -> user, "theme" -> theme))
def vote(up: Boolean, win: Boolean) = counter("").withTags(
"up" -> up,
"win" -> win
def voteTheme(key: String, up: Option[Boolean], win: Boolean) =
"up" -> up.fold("cancel")(_.toString),
"theme" -> key,
"win" -> win
val crazyGlicko = counter("puzzle.crazyGlicko").withoutTags()
object storm {
object selector {
val time = timer("storm.selector.time").withoutTags()
val count = histogram("storm.selector.count").withoutTags()
val rating = histogram("storm.selector.rating").withoutTags()
def ratingSlice(index: Int) = histogram("storm.selector.ratingSlice").withTag("index", index)
object run {
def score(auth: Boolean) = histogram("").withTag("auth", auth)
def sign(cause: String) = counter("").withTag("cause", cause)
object racer {
private def tpe(lobby: Boolean) = if (lobby) "lobby" else "friend"
def race(lobby: Boolean) = counter("racer.lobby.race").withTag("tpe", tpe(lobby))
def players(lobby: Boolean) =
histogram("racer.lobby.players").withTag("tpe", tpe(lobby))
def score(lobby: Boolean, auth: Boolean) = histogram("racer.player.score").withTags(
"tpe" -> tpe(lobby),
"auth" -> auth
object streak {
object selector {
val time = timer("streak.selector.time").withoutTags()
val count = histogram("streak.selector.count").withoutTags()
val rating = histogram("streak.selector.rating").withoutTags()
def ratingSlice(index: Int) = histogram("streak.selector.ratingSlice").withTag("index", index)
object run {
def score(auth: Boolean) = histogram("").withTag("auth", auth)
object game {
def finish(variant: String, speed: String, source: String, mode: String, status: String) =
"variant" -> variant,
"speed" -> speed,
"source" -> source,
"mode" -> mode,
"status" -> status
val fetch = counter("game.fetch.count").withoutTags()
val fetchLight = counter("game.fetchLight.count").withoutTags()
val loadClockHistory = counter("game.loadClockHistory.count").withoutTags()
object pgn {
def encode(format: String) = timer("game.pgn.encode").withTag("format", format)
def decode(format: String) = timer("game.pgn.decode").withTag("format", format)
val idCollision = counter("game.idCollision").withoutTags()
object chat {
def message(parent: String, troll: Boolean) =
"parent" -> parent,
"troll" -> troll
def fetch(parent: String) = timer("chat.fetch").withTag("parent", parent)
object push {
object register {
def in(platform: String) = counter("push.register").withTag("platform", platform)
val out = counter("push.register.out").withoutTags()
object send {
private def send(tpe: String)(platform: String, success: Boolean): Unit = {
"type" -> tpe,
"platform" -> platform,
"success" -> successTag(success)
val move = send("move") _
val takeback = send("takeback") _
val corresAlarm = send("corresAlarm") _
val finish = send("finish") _
val message = send("message") _
object challenge {
val create = send("challengeCreate") _
val accept = send("challengeAccept") _
val googleTokenTime = timer("push.send.googleToken").withoutTags()
def firebaseStatus(status: Int) = counter("push.firebase.status").withTag("status", status)
object fishnet {
object client {
object result {
private val c = counter("fishnet.client.result")
private def apply(r: String)(client: String) =
c.withTags(Map("client" -> client, "result" -> r))
val success = apply("success") _
val failure = apply("failure") _
val timeout = apply("timeout") _
val notFound = apply("notFound") _
val notAcquired = apply("notAcquired") _
val abort = apply("abort") _
def status(enabled: Boolean) = gauge("fishnet.client.status").withTag("enabled", enabled)
def version(v: String) = gauge("fishnet.client.version").withTag("version", v)
def queueTime(sender: String) = timer("fishnet.queue.db").withTag("sender", sender)
val acquire = future("fishnet.acquire")
def work(typ: String, as: String) = gauge("").withTags(Map("type" -> typ, "for" -> as))
def oldest(as: String) = gauge("fishnet.oldest").withTag("for", as)
object analysis {
object by {
def movetime(client: String) = histogram("fishnet.analysis.movetime").withTag("client", client)
def node(client: String) = histogram("fishnet.analysis.node").withTag("client", client)
def nps(client: String) = histogram("fishnet.analysis.nps").withTag("client", client)
def depth(client: String) = histogram("fishnet.analysis.depth").withTag("client", client)
def pvSize(client: String) = histogram("fishnet.analysis.pvSize").withTag("client", client)
def pv(client: String, isLong: Boolean) =
counter("fishnet.analysis.pvs").withTags(Map("client" -> client, "long" -> isLong))
def totalMeganode(client: String) =
counter("").withTag("client", client)
def totalSecond(client: String) = counter("").withTag("client", client)
def requestCount(tpe: String) = counter("fishnet.analysis.request").withTag("type", tpe)
val evalCacheHits = histogram("fishnet.analysis.evalCacheHits").withoutTags()
object http {
def request(hit: Boolean) = counter("fishnet.http.acquire").withTag("hit", hit)
def move(level: Int) = counter("fishnet.move.time").withTag("level", level)
object study {
object tree {
val read = timer("").withoutTags()
val write = timer("study.tree.write").withoutTags()
object sequencer {
val chapterTime = timer("study.sequencer.chapter.time").withoutTags()
object api {
val userGames = counter("api.cost").withTag("endpoint", "userGames")
val users = counter("api.cost").withTag("endpoint", "users")
val game = counter("api.cost").withTag("endpoint", "game")
val activity = counter("api.cost").withTag("endpoint", "activity")
object challenge {
object bulk {
def scheduleNb(byUserId: String) = counter("api.challenge.bulk.schedule.nb").withTag("by", byUserId)
def createNb(byUserId: String) = counter("api.challenge.bulk.create.nb").withTag("by", byUserId)
object export {
object pgn {
val game = counter("export.pgn").withTag("type", "game")
val study = counter("export.pgn").withTag("type", "study")
val studyChapter = counter("export.pgn").withTag("type", "studyChapter")
object png {
val game = counter("export.png").withTag("type", "game")
val puzzle = counter("export.png").withTag("type", "puzzle")
object bus {
val classifiers = gauge("bus.classifiers").withoutTags()
def ask(name: String) = future("bus.ask", name)
object blocking {
def time(name: String) = timer("blocking.time").withTag("name", name)
object workQueue {
def offerFail(name: String, result: String) =
"name" -> name,
"result" -> result
def timeout(name: String) = counter("workQueue.timeout").withTag("name", name)
object markdown {
val time = timer("markdown.time").withoutTags()
object ublog {
def create(user: String) = counter("ublog.create").withTag("user", user)
def view(user: String) = counter("ublog.view").withTag("user", user)
object picfit {
def uploadTime(user: String) = future("picfit.upload.time", Map("user" -> user))
def uploadSize(user: String) = histogram("picfit.upload.size").withTag("user", user)
def chronoSync[A] = lila.common.Chronometer.syncMon[A] _
type TimerPath = lila.mon.type => Timer
type CounterPath = lila.mon.type => Counter
private def timer(name: String) = kamon.Kamon.timer(name)
private def gauge(name: String) = kamon.Kamon.gauge(name)
private def counter(name: String) = kamon.Kamon.counter(name)
private def histogram(name: String) = kamon.Kamon.histogram(name)
private def future(name: String) = (success: Boolean) => timer(name).withTag("success", successTag(success))
private def future(name: String, tags: Map[String, String]) = (success: Boolean) =>
timer(name).withTags(tags + ("success" -> successTag(success)))
private def future(name: String, segment: String) =
(success: Boolean) =>
Map("success" -> successTag(success), "segment" -> segment)
private def successTag(success: Boolean) = if (success) "success" else "failure"
private def apiTag(api: Option[ApiVersion]) = api.fold("-")(_.toString)
implicit def mapToTags(m: Map[String, Any]): TagSet = TagSet from m