2013-12-20 22:09:12 +01:00

100 lines
2.9 KiB

$(function() {
var $form = $("");
var $usernames = $form.find(".usernames input");
var $winnerRow = $form.find(".winner");
var $winner = $winnerRow.find("select");
var $result = $(".search_result");
function realtimeResults() {
$form.attr("action") + "?" + $form.serialize() + " .search_result", function(text, status) {
if (status == "error") {
$(".search_status").text("Something is wrong with the search engine!");
} else {
var $permalink = $result.find("a.permalink");
$permalink.attr("href", $permalink.attr("href") + "?" + $form.serialize());
$result.find('.search_infinitescroll:has(.pager a)').each(function() {
var $next = $(this).find(".pager a:last");
$next.attr("href", $next.attr("href") + "&" + $form.serialize());
navSelector: ".pager",
nextSelector: $next,
itemSelector: ".search_infinitescroll .paginated_element",
loading: {
msgText: "",
finishedMsg: "---"
}, function() {
function winnerChoices() {
var options = ["<option value=''></option>"];
$usernames.each(function() {
var user = $.trim($(this).val());
if (user.length > 1) {
options.push("<option value='" + user + "'>" + user + "</option>");
$winnerRow.toggle(options.length > 1);
$form.find("select, input[type=checkbox]").change(realtimeResults);
$usernames.bind("keyup", winnerChoices).trigger("keyup");
$usernames.bindWithDelay("keyup", realtimeResults, 400);
$form.find(".opponent select").change(function() {
$form.find(".aiLevel").toggle($(this).val() == 1);
$.fn.bindWithDelay = function(type, data, fn, timeout, throttle) {
if ($.isFunction(data)) {
throttle = timeout;
timeout = fn;
fn = data;
data = undefined;
// Allow delayed function to be removed with fn in unbind function
fn.guid = fn.guid || ($.guid && $.guid++);
// Bind each separately so that each element has its own delay
return this.each(function() {
var wait = null;
function cb() {
var e = $.extend(true, {}, arguments[0]);
var ctx = this;
var throttler = function() {
wait = null;
fn.apply(ctx, [e]);
if (!throttle) {
wait = null;
if (!wait) {
wait = setTimeout(throttler, timeout);
cb.guid = fn.guid;
$(this).bind(type, data, cb);