2018-05-11 02:41:54 +02:00

78 lines
1.8 KiB

package templating
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import play.twirl.api.Html
import lila.api.Env.{ current => apiEnv }
object Environment
extends lila.Lilaisms
with StringHelper
with JsonHelper
with AssetHelper
with RequestHelper
with DateHelper
with NumberHelper
with PaginatorHelper
with FormHelper
with SetupHelper
with AiHelper
with GameHelper
with UserHelper
with ForumHelper
with I18nHelper
with SecurityHelper
with TeamHelper
with AnalysisHelper
with TournamentHelper
with SimulHelper
with ChessgroundHelper {
implicit val LilaHtmlMonoid = scalaz.Monoid.instance[Html](
(a, b) => Html(a.body + b.body),
type FormWithCaptcha = ([_], lila.common.Captcha)
def netDomain = apiEnv.Net.Domain
def netBaseUrl = apiEnv.Net.BaseUrl
val isGloballyCrawlable = apiEnv.Net.Crawlable
def isProd = apiEnv.isProd
def isStage = apiEnv.isStage
def apiVersion = lila.api.Mobile.Api.currentVersion
def explorerEndpoint = apiEnv.ExplorerEndpoint
def tablebaseEndpoint = apiEnv.TablebaseEndpoint
def contactEmail = apiEnv.Net.Email
def contactEmailLink = Html(s"""<a href="mailto:$contactEmail">$contactEmail</a>""")
def cspEnabled = apiEnv.cspEnabledSetting.get _
def isChatPanicEnabled =
def NotForKids[Html](f: => Html)(implicit ctx: lila.api.Context) =
if (ctx.kid) emptyHtml else f
def signalBars(v: Int) = Html {
val bars = (1 to 4).map { b =>
s"""<i${if (v < b) " class=\"off\"" else ""}></i>"""
} mkString ""
val title = v match {
case 1 => "Poor connection"
case 2 => "Decent connection"
case 3 => "Good connection"
case _ => "Excellent connection"
s"""<signal data-hint="$title" class="q$v hint--top">$bars</signal>"""