
147 lines
3.6 KiB

import play.api.i18n.Lang
import lila.common.EmailAddress
import lila.common.config.BaseUrl
import lila.i18n.I18nKeys.{ emails => trans }
import lila.user.{ User, UserRepo }
import lila.hub.actorApi.msg.SystemMsg
final class AutomaticEmail(
userRepo: UserRepo,
mailgun: Mailgun,
baseUrl: BaseUrl
)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import Mailgun.html._
val regards = """Regards,
The Lichess team"""
def welcome(user: User, email: EmailAddress)(implicit lang: Lang): Funit = {
val profileUrl = s"$baseUrl/@/${user.username}"
val editUrl = s"$baseUrl/account/profile"
mailgun send Mailgun.Message(
to = email,
subject = trans.welcome_subject.txt(user.username),
text = s"""
${trans.welcome_text.txt(profileUrl, editUrl)}
htmlBody = standardEmail(
trans.welcome_text.txt(profileUrl, editUrl)
def onTitleSet(username: String): Funit =
for {
user <- userRepo named username orFail s"No such user $username"
emailOption <- userRepo email
} yield for {
title <- user.title
email <- emailOption
} yield {
implicit val lang = userLang(user)
val body = s"""Hello,
Thank you for confirming your $title title on Lichess.
It is now visible on your profile page: ${baseUrl}/@/${user.username}.
lila.common.Bus.publish(SystemMsg(, body), "msgSystemSend")
mailgun send Mailgun.Message(
to = email,
subject = s"$title title confirmed on",
text = s"""
htmlBody = standardEmail(body).some
def onBecomeCoach(user: User): Funit =
userRepo email flatMap {
_ ?? { email =>
implicit val lang = userLang(user)
val body = s"""Hello,
It is our pleasure to welcome you as a Lichess coach.
Your coach profile awaits you on ${baseUrl}/coach/edit.
lila.common.Bus.publish(SystemMsg(, body), "msgSystemSend")
mailgun send Mailgun.Message(
to = email,
subject = "Coach profile unlocked on",
text = s"""
htmlBody = standardEmail(body).some
def onFishnetKey(userId: User.ID, key: String): Funit =
for {
user <- userRepo named userId orFail s"No such user $userId"
emailOption <- userRepo email
} yield emailOption ?? { email =>
implicit val lang = userLang(user)
val body = s"""Hello,
Here is your private fishnet key:
Please treat it like a password. You can use the same key on multiple machines (even at the same time), but you should not share it with anyone.
Thank you very much for your help! Thanks to you, chess lovers all around the world will enjoy swift and powerful analysis for their games.
lila.common.Bus.publish(SystemMsg(, body), "msgSystemSend")
mailgun send Mailgun.Message(
to = email,
subject = "Your private fishnet key",
text = s"""
htmlBody = standardEmail(body).some
def onAppealReply(user: User): Funit = {
val body = s"""Hello,
Your appeal has received a response from the moderation team: ${baseUrl}/appeal
lila.common.Bus.publish(SystemMsg(, body), "msgSystemSend")
private def userLang(user: User) = user.realLang | lila.i18n.defaultLang