
120 lines
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package lila
package model
import Pos._
case class Board(pieces: Map[Pos, Piece], taken: List[Piece] = Nil) {
def this() = this(Map(), Nil)
def place(piece: Piece) = new {
def at(at: Pos): Valid[Board] =
if (pieces contains at) failure("Cannot move to occupied " + at)
else success(copy(pieces = pieces + ((at, piece))))
def take(at: Pos): Valid[Board] = pieces get at map { piece =>
copy(pieces = (pieces - at), taken = (piece :: taken))
} toSuccess ("No piece at " + at + " to take")
def move(orig: Pos) = new {
def to(dest: Pos): Valid[Board] = {
if (pieces contains dest) failure("Cannot move to occupied " + dest)
else pieces get orig map { piece
copy(pieces = (pieces - orig) + ((dest, piece)))
} toSuccess ("No piece at " + orig + " to move")
* Promote the piece at the given position to a new role
* @return a new board
//def promote(p: Pos) = {
//case class Promotion() {
//def to(r: Role): Board = r match {
//case King ⇒ throw new IllegalPromotionException("Cannot promote to King")
//case _ ⇒ pieces.get(p).map(piece ⇒ piece.role match {
//case Pawn ⇒ new Board(pieces(p) = Piece(piece.color, r), taken)
//case _ ⇒ throw new IllegalPromotionException("Can only promote pawns")
//}).getOrElse { throw new IllegalPromotionException("No piece at " + p + " to promote") }
//new Promotion
* Finds all positions which contain a threat to the given color (at a given position).
* Note, will not identify threats to position from en passant (as this behaviour is not required).
* @return the positions of threat
//def threatsTo(color: Color) = {
//case class Threat() {
//def at(s: Symbol): List[Pos] = at(position(s))
//def at(pos: Pos): List[Pos] = {
//def expand(direction: Seq[Option[Pos] => Option[Pos]]): Option[Pos] = {
//def next(from: Option[Pos]): Option[Pos] = {
//val nextPose = direction.foldLeft(from) {(acc, next) => next(acc)}
//if (nextPose.isEmpty) return None
//if (pieces.contains(nextPose.get)) Some(nextPose.get) else next(nextPose)
//def opposing(r: Role) = {
//case class OpposingRoleCheck() {
//def at(p: Pos) = pieces.get(p).map(_.equals(Piece(opposite of color, r))).getOrElse(false)
//new OpposingRoleCheck
//val forward = if (White.equals(color)) ^ _ else v _
//val pawns: List[Pos] = Set(forward(pos < 1), forward(pos > 1)).filter(_.isDefined).foldLeft(Nil: List[Pos]) {
//(acc, next) =>
//if (opposing(Pawn).at(next.get)) next.get :: acc else acc
//val rankFileVectors: List[Pos] = (expand(Seq(< _)) :: expand(Seq(^ _)) :: expand(Seq(> _)) :: expand(Seq(v _)) :: Nil)
//.filter(_.isDefined).foldLeft(Nil: List[Pos]) {
//(acc, next) =>
//if (opposing(Rook).at(next.get) || opposing(Queen).at(next.get)) next.get :: acc else acc
//val diagonalVectors: List[Pos] = (expand(Seq(< _, ^ _)) :: expand(Seq(> _, ^ _)) :: expand(Seq(> _, v _)) :: expand(Seq(< _, v _)) :: Nil)
//.filter(_.isDefined).foldLeft(Nil: List[Pos]) {
//(acc, next) =>
//if (opposing(Bishop).at(next.get) || opposing(Queen).at(next.get)) next.get :: acc else acc
//val knights: List[Pos] = {
//val options = radialBasedPoss(pos, List(-2, -1, 1, 2), (rank, file) => Math.abs(rank) != Math.abs(file))
//val kings: List[Pos] = {
//val options = radialBasedPoss(pos, -1 to 1, (rank, file) => (rank != 0 || file != 0))
//pawns ::: rankFileVectors ::: diagonalVectors ::: knights ::: kings
//new Threat
* Layout the board for a new game.
* @return a new board
def reset = {
val lineUp = Seq(Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook)
val pairs = for (y Seq(1, 2, 7, 8); x 1 to 8) yield (Pos(x, y), y match {
case 1 Piece(White, lineUp(x - 1))
case 2 Piece(White, Pawn)
case 7 Piece(Black, Pawn)
case 8 Piece(Black, lineUp(x - 1))
new Board(pairs toMap)