
285 lines
9.9 KiB

package lila.playban
import chess.{ Centis, Color, Status }
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import play.api.Mode
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.ReadPreference
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import lila.common.{ Bus, Iso, Uptime }
import lila.db.dsl._
import{ Game, Player, Pov, Source }
import lila.msg.{ MsgApi, MsgPreset }
import lila.user.NoteApi
import lila.user.{ User, UserRepo }
final class PlaybanApi(
coll: Coll,
feedback: PlaybanFeedback,
userRepo: UserRepo,
noteApi: NoteApi,
cacheApi: lila.memo.CacheApi,
messenger: MsgApi
)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext, mode: Mode) {
import lila.db.BSON.BSONJodaDateTimeHandler
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros
implicit private val OutcomeBSONHandler = tryHandler[Outcome](
{ case BSONInteger(v) => Outcome(v) toTry s"No such playban outcome: $v" },
x => BSONInteger(
implicit private val RageSitBSONHandler = intIsoHandler([RageSit](RageSit.apply, _.counter))
implicit private val BanBSONHandler = Macros.handler[TempBan]
implicit private val UserRecordBSONHandler = Macros.handler[UserRecord]
private case class Blame(player: Player, outcome: Outcome)
private val blameableSources: Set[Source] = Set(Source.Lobby, Source.Pool, Source.Tournament)
private def blameable(game: Game): Fu[Boolean] =
(game.source.exists(blameableSources.contains) && game.hasClock) ?? {
if (game.rated) fuTrue
else !userRepo.containsEngine(game.userIds)
private def IfBlameable[A: ornicar.scalalib.Zero](game: Game)(f: => Fu[A]): Fu[A] =
(mode != Mode.Prod || Uptime.startedSinceMinutes(10)) ?? {
blameable(game) flatMap { _ ?? f }
def abort(pov: Pov, isOnGame: Set[Color]): Funit =
IfBlameable( {
pov.player.userId.ifTrue(isOnGame(pov.opponent.color)) ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.Abort, userId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.abort(pov)
def noStart(pov: Pov): Funit =
IfBlameable( {
pov.player.userId ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.NoPlay, userId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.noStart(pov)
def rageQuit(game: Game, quitterColor: Color): Funit =
IfBlameable(game) {
game.player(quitterColor).userId ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.RageQuit, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, quitterColor)) >>-
feedback.rageQuit(Pov(game, quitterColor))
def flag(game: Game, flaggerColor: Color): Funit = {
def unreasonableTime =
game.clock map { c =>
(c.estimateTotalSeconds / 12) atLeast 15 atMost (3 * 60)
// flagged after waiting a long time
def sitting: Option[Funit] =
for {
userId <- game.player(flaggerColor).userId
seconds = nowSeconds - game.movedAt.getSeconds
if unreasonableTime.exists(seconds >= _)
} yield save(Outcome.Sitting, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
feedback.sitting(Pov(game, flaggerColor)) >>
propagateSitting(game, userId)
// flagged after waiting a short time;
// but the previous move used a long time.
// assumes game was already checked for sitting
def sitMoving: Option[Funit] =
game.player(flaggerColor).userId.ifTrue {
~(for {
movetimes <- game moveTimes flaggerColor
lastMovetime <- movetimes.lastOption
limit <- unreasonableTime
} yield lastMovetime.toSeconds >= limit)
} map { userId =>
save(Outcome.SitMoving, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
feedback.sitting(Pov(game, flaggerColor)) >>
propagateSitting(game, userId)
IfBlameable(game) {
sitting orElse
sitMoving getOrElse
good(game, flaggerColor)
private def propagateSitting(game: Game, userId: User.ID): Funit =
rageSitCache get userId map { rageSit =>
if (rageSit.isBad) Bus.publish(SittingDetected(game, userId), "playban")
def other(game: Game, status: Status.type => Status, winner: Option[Color]): Funit =
IfBlameable(game) {
~(for {
w <- winner
loser = game.player(!w)
loserId <- loser.userId
} yield {
if (Status.NoStart is status)
save(Outcome.NoPlay, loserId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.noStart(Pov(game, !w))
.filter {
_.remainingTime(loser.color) < Centis(1000) &&
game.turnOf(loser) &&
.map { c =>
(c.estimateTotalSeconds / 10) atLeast 15 atMost (3 * 60)
.exists(_ < nowSeconds - game.movedAt.getSeconds)
.option {
save(Outcome.SitResign, loserId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, loser.color)) >>-
feedback.sitting(Pov(game, loser.color)) >>
propagateSitting(game, loserId)
.getOrElse {
good(game, !w)
private def good(game: Game, loserColor: Color): Funit =
game.player(loserColor).userId ?? {
save(Outcome.Good, _, RageSit.redeem(game))
// memorize users without any ban to save DB reads
private val cleanUserIds = new lila.memo.ExpireSetMemo(30 minutes)
def currentBan(userId: User.ID): Fu[Option[TempBan]] =
!cleanUserIds.get(userId) ?? {
$doc("_id" -> userId, "b.0" $exists true),
$doc("_id" -> false, "b" -> $doc("$slice" -> -1)).some
.dmap {
} addEffect { ban =>
if (ban.isEmpty) cleanUserIds put userId
def hasCurrentBan(userId: User.ID): Fu[Boolean] = currentBan(userId).map(_.isDefined)
def completionRate(userId: User.ID): Fu[Option[Double]] =
coll.primitiveOne[Vector[Outcome]]($id(userId), "o").map(~_) map { outcomes =>
outcomes.collect {
case Outcome.RageQuit | Outcome.Sitting | Outcome.NoPlay | Outcome.Abort => false
case Outcome.Good => true
} match {
case c if c.sizeIs >= 5 => Some(c.count(identity).toDouble / c.size)
case _ => none
def bans(userIds: List[User.ID]): Fu[Map[User.ID, Int]] =
coll.aggregateList(Int.MaxValue, ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred) { framework =>
import framework._
Match($inIds(userIds) ++ $doc("b" $exists true)) -> List(
Project($doc("bans" -> $doc("$size" -> "$b")))
} map {
_.flatMap { obj =>
obj.getAsOpt[User.ID]("_id") flatMap { id =>
obj.getAsOpt[Int]("bans") map { id -> _ }
def getRageSit(userId: User.ID) = rageSitCache get userId
private val rageSitCache = cacheApi[User.ID, RageSit](32768, "playban.ragesit") {
_.expireAfterAccess(20 minutes)
.buildAsyncFuture { userId =>
coll.primitiveOne[RageSit]($doc("_id" -> userId, "c" $exists true), "c").map(_ | RageSit.empty)
private def save(outcome: Outcome, userId: User.ID, rsUpdate: RageSit.Update): Funit = {
for {
withOutcome <- coll.ext
selector = $id(userId),
update = $doc(
$push("o" -> $doc("$each" -> List(outcome), "$slice" -> -30)) ++ {
rsUpdate match {
case RageSit.Reset => $min("c" -> 0)
case RageSit.Inc(v) if v != 0 => $inc("c" -> v)
case _ => $empty
fetchNewObject = true,
upsert = true
) orFail s"can't find newly created record for user $userId"
withBan <- {
if (outcome == Outcome.Good) fuccess(withOutcome)
for {
createdAt <- userRepo.createdAtById(userId) orFail s"Missing user creation date $userId"
withBan <- legiferate(withOutcome, createdAt)
} yield withBan
_ <- registerRageSit(withBan.pp(s"registerWithBan withOutcome=$withOutcome"), rsUpdate)
} yield ()
}.void logFailure lila.log("playban")
private def legiferate(record: UserRecord, accCreatedAt: DateTime): Fu[UserRecord] =
.?? { ban =>
Bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.playban.Playban(record.userId, ban.mins), "playban")
selector = $id(record.userId),
update = $unset("o") ++ $push(
"b" -> $doc(
"$each" -> List(ban),
"$slice" -> -30
fetchNewObject = true
.map(_ | record) >>- cleanUserIds.remove(record.userId)
private def registerRageSit(record: UserRecord, update: RageSit.Update): Funit =
update match {
case RageSit.Inc(delta) =>
rageSitCache.put(record.userId, fuccess(record.rageSit))
(delta < 0 && record.rageSit.isVeryBad) ?? {
messenger.postPreset(record.userId, MsgPreset.sittingAuto).void >>- {
if (record.isLethal)
.flatMap {
_ ?? { user =>
noteApi.lichessWrite(user, "Closed for ragesit recidive") >>-
Bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.playban.RageSitClose(, "rageSitClose")
case _ => funit