
205 lines
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package lila.tournament
package swiss
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.Duration
import lila.tournament.{ Score => AbstractScore }
import{ Game, GameRepo }
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
import scalaz.NonEmptyList
object SwissSystem extends PairingSystem with ScoringSystem {
private val MinTimeBetweenRounds = Duration.standardSeconds(10L)
sealed abstract class Score(val value: Int, val repr: String) extends AbstractScore
case object Win extends Score(2, "1")
case object Loss extends Score(0, "0")
case object Draw extends Score(1, "½")
case object Byed extends Score(2, "B")
case object Absent extends Score(0, "—")
case object Ongoing extends Score(0, "*")
case class Sheet(scores: List[Score], total: Int, neustadtl: Int) extends ScoreSheet {
private def f(d: Int): String = d match {
case 0 => ""
case 1 => "¼"
case 2 => "½"
case 3 => "¾"
lazy val totalRepr: String = (total/2) + f(2*(total%2))
lazy val neustadtlRepr: String = (neustadtl/4) + f(neustadtl%4)
def compare(other: Sheet): Int = {
if(total > 1
else if(total < -1
else if(neustadtl > other.neustadtl) 1
else if(neustadtl < other.neustadtl) -1
else 0
private val BlankSheet = Sheet(Nil, 0, 0)
private type STour = swisssystem.Tournament[String]
private type Sheets = Map[String,Sheet]
private object SheetOrdering extends Ordering[Sheet] {
def compare(s1: Sheet, s2: Sheet): Int = s1 compare s2
// I feel like this must exist in the stdlib somewhere...
// Maybe in scalaz? It's like String.split, but for lists...
private def split[T](l: List[T], p: T=>Boolean): List[List[T]] = {
def s(l: List[T], p: T=>Boolean): NonEmptyList[List[T]] = l match {
case Nil => NonEmptyList(Nil, Nil)
case x :: xs if p(x) => NonEmptyList(Nil, s(xs, p).list: _*)
case x :: xs =>
val rec = s(xs, p)
val (r, rs) = (rec.head, rec.tail)
NonEmptyList(x :: r, rs: _*)
override def scoreSheets(tour: Tournament): Map[String,Sheet] = {
override def rank(tour: Tournament, players: Players): RankedPlayers = {
val ss = scoreSheets(tour)
def r(ps: Players) = {
val withSheets = ps map { p =>
(p, ss.getOrElse(, BlankSheet))
val sorted = withSheets.sortBy(_._2)(SheetOrdering).reverse
// yeurk.
val ranked = sorted.foldLeft[(RankedPlayers,Sheet)]((Nil,BlankSheet)) {
case ((Nil,_),(p,s)) => ((1, p) :: Nil, s)
case ((l@(r0::_),s0), (p,s)) if == 0 => ((r0._1, p) :: l, s0)
case ((l,_),(p, s)) => ((l.size + 1, p) :: l, s)
val (active,inactive) = players.partition(
r(active) ::: r(inactive)
override def createPairings(tour: Tournament, users: List[String]): Future[(Pairings,Events)] = {
val failed = (Nil,Nil)
val failedFuture = Future.successful(failed) // Oh the irony.
// Notice how this doesn't use users: we get to pair players who haven't returned to the lobby yet.
val toPair =
if(toPair.size < 2) {
} else if(tour.pairings.exists(_.playing)) {
// Can't pair if games are still going on.
} else {
val now =
val pairingTimes: Option[NonEmptyList[DateTime]] = tour.pairings.flatMap(_.pairedAt).toNel
val lastRoundGames: Future[List[Game]] = pairingTimes.fold(Future.successful(Nil:List[Game])) { pts =>
val mostRecentPairingTime: DateTime = pts.maxBy(_.getMillis) // safe !
val lastRoundGameIds: List[String] = tour.pairings.collect {
case p if p.pairedAt == Some(mostRecentPairingTime) => p.gameId
lastRoundGames map { games =>
val updateTimes: List[DateTime] = games.flatMap(_.updatedAt)
if(updateTimes.exists(t => {
// Too soon!
} else {
val (tt, _) = fromHistory(tour)
tt flatMap { t =>
t.pairings(toPair) map { p =>
val ps = {
case (p1,p2) => Pairing(p1,p2,now)
val roundEnd = RoundEnd(now.plusMillis(1))
val events = p.unpaired map { u =>
Bye(u, now) :: roundEnd :: Nil
} getOrElse {
roundEnd :: Nil
} getOrElse {
// Make sure you don't run that too often. For example, use scoreSheets rather than scoreSheet...
private def fromHistory(tour: Tournament): (Try[STour],Sheets) = {
val players: Map[String,Int] = => ( -> p.rating)).toMap
val history = tour.pairingsAndEvents
val historyByRound = split[Either[Pairing,Event]](history, _ match {
case Right(RoundEnd(_)) => true
case _ => false
val listsByRound: List[(Pairings,Events)] = { r =>
val (ls,rs) = r.partition(_.isLeft)
val pairingsByRound: List[List[Pairing]] =
val eventsByRound: List[List[Event]] =
// Creating the swisssystem instance...
val t = Try(swisssystem.Tournament.create(players))
val t2 = pairingsByRound.flatten.filter(_.finished).foldLeft(t) { (tt, p) =>
tt flatMap { t =>
val p1 = p.user1
val p2 = p.user2
val (v1,v2) = if(p.draw) (1,1) else if(p.wonBy(p1)) (2,0) else (0,2)
t.withResult(p1, v1, p2, v2)
val t3 = eventsByRound.flatten.collect { case Bye(u, _) => u }.foldLeft(t2) { (tt, p) =>
tt flatMap { t => t.withBye(p, 2) }
val ss: Map[String,Sheet] = players.keySet.toList map { player =>
val scores = { r =>
r._1 find(_.contains(player)) map { p =>
if(p.playing) Ongoing
else if(p.wonBy(player)) Win
else if(p.draw) Draw else Loss
} getOrElse {
if(r._2.exists(e => e match {
case Bye(u, _) if u == player => true
case _ => false
})) Byed else Absent
} reverse // reverse is for compatibility... the view reverses it again.
val total =
val neustadtl =, 0)).getOrElse(0)
val sheet = Sheet(scores, total, neustadtl)
(player -> sheet)
} toMap
(t3, ss)