
722 lines
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package lila.user
import cats.implicits._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import reactivemongo.akkastream.{ cursorProducer, AkkaStreamCursor }
import reactivemongo.api._
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import lila.common.{ ApiVersion, EmailAddress, NormalizedEmailAddress, ThreadLocalRandom }
import lila.db.BSON.BSONJodaDateTimeHandler
import lila.db.dsl._
import lila.rating.Glicko
import lila.rating.{ Perf, PerfType }
final class UserRepo(val coll: Coll)(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
import User.{ userBSONHandler, ID, BSONFields => F }
import Title.titleBsonHandler
import UserMark.markBsonHandler
def withColl[A](f: Coll => A): A = f(coll)
val normalize = User normalize _
def topNbGame(nb: Int): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.find(enabledNoBotSelect).sort($sort desc "").cursor[User]().list(nb)
def byId(id: ID): Fu[Option[User]] = User.noGhost(id) ?? coll.byId[User](id)
def byIds(ids: Iterable[ID]): Fu[List[User]] = coll.byIds[User](ids)
def byIdsSecondary(ids: Iterable[ID]): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.byIds[User](ids, ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def byEmail(email: NormalizedEmailAddress): Fu[Option[User]] =[User]($doc( -> email))
def byPrevEmail(
email: NormalizedEmailAddress,
readPreference: ReadPreference = ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred
): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.list[User]($doc(F.prevEmail -> email), readPreference)
def idByEmail(email: NormalizedEmailAddress): Fu[Option[String]] =
coll.primitiveOne[String]($doc( -> email), "_id")
def countRecentByPrevEmail(email: NormalizedEmailAddress, since: DateTime): Fu[Int] =
coll.countSel($doc(F.prevEmail -> email, F.createdAt $gt since))
def pair(x: Option[ID], y: Option[ID]): Fu[(Option[User], Option[User])] =
coll.byIds[User](List(x, y).flatten) map { users =>
x.??(xx => users.find( == xx)) ->
y.??(yy => users.find( == yy))
def pair(x: ID, y: ID): Fu[Option[(User, User)]] =
coll.byIds[User](List(x, y)) map { users =>
for {
xx <- users.find( == x)
yy <- users.find( == y)
} yield xx -> yy
def lichessAnd(id: ID) = pair(User.lichessId, id) map2 { case (lichess, user) =>
Holder(lichess) -> user
def namePair(x: ID, y: ID): Fu[Option[(User, User)]] =
pair(normalize(x), normalize(y))
def byOrderedIds(ids: Seq[ID], readPreference: ReadPreference): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.byOrderedIds[User, User.ID](ids, readPreference = readPreference)(
def usersFromSecondary(userIds: Seq[ID]): Fu[List[User]] =
byOrderedIds(userIds, ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def enabledByIds(ids: Iterable[ID]): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.list[User](enabledSelect ++ $inIds(ids), ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def enabledById(id: ID): Fu[Option[User]] =
User.noGhost(id) ??[User](enabledSelect ++ $id(id))
def isEnabled(id: ID): Fu[Boolean] =
User.noGhost(id) ?? coll.exists(enabledSelect ++ $id(id))
def disabledById(id: ID): Fu[Option[User]] =
User.noGhost(id) ??[User](disabledSelect ++ $id(id))
def named(username: String): Fu[Option[User]] =
User.noGhost(username) ?? coll.byId[User](normalize(username)).recover {
case _: reactivemongo.api.bson.exceptions.BSONValueNotFoundException => none // probably GDPRed user
def named(usernames: List[String]): Fu[List[User]] =
coll.byIds[User](usernames filter User.noGhost map normalize)
def enabledNameds(usernames: List[String]): Fu[List[User]] =
.find($inIds(usernames map normalize) ++ enabledSelect)
def enabledNamed(username: String): Fu[Option[User]] = enabledById(normalize(username))
// expensive, send to secondary
def byIdsSortRatingNoBot(ids: Iterable[ID], nb: Int): Fu[List[User]] =
F.enabled -> true,
F.marks $nin List(UserMark.Engine.key, UserMark.Boost.key),
"" $lt Glicko.provisionalDeviation
) ++ $inIds(ids) ++ botSelect(false)
.sort($sort desc "")
def botsByIdsCursor(ids: Iterable[ID]): AkkaStreamCursor[User] =
coll.find($inIds(ids) ++ botSelect(true)).cursor[User](ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def botsByIds(ids: Iterable[ID]): Fu[List[User]] =
def usernameById(id: ID) =
coll.primitiveOne[User.ID]($id(id), F.username)
def usernamesByIds(ids: List[ID]) =
coll.distinctEasy[String, List](F.username, $inIds(ids), ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def createdAtById(id: ID) =
coll.primitiveOne[DateTime]($id(id), F.createdAt)
def orderByGameCount(u1: User.ID, u2: User.ID): Fu[Option[(User.ID, User.ID)]] = {
$inIds(List(u1, u2)),
$doc(s"${F.count}.game" -> true).some
.list() map { docs =>
.sortBy {
.flatMap(_.string("_id")) match {
case List(u1, u2) => (u1, u2).some
case _ => none
def firstGetsWhite(u1: User.ID, u2: User.ID): Fu[Boolean] =
$inIds(List(u1, u2)),
.sort($doc(F.colorIt -> 1))
.map {
_.fold(ThreadLocalRandom.nextBoolean()) { doc =>
doc.string("_id") contains u1
.addEffect { v =>
incColor(u1, if (v) 1 else -1)
incColor(u2, if (v) -1 else 1)
def firstGetsWhite(u1O: Option[User.ID], u2O: Option[User.ID]): Fu[Boolean] =
(u1O, u2O).mapN(firstGetsWhite) | fuccess(ThreadLocalRandom.nextBoolean())
def incColor(userId: User.ID, value: Int): Unit =
.update(ordered = false, WriteConcern.Unacknowledged)
$id(userId) ++ (if (value < 0) $doc(F.colorIt $gt -3) else $doc(F.colorIt $lt 5)),
$inc(F.colorIt -> value)
def lichess = byId(User.lichessId)
val irwinId = "irwin"
def irwin = byId(irwinId)
def setPerfs(user: User, perfs: Perfs, prev: Perfs) = {
val diff = PerfType.all flatMap { pt =>
perfs(pt).nb != prev(pt).nb option {
diff.nonEmpty ?? coll.update
$doc("$set" -> $doc(diff: _*))
def setManagedUserInitialPerfs(id: User.ID) =
coll.updateField($id(id), F.perfs, Perfs.perfsBSONHandler.write(Perfs.defaultManaged)).void
def setPerf(userId: String, pt: PerfType, perf: Perf) =
s"${F.perfs}.${pt.key}" -> Perf.perfBSONHandler.write(perf)
def addStormRun = addStormLikeRun("storm") _
def addRacerRun = addStormLikeRun("racer") _
def addStreakRun = addStormLikeRun("streak") _
private def addStormLikeRun(field: String)(userId: User.ID, score: Int): Funit = {
val inc = $inc(s"perfs.$field.runs" -> 1)
$inc(s"perfs.$field.runs" -> 1) ++
$doc("$max" -> $doc(s"perfs.$field.score" -> score))
def setProfile(id: ID, profile: Profile): Funit =
$set(F.profile -> Profile.profileBSONHandler.writeTry(profile).get)
def setUsernameCased(id: ID, username: String): Funit = {
if (id == username.toLowerCase) {
$id(id) ++ (F.changedCase $exists false),
$set(F.username -> username, F.changedCase -> true)
) flatMap { result =>
if (result.n == 0) fufail(s"You have already changed your username")
else funit
} else fufail(s"Proposed username $username does not match old username $id")
def addTitle(id: ID, title: Title): Funit =
coll.updateField($id(id), F.title, title).void
def removeTitle(id: ID): Funit =
coll.unsetField($id(id), F.title).void
def getPlayTime(id: ID): Fu[Option[User.PlayTime]] =
coll.primitiveOne[User.PlayTime]($id(id), F.playTime)
val enabledSelect = $doc(F.enabled -> true)
val disabledSelect = $doc(F.enabled -> false)
def markSelect(mark: UserMark)(v: Boolean): Bdoc =
if (v) $doc(F.marks -> mark.key)
else F.marks $ne mark.key
def engineSelect = markSelect(UserMark.Engine) _
def trollSelect = markSelect(UserMark.Troll) _
val lame = $doc(F.marks $in List(UserMark.Engine.key, UserMark.Boost.key))
val lameOrTroll = $doc(F.marks $in List(UserMark.Engine.key, UserMark.Boost.key, UserMark.Troll.key))
val enabledNoBotSelect = enabledSelect ++ $doc(F.title $ne Title.BOT)
def stablePerfSelect(perf: String) =
$doc(s"perfs.$" -> $lt(lila.rating.Glicko.provisionalDeviation))
val patronSelect = $doc(s"${F.plan}.active" -> true)
def sortPerfDesc(perf: String) = $sort desc s"perfs.$"
val sortCreatedAtDesc = $sort desc F.createdAt
def glicko(userId: ID, perfType: PerfType): Fu[Glicko] =
.find($id(userId), $doc(s"${F.perfs}.${perfType.key}.gl" -> true).some)
.dmap {
_.flatMap(_ child F.perfs)
.flatMap(_ child perfType.key)
.flatMap(_.getAsOpt[Glicko]("gl")) | Glicko.default
def incNbGames(
id: ID,
rated: Boolean,
ai: Boolean,
result: Int,
totalTime: Option[Int],
tvTime: Option[Int]
) = {
val incs: List[BSONElement] = List(
rated option "count.rated",
ai option "",
(result match {
case -1 => "count.loss".some
case 1 => "".some
case 0 => "count.draw".some
case _ => none
(result match {
case -1 => "count.lossH".some
case 1 => "count.winH".some
case 0 => "count.drawH".some
case _ => none
}) ifFalse ai
) => BSONElement(k, BSONInteger(1))) ::: List(
totalTime map (v => BSONElement(s"${F.playTime}.total", BSONInteger(v + 2))),
tvTime map (v => BSONElement(s"${F.playTime}.tv", BSONInteger(v + 2)))
).flatten$id(id), $inc($doc(incs: _*)))
def incToints(id: ID, nb: Int) =$id(id), $inc("toints" -> nb))
def removeAllToints =$empty, $unset("toints"), multi = true)
def create(
username: String,
passwordHash: HashedPassword,
email: EmailAddress,
blind: Boolean,
mobileApiVersion: Option[ApiVersion],
mustConfirmEmail: Boolean,
lang: Option[String] = None
): Fu[Option[User]] =
!nameExists(username) flatMap {
_ ?? {
val doc = newUser(username, passwordHash, email, blind, mobileApiVersion, mustConfirmEmail, lang) ++
("len" -> BSONInteger(username.length)) >> named(normalize(username))
def nameExists(username: String): Fu[Boolean] = idExists(normalize(username))
def idExists(id: String): Fu[Boolean] = coll exists $id(id)
/** Filters out invalid usernames and returns the IDs for those usernames
* @param usernames Usernames to filter out the non-existent usernames from, and return the IDs for
* @return A list of IDs for the usernames that were given that were valid
def existingUsernameIds(usernames: Set[String]): Fu[List[User.ID]] =
def userIdsLikeWithRole(text: String, role: String, max: Int = 10): Fu[List[User.ID]] =
userIdsLikeFilter(text, $doc(F.roles -> role), max)
private[user] def userIdsLikeFilter(text: String, filter: Bdoc, max: Int): Fu[List[User.ID]] =
User.couldBeUsername(text) ?? {
$doc( $startsWith normalize(text)) ++ enabledSelect ++ filter,
$doc( -> true).some
.sort($doc("len" -> 1))
.map {
_ flatMap { _.string( }
private def setMark(mark: UserMark)(id: ID, v: Boolean): Funit =$id(id), $addOrPull(F.marks, mark, v)).void
def setEngine = setMark(UserMark.Engine) _
def setBoost = setMark(UserMark.Boost) _
def setTroll = setMark(UserMark.Troll) _
def setReportban = setMark(UserMark.Reportban) _
def setRankban = setMark(UserMark.Rankban) _
def setAlt = setMark(UserMark.Alt) _
def setKid(user: User, v: Boolean) = coll.updateField($id(, F.kid, v).void
def isKid(id: ID) = coll.exists($id(id) ++ $doc(F.kid -> true))
def updateTroll(user: User) = setTroll(, user.marks.troll)
def filterLame(ids: Seq[ID]): Fu[Set[ID]] =
coll.distinct[ID, Set]("_id", Some($inIds(ids) ++ lame))
def filterNotKid(ids: Seq[ID]): Fu[Set[ID]] =
coll.distinct[ID, Set]("_id", Some($inIds(ids) ++ $doc(F.kid $ne true)))
def isTroll(id: ID): Fu[Boolean] = coll.exists($id(id) ++ trollSelect(true))
def isCreatedSince(id: ID, since: DateTime): Fu[Boolean] =
coll.exists($id(id) ++ $doc(F.createdAt $lt since))
def setRoles(id: ID, roles: List[String]): Funit =
coll.updateField($id(id), F.roles, roles).void
def hasTwoFactor(id: ID) = coll.exists($id(id) ++ $doc(F.totpSecret $exists true))
def disableTwoFactor(id: ID) =$id(id), $unset(F.totpSecret))
def setupTwoFactor(id: ID, totp: TotpSecret): Funit =
$id(id) ++ (F.totpSecret $exists false), // never overwrite existing secret
$set(F.totpSecret -> totp.secret)
def reopen(id: ID) =
coll.updateField($id(id), F.enabled, true) >>
$id(id) ++ $doc( $exists false),
$doc("$rename" -> $doc(F.prevEmail ->
.recover(lila.db.recoverDuplicateKey(_ => ()))
def disable(user: User, keepEmail: Boolean): Funit =
$set(F.enabled -> false) ++ $unset(F.roles) ++ {
if (keepEmail) $unset(F.mustConfirmEmail)
else $doc("$rename" -> $doc( -> F.prevEmail))
def isMonitoredMod(userId: User.ID) =
coll.exists($id(userId) ++ $doc(F.roles -> "ROLE_MONITORED_MOD"))
import Authenticator._
def getPasswordHash(id: User.ID): Fu[Option[String]] =
coll.byId[AuthData](id, authProjection) map { { _.hashToken }
def setEmail(id: ID, email: EmailAddress): Funit = {
val normalizedEmail = email.normalize
$set( -> normalizedEmail) ++ $unset(F.prevEmail) ++ {
if (email.value == normalizedEmail.value) $unset(F.verbatimEmail)
else $set(F.verbatimEmail -> email)
private def anyEmail(doc: Bdoc): Option[EmailAddress] =
doc.getAsOpt[EmailAddress](F.verbatimEmail) orElse doc.getAsOpt[EmailAddress](
private def anyEmailOrPrevious(doc: Bdoc): Option[EmailAddress] =
anyEmail(doc) orElse doc.getAsOpt[EmailAddress](F.prevEmail)
def email(id: ID): Fu[Option[EmailAddress]] =
.find($id(id), $doc( -> true, F.verbatimEmail -> true).some)
.map { _ ?? anyEmail }
def emailOrPrevious(id: ID): Fu[Option[EmailAddress]] =
.find($id(id), $doc( -> true, F.verbatimEmail -> true, F.prevEmail -> true).some)
.map { _ ?? anyEmailOrPrevious }
def enabledWithEmail(email: NormalizedEmailAddress): Fu[Option[(User, EmailAddress)]] =
.find($doc( -> email, F.enabled -> true))
.map { maybeDoc =>
for {
doc <- maybeDoc
storedEmail <- anyEmail(doc)
} yield (userBSONHandler read doc, storedEmail)
def prevEmail(id: ID): Fu[Option[EmailAddress]] =
coll.primitiveOne[EmailAddress]($id(id), F.prevEmail)
def currentOrPrevEmail(id: ID): Fu[Option[EmailAddress]] =
.find($id(id), $doc( -> true, F.verbatimEmail -> true, F.prevEmail -> true).some)
.map {
_ ?? { doc =>
anyEmail(doc) orElse doc.getAsOpt[EmailAddress](F.prevEmail)
def withEmails(name: String): Fu[Option[User.WithEmails]] =
coll.find($id(normalize(name))).one[Bdoc].map {
_ ?? { doc =>
userBSONHandler read doc,
current = anyEmail(doc),
previous = doc.getAsOpt[NormalizedEmailAddress](F.prevEmail)
def withEmails(names: List[String]): Fu[List[User.WithEmails]] =
.list[Bdoc]($inIds(names map normalize), ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
.map {
_ map { doc =>
userBSONHandler read doc,
current = anyEmail(doc),
previous = doc.getAsOpt[NormalizedEmailAddress](F.prevEmail)
def withEmailsU(users: List[User]): Fu[List[User.WithEmails]] = withEmails(
def emailMap(names: List[String]): Fu[Map[User.ID, EmailAddress]] =
$inIds(names map normalize),
$doc(F.verbatimEmail -> true, -> true, F.prevEmail -> true).some
.map { docs =>
.flatMap { doc =>
anyEmailOrPrevious(doc) map { ~doc.getAsOpt[User.ID]( -> _ }
def hasEmail(id: ID): Fu[Boolean] = email(id).dmap(_.isDefined)
def isManaged(id: ID): Fu[Boolean] = email(id).dmap(_.exists(_.isNoReply))
def setBot(user: User): Funit =
if ( > 0)
fufail(lila.base.LilaInvalid("You already have games played. Make a new account."))
$set(F.title -> Title.BOT, F.perfs -> Perfs.perfsBSONHandler.write(Perfs.defaultBot))
private def botSelect(v: Boolean) =
if (v) $doc(F.title -> Title.BOT)
else $doc(F.title -> $ne(Title.BOT))
private[user] def botIds =
coll.distinctEasy[String, Set](
botSelect(true) ++ enabledSelect,
def getTitle(id: ID): Fu[Option[Title]] = coll.primitiveOne[Title]($id(id), F.title)
def setPlan(user: User, plan: Plan): Funit = {
implicit val pbw: BSONWriter[Plan] = Plan.planBSONHandler
coll.updateField($id(, User.BSONFields.plan, plan).void
def unsetPlan(user: User): Funit = coll.unsetField($id(, User.BSONFields.plan).void
private def docPerf(doc: Bdoc, perfType: PerfType): Option[Perf] =
def perfOf(id: ID, perfType: PerfType): Fu[Option[Perf]] =
$doc(s"${F.perfs}.${perfType.key}" -> true).some
.dmap {
_.flatMap { docPerf(_, perfType) }
def perfOf(ids: Iterable[ID], perfType: PerfType): Fu[Map[ID, Perf]] =
$doc(s"${F.perfs}.${perfType.key}" -> true).some
.collect[List](Int.MaxValue, err = Cursor.FailOnError[List[Bdoc]]())
.map {
.map { doc =>
~doc.getAsOpt[ID]("_id") -> docPerf(doc, perfType).getOrElse(Perf.default)
def setSeenAt(id: ID): Unit =
coll.updateFieldUnchecked($id(id), F.seenAt,
def setLang(user: User, lang: play.api.i18n.Lang) =
coll.updateField($id(, "lang", lang.code).void
def langOf(id: ID): Fu[Option[String]] = coll.primitiveOne[String]($id(id), "lang")
def filterByEnabledPatrons(userIds: List[User.ID]): Fu[Set[User.ID]] =
coll.distinctEasy[String, Set](,
$inIds(userIds) ++ enabledSelect ++ patronSelect,
def filterEnabled(userIds: Seq[User.ID]): Fu[Set[User.ID]] =
coll.distinctEasy[String, Set](, $inIds(userIds) ++ enabledSelect, ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
def userIdsWithRoles(roles: List[String]): Fu[Set[User.ID]] =
coll.distinctEasy[String, Set]("_id", $doc("roles" $in roles))
def countEngines(userIds: List[User.ID]): Fu[Int] =
coll.secondaryPreferred.countSel($inIds(userIds) ++ engineSelect(true))
def countLameOrTroll(userIds: List[User.ID]): Fu[Int] =
coll.secondaryPreferred.countSel($inIds(userIds) ++ lameOrTroll)
def containsEngine(userIds: List[User.ID]): Fu[Boolean] =
coll.exists($inIds(userIds) ++ engineSelect(true))
def mustConfirmEmail(id: User.ID): Fu[Boolean] =
coll.exists($id(id) ++ $doc(F.mustConfirmEmail $exists true))
def setEmailConfirmed(id: User.ID): Fu[Option[EmailAddress]] =$id(id) ++ $doc(F.mustConfirmEmail $exists true), $unset(F.mustConfirmEmail)) flatMap {
res =>
(res.nModified == 1) ?? email(id)
private val speakerProjection = $doc(
F.username -> true,
F.title -> true,
F.plan -> true,
F.enabled -> true,
F.marks -> true
def speaker(id: User.ID): Fu[Option[User.Speaker]] = {
import User.speakerHandler[User.Speaker]($id(id), speakerProjection)
def contacts(orig: User.ID, dest: User.ID): Fu[Option[User.Contacts]] = {
import User.contactHandler
coll.byOrderedIds[User.Contact, User.ID](
List(orig, dest),
$doc(F.kid -> true, F.marks -> true, F.roles -> true, F.createdAt -> true).some
)(_._id) map {
case List(o, d) => User.Contacts(o, d).some
case _ => none
def isErased(user: User): Fu[User.Erased] =
user.disabled ?? {
coll.exists($id( ++ $doc(F.erasedAt $exists true))
} map User.Erased.apply
def byIdNotErased(id: ID): Fu[Option[User]] =[User]($id(id) ++ $doc(F.erasedAt $exists false))
def filterClosedOrInactiveIds(since: DateTime)(ids: Iterable[ID]): Fu[List[ID]] =
coll.distinctEasy[ID, List](,
$inIds(ids) ++ $or(disabledSelect, F.seenAt $lt since),
def setEraseAt(user: User) =
coll.updateField($id(, F.eraseAt, plusDays 1).void
private def newUser(
username: String,
passwordHash: HashedPassword,
email: EmailAddress,
blind: Boolean,
mobileApiVersion: Option[ApiVersion],
mustConfirmEmail: Boolean,
lang: Option[String]
) = {
implicit def countHandler = Count.countBSONHandler
import lila.db.BSON.BSONJodaDateTimeHandler
val normalizedEmail = email.normalize
$doc( -> normalize(username),
F.username -> username, -> normalizedEmail,
F.mustConfirmEmail -> mustConfirmEmail.option(,
F.bpass -> passwordHash,
F.perfs -> $empty,
F.count -> Count.default,
F.enabled -> true,
F.createdAt ->,
F.createdWithApiVersion ->,
F.seenAt ->,
F.playTime -> User.PlayTime(0, 0),
F.lang -> lang
) ++ {
(email.value != normalizedEmail.value) ?? $doc(F.verbatimEmail -> email)
} ++ {
if (blind) $doc(F.blind -> true) else $empty