# Spam Followers Spammers sometimes follow an account just to spam their links in their account name. # Removing Spam Followers The below script automatically removes particular spam followers. It can be set in cron. # Installation Install thusly. Rootly: ``` apt update apt install python3-virtualenv python3-pip ``` User: ``` git clone https://spacecruft.org/deepcrayon/mastodon cd mastodon/ virtualenv -p python3 env source env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt ``` # Configure Configure thusly. Go to your Mastodon web page, click `Development` and `New Application`. Set permissions there. Set URL for API and API password from above. ``` cp cp src/settings.py-dist src/settings.py $EDITOR src/settings.py ``` # Usage. Use thusly. ``` cd mastodon/ source env/bin/activate # Get Mastodon instance description, to make sure API url/password are ok. ./src/description # XXX not yet ./src/rm-follower-spam ``` # Status Draft, not usable yet. # Copyright Unofficial project, not part of official Mastodon software or website. Upstream sources under their respective copyrights. License: GPLv3+. *Copyright © 2023, Jeff Moe.*