[flake8] # NOTE: **Mirror any changes** to this file the [tool.ruff] config in pyproject.toml # before we can fully move to use ruff enable-extensions = G select = B,C,E,F,G,P,SIM1,T4,W,B9 max-line-length = 120 # C408 ignored because we like the dict keyword argument syntax # E501 is not flexible enough, we're using B950 instead ignore = E203,E305,E402,E501,E721,E741,F405,F821,F841,F999,W503,W504,C408,E302,W291,E303, # fix these lints in the future E275, # shebang has extra meaning in fbcode lints, so I think it's not worth trying # to line this up with executable bit EXE001, # these ignores are from flake8-bugbear; please fix! B007,B008,B017,B019,B020,B023,B024,B026,B028,B903,B904,B905,B906,B907 # these ignores are from flake8-comprehensions; please fix! C407, # these ignores are from flake8-logging-format; please fix! G100,G101,G200,G201,G202 # these ignores are from flake8-simplify. please fix or ignore with commented reason SIM105,SIM108,SIM110,SIM111,SIM113,SIM114,SIM115,SIM116,SIM117,SIM118,SIM119,SIM12, # flake8-simplify code styles SIM102,SIM103,SIM106,SIM112, per-file-ignores = __init__.py: F401 torch/utils/cpp_extension.py: B950 torchgen/api/types/__init__.py: F401,F403 torchgen/executorch/api/types/__init__.py: F401,F403 optional-ascii-coding = True exclude = ./.git, ./build_test_custom_build, ./build, ./caffe2, ./docs/caffe2, ./docs/cpp/src, ./docs/src, ./functorch/docs, ./functorch/examples, ./functorch/notebooks, ./scripts, ./test/generated_type_hints_smoketest.py, ./third_party, ./torch/include, ./torch/lib, ./venv, *.pyi