import argparse import csv import dataclasses import os import pprint import re from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from typing import List import common from common import ( features_to_dict, frontend_categories, get_commit_data_cache, get_features, run, topics, ) """ Example Usages Create a new commitlist for consumption by Said commitlist contains commits between v1.5.0 and f5bc91f851. python --create-new tags/v1.5.0 f5bc91f851 Update the existing commitlist to commit bfcb687b9c. python --update-to bfcb687b9c """ @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=False) class Commit: commit_hash: str category: str topic: str title: str files_changed: str pr_link: str author: str # This is not a list so that it is easier to put in a spreadsheet accepter_1: str accepter_2: str accepter_3: str merge_into: str = None def __repr__(self): return ( f"Commit({self.commit_hash}, {self.category}, {self.topic}, {self.title})" ) commit_fields = tuple( for f in dataclasses.fields(Commit)) class CommitList: # NB: Private ctor. Use `from_existing` or `create_new`. def __init__(self, path: str, commits: List[Commit]): self.path = path self.commits = commits @staticmethod def from_existing(path): commits = CommitList.read_from_disk(path) return CommitList(path, commits) @staticmethod def create_new(path, base_version, new_version): if os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError( "Attempted to create a new commitlist but one exists already!" ) commits = CommitList.get_commits_between(base_version, new_version) return CommitList(path, commits) @staticmethod def read_from_disk(path) -> List[Commit]: with open(path) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) rows = [] for row in reader: if row.get("new_title", "") != "": row["title"] = row["new_title"] filtered_rows = {k: row.get(k, "") for k in commit_fields} rows.append(Commit(**filtered_rows)) return rows def write_result(self): self.write_to_disk_static(self.path, self.commits) @staticmethod def write_to_disk_static(path, commit_list): os.makedirs(Path(path).parent, exist_ok=True) with open(path, "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(commit_fields) for commit in commit_list: writer.writerow(dataclasses.astuple(commit)) @staticmethod def keywordInFile(file, keywords): for key in keywords: if key in file: return True return False @staticmethod def gen_commit(commit_hash): feature_item = get_commit_data_cache().get(commit_hash) features = features_to_dict(feature_item) category, topic = CommitList.categorize(features) a1, a2, a3 = (features["accepters"] + ("", "", ""))[:3] if features["pr_number"] is not None: pr_link = f"{features['pr_number']}" else: pr_link = None files_changed_str = " ".join(features["files_changed"]) return Commit( commit_hash, category, topic, features["title"], files_changed_str, pr_link, features["author"], a1, a2, a3, ) @staticmethod def category_remapper(category: str) -> str: if category in frontend_categories: category = category + "_frontend" return category if category == "Meta API": category = "composability" return category if category in common.quantization.categories: category = return category if category in common.distributed.categories: category = return category return category @staticmethod def bracket_category_matcher(title: str): """Categorize a commit based on the presence of a bracketed category in the title. Args: title (str): title to seaarch Returns: optional[str] """ pairs = [ ("[dynamo]", "dynamo"), ("[torchdynamo]", "dynamo"), ("[torchinductor]", "inductor"), ("[inductor]", "inductor"), ("[codemod", "skip"), ("[profiler]", "profiler"), ("[functorch]", "functorch"), ("[autograd]", "autograd_frontend"), ("[quantization]", "quantization"), ("[nn]", "nn_frontend"), ("[complex]", "complex_frontend"), ("[mps]", "mps"), ("[optimizer]", "optimizer_frontend"), ("[xla]", "xla"), ] title_lower = title.lower() for bracket, category in pairs: if bracket in title_lower: return category return None @staticmethod def categorize(features): title = features["title"] labels = features["labels"] category = "Uncategorized" topic = "Untopiced" # Revert commits are merged directly to master with no associated PR number if features["pr_number"] is None: if title.startswith("Revert"): return "skip", topic # We ask contributors to label their PR's appropriately # when they're first landed. # Check if the labels are there first. already_categorized = already_topiced = False for label in labels: if label.startswith("release notes: "): category = label.split("release notes: ", 1)[1] category = CommitList.category_remapper(category) already_categorized = True if label.startswith("topic: "): topic = label.split("topic: ", 1)[1] already_topiced = True if already_categorized and already_topiced: return category, topic # update this to check if each file starts with caffe2 if "caffe2" in title: return "caffe2", topic if "Reverted" in labels: return "skip", topic if "bc_breaking" in labels: topic = "bc-breaking" if "module: deprecation" in labels: topic = "deprecation" found_bracket_category = CommitList.bracket_category_matcher(title) if found_bracket_category: return found_bracket_category, topic files_changed = features["files_changed"] for file in files_changed: file_lowercase = file.lower() if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "docker/", ".circleci", ".github", ".jenkins", ".ci", ".azure_pipelines", ], ): category = "releng" break # datapipe(s), torch/utils/data, test_{dataloader, datapipe} if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, ["torch/utils/data", "test_dataloader", "test_datapipe"] ): category = "dataloader_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/csrc/api", "test/cpp/api"]): category = "cpp_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["distributed", "c10d"]): category = "distributed" break if "vulkan" in file_lowercase: category = "vulkan" break if "Foreach" in file_lowercase: category = "foreach_frontend" break if "onnx" in file_lowercase: category = "onnx" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/fx", "test_fx"]): category = "fx" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/ao", "test/ao"]): category = break # torch/quantization, test/quantization, aten/src/ATen/native/quantized, torch/nn/{quantized, quantizable} if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "torch/quantization", "test/quantization", "aten/src/ATen/native/quantized", "torch/nn/quantiz", ], ): category = break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/package", "test/package"]): category = "package" break if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "torch/csrc/jit/mobile", "aten/src/ATen/native/metal", "test/mobile", "torch/backends/_nnapi/", "test/", ], ): category = "mobile" break if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "aten/src/ATen/native/LinearAlgebra.cpp", "test/", "torch/linalg", ], ): category = "linalg_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "torch/sparse", "aten/src/ATen/native/sparse", "torch/_masked/", ], ): category = "sparse_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["tools/autograd"]): category = "autograd_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "test/", "test/", "torch/nn/modules", "torch/nn/", ], ): category = "nn_frontend" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/csrc/jit", "torch/jit"]): category = "jit" break if CommitList.keywordInFile( file, [ "torch/", "torch/_decomp", "torch/_prims", "torch/_refs", ], ): category = "composability" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/_dynamo"]): category = "dynamo" break if CommitList.keywordInFile(file, ["torch/_inductor"]): category = "inductor" break else: # Below are some extra quick checks that aren't necessarily file-path related, # but I found that to catch a decent number of extra commits. if len(files_changed) > 0 and all( f_name.endswith((".cu", ".cuh")) for f_name in files_changed ): category = "cuda" elif "[PyTorch Edge]" in title: category = "mobile" elif ( len(files_changed) == 1 and "torch/testing/_internal/" in files_changed[0] ): # when this is the only file changed, it's almost always an OpInfo change. category = "python_frontend" elif len(files_changed) == 1 and "torch/" in files_changed[0]: # individual torch_docs changes are usually for python ops category = "python_frontend" # If we couldn't find a category but the topic is not user facing we can skip these: if category == "Uncategorized" and topic == "not user facing": category = "skip" return category, topic @staticmethod def get_commits_between(base_version, new_version): cmd = f"git merge-base {base_version} {new_version}" rc, merge_base, _ = run(cmd) assert rc == 0 # Returns a list of something like # b33e38ec47 Allow a higher-precision step type for Vec256::arange (#34555) cmd = f"git log --reverse --oneline {merge_base}..{new_version}" rc, commits, _ = run(cmd) assert rc == 0 log_lines = commits.split("\n") hashes, titles = zip(*[log_line.split(" ", 1) for log_line in log_lines]) return [CommitList.gen_commit(commit_hash) for commit_hash in hashes] def filter(self, *, category=None, topic=None): commits = self.commits if category is not None: commits = [commit for commit in commits if commit.category == category] if topic is not None: commits = [commit for commit in commits if commit.topic == topic] return commits def update_to(self, new_version): last_hash = self.commits[-1].commit_hash new_commits = CommitList.get_commits_between(last_hash, new_version) self.commits += new_commits def stat(self): counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for commit in self.commits: counts[commit.category][commit.topic] += 1 return counts def create_new(path, base_version, new_version): commits = CommitList.create_new(path, base_version, new_version) commits.write_result() def update_existing(path, new_version): commits = CommitList.from_existing(path) commits.update_to(new_version) commits.write_result() def rerun_with_new_filters(path): current_commits = CommitList.from_existing(path) for i, commit in enumerate(current_commits.commits): current_category = commit.category if ( current_category == "Uncategorized" or current_category not in common.categories ): feature_item = get_commit_data_cache().get(commit.commit_hash) features = features_to_dict(feature_item) category, topic = CommitList.categorize(features) current_commits.commits[i] = dataclasses.replace( commit, category=category, topic=topic ) current_commits.write_result() def get_hash_or_pr_url(commit: Commit): # cdc = get_commit_data_cache() pr_link = commit.pr_link if pr_link is None: return commit.commit_hash else: regex = r"[0-9]+)" matches = re.findall(regex, pr_link) if len(matches) == 0: return commit.commit_hash return f"[#{matches[0]}]({pr_link})" def to_markdown(commit_list: CommitList, category): def cleanup_title(commit): match = re.match(r"(.*) \(#\d+\)", commit.title) if match is None: return commit.title return merge_mapping = defaultdict(list) for commit in commit_list.commits: if commit.merge_into: merge_mapping[commit.merge_into].append(commit) cdc = get_commit_data_cache() lines = [f"\n## {category}\n"] for topic in topics: lines.append(f"### {topic}\n") commits = commit_list.filter(category=category, topic=topic) if "_" in topic: commits.extend( commit_list.filter(category=category, topic=topic.replace("_", " ")) ) if " " in topic: commits.extend( commit_list.filter(category=category, topic=topic.replace(" ", "_")) ) for commit in commits: if commit.merge_into: continue all_related_commits = merge_mapping[commit.commit_hash] + [commit] commit_list_md = ", ".join( get_hash_or_pr_url(c) for c in all_related_commits ) result = f"- {cleanup_title(commit)} ({commit_list_md})\n" lines.append(result) return lines def get_markdown_header(category): header = f""" # Release Notes worksheet {category} The main goal of this process is to rephrase all the commit messages below to make them clear and easy to read by the end user. You should follow the following instructions to do so: * **Please cleanup, and format commit titles to be readable by the general pytorch user.** [Detailed instructions here]( * Please sort commits into the following categories (you should not rename the categories!), I tried to pre-sort these to ease your work, feel free to move commits around if the current categorization is not good. * Please drop any commits that are not user-facing. * If anything is from another domain, leave it in the UNTOPICED section at the end and I'll come and take care of it. The categories below are as follows: * BC breaking: All commits that are BC-breaking. These are the most important commits. If any pre-sorted commit is actually BC-breaking, do move it to this section. Each commit should contain a paragraph explaining the rational behind the change as well as an example for how to update user code [BC-Guidelines]( * Deprecations: All commits introducing deprecation. Each commit should include a small example explaining what should be done to update user code. * new_features: All commits introducing a new feature (new functions, new submodule, new supported platform etc) * improvements: All commits providing improvements to existing feature should be here (new backend for a function, new argument, better numerical stability) * bug fixes: All commits that fix bugs and behaviors that do not match the documentation * performance: All commits that are added mainly for performance (we separate this from improvements above to make it easier for users to look for it) * documentation: All commits that add/update documentation * Developers: All commits that are not end-user facing but still impact people that compile from source, develop into pytorch, extend pytorch, etc """ return [ header, ] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tool to create a commit list") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("--create-new", "--create_new", nargs=2) group.add_argument("--update-to", "--update_to") # I found this flag useful when experimenting with adding new auto-categorizing filters. # After running the first time, if you add any new filters in this file, # re-running with "rerun_with_new_filters" will update the existing commitlist.csv file, # but only affect the rows that were previously marked as "Uncategorized" group.add_argument( "--rerun-with-new-filters", "--rerun_with_new_filters", action="store_true" ) group.add_argument("--stat", action="store_true") group.add_argument("--export-markdown", "--export_markdown", action="store_true") group.add_argument( "--export-csv-categories", "--export_csv_categories", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("--path", default="results/commitlist.csv") args = parser.parse_args() if args.create_new: create_new(args.path, args.create_new[0], args.create_new[1]) print( "Finished creating new commit list. Results have been saved to results/commitlist.csv" ) return if args.update_to: update_existing(args.path, args.update_to) return if args.rerun_with_new_filters: rerun_with_new_filters(args.path) return if args.stat: commits = CommitList.from_existing(args.path) stats = commits.stat() pprint.pprint(stats) return if args.export_csv_categories: commits = CommitList.from_existing(args.path) categories = list(commits.stat().keys()) for category in categories: print(f"Exporting {category}...") filename = f"results/export/result_{category}.csv" CommitList.write_to_disk_static(filename, commits.filter(category=category)) return if args.export_markdown: commits = CommitList.from_existing(args.path) categories = list(commits.stat().keys()) for category in categories: print(f"Exporting {category}...") lines = get_markdown_header(category) lines += to_markdown(commits, category) filename = f"results/export/result_{category}.md" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) return raise AssertionError() if __name__ == "__main__": main()