
773 lines
26 KiB

#pragma once
#include <c10/core/Backend.h>
#include <c10/core/DefaultDtype.h>
#include <c10/core/Device.h>
#include <c10/core/Layout.h>
#include <c10/core/MemoryFormat.h>
#include <c10/core/ScalarType.h>
#include <c10/core/ScalarTypeToTypeMeta.h>
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <utility>
namespace c10 {
DispatchKey computeDispatchKey(
c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype,
c10::optional<Layout> layout,
c10::optional<Device> device);
inline ScalarType dtype_or_default(c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) {
return value_or_else(dtype, [] { return get_default_dtype_as_scalartype(); });
inline caffe2::TypeMeta dtype_or_default(
c10::optional<caffe2::TypeMeta> dtype) {
return value_or_else(dtype, [] { return get_default_dtype(); });
inline Layout layout_or_default(c10::optional<Layout> layout) {
return layout.value_or(kStrided);
inline Device device_or_default(c10::optional<Device> device) {
return value_or_else(device, [] { return Device(kCPU); });
inline bool pinned_memory_or_default(c10::optional<bool> pinned_memory) {
return pinned_memory.value_or(false);
/// A class to encapsulate construction axes of an Tensor. TensorOptions was
/// designed to support the Python style API for specifying construction options
/// on factory functions, e.g.,
/// torch.zeros(2, 3, dtype=torch.int32)
/// Because C++ doesn't natively support keyword arguments, there must be
/// another way of specifying keyword-like arguments. TensorOptions is a
/// builder class which can be used to construct this "dictionary" of keyword
/// arguments: functions which support TensorOptions conventionally take this
/// argument optionally as their last argument.
/// WARNING: In PyTorch, there are `torch::` variants of factory functions,
/// e.g., torch::zeros for at::zeros. These return Variables (while the
/// stock ATen functions return plain Tensors). If you mix these functions
/// up, you WILL BE SAD.
/// Rather than use the constructor of this class directly, you should prefer to
/// use the constructor functions, and then chain setter methods on top of them.
/// at::device(at::kCUDA).dtype(kInt)
/// at::dtype(at::kInt)
/// Additionally, anywhere a TensorOptions is expected, you can directly
/// pass at::kCUDA / at::kInt, and it will implicitly convert to a
/// TensorOptions.
/// Here are some recommended ways to create a 2x2 tensor of zeros
/// with certain properties. These all *implicitly* make use of
/// TensorOptions, even if they don't mention the class explicitly:
/// at::zeros({2,2}, at::kCUDA);
/// at::zeros({2,2}, at::kLong);
/// at::zeros({2,2}, at::device(at::kCUDA).dtype(at::kLong()));
/// at::zeros({2,2}, at::device({at::kCUDA, 1})); // place on device 1
/// at::zeros({2,2}, at::requires_grad());
/// NOTE [ TensorOptions Constructors ]
/// TensorOptions is like a dictionary with entries from the set:
/// {requires_grad, device, dtype, layout}, where each entry may be
/// unspecified (i.e., is optional). It is used to specify the properties of
/// tensors in many places both in C++ internal and API, e.g., tensor factory
/// methods like `at::empty({10}, options)`, tensor conversions like
/// ``, etc.
/// To provide a simple API that is consistent with Python, where one can do
/// `torch.empty(sizes, X)` with `X` being a `torch.device`, `torch.dtype`, or a
/// `torch.layout`, we want TensorOptions to be implicitly convertible from
/// `ScalarType dtype`, `Layout layout` and `Device device`. Therefore, we have
/// three implicit constructors from each of these three types.
/// This is sufficient for `ScalarType` and `Layout` as they are simple Enum
/// classes. However, `Device` is an ordinary class with implicit constructors
/// `Device(DeviceType, DeviceIndex = -1)` and `Device(std::string)` to be
/// consistent with Python API, where strings are treated as equivalent with a
/// `torch.device` object (e.g., "cuda:1" can be passed to everywhere a
/// `torch.device("cuda:1")` is accepted). To support the syntax
/// `at::empty({10}, {kCUDA, 1})` and ``, we need to make sure
/// that `TensorOptions` is implicitly constructible with any arguments that a
/// `Device` can constructed from. So we have,
/// /* implicit */ TensorOptions(T&& device) : TensorOptions() {
/// this->set_device(device);
/// }
/// template <typename... Args,
/// typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Device,
/// Args&&...>::value>>
/// /* implicit */ TensorOptions(Args&&... args)
/// : TensorOptions(Device(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}
/// But this will be problematic. Consider this: `TensorOptions({kCUDA, 1})`.
/// Compiler will complain about ambiguity between the copy constructor and the
/// `Device` constructor because `{kCUDA, 1}` can be converted to both a
/// `TensorOption` and a `Device`.
/// To get around this, we templatize the `Device` constructor. Since overload
/// resolution is done before template resolution, our problem is solved.
DispatchKey computeDispatchKey(
optional<ScalarType> dtype,
optional<Layout> layout,
optional<Device> device);
struct C10_API TensorOptions {
: requires_grad_(false),
has_memory_format_(false) {}
/// Constructs a `TensorOptions` object with the given layout.
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(Layout layout) : TensorOptions() {
/// Constructs a `TensorOptions` object with the given device.
/// See NOTE [ TensorOptions Constructors ] on why this is templatized.
template <
typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<T>, Device>::value>>
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(T&& device) : TensorOptions() {
/// Constructs a `TensorOptions` object from arguments allowed in `Device`
/// constructors.
/// See NOTE [ TensorOptions Constructors ].
/// NB: Ideally we only allow implicit constructors here. But there is no easy
/// way to detect them. So we have this one that allows explicit
/// constructors too.
template <
typename... Args,
typename =
std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Device, Args&&...>::value>>
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(Args&&... args)
: TensorOptions(Device(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}
/// Constructs a `TensorOptions` object with the given dtype.
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(caffe2::TypeMeta dtype) : TensorOptions() {
/// legacy constructor to support ScalarType
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(ScalarType dtype) : TensorOptions() {
/// Constructs a `TensorOptions` object with the given memory format.
/* implicit */ TensorOptions(MemoryFormat memory_format) : TensorOptions() {
/// Return a copy of `TensorOptions` with `device` set to the given one, or
/// cleared if `device` is `nullopt`.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
device(c10::optional<Device> device) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
/// Return a copy of `TensorOptions` with `device` set to the given one.
/// (This overload ensures that variadic template c10::optional constructor
/// for Device work correctly.)
template <typename... Args>
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions device(Args&&... args) const noexcept {
return device(
c10::optional<Device>(c10::in_place, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/// Return a copy of `TensorOptions`, but with device set to CUDA, and the
/// device index set to the given one.
/// TODO: This function encourages bad behavior (assuming CUDA is
/// the only device that matters). Get rid of it / rename it.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
device_index(c10::DeviceIndex device_index) const noexcept {
return device(Device::Type::CUDA, device_index);
/// Return a copy of `TensorOptions` with `dtype` set to the given one.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
dtype(c10::optional<caffe2::TypeMeta> dtype) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
// legacy function to support ScalarType
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
dtype(c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
// Since dtype is taken...
template <typename T>
TensorOptions& dtype() {
dtype_ = caffe2::TypeMeta::Make<T>();
has_dtype_ = true;
return *this;
/// Sets the layout of the `TensorOptions`.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
layout(c10::optional<Layout> layout) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
/// Sets the `requires_grad` property of the `TensorOptions`.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
requires_grad(c10::optional<bool> requires_grad) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
/// Sets the `pinned_memory` property on the `TensorOptions`.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
pinned_memory(c10::optional<bool> pinned_memory) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
/// Sets the `memory_format` property on `TensorOptions`.
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions
memory_format(c10::optional<MemoryFormat> memory_format) const noexcept {
TensorOptions r = *this;
return r;
/// Returns the device of the `TensorOptions`.
Device device() const noexcept {
return device_or_default(device_opt());
/// Returns whether the device is specified.
bool has_device() const noexcept {
return has_device_;
/// Returns the device of the `TensorOptions`, or `c10::nullopt` if
/// device is not specified.
c10::optional<Device> device_opt() const noexcept {
return has_device_ ? c10::make_optional(device_) : c10::nullopt;
/// Returns the device index of the `TensorOptions`.
int32_t device_index() const noexcept {
return device().index();
/// Returns the dtype of the `TensorOptions`.
caffe2::TypeMeta dtype() const noexcept {
return dtype_or_default(dtype_opt());
/// Returns whether the dtype is specified.
bool has_dtype() const noexcept {
return has_dtype_;
/// Returns the dtype of the `TensorOptions`, or `c10::nullopt` if
/// device is not specified.
c10::optional<caffe2::TypeMeta> dtype_opt() const noexcept {
return has_dtype_ ? c10::make_optional(dtype_) : c10::nullopt;
/// Returns the layout of the `TensorOptions`.
Layout layout() const noexcept {
return layout_or_default(layout_opt());
/// Returns whether the layout is specified.
bool has_layout() const noexcept {
return has_layout_;
/// Returns the layout of the `TensorOptions`, or `c10::nullopt` if
/// layout is not specified.
c10::optional<Layout> layout_opt() const noexcept {
return has_layout_ ? c10::make_optional(layout_) : c10::nullopt;
/// Returns the `requires_grad` property of the `TensorOptions`.
bool requires_grad() const noexcept {
return has_requires_grad_ ? requires_grad_ : false;
/// Returns whether the `requires_grad` is specified.
bool has_requires_grad() const noexcept {
return has_requires_grad_;
/// Returns the `requires_grad` property of the `TensorOptions`, or
/// `c10::nullopt` if `requires_grad` is not specified.
c10::optional<bool> requires_grad_opt() const noexcept {
return has_requires_grad_ ? c10::make_optional(requires_grad_)
: c10::nullopt;
/// Returns the `pinned_memory` property of the `TensorOptions`.
bool pinned_memory() const noexcept {
return pinned_memory_or_default(pinned_memory_opt());
/// Returns whether the `pinned_memory` is specified.
bool has_pinned_memory() const noexcept {
return has_pinned_memory_;
/// Returns if the layout is sparse
bool is_sparse() const {
return layout_ == c10::Layout::Sparse;
bool is_sparse_csr() const {
return layout_ == c10::Layout::SparseCsr;
// For compatibility with legacy tensor.type() comparisons
bool type_equal(const TensorOptions& other) const {
return computeDispatchKey() == other.computeDispatchKey() &&
typeMetaToScalarType(dtype_) == typeMetaToScalarType(other.dtype());
/// Returns the `pinned_memory` property of the `TensorOptions`, or
/// `c10::nullopt` if `pinned_memory` is not specified.
c10::optional<bool> pinned_memory_opt() const noexcept {
return has_pinned_memory_ ? c10::make_optional(pinned_memory_)
: c10::nullopt;
/// Returns whether the `memory_layout` is specified
bool has_memory_format() const noexcept {
return has_memory_format_;
// NB: memory_format() getter is PURPOSELY not defined, as the default
// behavior of memory_format varies from function to function.
/// Returns the `memory_layout` property of `TensorOptions, or
/// `c10::nullopt` if `memory_format` is not specified.
c10::optional<MemoryFormat> memory_format_opt() const noexcept {
return has_memory_format_ ? c10::make_optional(memory_format_)
: c10::nullopt;
// Resolves the ATen backend specified by the current construction axes.
// TODO: Deprecate this
Backend backend() const {
return at::dispatchKeyToBackend(computeDispatchKey());
/// Return the right-biased merge of two TensorOptions. This has the
/// effect of overwriting settings from self with specified options
/// of options.
/// NB: This merging operation does NOT respect device merges.
/// For example, if you device({kCUDA, 1}).merge_in(kCUDA)
/// you will get kCUDA in the end! Functions like Tensor.new_empty
/// ensure the right device is selected anyway by way of a
/// device guard.
TensorOptions merge_in(TensorOptions options) const noexcept {
TensorOptions merged = *this;
if (options.has_device())
if (options.has_dtype())
if (options.has_layout())
// NB: requires grad is right biased; not a logical AND/OR!
if (options.has_requires_grad())
if (options.has_pinned_memory())
if (options.has_memory_format())
return merged;
// TODO remove after TensorOptions rationalization
TensorOptions merge_memory_format(
c10::optional<MemoryFormat> optional_memory_format) const noexcept {
TensorOptions merged = *this;
if (optional_memory_format.has_value()) {
return merged;
// INVARIANT: computeDispatchKey returns only the subset of dispatch keys for
// which dispatchKeyToBackend is injective, if it is defined at all (for
// the most part, this just means that this function never returns an
// Autograd key)
DispatchKey computeDispatchKey() const {
return c10::computeDispatchKey(
optTypeMetaToScalarType(dtype_opt()), layout_opt(), device_opt());
// These methods are currently private because I'm not sure if it's wise
// to actually publish them. They are methods because I need them in
// the constructor and the functional API implementation.
// If you really, really need it, you can make these public, but check if you
// couldn't just do what you need with the functional API. Similarly, these
// methods are not chainable, because if you wanted chaining, you probably
// want to use the functional API instead. (It's probably OK to make
// these chainable, because these functions are all explicitly annotated
// with a ref-qualifier, the trailing &, that makes them illegal to call
// on temporaries.)
/// Mutably set the device of `TensorOptions`.
void set_device(c10::optional<Device> device) & noexcept {
if (device) {
device_ = *device;
has_device_ = true;
} else {
has_device_ = false;
/// Mutably set the dtype of `TensorOptions`.
void set_dtype(c10::optional<caffe2::TypeMeta> dtype) & noexcept {
if (dtype) {
dtype_ = *dtype;
has_dtype_ = true;
} else {
has_dtype_ = false;
// legacy function to support ScalarType
void set_dtype(c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) & noexcept {
if (dtype) {
dtype_ = scalarTypeToTypeMeta(*dtype);
has_dtype_ = true;
} else {
has_dtype_ = false;
/// Mutably set the layout of `TensorOptions`.
void set_layout(c10::optional<Layout> layout) & noexcept {
if (layout) {
layout_ = *layout;
has_layout_ = true;
} else {
has_layout_ = false;
/// Mutably set the `requires_grad` property of `TensorOptions`.
void set_requires_grad(c10::optional<bool> requires_grad) & noexcept {
if (requires_grad) {
requires_grad_ = *requires_grad;
has_requires_grad_ = true;
} else {
has_requires_grad_ = false;
/// Mutably set the `pinned_memory` property of `TensorOptions`.
void set_pinned_memory(c10::optional<bool> pinned_memory) & noexcept {
if (pinned_memory) {
pinned_memory_ = *pinned_memory;
has_pinned_memory_ = true;
} else {
has_pinned_memory_ = false;
/// Mutably set the `memory_Format` property of `TensorOptions`.
void set_memory_format(c10::optional<MemoryFormat> memory_format) & noexcept {
if (memory_format) {
memory_format_ = *memory_format;
has_memory_format_ = true;
} else {
has_memory_format_ = false;
// WARNING: If you edit TensorOptions to add more options, you
// may need to adjust the implementation of Tensor::options.
// The criteria for whether or not Tensor::options must be adjusted
// is whether or not the new option you added should preserved
// by functions such as empty_like(); if it should be preserved,
// you must adjust options().
// TODO: MemoryFormat is not implemented in this way
// NB: We didn't use c10::optional here, because then we can't pack
// the has_***_ boolean fields.
Device device_ = at::kCPU; // 16-bit
caffe2::TypeMeta dtype_ = caffe2::TypeMeta::Make<float>(); // 16-bit
Layout layout_ = at::kStrided; // 8-bit
MemoryFormat memory_format_ = MemoryFormat::Contiguous; // 8-bit
// Bitmask required here to get this to fit inside 32 bits (or even 64 bits,
// for that matter)
bool requires_grad_ : 1;
bool pinned_memory_ : 1;
bool has_device_ : 1;
bool has_dtype_ : 1;
bool has_layout_ : 1;
bool has_requires_grad_ : 1;
bool has_pinned_memory_ : 1;
bool has_memory_format_ : 1;
// We should aspire to fit in one machine-size word; but a size greater than two
// words is too much. (We are doing terribly on 32-bit archs, where we require
// three machine size words to store tensor options. Eek!)
sizeof(TensorOptions) <= sizeof(int64_t) * 2,
"TensorOptions must fit in 128-bits");
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the `dtype`
/// set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions dtype(caffe2::TypeMeta dtype) {
return TensorOptions().dtype(dtype);
// legacy function to support ScalarType
inline TensorOptions dtype(ScalarType dtype) {
return TensorOptions().dtype(scalarTypeToTypeMeta(dtype));
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the `layout`
/// set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions layout(Layout layout) {
return TensorOptions().layout(layout);
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the `device`
/// set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions device(Device device) {
return TensorOptions().device(device);
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the
/// `device` set to CUDA and the `device_index` set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions device_index(int16_t device_index) {
return TensorOptions().device_index(
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the
/// `requires_grad` set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions requires_grad(bool requires_grad = true) {
return TensorOptions().requires_grad(requires_grad);
/// Convenience function that returns a `TensorOptions` object with the
/// `memory_format` set to the given one.
inline TensorOptions memory_format(MemoryFormat memory_format) {
return TensorOptions().memory_format(memory_format);
C10_API std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream,
const TensorOptions& options);
template <typename T>
inline TensorOptions dtype() {
return dtype(caffe2::TypeMeta::Make<T>());
inline std::string toString(const TensorOptions& options) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << options;
return stream.str();
// This is intended to be a centralized location by which we can determine
// what an appropriate DispatchKey for a tensor is.
inline DispatchKey computeDispatchKey(
c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype,
c10::optional<Layout> layout,
c10::optional<Device> device) {
const auto layout_ = layout_or_default(layout);
const auto device_ = device_or_default(device);
switch (layout_) {
case Layout::Strided: {
const auto dtype_ = dtype_or_default(dtype);
switch (device_.type()) {
#define DO_CASE(device, _) \
case c10::DeviceType::device: { \
if (isQIntType(dtype_)) { \
return DispatchKey::Quantized##device; \
} \
return DispatchKey::device; \
#undef DO_CASE
case c10::DeviceType::FPGA:
return DispatchKey::FPGA;
case c10::DeviceType::ORT:
return DispatchKey::ORT;
case c10::DeviceType::Vulkan:
return DispatchKey::Vulkan;
case c10::DeviceType::Metal:
return DispatchKey::Metal;
case c10::DeviceType::MKLDNN:
case c10::DeviceType::OPENGL:
case c10::DeviceType::OPENCL:
case c10::DeviceType::IDEEP:
"This is a grandfathered Caffe2 device type ",
", it shouldn't ever convert to a DispatchKey. File a bug describing what you were doing if you think this is in error.");
"Unsupported device type for dense layout: ",
case Layout::Sparse:
switch (device_.type()) {
#define DO_CASE(device, _) \
case c10::DeviceType::device: { \
return DispatchKey::Sparse##device; \
#undef DO_CASE
"Unsupported device type for sparse layout: ",
case Layout::Mkldnn:
switch (device_.type()) {
case c10::DeviceType::CPU:
return DispatchKey::MkldnnCPU;
"Unsupported device type for mkldnn layout: ",
case Layout::SparseCsr:
case Layout::SparseCsc:
case Layout::SparseBsr:
case Layout::SparseBsc:
switch (device_.type()) {
case c10::DeviceType::CPU:
return DispatchKey::SparseCsrCPU;
case c10::DeviceType::CUDA:
return DispatchKey::SparseCsrCUDA;
"Unsupported device type for ",
" layout: ",
TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported layout: ", layout_);
inline Layout dispatchKeyToLayout(DispatchKey dispatch_key) {
switch (dispatch_key) {
#define DO_CASE(bc, _) case DispatchKey::Sparse##bc:
#undef DO_CASE
return Layout::Sparse;
case DispatchKey::SparseCsrCPU:
case DispatchKey::SparseCsrCUDA:
"Cannot map DispatchKey ",
" to a unique layout.");
case DispatchKey::MkldnnCPU:
return Layout::Mkldnn;
return Layout::Strided;
inline c10::DeviceType dispatchKeyToDeviceType(DispatchKey dispatch_key) {
switch (dispatch_key) {
// stuff that's real
#define DO_CASE(suffix, prefix) \
case DispatchKey::prefix##suffix: \
return c10::DeviceType::suffix;
#define DO_CASES(_, prefix) C10_FORALL_BACKEND_DEVICE_TYPES(DO_CASE, prefix)
#undef DO_CASES
#undef DO_CASE
case DispatchKey::MkldnnCPU:
return c10::DeviceType::CPU;
case DispatchKey::Vulkan:
return c10::DeviceType::Vulkan;
case DispatchKey::ORT:
return c10::DeviceType::ORT;
"DispatchKey ",
" doesn't correspond to a device");
inline TensorOptions dispatchKeyToTensorOptions(DispatchKey dispatch_key) {
return TensorOptions()
namespace detail {
inline bool backend_supports_empty_operator(const TensorOptions& options) {
// Quantized backends don't support at::empty().
// They have separate operators like at::empty_quantized() that take in
// extra information about how to quantize the tensor.
return !isQIntType(typeMetaToScalarType(options.dtype()));
} // namespace detail
} // namespace c10