
267 lines
8.2 KiB

#include "caffe2/transforms/pattern_net_transform.h"
#include "caffe2/core/common.h"
#include "caffe2/core/logging.h"
#include "caffe2/core/net.h"
#include "caffe2/proto/caffe2_pb.h"
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
namespace caffe2 {
// First, single source traverse through the netdef.
// This ensures all newly ordered are reachable from their prefix subset
// Outputs a permutation of the operators.
std::vector<int> PatternNetTransform::GetPatternTraversalOrder(
const transform::Graph& graph) {
std::vector<bool> visited(graph.size(), false);
std::vector<int> ordered_ops;
std::queue<int> q;
if (graph.size() > 0) {
visited[0] = true;
while (!q.empty()) {
int idx = q.front();
for (const auto& edge : graph.node(idx).children) {
int x = edge.first;
if (!visited[x]) {
visited[x] = true;
for (const auto& edge : graph.node(idx).parents) {
int x = edge.first;
if (!visited[x]) {
visited[x] = true;
ordered_ops.size() == graph.size(), "Pattern graph must be connected.");
return ordered_ops;
bool compare_ops(
const OperatorDef& p_op,
const OperatorDef& g_op,
bool arg_match) {
// must specify a type for pattern operators
p_op.has_type(), "Types must be specified for all pattern operators.");
if (!MatchStrings(p_op.type(), g_op.type())) {
return false;
// ensure number of inputs are the same
if (p_op.input().size() != g_op.input().size()) {
return false;
// ensure number of outputs are the same
if (p_op.output().size() != g_op.output().size()) {
return false;
if (p_op.has_device_option()) {
if (!g_op.has_device_option() ||
p_op.device_option().device_type() !=
g_op.device_option().device_type()) {
return false;
// make sure engine is the same (if specified in pattern)
if (p_op.has_engine() && !MatchStrings(p_op.engine(), g_op.engine())) {
return false;
// If argument_match is specified, make sure those are the same.
if (arg_match) {
if (!MatchArguments(p_op, g_op)) {
return false;
return true;
// g.node(subgraph[i]) should match p_.node(ordered_ops_[i])
// g.node(g_idx) should match p_.node(p_idx)
bool PatternNetTransform::PatternRule(
const transform::Graph& g,
const std::vector<int>& subgraph,
int g_idx) {
if (subgraph.size() >= ordered_ops_.size()) {
return false;
int p_idx = ordered_ops_[subgraph.size()];
if (!compare_ops(p_.node(p_idx).op, g.node(g_idx).op, argument_match_)) {
return false;
// Let's say ordered_ops_ is [0, 2, 1], with 0 -> 2 being an edge
// When we try to match onto the second element, let's say our
// subgraph so far is [4], with it trying to become [4, 5].
// Then, we need to show that since 0 -> 2 is an edge is ordered_ops_,
// 4 must be a direct parent of 5 in the subgraph
// (the indices must match).
// Similarly, assume there is an edge from 1 -> 2 in p_.
// When trying to match [4, 5] to [4, 5, 7], we must verify that
// there exists an edge from 7 -> 5 in G.
for (const auto& edge : p_.node(p_idx).parents) {
int parent = edge.first;
// g_idx doesn't have parent in subgraph that p_[p_idx] has
// inverse_ops_ gets the index of a p_idx inside of ordered_ops_.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-diagnostic-sign-compare)
if (inverse_ops_[parent] < subgraph.size() &&
g.node(g_idx).parents.count(subgraph[inverse_ops_[parent]]) == 0) {
return false;
for (const auto& edge : p_.node(p_idx).children) {
int child = edge.first;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-diagnostic-sign-compare)
if (inverse_ops_[child] < subgraph.size() &&
g.node(g_idx).children.count(subgraph[inverse_ops_[child]]) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool PatternNetTransform::ValidatorRule(
const transform::Graph& /*g*/,
const std::vector<int>& subgraph) {
// Due to strict PatternRule, it suffices to simply check for size
return subgraph.size() == p_.size();
bool PatternNetTransform::ReplaceRule(
const std::vector<int>& match,
transform::Graph* g_ptr) {
auto& g = *g_ptr;
// Map of PatternNet blob name to Matched blob name.
// Figures out how to rename the pattern_net to make the replacement fit.
std::unordered_map<string, string> external_renaming;
// Figure out blob renamings
for (const auto i : c10::irange(match.size())) {
int g_idx = match[i];
int p_idx = ordered_ops_[i];
for (int j = 0; j < p_.node(p_idx).op.input().size(); j++) {
string p_blob = p_.node(p_idx).op.input(j);
string g_blob = g.node(g_idx).op.input(j);
if (p_.external_input().count(p_blob)) {
external_renaming[p_blob] = g_blob;
for (int j = 0; j < p_.node(p_idx).op.output().size(); j++) {
string p_blob = p_.node(p_idx).op.output(j);
string g_blob = g.node(g_idx).op.output(j);
if (p_.external_output().count(p_blob)) {
external_renaming[p_blob] = g_blob;
auto input_list = g.GetSubgraphInput(match);
auto output_list = g.GetSubgraphOutput(match);
int offset = g.size();
g.resize_nodes(offset + r_.size());
// Append all the new operators.
for (const auto i : c10::irange(r_.size())) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions,bugprone-narrowing-conversions)
int new_node_idx = offset + i;
OperatorDef new_op = r_.node(i).op;
// Stitch Input from external graph into replaced subgraph
for (const auto& blob : r_.node(i).op.input()) {
if (external_renaming.count(blob)) {
string new_blob = external_renaming[blob];
// binary searches for new_blob amongst input list.
auto it = std::lower_bound(
input_list.begin(), input_list.end(), std::make_pair(new_blob, -1));
// if the input came from the graph (instead of G's external input)
for (; it < input_list.end() && it->first == new_blob; it++) {
int parent = it->second;
} else {
// Stitch Output from replaced subgraph to external graph.
for (const auto& blob : r_.node(i).op.output()) {
if (external_renaming.count(blob)) {
string new_blob = external_renaming[blob];
// binary searches for new_blob amongst input list.
auto it = std::lower_bound(
std::make_pair(new_blob, -1));
// if the output goes to the graph (instead of G's external output)
for (; it < output_list.end() && it->first == new_blob; it++) {
int child = it->second;
} else {
// Connect all internal edges within replace graph
for (const auto& edge : r_.node(i).parents) {
int parent = edge.first;
int new_node_parent = offset + parent;
const auto& blobs = edge.second;
for (const string& blob : blobs) {
for (const auto& edge : r_.node(i).children) {
int child = edge.first;
int new_node_child = offset + child;
const auto& blobs = edge.second;
for (const string& blob : blobs) {
g.node(offset + i)
g.node(new_node_idx).op = new_op;
g.node(new_node_idx).active = true;
return true;
} // namespace caffe2