
436 lines
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# Owner(s): ["module: masked operators"]
"""Tests for masked operations.
import itertools
import torch
from typing import List, Any
from functools import wraps
import unittest
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import skipIfTorchDynamo
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import \
(TestCase, parametrize, suppress_warnings, _TestParametrizer, run_tests)
from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import \
(op_db, SampleInput)
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import \
(instantiate_device_type_tests, ops, onlyNativeDeviceTypes, precisionOverride)
def apply_masked_reduction_along_dim(op, input, *args, **kwargs):
"""Applies reduction op along given dimension to strided x
elements that are valid according to mask tensor.
The op is applied to each elementary slice of input with args and
kwargs with the following constraints:
1. Prior applying the op:
A. if kwargs contains an item with key 'dim_position' then it is
removed from kwargs. The value of 'dim_position' is an
integer that describes the dim argument position: while
typically the dim argument appears at the 0-th position of
the op arguments (excluding input), for instance, sum(input,
dim), then there exists reductions that have extra arguments
prior the dim argument, for instance, norm(input, ord, dim).
B. if args or kwargs contains dim or keepdim arguments, these
will be removed or replaced with None so that the op is
applied to elementary slice using the default dim and keepdim
2. The elementary slice of the input is defined as the flattened
slice that has no masked out elements and when op is applied,
the result will be a scalar value (assuming keepdim=False). For
example, an input tensor to a reduction operation op having
dim=0 and keepdim=True argument:
[[1 * 2 * *]
[* 3 4 * 5]]
(* denotes masked out elements) has the following elementary
slices: [1, 2] and [3, 4, 5]. The result of
apply_masked_reduction_along_dim is
[[op([1, 2], *args0, **kwargs, dim=None, keepdim=False)]
[op([3, 4, 5], *args0, **kwargs, dim=None, keepdim=False)]]
where args0 is args where dim value is replased with None if
Using the same example data, if the op is called with dim=(0, 1)
and keepdim=False, there is one elementary slice: [1, 2, 3, 4,
5]; and the corresponding result of the op is:
op([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], *args0, **kwargs, dim=None, keepdim=False)
3. If the elementary slice is empty, the corresponding output
value is nan if dtype is float, otherwise, 0. An empty
elementary slice corresponds to fully masked-out output, so, the
corresponding specific value of the output will not be important
because we used masked equality check for comparing the results
of masked operations.
# eliminate mask and dim_position keyword arguments:
mask = kwargs.pop('mask', None)
dim_pos = kwargs.pop('dim_position', 0)
dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', input.dtype)
if input.ndim == 0:
# scalar input is an elementary slice
return op(input, *args, **kwargs).to(dtype=dtype)
# eliminate keepdim keyword argument if specified:
keepdim = kwargs.pop('keepdim', False)
# eliminate dim argument that may appear both as args or kwargs
# element:
if dim_pos < len(args):
# dim is specified in args
assert 'dim' not in kwargs, (args, kwargs)
dim = args[dim_pos]
args0 = args[:dim_pos] + (None,) + args[dim_pos + 1:]
# dim may be specified in kwargs
dim = kwargs.pop('dim', None)
args0 = args
# dimensions along which the reduction operation is applied:
dim_ = torch.masked._canonical_dim(dim, input.ndim)
# slices in product(*ranges) define all elementary slices:
ranges: List[Any] = []
# shape of output for the keepdim=True case:
shape = []
for i in range(input.ndim):
if i in dim_:
# keepdim=True version of the output, filled with nan or 0:
output = input.new_full(shape, float('nan') if dtype.is_floating_point else 0, dtype=dtype)
# apply op to all elementary slices:
if mask is None:
inpmask = input.new_ones([], dtype=torch.bool).expand(input.shape)
inpmask = torch.masked._input_mask(input, mask=mask)
for s in itertools.product(*ranges):
# data of an elementary slice is 1D sequence and has only
# masked-in elements:
data = input[s].flatten()[inpmask[s].flatten().argwhere()]
if not data.numel():
# empty elementary slice
output[s][0] = op(data, *args0, **kwargs)
if not keepdim:
# reshape output for the keepdim=False case
shape = [shape[i] for i in range(len(shape)) if i not in dim_]
output = output.reshape(shape)
return output
def apply_masked_normalization_along_dim(op, input, *args, **kwargs):
"""Applies normalization op along given dimension to strided x
elements that are valid according to mask tensor.
mask = kwargs.pop('mask', None)
dim_pos = kwargs.pop('dim_position', 0)
if input.ndim == 0: # scalar input
return op(input, *args, **kwargs)
dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', input.dtype)
dim = args[dim_pos]
args0 = args[:dim_pos] + (0,) + args[dim_pos + 1:]
output = torch.zeros_like(input, dtype=dtype)
if mask is None:
inpmask = input.new_ones([], dtype=torch.bool).expand(input.shape)
inpmask = torch.masked._input_mask(input, mask=mask)
dim_ = dim % input.ndim
left_ranges = tuple(map(range, input.shape[:dim_]))
right_ranges = tuple(map(range, input.shape[dim_ + 1:]))
for s in itertools.product(*(left_ranges + ((slice(None),),) + right_ranges)):
indices = inpmask[s].argwhere()
output[s][indices] = op(input[s][indices], *args0, **kwargs)
return output
reference_functions = dict(
norm=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_reduction_along_dim(torch.linalg.vector_norm, *args, **dict(kwargs, dim_position=1)),
var=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_reduction_along_dim(torch.var, *args, **dict(kwargs, dim_position=0)),
std=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_reduction_along_dim(torch.std, *args, **dict(kwargs, dim_position=0)),
softmax=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_normalization_along_dim(torch.softmax, *args, **kwargs),
log_softmax=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_normalization_along_dim(torch.log_softmax, *args, **kwargs),
softmin=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_normalization_along_dim(torch.nn.functional.softmin, *args, **kwargs),
normalize=lambda *args, **kwargs: apply_masked_normalization_along_dim(
torch.nn.functional.normalize, *args, **dict(kwargs, dim_position=1)),
masked_ops = [op for op in op_db if'masked.')]
masked_ops_with_references = [op for op in masked_ops if'.', 1)[-1] in reference_functions]
masked_ops_with_non_strided_support = [op for op in masked_ops if op.supports_sparse or op.supports_sparse_csr]
def _tensor_to_strided(obj):
# after gh-59958 is resolved, replace the usage of this function
# with torch.Tensor.to_dense
if torch.is_tensor(obj):
if obj.layout == torch.strided:
return obj
return obj.to_dense()
return obj
def to_strided(obj):
"""Convert the tensor content of object to strided tensor content.
return torch.utils._pytree.tree_map(_tensor_to_strided, obj)
def to_sparse_coo(obj):
"""Convert the tensor content of object to sparse coo tensor content.
return torch.utils._pytree.tree_map(torch.Tensor.to_sparse, obj)
def to_sparse_csr(obj):
"""Convert the tensor content of object to sparse csr tensor content.
return torch.utils._pytree.tree_map(torch.Tensor.to_sparse_csr, obj)
class mask_layouts(_TestParametrizer):
"""Decorator class for parametrization of test function with an input
layout argument and an extra argument of sample inputs generator.
The sample_inputs generator provides samples with all supported
layouts for the mask argument.
def _parametrize_test(self, test, generic_cls, device_cls):
def wrap(self, layout, device, dtype, op):
layout_name = str(layout).lstrip('torch.')
if layout == torch.strided:
# strided layouts are always supported
sample_inputs_func = op.sample_inputs
elif layout == torch.sparse_coo:
if not op.supports_sparse:
raise unittest.SkipTest(f"{} does not support inputs with {layout_name} layout")
sample_inputs_func = op.sample_inputs_sparse_coo
elif layout == torch.sparse_csr:
if not op.supports_sparse_csr:
raise unittest.SkipTest(f"{} does not support inputs with {layout_name} layout")
sample_inputs_func = op.sample_inputs_sparse_csr
raise NotImplementedError(f'{layout}')
def sample_inputs_generator():
for sample_input in sample_inputs_func(device, dtype):
mask = sample_input.kwargs.get('mask')
if mask is None:
yield sample_input
if layout == sample_input.input.layout:
yield sample_input
if layout != torch.strided:
sample_input_kwargs = sample_input.kwargs.copy()
yield SampleInput(sample_input.input.clone(),
if layout != torch.sparse_coo and op.supports_sparse:
sample_input_kwargs = sample_input.kwargs.copy()
yield SampleInput(sample_input.input.clone(),
if layout != torch.sparse_csr and op.supports_sparse_csr and sample_input.input.ndim == 2:
sample_input_kwargs = sample_input.kwargs.copy()
yield SampleInput(sample_input.input.clone(),
test(self, layout, device, dtype, op, sample_inputs_generator())
for layout in (torch.strided, torch.sparse_coo, torch.sparse_csr):
yield (wrap, str(layout).lstrip('torch.'), {'layout': layout}, lambda _: [])
class TestMasked(TestCase):
def assertEqualMasked(self, actual, expected, mask):
strided = to_strided(actual)
if mask is not None:
strided = torch.where(mask, strided, strided.new_zeros([]))
expected = torch.where(mask, expected, expected.new_zeros([]))
self.assertEqual(strided, expected, exact_device=False)
@precisionOverride({torch.bfloat16: 5e-4, torch.float16: 5e-4})
def test_reference_masked(self, device, dtype, op):
op_name ='.', 1)[-1]
ref_op = reference_functions[op_name]
sample_inputs = op.sample_inputs(device, dtype)
for sample_input in sample_inputs:
t_inp, t_args, t_kwargs = sample_input.input, sample_input.args, sample_input.kwargs
if op_name in {'var', 'std'} and not (t_inp.dtype.is_floating_point or t_inp.dtype.is_complex):
# torch.var/torch.std does not support integer inputs
actual = op.op(t_inp, *t_args, **t_kwargs)
expected = ref_op(t_inp, *t_args, **t_kwargs)
if t_kwargs.get('mask') is None:
outmask = None
outmask = torch.masked._output_mask(op.op, t_inp, *t_args, **t_kwargs)
self.assertEqualMasked(actual, expected, outmask)
@precisionOverride({torch.bfloat16: 5e-3, torch.float16: 5e-3})
def test_mask_layout(self, layout, device, dtype, op, sample_inputs):
for sample in sample_inputs:
t_inp, t_args, t_kwargs = sample.input, sample.args, sample.kwargs
actual = op.op(t_inp, *t_args, **t_kwargs)
assert actual.layout == layout
# check masked invariance:
# op(inp, mask).to_dense() == op(inp.to_dense(), mask.to_dense()) at outmask
r_inp, r_args, r_kwargs = to_strided((t_inp, t_args, t_kwargs))
if r_kwargs.get('mask') is None:
outmask = None
outmask = torch.masked._output_mask(op.op, r_inp, *r_args, **r_kwargs)
expected = op.op(r_inp, *r_args, **r_kwargs)
self.assertEqualMasked(actual, expected, outmask)
@parametrize("sparse_kind,fill_value", [('coo', 0), ('hybrid_coo', 0),
('coo', 123), ('hybrid_coo', 123),
('csr', 0), ('csr', 123)],
name_fn=lambda sparse_kind, fill_value: f'{sparse_kind}_fill_value_{fill_value}')
def test_where(self, sparse_kind, fill_value):
is_hybrid = False
if sparse_kind == 'coo':
def to_sparse(dense):
return dense.to_sparse(2)
def set_values(sparse, index, value):
sparse._values()[index] = value
elif sparse_kind == 'hybrid_coo':
is_hybrid = True
def to_sparse(dense):
return dense.to_sparse(1)
def set_values(sparse, index, value):
sparse._values()[index] = value
elif sparse_kind == 'csr':
def to_sparse(dense):
return dense.to_sparse_csr()
def set_values(sparse, index, value):
sparse.values()[index] = value
assert 0, sparse_kind
mask = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0]]).to(dtype=bool)
mask = to_sparse(mask)
# make some specified mask elements as explicit masked-out masks:
if is_hybrid:
set_values(mask, (1, 1), False)
set_values(mask, (-2, -2), False)
set_values(mask, 3, False)
set_values(mask, -3, False)
input = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 0, 0, -1],
[2, 3, 0, 0, -2],
[0, 4, 5, 0, -3],
[0, 0, 6, 7, 0],
[0, 8, 9, 0, -3],
[10, 11, 0, 0, -5]])
input = to_sparse(input)
# make specified input elements have zero values:
if is_hybrid:
set_values(input, (1, 1), 0)
set_values(input, (-1, 0), 0)
F = fill_value
set_values(input, 3, 0)
set_values(input, -3, 0)
F = 0
# expected where result:
Z = 99
# Z value corresponds to masked-in elements that are not
# specified in the input and it will be replaced with a zero
tmp = torch.tensor([[1, F, Z, F, F],
[2, F, Z, Z, F],
[F, 4, F, Z, F],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[F, F, 9, F, F],
[Z, 11, F, F, F]])
tmp = to_sparse(tmp)
sparse = torch.masked._where(mask, input,
torch.tensor(fill_value, dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device))
if tmp.layout == torch.sparse_coo:
expected_sparse = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
torch.where(tmp.values() != Z, tmp.values(), tmp.values().new_full([], 0)),
outmask = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(sparse.indices(),
sparse.values().new_full(sparse.values().shape, 1).to(dtype=bool),
elif tmp.layout == torch.sparse_csr:
expected_sparse = torch.sparse_csr_tensor(
torch.where(tmp.values() != Z, tmp.values(), tmp.values().new_full([], 0)),
outmask = torch.sparse_csr_tensor(sparse.crow_indices(), sparse.col_indices(),
sparse.values().new_full(sparse.values().shape, 1).to(dtype=bool),
assert 0
self.assertEqual(sparse, expected_sparse)
# check invariance:
# torch.where(mask.to_dense(), input.to_dense(), fill_value)
# == where(mask, input, fill_value).to_dense(fill_value)
expected = torch.where(mask.to_dense(), input.to_dense(), torch.full(input.shape, F))
dense = torch.where(outmask.to_dense(), sparse.to_dense(), torch.full(sparse.shape, F))
self.assertEqual(dense, expected)
instantiate_device_type_tests(TestMasked, globals(), except_for='meta')
if __name__ == "__main__":