
301 lines
14 KiB

# Owner(s): ["module: unknown"]
from functools import partial
from textwrap import dedent
import torch
from torch.testing import FileCheck
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import \
(run_tests, IS_SANDCASTLE, clone_input_helper, first_sample)
from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import op_db
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests, ops, OpDTypes
from torch.testing._internal.common_jit import JitCommonTestCase, check_against_reference
from torch.testing._internal.jit_metaprogramming_utils import create_script_fn, create_traced_fn, check_alias_annotation
from torch.testing._internal.jit_utils import disable_autodiff_subgraph_inlining, is_lambda
# TODO: fixme
# variant testing is only done with torch.float and torch.cfloat to avoid
# excessive test times and maximize signal to noise ratio
_variant_ops = partial(ops, dtypes=OpDTypes.supported,
allowed_dtypes=(torch.float, torch.cfloat))
# Tests operators for consistency between JIT and eager, also checks
# correctness of JIT specific alias schemas and intended
# autodifferentiation behavior.
# Inherits from JitCommonTestCase instead of TestCase directly to share
# functionality with original method operator tests
class TestJit(JitCommonTestCase):
exact_dtype = True
# Tests that the forward and backward passes of operations produce the
# same values for the cross-product of op variants (function, method, inplace)
# and runtimes (eager, traced, scripted).
# TODO WARNING: inplace x {traced, scripted} not currently tested
def test_variant_consistency_jit(self, device, dtype, op):
_requires_grad = (dtype in op.supported_backward_dtypes(torch.device(device).type))
include_conjugated_inputs = op.test_conjugated_samples and dtype.is_complex
samples = op.sample_inputs(device, dtype, requires_grad=_requires_grad, include_conjugated_inputs=include_conjugated_inputs)
# Acquires variants to test
func = op.get_op()
method = op.get_method()
variants = {
# TODO: inplace tests currently fail, fix and add inplace variant
'function': func, 'method': method,
# scripting strips the torch.ops prefix from these operators
# incorrectly; don't bother testing this case. Count this
# as "testing"
if isinstance(func, torch._ops.OpOverload):
self.skipTest("variant consistency doesn't work on torch.ops")
# TODO: find better way to standardize on op registration itself..
has_fake_function = in ["resize_", 'resize_as_']
if has_fake_function:
variants = {'method': getattr(torch.Tensor,}
samples = op.sample_inputs(device, dtype, requires_grad=False)
tested = False
for sample in samples:
# Test traced and scripted consistency
for func_type, variant in variants.items():
if variant is None:
# scripting and check_alias_analysis do not work with lambdas
# lambdas are typically used as a way to simulate methods without
# functional variants, so rely on the other variant for testing
# for now
if is_lambda(variant):
tested = True
self.indiv_variant_test_jit(device, dtype, op, sample, func_type, variant, has_fake_function)
except Exception as e:
variant_error_info = dedent(f"""
Error testing {} {func_type} variant
with dtype: {dtype}
with inputs {sample}:
raise Exception(variant_error_info) from e
assert tested, "JIT Test does not execute any logic"
def indiv_variant_test_jit(self, device, dtype, op, sample, func_type, variant, has_fake_function):
_requires_grad = (dtype in op.supported_backward_dtypes(torch.device(device).type))
support_script = op.supports_scripting
# Create accessor for script function variant
name = + '_' if func_type == 'inplace' else
# run with disable_autodiff_subgraph_inlining(True) to test
# autodiff support. Context manager forces the graph to contain
# DifferentiableGraph nodes if they are present
with disable_autodiff_subgraph_inlining():
# Check scripted forward, grad, and grad grad
if support_script:
script_fn = create_script_fn(self, name, func_type)
def out_fn(output):
# Processes the output for autograd
if sample.output_process_fn_grad is not None:
return sample.output_process_fn_grad(output)
return output
def get_sample():
return clone_input_helper(sample.input) if[-1] == '_' else sample.input
if support_script:
(get_sample(),) + sample.args,
no_grad=not _requires_grad, no_gradgrad=not op.supports_gradgrad)
# Check traced forward, grad, and grad grad
# TODO: fix tracing here
supports_tracing = op.supports_tracing and not has_fake_function
if op.assert_jit_shape_analysis:
if supports_tracing:
traced_fn = create_traced_fn(self, variant)
(get_sample(),) + sample.args,
no_grad=not _requires_grad, no_gradgrad=not op.supports_gradgrad)
# Check alias annotation schema for correctness (make
# sure inputs that aren't supposed to be modified aren't)
# Note: only runs in float32 because schema isn't affected by dtype,
# so running it on all dtypes is would be excessive
if dtype == torch.float32:
# TODO: no reason why we cant run this with tracing graph
if support_script and != "rsub":
check_alias_annotation(name, (get_sample(),) + sample.args, sample.kwargs,
func_type=func_type, aten_name=op.aten_name)
# TODO: use script graph as well
checked_shape_analysis = False
if supports_tracing:
out = variant(get_sample(), *sample.args, **sample.kwargs)
# right now, tuple of outputs and tensor output supported
# TODO: list of tensor outputs
tuple_of_tensors = isinstance(out, tuple) and all(isinstance(elem, torch.Tensor) for elem in out)
if isinstance(out, torch.Tensor) or tuple_of_tensors:
if tuple_of_tensors:
sizes = [elem.size() for elem in out]
sizes = out.size()
self.checkShapeAnalysis(sizes, traced_fn.graph, op.assert_jit_shape_analysis)
checked_shape_analysis = True
if op.assert_jit_shape_analysis:
# Check autodifferentiation of nodes for traced and scripted graphs, only need to check once per sample
if dtype is torch.float32:
# Sandcastle doesn't fuse nodes
# fusible nodes are expected to be found in FusionGroups in the DifferentiableGraphs
nonfusible_nodes = op.autodiff_nonfusible_nodes + op.autodiff_fusible_nodes
fusible_nodes = []
nonfusible_nodes = op.autodiff_nonfusible_nodes
fusible_nodes = op.autodiff_fusible_nodes
if supports_tracing:
self.assertAutodiffNode(traced_fn.last_graph, op.assert_autodiffed, nonfusible_nodes, fusible_nodes)
if support_script:
self.assertAutodiffNode(script_fn.last_graph, op.assert_autodiffed, nonfusible_nodes, fusible_nodes)
# alias testing is only done with torch.float for the same reason
_alias_ops = partial(ops, dtypes=OpDTypes.supported,
@_alias_ops(op for op in op_db if op.aliases)
def test_jit_alias_remapping(self, device, dtype, op):
# NOTE: only tests on first sample
samples = op.sample_inputs(device, dtype, requires_grad=True)
sample = first_sample(self, samples)
# [Scripting Data Preparation]
# Prepare data for test scripting
# Below we prepare strings of args/kwargs with and without type annotations.
# These strings are inserted into function template strings which is then torch scripted.
# - args string is ["t0"] corresponding to the "input" tensor required by the op
# - args_kw is the value of args and strings of kwargs used to call the op (without type annotations), for example,
# ["to", "1.0", "(1,)", "True", "tensor(1.0)"] -> def fn(t0): return variant(t0, 1.0, (1,), True, tensor(1.0))
args = ["t0"]
def quote_strs(v):
if isinstance(v, str):
return f"'{v}'"
return str(v)
args_kw = args + \
[f"{v}" for v in sample.args] + \
[f"{k}={quote_strs(v)}" for k, v in sample.kwargs.items()]
# Prepare data for test tracing
sample_args_kwargs = ()
if len(sample.args) > 0:
sample_args_kwargs += (sample.args, )
if len(sample.kwargs) > 0:
sample_args_kwargs += (sample.kwargs, )
original_name = op.aten_name
original_name_inplace = original_name + "_"
expected_dtype = op(sample.input, *sample.args, **sample.kwargs).dtype
for a_op in op.aliases:
inplace = a_op.inplace_variant
method_or_inplace = [a_op.inplace_variant, a_op.method_variant]
variants = (v for v in (a_op.op, a_op.method_variant, a_op.inplace_variant) if v is not None)
# Test scripting:
for variant in variants:
variant_name = variant.__name__
op_name = original_name_inplace if variant is inplace else original_name
if variant in method_or_inplace:
fn_template = '''
def _fn(t0{c}):
return t0.{alias_name}({args_kw})
# remove the first input tensor
script = fn_template.format(
c=", " if len(args_kw[1:]) > 1 else "",
args_kw=", ".join(args_kw[1:]),
fn_template = '''
def _fn({args}):
return variant({args_kw})
script = fn_template.format(
args=", ".join(args),
args_kw=", ".join(args_kw),
# Required to avoid undefined value: tensor error in JIT
# compilation of the function template
script = script.replace("tensor(", "torch.tensor(")
scripted = torch.jit.CompilationUnit(script)._fn
if (variant is inplace and not torch.can_cast(expected_dtype, dtype)):
inp = clone_input_helper(sample.input)
except Exception as e:
continue"Inplace operation on integer tensor that should be promoted to float didn't fail!")
inp = clone_input_helper(sample.input)
inp = clone_input_helper(sample.input)
graph = scripted.graph_for(inp)
# Test tracing:
for variant in variants:
variant_name = variant.__name__
op_name = original_name_inplace if variant is inplace else original_name
def _fn(*sample_args, **sample_kwargs):
return variant(*sample_args, **sample_kwargs)
inp = (clone_input_helper(sample.input),) + sample_args_kwargs
traced = torch.jit.trace(_fn, *inp)
inp = (clone_input_helper(sample.input),) + sample_args_kwargs
inp = (clone_input_helper(sample.input),) + sample_args_kwargs
graph = traced.graph_for(*inp)
instantiate_device_type_tests(TestJit, globals())
if __name__ == '__main__':