
508 lines
21 KiB

# Owner(s): ["oncall: jit"]
import os
import sys
import torch
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map
import unittest
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import run_tests
from torch.fx.operator_schemas import normalize_function
from torch._subclasses.schema_check_mode import SchemaCheckMode
from torch.utils._python_dispatch import TorchDispatchMode
from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import op_db
from torch.testing._internal.jit_utils import JitTestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import ops, OpDTypes, instantiate_device_type_tests
pytorch_test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
def secretly_aliasing(x):
return x.view(-1)
def secretly_mutating(x):
return x * 3
def output_is_input(x):
return x
custom_lib = torch.library.Library("bad_schemas", "DEF")
custom_lib.define("secretly_aliasing(Tensor x) -> Tensor")
custom_lib.define("secretly_mutating(Tensor x) -> Tensor")
custom_lib.define("output_is_input(Tensor(a) x) -> Tensor(a)")
custom_lib_cpu = torch.library.Library("bad_schemas", "IMPL", "CPU")
custom_lib_cpu.impl("secretly_aliasing", secretly_aliasing)
custom_lib_cpu.impl("secretly_mutating", secretly_mutating)
custom_lib_cpu.impl("output_is_input", output_is_input)
custom_lib_meta = torch.library.Library("bad_schemas", "IMPL", "Meta")
custom_lib_meta.impl("secretly_aliasing", secretly_aliasing)
custom_lib_meta.impl("secretly_mutating", secretly_mutating)
custom_lib_meta.impl("output_is_input", output_is_input)
# This TorchDispatchTensor Subclass is used to simulate an incorrect schema
# which is then used to test that SchemaCheckMode behaves as expected
class IncorrectAliasTensor(torch.Tensor):
ALIAS_ARG_OUT = {"aten::add"}
ALIAS_OUT_OUT = {"aten::aminmax"}
MUTATE_ARGS_OUT = {"aten::sub"}
elem: torch.Tensor
__slots__ = ['elem']
__torch_function__ = torch._C._disabled_torch_function_impl
def __new__(cls, elem, *args, **kwargs):
# The wrapping tensor (IncorrectAliasTensor) shouldn't hold any
# memory for the class in question, but it should still
# advertise the same device as before
r = torch.Tensor._make_wrapper_subclass( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
cls, elem.size(),
strides=elem.stride(), storage_offset=elem.storage_offset(),
# TODO: clone storage aliasing
dtype=elem.dtype, layout=elem.layout,
device=elem.device, requires_grad=kwargs.get("requires_grad", False)
# ...the real tensor is held as an element on the tensor.
r.elem = elem.detach() if r.requires_grad else elem
return r
def __repr__(self):
return super().__repr__(tensor_contents=f"{self.elem}")
def __torch_dispatch__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
def unwrap(e):
return e.elem if isinstance(e, cls) else e
def wrap(e):
return cls(e) if isinstance(e, torch.Tensor) else e
unwrapped_args = tree_map(unwrap, args)
out = func(*unwrapped_args, **tree_map(unwrap, kwargs))
if in IncorrectAliasTensor.ALIAS_ARG_OUT:
args[0].elem = out
if in IncorrectAliasTensor.MUTATE_ARGS_OUT:
args[0].elem = torch.rand(args[0].elem.shape)
if in IncorrectAliasTensor.ALIAS_OUT_OUT:
incorrect_out = list(out)
incorrect_out[0] = incorrect_out[1]
return tree_map(wrap, tuple(incorrect_out))
return tree_map(wrap, out)
# Tests various schema checking functionalities.
class TestSchemaCheck(JitTestCase):
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records operator order with grad
def test_schema_check_mode_operator_order(self):
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
self.assertEqual(["aten::rand", "aten::relu", "aten::detach", "aten::sin"], schema_check.ops)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records operator order without grad
def test_schema_check_mode_operator_order_without_grad(self):
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=False)
self.assertEqual(["aten::rand", "aten::relu", "aten::sin"], schema_check.ops)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with none expected
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_none(self):
# NB: previously requires_grad=True, but this induces a detach for
# saved variable
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
actual = x.relu().sin()
self.assertEqual([], schema_check.mutated)
self.assertEqual([], schema_check.aliasing)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with mutation expected
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_mutation(self):
actual = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=False)
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
self.assertEqual([('aten::sinh_', 'input')], schema_check.mutated)
self.assertEqual([('aten::sinh_', 'input', 'output_0')], schema_check.aliasing)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with resize_
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_resize_(self):
actual = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=False)
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
self.assertEqual([('aten::resize_', 'input')], schema_check.mutated)
self.assertEqual([('aten::resize_', 'input', 'output_0')], schema_check.aliasing)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with aliasing inputs
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_aliasing_inputs(self):
actual = torch.rand((3, 3))
y = actual
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
('aten::add_', 'input'),
('aten::add_', 'other')
('aten::add_', 'input', 'output_0'),
('aten::add_', 'other', 'output_0')
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and alias with as_strided
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_as_strided(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 6, 4))
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
x.as_strided_([3, 6, 4], [9, 1, 1])
('aten::as_strided_', 'input')
('aten::as_strided_', 'input', 'output_0')
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with multiple outputs
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_multiple_outputs(self):
x = torch.arange(9.)
m_actual = torch.arange(9.)
e_actual = torch.zeros([9], dtype=torch.int32)
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
torch.frexp(x, out=(m_actual, e_actual))
('aten::frexp', 'mantissa'),
('aten::frexp', 'exponent')
('aten::frexp', 'mantissa', 'output_0'),
('aten::frexp', 'exponent', 'output_1')
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode records mutations and aliases with aliasing outputs
def test_schema_check_mode_mutated_aliasing_aliasing_outputs(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
actual = torch.zeros(3)
with SchemaCheckMode() as schema_check:
torch.aminmax(x, dim=0, out=[actual, actual])
('aten::aminmax', 'min'),
('aten::aminmax', 'max')
('aten::aminmax', 'min', 'output_0'),
('aten::aminmax', 'min', 'output_1'),
('aten::aminmax', 'max', 'output_0'),
('aten::aminmax', 'max', 'output_1')
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
expected = x.relu().sin()
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = x.relu().sin()
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor when an argument's default is overriden
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_default_replaced(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
expected = x.add(x, alpha=2)
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = x.add(x, alpha=2)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor when there is a Tensor[] argument
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_list_input(self):
a = torch.rand((3, 3))
b = torch.rand((3, 3))
c = torch.rand((3, 3))
expected = torch.linalg.multi_dot([a, b, c])
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = torch.linalg.multi_dot([a, b, c])
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor with an op that has the (a -> *) notation
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_wildcard_after(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
expected = x.chunk(6)
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = x.chunk(6)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor when there is a kwarg tensor input
@unittest.skipIf(not torch._C.has_spectral, "ATen not built with FFT.")
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_kwarg_tensor(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 5))
w = torch.rand(4)
expected = torch.stft(x, 4, win_length=4, window=w, return_complex=True)
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = torch.stft(x, 4, win_length=4, window=w, return_complex=True)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps torch.Tensor with a mutable op
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_mutable_inputs(self):
expected = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=False)
actual = torch.clone(expected)
with SchemaCheckMode():
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor when inputs alias
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_aliasing_inputs(self):
expected = torch.rand((3, 3))
x = expected
actual = torch.clone(expected)
y = actual
with SchemaCheckMode():
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor with multiple tensor outputs
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_with_multiple_outputs(self):
x = torch.arange(9.)
m_expected, e_expected = torch.frexp(x)
m_actual = torch.arange(9.)
e_actual = torch.zeros([9], dtype=torch.int32)
with SchemaCheckMode():
torch.frexp(x, out=(m_actual, e_actual))
self.assertEqual(m_expected, m_actual)
self.assertEqual(e_expected, e_actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor with aliasing ouputs due to aliasing inputs
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_with_multiple_outputs_aliasing(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
actual = torch.zeros(3)
with SchemaCheckMode():
torch.aminmax(x, dim=0, out=[actual, actual])
self.assertEqual(torch.amax(x, dim=0), actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor in ops with real Device input
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_device_input(self):
with SchemaCheckMode():
x = torch.rand((3, 3), device="cpu", dtype=torch.double)
y = x + x
self.assertEqual(x + x, y)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor in special training op edge case
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_training_op(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
batch = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(3, track_running_stats=True)
expected = batch(x)
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = batch(x)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor with nested training op edge case
def test_schema_check_mode_functionality_nested_training_op(self):
actual = torch.rand((3, 3))
batch = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(3, track_running_stats=True)
expected = torch.clone(actual)
expected = batch(expected)
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = batch(actual)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that SchemaCheckMode wraps Torch.tensor with empty list input
def test_schema_check_mode_empty_list_input(self):
expected = torch.atleast_1d([])
with SchemaCheckMode():
actual = torch.atleast_1d([])
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Tests that an exception is raised for a mismatching mutation
def test_mutation_check_fail(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Argument input is not defined as mutable but was mutated"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
y = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaCheckMode():
# # Tests that an exception is raised for a mismatching mutation over multiple ops
def test_mutation_check_fail_multiple_operators(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Argument input is not defined as mutable but was mutated"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
y = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaCheckMode():
# Tests that an exception is raised for a mismatching alias
def test_alias_check_fail_simple(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Argument input is not defined to alias output but was aliasing"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaCheckMode():
IncorrectAliasTensor(x).add(IncorrectAliasTensor(y), alpha=2)
# Tests that an exception is raised for a mismatching alias over multiple ops
def test_alias_check_fail_multiple_operators(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Argument input is not defined to alias output but was aliasing"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = torch.zeros((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
with SchemaCheckMode():
IncorrectAliasTensor(x).sin().relu().add(IncorrectAliasTensor(y), alpha=2)
# Tests that an exception is raised for a centered mismatching alias over multiple ops
def test_alias_check_fail_multiple_operators_centered(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Argument input is not defined to alias output but was aliasing"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = torch.zeros((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
with SchemaCheckMode():
IncorrectAliasTensor(x).sin().add(IncorrectAliasTensor(y), alpha=2).relu()
# Tests that an exception is raised for a centered mismatching alias over multiple ops
def test_alias_check_fail_outputs_unexpectedly_aliasing(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Outputs 0 and 1 alias unexpectedly"):
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaCheckMode() as s:
# When this file was written, python op registration didn't exist.
# It's probably worth re-writing the entire file to use it,
# but instead I just added extra tests.
def test_alias_check_fail_custom_ops_secretly_aliasing(self):
def f(x):
return torch.ops.bad_schemas.secretly_aliasing(x)
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "not defined to alias output but was aliasing"):
with SchemaCheckMode() as s:
out = f(x)
def test_alias_check_fail_custom_ops_secretly_mutating(self):
def f(x):
return torch.ops.bad_schemas.secretly_mutating(x)
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "not defined as mutable but was mutated"):
with SchemaCheckMode() as s:
out = f(x)
def test_alias_check_fail_custom_ops_output_is_input(self):
def f(x):
return torch.ops.bad_schemas.output_is_input(x)
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "are not allowed to directly return inputs"):
with SchemaCheckMode() as s:
out = f(x)
# Tests that is_alias_of returns as expected
def test_is_alias_of_basic(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = x.add(x, alpha=2)
self.assertTrue(torch._C._is_alias_of(x, x))
self.assertFalse(torch._C._is_alias_of(x, y))
# Tests that is_alias_of returns as expected with empty containers
def test_is_alias_of_empty_container(self):
x = []
y = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
self.assertFalse(torch._C._is_alias_of(x, x))
self.assertFalse(torch._C._is_alias_of(x, y))
# Tests that overlaps returns as expected
def test_overlaps_basic(self):
x = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)
z = [x, y]
self.assertTrue(torch._C._overlaps(x, x))
self.assertFalse(torch._C._overlaps(x, y))
self.assertTrue(torch._C._overlaps(z, x))
self.assertTrue(torch._C._overlaps(z, y))
# Tests that overlaps returns correctly with empty containers
def test_overlaps_empty_container(self):
x = []
y = [torch.rand((3, 3), requires_grad=True)]
# Empty containers return false
self.assertFalse(torch._C._overlaps(y, x))
self.assertTrue(torch._C._overlaps(y, y))
# Tests that SchemaInfo Bindings work as expected
def test_schema_info_bind_basic(self):
class SchemaInfoBindTestMode(TorchDispatchMode):
def __init__(self, test_self):
self.test_self = test_self
def __torch_dispatch__(self, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
named_arg_list = normalize_function(
schema_info_value_test = torch._C._SchemaInfo(func._schema)
schema_info_values_test = torch._C._SchemaInfo(func._schema)
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 0),
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 1)))
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 0),
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 1)))
for i in named_arg_list:
schema_info_value_test.add_argument_value(i, named_arg_list[i])
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 0),
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 1)))
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 0),
torch._C._SchemaArgument(torch._C._SchemaArgType.input, 1)))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
x = torch.rand((3, 3))
with SchemaInfoBindTestMode(self) as schemaInfoCheck:
class TestSchemaCheckModeOpInfo(JitTestCase):
@ops(op_db, dtypes=OpDTypes.supported)
def test_schema_correctness(self, device, dtype, op):
# Currently torch.equal isn't supported with torch.complex32
# There's also errors with complex64 and complex128
if (dtype == torch.complex32):
for sample in op.sample_inputs(device, dtype, requires_grad=False):
with SchemaCheckMode():
op(sample.input, *sample.args, **sample.kwargs)
instantiate_device_type_tests(TestSchemaCheckModeOpInfo, globals(), only_for=("cpu", "cuda"))
if __name__ == '__main__':