
923 lines
37 KiB

# Owner(s): ["module: nn"]
import contextlib
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
import torch
import torch.nn.utils.stateless as stateless
from torch.testing._internal.common_cuda import TEST_MULTIGPU
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import run_tests, TestCase, parametrize, instantiate_parametrized_tests, \
class MockModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
self.register_buffer('buffer', torch.ones(1)) = 0.0
def forward(self, x):
return self.l1(x) + self.buffer
class MockTiedModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
self.tied_bias = self.l1.bias
self.register_buffer('buffer', torch.ones(1))
self.register_buffer('tied_buffer', self.buffer)
def forward(self, x):
return self.l1(x) + self.tied_bias + self.buffer + self.tied_buffer
class TestStatelessFunctionalAPI(TestCase):
def _run_call_with_mock_module(self, module, functional_call, device='cpu', prefix=''):
x = torch.rand((1, 1)).to(device)
weight = torch.tensor([[1.0]], device=device)
bias = torch.tensor([0.0], device=device)
buffer = torch.tensor([0.0], device=device)
if prefix != '':
parameters = {f'{prefix}.l1.weight': weight,
f'{prefix}.l1.bias': bias,
f'{prefix}.buffer': buffer}
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
to_check = module
if prefix != '':
to_check = getattr(module, prefix)
prev_weight = to_check.l1.weight.clone()
prev_buffer = to_check.buffer.clone()
# the parameters represent an identity function contrary to the
# existing params in module. So here we expect the result to be the
# same as the input if the weight swapping went well.
res = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(x, res)
# check that the weight remain unmodified
cur_weight = to_check.l1.weight
cur_buffer = to_check.buffer
self.assertEqual(cur_weight, prev_weight)
self.assertEqual(cur_buffer, prev_buffer)
def _ensure_module_unchanged(self, module, message):
orig_parameters, orig_buffers = tuple(module.parameters()), tuple(module.buffers())
orig_tensors = orig_parameters + orig_buffers
orig_tensors_values = tuple(t.clone() for t in orig_tensors)
yield module
parameters, buffers = tuple(module.parameters()), tuple(module.buffers())
len(parameters) == len(orig_parameters)
and len(buffers) == len(orig_buffers)
and all(
t1 is t2 and torch.allclose(t1, t3)
for t1, t2, t3 in zip(
parameters + buffers,
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
self._run_call_with_mock_module(module, functional_call)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_with_jit(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
jit_module = torch.jit.script(module)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
r'used with Jitted modules'
self._run_call_with_mock_module(jit_module, functional_call)
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
traced_module = torch.jit.trace(module, x)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
r'used with Jitted modules'
self._run_call_with_mock_module(traced_module, functional_call)
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MULTIGPU, 'multi-GPU not supported')
@unittest.skip("This doesn't work right now")
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_with_data_parallel(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
dp_module = torch.nn.DataParallel(module, [0, 1])
self._run_call_with_mock_module(dp_module, functional_call, device='cuda', prefix='module')
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MULTIGPU, 'multi-GPU not supported')
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_with_data_parallel_error(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
dp_module = torch.nn.DataParallel(module, [0, 1])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, r'used with nn.DataParallel module'):
{'module.weight': torch.zeros(5, device='cuda')},
(torch.ones(2, 5, device='cuda'),))
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_with_gradient(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
weight = torch.tensor([[1.0]], requires_grad=True)
bias = torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=True)
buffer = torch.tensor([0.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
res = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
# Check that a backward step calculates the gradient of the supplied parameters
# Gradient was not calculated for the module stated and buffers
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_batch_norm(self, functional_call):
module = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(10)
module.train() # Allow stats update
# lets replace the running_mean buffer and check if its correctly updated
x = torch.full((20, 10), 128.0)
rm = torch.zeros(10)
parameters = {'running_mean': rm}
prev_rm = module.running_mean.clone()
res = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
cur_rm = module.running_mean
self.assertEqual(cur_rm, prev_rm)
self.assertEqual(rm, torch.full((10,), 12.8))
# Now run functional without reparametrization and check that the module has
# been updated
res = functional_call(module, {}, x)
self.assertEqual(module.running_mean, torch.full((10,), 12.8))
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_circular_references(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
# Add a circular reference
module.l1.m = module
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
weight = torch.tensor([[1.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([0.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([0.0])
parameters = {'l1.m.l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'l1.m.buffer': buffer}
prev_weight = module.l1.weight.clone()
prev_buffer = module.buffer.clone()
res = functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False)
self.assertEqual(x, res)
# check that the weights remain unmodified and were correctly accesed
cur_weight = module.l1.weight
cur_buffer = module.buffer
self.assertEqual(cur_weight, prev_weight)
self.assertEqual(cur_buffer, prev_buffer)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrized_module_change_parametrization_original(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
self.assertTrue('l1.parametrizations.weight.original' in dict(module.named_parameters()))
orig_sn_weight = module.l1.weight.clone()
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
# We substitute the parameter inside the parametrization
# the parametrization itself is not overwritten so it will be applied with a different
# value for the original tensor
parameters = {'l1.parametrizations.weight.original': torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([[1.0]])),
'l1.bias': torch.tensor([0.0]),
'buffer': torch.tensor([0.0])}
res = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(x, res)
# verify that the spectral normalization is still applied
self.assertTrue('l1.parametrizations.weight.original' in dict(module.named_parameters()))
self.assertEqual(orig_sn_weight, module.l1.weight)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_module_fail_reset_to_original(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
self.assertTrue('l1.parametrizations.weight.original' in dict(module.named_parameters()))
orig_sn_weight = module.l1.weight.clone()
# We substitute the parameter inside the parametrization
# the parametrization itself is not overwritten so it will be applied with a different
# value for the original tensor
parameters = {'l1.parametrizations.weight.original': torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([[1.0]])),
'l1.bias': torch.tensor([0.0]),
'buffer': torch.tensor([0.0])}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "shapes cannot be multiplied"):
x = torch.rand((4, 5)) # to work, it should be of size (1, 1)
functional_call(module, parameters, x) # this call will fail because x is the wrong size
# verify that the spectral normalization is still applied
self.assertTrue('l1.parametrizations.weight.original' in dict(module.named_parameters()))
self.assertEqual(orig_sn_weight, module.l1.weight)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_some_weights(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
extra = torch.tensor([1.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.l1.bias + module.buffer)
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.l1.bias + module.buffer)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_strict(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
extra = torch.tensor([1.0])
# All weights no error
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a successful call',
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, strict=True)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + buffer)
# Some weights
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Missing key(s): 'buffer', 'l1.bias'."),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, strict=True)
# Extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'."),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, strict=True)
# Some weights with extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'.") + r'\s+' + re.escape("Missing key(s): 'buffer', 'l1.bias'."),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, strict=True)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_special(self, functional_call):
class NonTensor:
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}>'
module = MockModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
non_tensor = NonTensor()
# Set to None
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': None,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a successful call',
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + buffer)
# Set non-tensor
parameters = {'l1.weight': non_tensor}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("<NonTensor> is not an instance of torch.Tensor"),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
# Set non-tensor attribute
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight, 'foo': torch.tensor([1.0])}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("attribute `foo`: 0.0 is not an instance of torch.Tensor"),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
# Set non-exist submodule
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l2.bias': bias}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("MockModule has no attribute `l2`"),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_tied_weights_warns(self, functional_call):
module = MockModule()
module.tied_bias = module.l1.bias
module.register_buffer("tied_buffer", module.buffer)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_tie_weights(self, functional_call):
module = MockTiedModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
extra = torch.tensor([1.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + bias + buffer + buffer)
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + bias + buffer + buffer)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_tie_some_weights(self, functional_call):
module = MockTiedModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out = stateless.functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True)
self.assertEqual(out, x * 2. + module.l1.bias + module.tied_bias + buffer + buffer)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless._functional_call, "stateless")
def test_tied_weights_errors(self, functional_call):
module = MockTiedModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[1.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([0.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([0.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
self.assertNotWarn(lambda: functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True))
# if tied values are the same tensors, shouldn't warn
parameters['tied_bias'] = bias
parameters['tied_buffer'] = buffer
self.assertNotWarn(lambda: functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True))
del parameters['tied_bias']
del parameters['tied_buffer']
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("functional_call got multiple values for keys ['l1.bias', 'tied_bias']"),
parameters['tied_bias'] = torch.tensor([5.0])
functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True)
del parameters['tied_bias']
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("functional_call got multiple values for keys ['buffer', 'tied_buffer']"),
parameters['tied_buffer'] = torch.tensor([5.0])
functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True)
def test_tied_weights_no_error_without_flag(self):
module = MockTiedModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[1.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([0.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([0.0])
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
self.assertNotWarn(lambda: stateless._functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False))
parameters['tied_bias'] = torch.tensor([5.0])
self.assertNotWarn(lambda: stateless._functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False))
del parameters['tied_bias']
parameters['tied_buffer'] = torch.tensor([5.0])
self.assertNotWarn(lambda: stateless._functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False))
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_reparametrize_tie_weights_strict(self, functional_call):
module = MockTiedModule()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
extra = torch.tensor([1.0])
# Tie weights no error
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a successful call',
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True, strict=True)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + bias + buffer + buffer)
# Tie weights without flag
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Missing key(s): 'tied_bias', 'tied_buffer'."),
out = functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False, strict=True)
# Tie some weights
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Missing key(s): 'l1.bias', 'tied_bias'."),
out = stateless.functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True, strict=True)
# Tie weights with extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'."),
out = stateless.functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True, strict=True)
# Tie weights with extra keys and without flag
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'.") + r'\s+' + re.escape("Missing key(s): 'tied_bias', 'tied_buffer'."),
out = stateless.functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=False, strict=True)
# Tie some weights with extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'buffer': buffer,
'extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
with self._ensure_module_unchanged(
'the module should not have been modified by a failed call',
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'.") + r'\s+' + re.escape("Missing key(s): 'l1.bias', 'tied_bias'."),
out = stateless.functional_call(module, parameters, x, tie_weights=True, strict=True)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_setattr(self, functional_call):
class Foo(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.register_buffer('foo', torch.tensor([0.0]))
def forward(self, x): = + 1
return x +
foo = torch.tensor([2.0])
x = torch.randn(1)
a = {'foo': foo}
mod = Foo()
functional_call(mod, a, x)
self.assertEqual(, torch.tensor([0.0]))
self.assertEqual(a['foo'], torch.tensor([3.0]))
self.assertEqual(foo, torch.tensor([2.0]))
self.assertTrue(a['foo'] is not foo)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_in_place_operator(self, functional_call):
class Foo(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.register_buffer('foo', torch.tensor([0.0]))
def forward(self, x):
return x +
foo = torch.tensor([2.0])
x = torch.randn(1)
a = {'foo': foo}
mod = Foo()
functional_call(mod, a, x)
self.assertEqual(, torch.tensor([0.0]))
self.assertEqual(a['foo'], torch.tensor([3.0]))
self.assertEqual(foo, torch.tensor([3.0]))
self.assertTrue(a['foo'] is foo)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_setattr_strict(self, functional_call):
class Bar(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
assert not hasattr(self, 'extra')
def forward(self, x):
return x + self.extra
a = {'extra': torch.zeros(())}
mod = Bar()
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mod, 'extra'))
out = functional_call(mod, a, torch.ones(()))
self.assertEqual(out, torch.ones(()))
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mod, 'extra'))
a = {'extra': torch.zeros(())}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("Unexpected key(s): 'extra'."),
out = functional_call(mod, a, torch.ones(()), strict=True)
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mod, 'extra'))
a = {}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("'Bar' object has no attribute 'extra'"),
out = functional_call(mod, a, torch.ones(()))
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mod, 'extra'))
a = {}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("'Bar' object has no attribute 'extra'"),
out = functional_call(mod, a, torch.ones(()), strict=True)
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mod, 'extra'))
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_with_kwargs(self, functional_call):
class Foo(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def forward(self, inp, *, other_inp):
return inp * self.x + other_inp
a = {'x': torch.zeros(2, 3)}
mod = Foo(torch.randn(2, 3))
inp, other_inp = torch.randn(2, 3), torch.randn(2, 3)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'other_inp'"):
functional_call(mod, a, inp)
res = functional_call(mod, a, inp, {'other_inp': other_inp})
self.assertEqual(res, other_inp)
res_1 = functional_call(mod, a, (), {'inp': inp, 'other_inp': other_inp})
self.assertEqual(res, res_1)
def test_functional_call_tuple_dicts(self):
mod = MockModule()
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
parameters = {k: torch.ones_like(v) for k, v in mod.named_parameters()}
buffers = {k: torch.zeros_like(v) for k, v in mod.named_buffers()}
# two dictionaries
res = torch.func.functional_call(mod, (parameters, buffers), x)
self.assertEqual(res, x + 1)
# no dictionaries
res = torch.func.functional_call(mod, (), x)
self.assertEqual(res, mod(x))
# three dictonaries
a = ({'l1.weight': torch.ones(1, 1)}, {'l1.bias': torch.ones(1)}, {'buffer': torch.zeros(1)})
res = torch.func.functional_call(mod, a, x)
self.assertEqual(res, x + 1)
def test_functional_call_multiple_dicts_error(self):
mod = MockModule()
x = torch.rand((1, 1))
parameters = {'l1.weight': torch.zeros((1, 1)), 'l1.bias': torch.zeros((1, 1))}
repeated_parameters = {'l1.weight': torch.ones((1, 1))}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
re.escape("['l1.weight'] appeared in multiple dictionaries"),
torch.func.functional_call(mod, (parameters, repeated_parameters), x)
@parametrize("functional_call", [
subtest(torch.func.functional_call, "torch_func"),
subtest(stateless.functional_call, "stateless")
def test_functional_call_member_reference(self, functional_call):
class Module(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
self.register_buffer('buffer', torch.ones(1))
def forward(self, x):
parameters = tuple(self.parameters())
buffers = tuple(self.buffers())
return self.l1(x) + self.buffer, parameters, buffers
module = Module()
weight = torch.tensor([[2.0]])
bias = torch.tensor([5.0])
buffer = torch.tensor([3.0])
extra = torch.tensor([1.0])
extra_p = torch.nn.Parameter(extra)
# All weights
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, bias))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (buffer,))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, bias))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (buffer,))))
# Some weights
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.l1.bias + module.buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (module.buffer,))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (module.buffer,))))
# All weights with extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'l1.extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, bias))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (buffer,))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, bias))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (buffer,))))
# All weights with extra keys with parameters
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': bias,
'buffer': buffer,
'l1.extra': extra_p}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + bias + buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, bias, extra_p))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (buffer,))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, bias, extra_p))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (buffer,))))
# Some weights with extra keys
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.extra': extra}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.l1.bias + module.buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (module.buffer))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (module.buffer,))))
# Some weights with extra keys with parameters
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.extra': extra_p}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.l1.bias + module.buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias, extra_p))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (module.buffer))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight, module.l1.bias, extra_p))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (module.buffer,))))
# Set None
parameters = {'l1.weight': weight,
'l1.bias': None}
x = torch.randn(1, 1)
out, parameters, buffers = functional_call(module, parameters, x)
self.assertEqual(out, x * weight + module.buffer)
self.assertEqual(parameters, (weight,))
self.assertEqual(buffers, (module.buffer))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(parameters, (weight,))))
self.assertTrue(all(t1 is t2 for t1, t2 in zip(buffers, (module.buffer,))))
class TestStatelessDeprecation(TestCase):
def test_private_stateless_warns(self):
script = """
import torch
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
from torch.nn.utils import _stateless
[sys.executable, '-W', 'all', '-c', script],
# On Windows, opening the subprocess with the default CWD makes `import torch`
# fail, so just set CWD to this script's directory
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
self.assertEqual(e.returncode, 1)
self.assertTrue(False, "No warning was raised.")
def test_stateless_functional_call_warns(self):
m = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
params = dict(m.named_parameters())
x = torch.randn(3, 1)
with self.assertWarnsRegex(UserWarning, "Please use torch.func.functional_call"):
stateless.functional_call(m, params, x)
class TestPythonOptimizeMode(TestCase):
def test_runs_with_optimize_flag(self):
script = "import torch; import torch._functorch.deprecated"
[sys.executable, "-OO", "-c", script],
# On Windows, opening the subprocess with the default CWD makes `import torch`
# fail, so just set CWD to this script's directory
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
self.assertFalse(e.returncode, "Import failed while running python in optimized mode")
if __name__ == '__main__':