
95 lines
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import os
import platform
import shutil
from glob import glob
from typing import Dict, Optional
from setuptools import distutils # type: ignore[import]
from .setup_helpers.cmake import CMake, USE_NINJA
from .setup_helpers.env import check_negative_env_flag, IS_64BIT, IS_WINDOWS
def _overlay_windows_vcvars(env: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
vc_arch = "x64" if IS_64BIT else "x86"
if platform.machine() == "ARM64":
vc_arch = "x64_arm64"
# First Win11 Windows on Arm build version that supports x64 emulation
# is 10.0.22000.
win11_1st_version = (10, 0, 22000)
current_win_version = tuple(
int(version_part) for version_part in platform.version().split(".")
if current_win_version < win11_1st_version:
vc_arch = "x86_arm64"
"Warning: 32-bit toolchain will be used, but 64-bit linker "
"is recommended to avoid out-of-memory linker error!"
"Warning: Please consider upgrading to Win11, where x64 "
"emulation is enabled!"
vc_env: Dict[str, str] = distutils._msvccompiler._get_vc_env(vc_arch)
# Keys in `_get_vc_env` are always lowercase.
# We turn them into uppercase before overlaying vcvars
# because OS environ keys are always uppercase on Windows.
vc_env = {k.upper(): v for k, v in vc_env.items()}
for k, v in env.items():
uk = k.upper()
if uk not in vc_env:
vc_env[uk] = v
return vc_env
def _create_build_env() -> Dict[str, str]:
# XXX - our cmake file sometimes looks at the system environment
# and not cmake flags!
# you should NEVER add something to this list. It is bad practice to
# have cmake read the environment
my_env = os.environ.copy()
if (
"CUDA_HOME" in my_env
): # Keep CUDA_HOME. This env variable is still used in other part.
my_env["CUDA_BIN_PATH"] = my_env["CUDA_HOME"]
elif IS_WINDOWS: # we should eventually make this as part of FindCUDA.
cuda_win = glob("C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v*.*")
if len(cuda_win) > 0:
my_env["CUDA_BIN_PATH"] = cuda_win[0]
# When using Ninja under Windows, the gcc toolchain will be chosen as
# default. But it should be set to MSVC as the user's first choice.
my_env = _overlay_windows_vcvars(my_env)
my_env.setdefault("CC", "cl")
my_env.setdefault("CXX", "cl")
return my_env
def build_caffe2(
version: Optional[str],
cmake_python_library: Optional[str],
build_python: bool,
rerun_cmake: bool,
cmake_only: bool,
cmake: CMake,
) -> None:
my_env = _create_build_env()
build_test = not check_negative_env_flag("BUILD_TEST")
version, cmake_python_library, build_python, build_test, my_env, rerun_cmake
if cmake_only:
if build_python:
caffe2_proto_dir = os.path.join(cmake.build_dir, "caffe2", "proto")
for proto_file in glob(os.path.join(caffe2_proto_dir, "*.py")):
if proto_file != os.path.join(caffe2_proto_dir, ""):
shutil.copy(proto_file, os.path.join("caffe2", "proto"))