
90 lines
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from typing import Any, Iterable
from .version import __version__ as internal_version
__all__ = ['TorchVersion', 'Version', 'InvalidVersion']
class _LazyImport:
"""Wraps around classes lazy imported from packaging.version
Output of the function v in following snippets are identical:
from packaging.version import Version
def v():
return Version('1.2.3')
Version = _LazyImport('Version')
def v():
return Version('1.2.3')
The difference here is that in later example imports
do not happen until v is called
def __init__(self, cls_name: str) -> None:
self._cls_name = cls_name
def get_cls(self):
import packaging.version # type: ignore[import]
except ImportError:
# If packaging isn't installed, try and use the vendored copy
# in pkg_resources
from pkg_resources import packaging # type: ignore[attr-defined, no-redef]
return getattr(packaging.version, self._cls_name)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_cls()(*args, **kwargs)
def __instancecheck__(self, obj):
return isinstance(obj, self.get_cls())
Version = _LazyImport("Version")
InvalidVersion = _LazyImport("InvalidVersion")
class TorchVersion(str):
"""A string with magic powers to compare to both Version and iterables!
Prior to 1.10.0 torch.__version__ was stored as a str and so many did
comparisons against torch.__version__ as if it were a str. In order to not
break them we have TorchVersion which masquerades as a str while also
having the ability to compare against both packaging.version.Version as
well as tuples of values, eg. (1, 2, 1)
Comparing a TorchVersion object to a Version object
TorchVersion('1.10.0a') > Version('1.10.0a')
Comparing a TorchVersion object to a Tuple object
TorchVersion('1.10.0a') > (1, 2) # 1.2
TorchVersion('1.10.0a') > (1, 2, 1) # 1.2.1
Comparing a TorchVersion object against a string
TorchVersion('1.10.0a') > '1.2'
TorchVersion('1.10.0a') > '1.2.1'
# fully qualified type names here to appease mypy
def _convert_to_version(self, inp: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(inp, Version.get_cls()):
return inp
elif isinstance(inp, str):
return Version(inp)
elif isinstance(inp, Iterable):
# Ideally this should work for most cases by attempting to group
# the version tuple, assuming the tuple looks (MAJOR, MINOR, ?PATCH)
# Examples:
# * (1) -> Version("1")
# * (1, 20) -> Version("1.20")
# * (1, 20, 1) -> Version("1.20.1")
return Version('.'.join(str(item) for item in inp))
raise InvalidVersion(inp)
def _cmp_wrapper(self, cmp: Any, method: str) -> bool:
return getattr(Version(self), method)(self._convert_to_version(cmp))
except BaseException as e:
if not isinstance(e, InvalidVersion.get_cls()):
# Fall back to regular string comparison if dealing with an invalid
# version like 'parrot'
return getattr(super(), method)(cmp)
for cmp_method in ["__gt__", "__lt__", "__eq__", "__ge__", "__le__"]:
setattr(TorchVersion, cmp_method, lambda x, y, method=cmp_method: x._cmp_wrapper(y, method))
__version__ = TorchVersion(internal_version)