pipelines: `spack ci` command with env-based workflow (#12854)

Rework Spack's continuous integration workflow to be environment-based.

- Add the `spack ci` command, which replaces the many scripts in `bin/`

- `spack ci` decouples the CI workflow from the spack instance:
  - CI is defined in a spack environment
  - environment is in its own (single) git repository, separate from Spack
  - spack instance used to run the pipeline is up to the user
  - A new `gitlab-ci` section in environments allows users to configure how
    specs in the environment should be mapped to runners
  - Compilers can be bootstrapped in the new pipeline workflow

- Add extensive documentation on pipelines (see `pipelines.rst` for further details)
- Add extensive tests for pipeline code
Scott Wittenburg 2020-01-21 23:35:18 -07:00 committed by Todd Gamblin
parent 4d794d63b5
commit 8283d87f6a
16 changed files with 2167 additions and 779 deletions

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
generate ci jobs:
- "./bin/generate-gitlab-ci-yml.sh"
- "spack-pre-ci"
- ci-generation
when: always

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@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Remember where we are initially, it's the repo cloned by gitlab-ci
. "${original_directory}/share/spack/setup-env.sh"
# Create a temporary working directory
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf "$temp_dir"' INT TERM QUIT EXIT
if [ -z "${DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO}" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: missing variable: DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO" >&2
exit 1
echo "ERROR: missing variable: SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "${CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN}" ] ; then
echo "WARNING: missing variable: CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN" >&2
echo ${CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN} > ${token_file}
echo "Assuming spack repo contains environment" >&2
echo "Cloning ${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_REPO} into ${temp_dir}/envrepo" >&2
cd ${temp_dir}
cd envrepo
# Because want to see generated gitlab-ci file as an artifact,
# we need to write it within the spack repo cloned by gitlab-ci.
mkdir -p ${gen_ci_dir}
if [ ! -f "${env_dir}/spack.yaml" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Cannot find spack environment file in ${env_dir}"
exit 1
cd $env_dir
# The next commands generates the .gitlab-ci.yml (and optionally creates a
# buildgroup in cdash)
RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS=("--output-file" "${gen_ci_file}")
if [ ! -z "${token_file}" ]; then
RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS+=("--cdash-credentials" "${token_file}")
spack release-jobs "${RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS[@]}"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "spack release-jobs command failed"
exit 1
cd "$original_directory"
mv .git "$temp_dir/original-git-dir"
git init .
git config user.email "robot@spack.io"
git config user.name "Spack Build Bot"
cp ${gen_ci_file} "${original_directory}/.gitlab-ci.yml"
git add .
echo "git commit"
commit_message="Auto-generated commit testing"
commit_message="${commit_message} ${current_branch} (${CI_COMMIT_SHA})"
git commit --message="${commit_message}"
echo "git push"
git remote add origin "$DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO"
git push --force origin "master:multi-ci-${current_branch}"
rm -rf .git
mv "$temp_dir/original-git-dir" .git
git reset --hard HEAD

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
set -x
export PATH="${SPACK_BIN_DIR}:${PATH}"
spack buildcache update-index -d "$MIRROR_URL"

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@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
### This script represents a gitlab-ci job, corresponding to a single release
### spec. As such this script must first decide whether or not the spec it
### has been assigned is up to date on the remote binary mirror. If it is
### not (i.e. the source code has changed in a way that caused a change in the
### full_hash of the spec), this script will build the package, create a
### binary cache for it, and then push all related files to the remote binary
### mirror. This script also optionally communicates with a remote CDash
### instance to share status on the package build process.
### The following environment variables are (possibly) used within this script
### in order for the various elements function properly.
### First are two defaults we rely on from gitlab:
### The following must be set up in the variables section of gitlab:
### SPACK_S3_UPLOAD_MIRROR_URL // only required in the short term for the cloud case
### The following variabes are defined by the ci generation process and are
### required:
### Finally, these variables are optionally defined by the ci generation
### process, and may or may not be present:
shopt -s expand_aliases
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
# export PATH="${SPACK_BIN_DIR}:${PATH}"
export GNUPGHOME="${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/opt/spack/gpg"
. "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/share/spack/setup-env.sh"
mkdir -p ${JOB_LOG_DIR}
mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR}
cleanup() {
set +x
if [ -z "$exit_code" ] ; then
if [ -z "$exit_code" ] ; then
if [ "$( type -t finalize )" '=' 'function' ] ; then
finalize "$JOB_LOG_DIR/cdash_log.txt"
# We can clean these out later on, once we have a good sense for
# how the logging infrastructure is working
# rm -rf "$JOB_LOG_DIR"
\exit $exit_code
alias exit='cleanup'
begin_logging() {
trap "cleanup 1; \\exit \$exit_code" INT TERM QUIT
trap "cleanup 0; \\exit \$exit_code" EXIT
rm -rf "$JOB_LOG_DIR/cdash_log.txt"
# NOTE: Here, some redirects are set up
exec 3>&1 # fd 3 is now a dup of stdout
exec 4>&2 # fd 4 is now a dup of stderr
# stdout and stderr are joined and redirected to the log
exec &> "$JOB_LOG_DIR/cdash_log.txt"
set -x
restore_io() {
exec >&-
exec 2>&-
exec >&3
exec 2>&4
exec 3>&-
exec 4>&-
finalize() {
# If you define a finalize function:
# - it will always be called at the very end of the script
# - the log file will be passed in as the first argument, and
# - the code in this function will not be logged.
echo "The full log file is located at $1"
# TODO: send this log data to cdash!
local last_exit_code=$1
local last_cmd=$2
if [[ ${last_exit_code} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "${last_cmd} exited with code ${last_exit_code}"
exit 1
echo "${last_cmd} completed successfully"
SINGLE_LINE_OUTPUT=$(echo ${LINES_TO_SEARCH} | tr -d '\n')
if [[ ${SINGLE_LINE_OUTPUT} =~ ${regex} ]]; then
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
echo "NONE"
cat <<EOF
"project": "${1}",
"buildid": ${2},
"relatedid": ${3},
"relationship": "depends on"
gen_full_specs_for_job_and_deps() {
local spec_names_to_save="${SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME}"
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
IFS=';' read -ra DEPS <<< "${SPACK_RELATED_BUILDS}"
for i in "${DEPS[@]}"; do
spec_names_to_save="${spec_names_to_save} ${depPkgName}"
if [ "${SPACK_COMPILER_ACTION}" == "FIND_ANY" ]; then
# This corresponds to a bootstrapping phase where we need to
# rely on any available compiler to build the package (i.e. the
# compiler needed to be stripped from the spec), and thus we need
# to concretize the root spec again.
spack -d buildcache save-yaml --specs "${spec_names_to_save}" --root-spec "${SPACK_ROOT_SPEC}" --yaml-dir "${SPEC_DIR}"
# in this case, either we're relying on Spack to install missing compiler
# bootstrapped in a previous phase, or else we only had one phase (like a
# site which already knows what compilers are available on it's runners),
# so we don't want to concretize that root spec again. The reason we need
# this in the first case (bootstrapped compiler), is that we can't concretize
# a spec at this point if we're going to ask spack to "install_missing_compilers".
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
ROOT_SPEC_YAML=$(spack python -c "import base64 ; import zlib ; print(str(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode('${SPACK_ROOT_SPEC}')).decode('utf-8')))")
spack -d buildcache save-yaml --specs "${spec_names_to_save}" --root-spec-yaml "${TMP_YAML_PATH}" --yaml-dir "${SPEC_DIR}"
rm -rf ${tmp_dir}
echo "Running job for spec: ${CI_JOB_NAME}"
# This should create the directory we referred to as GNUPGHOME earlier
spack gpg list
# Importing the secret key using gpg2 directly should allow to
# sign and verify both
set +x
KEY_IMPORT_RESULT=`echo ${SPACK_SIGNING_KEY} | base64 --decode | gpg2 --import`
check_error $? "gpg2 --import"
set -x
spack gpg list --trusted
spack gpg list --signing
# To have spack install missing compilers, we need to add a custom
# configuration scope, then we pass that to the package installation
# command
echo "Make sure bootstrapped compiler will be installed"
cat <<CONFIG_STUFF > "${custom_config_file_path}"
install_missing_compilers: true
# Configure the binary mirror where, if needed, this jobs compiler
# was installed in binary pacakge form, then tell spack to
# install_missing_compilers.
elif [ "${SPACK_COMPILER_ACTION}" == "FIND_ANY" ]; then
echo "Just find any available compiler"
spack compiler find
echo "No compiler action to be taken"
# Finally, list the compilers spack knows about
echo "Compiler Configurations:"
spack config get compilers
# Write full-deps yamls for this job spec and its dependencies
# Make the build_cache directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}"
# Get buildcache name so we can write a CDash build id file in the right place.
# If we're unable to get the buildcache name, we may have encountered a problem
# concretizing the spec, or some other issue that will eventually cause the job
# to fail.
JOB_BUILD_CACHE_ENTRY_NAME=`spack -d buildcache get-buildcache-name --spec-yaml "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}"`
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR, unable to get buildcache entry name for job ${CI_JOB_NAME}"
exit 1
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
# Whether we have to build the spec or download it pre-built, we expect to find
# the cdash build id file sitting in this location afterwards.
# Finally, we can check the spec we have been tasked with build against
# the built binary on the remote mirror to see if it needs to be rebuilt
spack -d buildcache check --spec-yaml "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" --mirror-url "${SPACK_MIRROR_URL}" --rebuild-on-error
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
# Configure mirror
spack mirror add local_artifact_mirror "file://${LOCAL_MIRROR}"
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
# Install package, using the buildcache from the local mirror to
# satisfy dependencies.
BUILD_ID_LINE=`spack -d -k -v "${CUSTOM_CONFIG_SCOPE_ARG}" install --keep-stage --cdash-upload-url "${CDASH_UPLOAD_URL}" --cdash-build "${SPACK_CDASH_BUILD_NAME}" --cdash-site "${SPACK_CDASH_SITE}" --cdash-track "${SPACK_JOB_SPEC_BUILDGROUP}" -f "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" | grep "buildSummary\\.php"`
check_error $? "spack install"
# By parsing the output of the "spack install" command, we can get the
# buildid generated for us by CDash
JOB_CDASH_ID=$(extract_build_id "${BUILD_ID_LINE}")
# Write the .cdashid file to the buildcache as well
spack -d -k -v "${CUSTOM_CONFIG_SCOPE_ARG}" install --keep-stage -f "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}"
# Copy some log files into an artifact location, once we have a way
# to provide a spec.yaml file to more spack commands (e.g. "location")
# stage_dir=$(spack location --stage-dir -f "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}")
# build_log_file=$(find -L "${stage_dir}" | grep "spack-build\\.out")
# config_log_file=$(find -L "${stage_dir}" | grep "config\\.log")
# cp "${build_log_file}" "${JOB_LOG_DIR}/"
# cp "${config_log_file}" "${JOB_LOG_DIR}/"
# Create buildcache entry for this package, reading the spec from the yaml
# file.
spack -d buildcache create --spec-yaml "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" -a -f -d "${LOCAL_MIRROR}" --no-rebuild-index
check_error $? "spack buildcache create"
# TODO: The upload-s3 command should eventually be replaced with something
# like: "spack buildcache put <mirror> <spec>", when that subcommand is
# properly implemented.
if [ ! -z "${SPACK_S3_UPLOAD_MIRROR_URL}" ] ; then
spack -d upload-s3 spec --base-dir "${LOCAL_MIRROR}" --spec-yaml "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" --endpoint-url "${SPACK_S3_UPLOAD_MIRROR_URL}"
check_error $? "spack upload-s3 spec"
spack -d buildcache copy --base-dir "${LOCAL_MIRROR}" --spec-yaml "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" --destination-url "${SPACK_MIRROR_URL}"
echo "spec ${CI_JOB_NAME} is already up to date on remote mirror, downloading it"
# Configure remote mirror so we can download buildcache entry
spack mirror add remote_binary_mirror ${SPACK_MIRROR_URL}
# Now download it
BUILDCACHE_DL_ARGS=("--spec-yaml" "${SPEC_YAML_PATH}" "--path" "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/" )
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
BUILDCACHE_DL_ARGS+=( "--require-cdashid" )
spack -d buildcache download "${BUILDCACHE_DL_ARGS[@]}"
check_error $? "spack buildcache download"
# The next step is to relate this job to the jobs it depends on
if [ "${SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH}" == "True" ] ; then
if [ -f "${JOB_CDASH_ID_FILE}" ]; then
if [ "${JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID}" == "NONE" ]; then
echo "ERROR: unable to read this jobs id from ${JOB_CDASH_ID_FILE}"
exit 1
# Now get CDash ids for dependencies and "relate" each dependency build
# with this jobs build
for DEP_PKG_NAME in "${JOB_DEPS_PKG_NAMES[@]}"; do
echo "Getting cdash id for dependency --> ${DEP_PKG_NAME} <--"
DEP_JOB_BUILDCACHE_NAME=`spack -d buildcache get-buildcache-name --spec-yaml "${DEP_SPEC_YAML_PATH}"`
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "DEP_JOB_ID_FILE path = ${DEP_JOB_ID_FILE}"
if [ -f "${DEP_JOB_ID_FILE}" ]; then
echo "File ${DEP_JOB_ID_FILE} contained value ${DEP_JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID}"
echo "Relating builds -> ${SPACK_CDASH_BUILD_NAME} (buildid=${JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID}) depends on ${DEP_PKG_NAME} (buildid=${DEP_JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID})"
relateBuildsPostBody="$(get_relate_builds_post_data "${SPACK_CDASH_PROJECT}" ${JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID} ${DEP_JOB_CDASH_BUILD_ID})"
relateBuildsResult=`curl "${DEP_JOB_RELATEBUILDS_URL}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "${relateBuildsPostBody}"`
echo "Result of curl request: ${relateBuildsResult}"
echo "ERROR: Did not find expected .cdashid file for dependency: ${DEP_JOB_ID_FILE}"
exit 1
echo "ERROR: Unable to get buildcache entry name for ${DEP_SPEC_NAME}"
exit 1
echo "ERROR: Did not find expected .cdashid file ${JOB_CDASH_ID_FILE}"
exit 1
# Show the size of the buildcache and a list of what's in it, directly
# in the gitlab log output
find ${BUILD_CACHE_DIR} -maxdepth 3 -type d -ls
echo "End of rebuild package script"

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@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ or refer to the full manual below.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
.. Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
.. _pipelines:
Spack provides commands that support generating and running automated build
pipelines designed for Gitlab CI. At the highest level it works like this:
provide a spack environment describing the set of packages you care about,
and include within that environment file a description of how those packages
should be mapped to Gitlab runners. Spack can then generate a ``.gitlab-ci.yml``
file containing job descriptions for all your packages that can be run by a
properly configured Gitlab CI instance. When run, the generated pipeline will
build and deploy binaries, and it can optionally report to a CDash instance
regarding the health of the builds as they evolve over time.
Getting started with pipelines
It is fairly straightforward to get started with automated build pipelines. At
a minimum, you'll need to set up a Gitlab instance (more about Gitlab CI
`here <https://about.gitlab.com/product/continuous-integration/>`_) and configure
at least one `runner <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/>`_. Then the basic steps
for setting up a build pipeline are as follows:
#. Create a repository on your gitlab instance
#. Add a ``spack.yaml`` at the root containing your pipeline environment (see
below for details)
#. Add a ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` at the root containing a single job, similar to
this one:
.. code-block:: yaml
- <custom-tag>
- spack ci start
#. Add any secrets required by the CI process to environment variables using the
CI web ui
#. Push a commit containing the ``spack.yaml`` and ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` mentioned above
to the gitlab repository
The ``<custom-tag>``, above, is used to pick one of your configured runners,
while the use of the ``spack ci start`` command implies that runner has an
appropriate version of spack installed and configured for use. Of course, there
are myriad ways to customize the process. You can configure CDash reporting
on the progress of your builds, set up S3 buckets to mirror binaries built by
the pipeline, clone a custom spack repository/ref for use by the pipeline, and
While it is possible to set up pipelines on gitlab.com, the builds there are
limited to 60 minutes and generic hardware. It is also possible to
`hook up <https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2018/04/24/getting-started-gitlab-ci-gcp>`_
Gitlab to Google Kubernetes Engine (`GKE <https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/>`_)
or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (`EKS <https://aws.amazon.com/eks>`_), though those
topics are outside the scope of this document.
Spack commands supporting pipelines
Spack provides a command `ci` with sub-commands for doing various things related
to automated build pipelines. All of the ``spack ci ...`` commands must be run
from within a environment, as each one makes use of the environment for different
purposes. Additionally, some options to the commands (or conditions present in
the spack environment file) may require particular environment variables to be
set in order to function properly. Examples of these are typically secrets
needed for pipeline operation that should not be visible in a spack environment
file. These environment variables are described in more detail
.. _cmd_spack_ci:
``spack ci``
Super-command for functionality related to generating pipelines and executing
pipeline jobs.
.. _cmd_spack_ci_start:
``spack ci start``
Currently this command is a short-cut to first run ``spack ci generate``, followed
by ``spack ci pushyaml``.
.. _cmd_spack_ci_generate:
``spack ci generate``
Concretizes the specs in the active environment, stages them (as described in
:ref:`staging_algorithm`), and writes the resulting ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` to disk.
.. _cmd_spack_ci_pushyaml:
``spack ci pushyaml``
Generates a commit containing the generated ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` and pushes it to a
``DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO``, which is frequently the same repository. The branch
created has the same name as the current branch being tested, but has ``multi-ci-``
prepended to the branch name. Once Gitlab CI has full support for dynamically
defined workloads, this command will be deprecated.
.. _cmd_spack_ci_rebuild:
``spack ci rebuild``
This sub-command is responsible for ensuring a single spec from the release
environment is up to date on the remote mirror configured in the environment,
and as such, corresponds to a single job in the ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file.
A pipeline-enabled spack environment
Here's an example of a spack environment file that has been enhanced with
sections desribing a build pipeline:
.. code-block:: yaml
- pkgs:
- readline@7.0
- compilers:
- '%gcc@5.5.0'
- oses:
- os=ubuntu18.04
- os=centos7
- matrix:
- [$pkgs]
- [$compilers]
- [$oses]
cloud_gitlab: https://mirror.spack.io
- match:
- os=ubuntu18.04
- spack-k8s
image: spack/spack_builder_ubuntu_18.04
- match:
- os=centos7
- spack-k8s
image: spack/spack_builder_centos_7
build-group: Release Testing
url: https://cdash.spack.io
project: Spack
site: Spack AWS Gitlab Instance
Hopefully, the ``definitions``, ``specs``, ``mirrors``, etc. sections are already
familiar, as they are part of spack :ref:`environments`. So let's take a more
in-depth look some of the pipeline-related sections in that environment file
that might not be as familiar.
The ``gitlab-ci`` section is used to configure how the pipeline workload should be
generated, mainly how the jobs for building specs should be assigned to the
configured runners on your instance. Each entry within the list of ``mappings``
corresponds to a known gitlab runner, where the ``match`` section is used
in assigning a release spec to one of the runners, and the ``runner-attributes``
section is used to configure the spec/job for that particular runner.
There are other pipeline options you can configure within the ``gitlab-ci`` section
as well. The ``bootstrap`` section allows you to specify lists of specs from
your ``definitions`` that should be staged ahead of the environment's ``specs`` (this
section is described in more detail below). The ``enable-artifacts-buildcache`` key
takes a boolean and determines whether the pipeline uses artifacts to store and
pass along the buildcaches from one stage to the next (the default if you don't
provide this option is ``False``). The ``enable-debug-messages`` key takes a boolean
and allows you to choose whether the pipeline build jobs are run as ``spack -d ci rebuild``
or just ``spack ci rebuild`` (the default is not to enable debug messages). The
``final-stage-rebuild-index`` section controls whether an extra job is added to the
end of your pipeline (in a stage by itself) which will regenerate the mirror's
buildcache index. Under normal operation, each pipeline job that rebuilds a package
will re-generate the mirror's buildcache index after the buildcache entry for that
job has been created and pushed to the mirror. Since jobs in the same stage can run in
parallel, there is the possibility that at the end of some stage, the index may not
reflect all the binaries in the buildcache. Adding the ``final-stage-rebuild-index``
section ensures that at the end of the pipeline, the index will be in sync with the
binaries on the mirror. If the mirror lives in an S3 bucket, this job will need to
run on a machine with the Python ``boto3`` module installed, and consequently the
``final-stage-rebuild-index`` needs to specify a list of ``tags`` to pick a runner
satisfying that condition. It can also take an ``image`` key so Docker executor type
runners can pick the right image for the index regeneration job.
The optional ``cdash`` section provides information that will be used by the
``spack ci generate`` command (invoked by ``spack ci start``) for reporting
to CDash. All the jobs generated from this environment will belong to a
"build group" within CDash that can be tracked over time. As the release
progresses, this build group may have jobs added or removed. The url, project,
and site are used to specify the CDash instance to which build results should
be reported.
Assignment of specs to runners
The ``mappings`` section corresponds to a list of runners, and during assignment
of specs to runners, the list is traversed in order looking for matches, the
first runner that matches a release spec is assigned to build that spec. The
``match`` section within each runner mapping section is a list of specs, and
if any of those specs match the release spec (the ``spec.satisfies()`` method
is used), then that runner is considered a match.
Configuration of specs/jobs for a runner
Once a runner has been chosen to build a release spec, the ``runner-attributes``
section provides information determining details of the job in the context of
the runner. The ``runner-attributes`` section must have a ``tags`` key, which
is a list containing at least one tag used to select the runner from among the
runners known to the gitlab instance. For Docker executor type runners, the
``image`` key is used to specify the Docker image used to build the release spec
(and could also appear as a dictionary with a ``name`` specifying the image name,
as well as an ``entrypoint`` to override whatever the default for that image is).
For other types of runners the ``variables`` key will be useful to pass any
information on to the runner that it needs to do its work (e.g. scheduler
parameters, etc.).
.. _staging_algorithm:
Summary of ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` generation algorithm
All specs yielded by the matrix (or all the specs in the environment) have their
dependencies computed, and the entire resulting set of specs are staged together
before being run through the ``gitlab-ci/mappings`` entries, where each staged
spec is assigned a runner. "Staging" is the name we have given to the process
of figuring out in what order the specs should be built, taking into consideration
Gitlab CI rules about jobs/stages. In the staging process the goal is to maximize
the number of jobs in any stage of the pipeline, while ensuring that the jobs in
any stage only depend on jobs in previous stages (since those jobs are guaranteed
to have completed already). As a runner is determined for a job, the information
in the ``runner-attributes`` is used to populate various parts of the job
description that will be used by Gitlab CI. Once all the jobs have been assigned
a runner, the ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` is written to disk.
The short example provided above would result in the ``readline``, ``ncurses``,
and ``pkgconf`` packages getting staged and built on the runner chosen by the
``spack-k8s`` tag. In this example, we assume the runner is a Docker executor
type runner, and thus certain jobs will be run in the ``centos7`` container,
and others in the ``ubuntu-18.04`` container. The resulting ``.gitlab-ci.yml``
will contain 6 jobs in three stages. Once the jobs have been generated, the
presence of a ``SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN`` environment variable during the
``spack ci generate`` command would result in all of the jobs being put in a
build group on CDash called "Release Testing" (that group will be created if
it didn't already exist).
Optional compiler bootstrapping
Spack pipelines also have support for bootstrapping compilers on systems that
may not already have the desired compilers installed. The idea here is that
you can specify a list of things to bootstrap in your ``definitions``, and
spack will guarantee those will be installed in a phase of the pipeline before
your release specs, so that you can rely on those packages being available in
the binary mirror when you need them later on in the pipeline. At the moment
the only viable use-case for bootstrapping is to install compilers.
Here's an example of what bootstrapping some compilers might look like:
.. code-block:: yaml
- compiler-pkgs:
- 'llvm+clang@6.0.1 os=centos7'
- 'gcc@6.5.0 os=centos7'
- 'llvm+clang@6.0.1 os=ubuntu18.04'
- 'gcc@6.5.0 os=ubuntu18.04'
- pkgs:
- readline@7.0
- compilers:
- '%gcc@5.5.0'
- '%gcc@6.5.0'
- '%gcc@7.3.0'
- '%clang@6.0.0'
- '%clang@6.0.1'
- oses:
- os=ubuntu18.04
- os=centos7
- matrix:
- [$pkgs]
- [$compilers]
- [$oses]
- '%gcc@7.3.0 os=centos7'
- '%gcc@5.5.0 os=ubuntu18.04'
- name: compiler-pkgs
compiler-agnostic: true
# mappings similar to the example higher up in this description
In the example above, we have added a list to the ``definitions`` called
``compiler-pkgs`` (you can add any number of these), which lists compiler packages
we want to be staged ahead of the full matrix of release specs (which consists
only of readline in our example). Then within the ``gitlab-ci`` section, we
have added a ``bootstrap`` section, which can contain a list of items, each
referring to a list in the ``definitions`` section. These items can either
be a dictionary or a string. If you supply a dictionary, it must have a name
key whose value must match one of the lists in definitions and it can have a
``compiler-agnostic`` key whose value is a boolean. If you supply a string,
then it needs to match one of the lists provided in ``definitions``. You can
think of the bootstrap list as an ordered list of pipeline "phases" that will
be staged before your actual release specs. While this introduces another
layer of bottleneck in the pipeline (all jobs in all stages of one phase must
complete before any jobs in the next phase can begin), it also means you are
guaranteed your bootstrapped compilers will be available when you need them.
The ``compiler-agnostic`` key can be provided with each item in the
bootstrap list. It tells the ``spack ci generate`` command that any jobs staged
from that particular list should have the compiler removed from the spec, so
that any compiler available on the runner where the job is run can be used to
build the package.
When including a bootstrapping phase as in the example above, the result is that
the bootstrapped compiler packages will be pushed to the binary mirror (and the
local artifacts mirror) before the actual release specs are built. In this case,
the jobs corresponding to subsequent release specs are configured to
``install_missing_compilers``, so that if spack is asked to install a package
with a compiler it doesn't know about, it can be quickly installed from the
binary mirror first.
Since bootstrapping compilers is optional, those items can be left out of the
environment/stack file, and in that case no bootstrapping will be done (only the
specs will be staged for building) and the runners will be expected to already
have all needed compilers installed and configured for spack to use.
Using a custom spack in your pipeline
If your runners will not have a version of spack ready to invoke, or if for some
other reason you want to use a custom version of spack to run your pipelines,
this can be accomplished fairly simply. First, create CI environment variables
containing the url and branch/tag you want to clone (calling them, for example,
``SPACK_REPO`` and ``SPACK_REF``), use them to clone spack in your pre-ci
``before_script``, and finally pass those same values along to the workload
generation process via the ``spack-repo`` and ``spack-ref`` cli args. Here's
an example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- <some-other-tag>
- git clone ${SPACK_REPO} --branch ${SPACK_REF}
- . ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
- spack ci start --spack-repo ${SPACK_REPO} --spack-ref ${SPACK_REF} <...args>
- rm -rf ./spack
If the ``spack ci start`` command receives those extra command line arguments,
then it adds similar ``before_script`` and ``after_script`` sections for each of
the ``spack ci rebuild`` jobs it generates (cloning and sourcing a custom
spack in the ``before_script`` and removing it again in the ``after_script``).
This gives you control over the version of spack used when the rebuild jobs
are actually run on the gitlab runner.
.. _ci_environment_variables:
Environment variables affecting pipeline operation
Certain secrets and some other information should be provided to the pipeline
infrastructure via environment variables, usually for reasons of security, but
in some cases to support other pipeline use cases such as PR testing. The
environment variables used by the pipeline infrastructure are described here.
Needed when binary mirror is an S3 bucket.
Needed when binary mirror is an S3 bucket.
Needed when binary mirror is an S3 bucket that is *not* on AWS.
Needed in order to report build groups to CDash.
Needed to sign/verify binary packages from the remote binary mirror.
Needed until Gitlab CI supports dynamic job generation. Can contain connection
credentials, and could be the same repository or a different one.

View File

@ -803,10 +803,10 @@ def needs_rebuild(spec, mirror_url, rebuild_on_errors=False):
_, _, yaml_file = web_util.read_from_url(file_path)
yaml_contents = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(yaml_file).read()
except URLError as url_err:
except (URLError, web_util.SpackWebError) as url_err:
err_msg = [
'Unable to determine whether {0} needs rebuilding,',
' caught URLError attempting to read from {1}.',
' caught exception attempting to read from {1}.',
tty.error(''.join(err_msg).format(spec.short_spec, file_path))
@ -908,11 +908,16 @@ def _download_buildcache_entry(mirror_root, descriptions):
return True
def download_buildcache_entry(file_descriptions):
if not spack.mirror.MirrorCollection():
tty.die("Please add a spack mirror to allow " +
def download_buildcache_entry(file_descriptions, mirror_url=None):
if not mirror_url and not spack.mirror.MirrorCollection():
tty.die("Please provide or add a spack mirror to allow " +
"download of buildcache entries.")
if mirror_url:
mirror_root = os.path.join(
mirror_url, _build_cache_relative_path)
return _download_buildcache_entry(mirror_root, file_descriptions)
for mirror in spack.mirror.MirrorCollection().values():
mirror_root = os.path.join(

View File

@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import base64
import datetime
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import zlib
from six import iteritems
@ -14,31 +18,36 @@ from six.moves.urllib.request import build_opener, HTTPHandler, Request
import llnl.util.tty as tty
import spack.environment as ev
import spack
import spack.binary_distribution as bindist
import spack.cmd.buildcache as buildcache
import spack.compilers as compilers
import spack.config as cfg
import spack.environment as ev
from spack.dependency import all_deptypes
from spack.error import SpackError
import spack.hash_types as ht
from spack.main import SpackCommand
import spack.repo
from spack.spec import Spec
import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
description = "generate release build set as .gitlab-ci.yml"
section = "build"
level = "long"
import spack.util.web as web_util
def setup_parser(subparser):
'-o', '--output-file', default=".gitlab-ci.yml",
help="path to output file to write")
spack_gpg = SpackCommand('gpg')
spack_compiler = SpackCommand('compiler')
'-p', '--print-summary', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Print summary of staged jobs to standard output")
'--cdash-credentials', default=None,
help="Path to file containing CDash authentication token")
class TemporaryDirectory(object):
def __init__(self):
self.temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def __enter__(self):
return self.temporary_directory
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
return False
def _create_buildgroup(opener, headers, url, project, group_name, group_type):
@ -131,6 +140,10 @@ def get_job_name(phase, strip_compiler, spec, osarch, build_group):
item_idx += 1
format_str += '/{{{0}}}'.format(item_idx)
item_idx += 1
format_str += ' {{{0}}}'.format(item_idx)
item_idx += 1
@ -368,6 +381,10 @@ def compute_spec_deps(spec_list):
rkey, rlabel = spec_deps_key_label(spec)
for s in spec.traverse(deptype=deptype):
if s.external:
tty.msg('Will not stage external pkg: {0}'.format(s))
skey, slabel = spec_deps_key_label(s)
spec_labels[slabel] = {
'spec': get_spec_string(s),
@ -377,6 +394,10 @@ def compute_spec_deps(spec_list):
for d in s.dependencies(deptype=deptype):
dkey, dlabel = spec_deps_key_label(d)
if d.external:
tty.msg('Will not stage external dep: {0}'.format(d))
append_dep(slabel, dlabel)
for l, d in spec_labels.items():
@ -406,15 +427,28 @@ def find_matching_config(spec, ci_mappings):
return None
def release_jobs(parser, args):
env = ev.get_env(args, 'release-jobs', required=True)
def pkg_name_from_spec_label(spec_label):
return spec_label[:spec_label.index('/')]
def generate_gitlab_ci_yaml(env, print_summary, output_file,
custom_spack_repo=None, custom_spack_ref=None):
# FIXME: What's the difference between one that opens with 'spack'
# and one that opens with 'env'? This will only handle the former.
with spack.concretize.disable_compiler_existence_check():
yaml_root = ev.config_dict(env.yaml)
if 'gitlab-ci' not in yaml_root:
tty.die('Environment yaml does not have "gitlab-ci" section')
ci_mappings = yaml_root['gitlab-ci']['mappings']
gitlab_ci = yaml_root['gitlab-ci']
ci_mappings = gitlab_ci['mappings']
final_job_config = None
if 'final-stage-rebuild-index' in gitlab_ci:
final_job_config = gitlab_ci['final-stage-rebuild-index']
build_group = None
enable_cdash_reporting = False
@ -426,23 +460,40 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
build_group = ci_cdash['build-group']
cdash_url = ci_cdash['url']
cdash_project = ci_cdash['project']
proj_enc = urlencode({'project': cdash_project})
eq_idx = proj_enc.find('=') + 1
cdash_project_enc = proj_enc[eq_idx:]
cdash_site = ci_cdash['site']
if args.cdash_credentials:
with open(args.cdash_credentials) as fd:
cdash_auth_token = fd.read()
cdash_auth_token = cdash_auth_token.strip()
if 'SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN' in os.environ:
tty.verbose("Using CDash auth token from environment")
cdash_auth_token = os.environ.get('SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN')
# Make sure we use a custom spack if necessary
before_script = None
after_script = None
if custom_spack_repo:
if not custom_spack_ref:
custom_spack_ref = 'master'
before_script = [
('git clone "{0}" --branch "{1}" --depth 1 '
'--single-branch'.format(custom_spack_repo, custom_spack_ref)),
# Next line just shows spack version in pipeline output
'pushd ./spack && git rev-parse HEAD && popd',
'. "./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh"',
after_script = [
'rm -rf "./spack"'
ci_mirrors = yaml_root['mirrors']
mirror_urls = [url for url in ci_mirrors.values()]
enable_artifacts_buildcache = False
if 'enable-artifacts-buildcache' in gitlab_ci:
enable_artifacts_buildcache = gitlab_ci['enable-artifacts-buildcache']
bootstrap_specs = []
phases = []
if 'bootstrap' in yaml_root['gitlab-ci']:
for phase in yaml_root['gitlab-ci']['bootstrap']:
if 'bootstrap' in gitlab_ci:
for phase in gitlab_ci['bootstrap']:
phase_name = phase.get('name')
strip_compilers = phase.get('compiler-agnostic')
@ -469,9 +520,11 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
staged_phases = {}
for phase in phases:
phase_name = phase['name']
staged_phases[phase_name] = stage_spec_jobs(env.spec_lists[phase_name])
with spack.concretize.disable_compiler_existence_check():
staged_phases[phase_name] = stage_spec_jobs(
if args.print_summary:
if print_summary:
for phase in phases:
phase_name = phase['name']
tty.msg('Stages for phase "{0}"'.format(phase_name))
@ -498,10 +551,12 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
stage_id += 1
for spec_label in stage_jobs:
release_spec = spec_labels[spec_label]['spec']
root_spec = spec_labels[spec_label]['rootSpec']
pkg_name = pkg_name_from_spec_label(spec_label)
release_spec = root_spec[pkg_name]
runner_attribs = find_matching_config(root_spec, ci_mappings)
runner_attribs = find_matching_config(
release_spec, ci_mappings)
if not runner_attribs:
tty.warn('No match found for {0}, skipping it'.format(
@ -529,7 +584,11 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
job_name = get_job_name(phase_name, strip_compilers,
release_spec, osname, build_group)
job_scripts = ['./bin/rebuild-package.sh']
debug_flag = ''
if 'enable-debug-messages' in gitlab_ci:
debug_flag = '-d '
job_scripts = ['spack {0}ci rebuild'.format(debug_flag)]
compiler_action = 'NONE'
if len(phases) > 1:
@ -538,7 +597,6 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
compiler_action = 'INSTALL_MISSING'
job_vars = {
'SPACK_MIRROR_URL': mirror_urls[0],
'SPACK_ROOT_SPEC': format_root_spec(
root_spec, main_phase, strip_compilers),
'SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME': release_spec.name,
@ -547,11 +605,13 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
job_dependencies = []
if spec_label in dependencies:
job_dependencies = (
[get_job_name(phase_name, strip_compilers,
osname, build_group)
for dep_label in dependencies[spec_label]])
for dep_label in dependencies[spec_label]:
dep_pkg = pkg_name_from_spec_label(dep_label)
dep_spec = spec_labels[dep_label]['rootSpec'][dep_pkg]
dep_job_name = get_job_name(
phase_name, strip_compilers, dep_spec, osname,
# This next section helps gitlab make sure the right
# bootstrapped compiler exists in the artifacts buildcache by
@ -585,34 +645,38 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
for d in dependencies[spec_label]])
job_vars['SPACK_CDASH_BASE_URL'] = cdash_url
job_vars['SPACK_CDASH_PROJECT'] = cdash_project
job_vars['SPACK_CDASH_PROJECT_ENC'] = cdash_project_enc
job_vars['SPACK_CDASH_BUILD_NAME'] = cdash_build_name
job_vars['SPACK_CDASH_SITE'] = cdash_site
job_vars['SPACK_RELATED_BUILDS'] = ';'.join(related_builds)
job_vars['SPACK_JOB_SPEC_BUILDGROUP'] = build_group
job_vars['SPACK_ENABLE_CDASH'] = str(enable_cdash_reporting)
job_vars['SPACK_RELATED_BUILDS_CDASH'] = ';'.join(
artifact_paths = [
if enable_artifacts_buildcache:
job_object = {
'stage': stage_name,
'variables': variables,
'script': job_scripts,
'tags': tags,
'artifacts': {
'paths': [
'paths': artifact_paths,
'when': 'always',
'dependencies': job_dependencies,
if before_script:
job_object['before_script'] = before_script
if after_script:
job_object['after_script'] = after_script
if image_name:
job_object['image'] = image_name
if image_entry is not None:
@ -624,7 +688,7 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
output_object[job_name] = job_object
job_id += 1
tty.msg('{0} build jobs generated in {1} stages'.format(
tty.debug('{0} build jobs generated in {1} stages'.format(
job_id, stage_id))
# Use "all_job_names" to populate the build group for this set
@ -637,20 +701,280 @@ def release_jobs(parser, args):
tty.warn('Unable to populate buildgroup without CDash credentials')
# Add an extra, final job to regenerate the index
final_stage = 'stage-rebuild-index'
final_job = {
'stage': final_stage,
'variables': {
'MIRROR_URL': mirror_urls[0],
'script': './bin/rebuild-index.sh',
'tags': ['spack-post-ci'] # may want a runner to handle this
output_object['rebuild-index'] = final_job
if final_job_config:
# Add an extra, final job to regenerate the index
final_stage = 'stage-rebuild-index'
final_job = {
'stage': final_stage,
'script': 'spack buildcache update-index -d {0}'.format(
'tags': final_job_config['tags']
if 'image' in final_job_config:
final_job['image'] = final_job_config['image']
if before_script:
final_job['before_script'] = before_script
if after_script:
final_job['after_script'] = after_script
output_object['rebuild-index'] = final_job
output_object['stages'] = stage_names
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as outf:
with open(output_file, 'w') as outf:
outf.write(syaml.dump_config(output_object, default_flow_style=True))
def url_encode_string(input_string):
encoded_keyval = urlencode({'donotcare': input_string})
eq_idx = encoded_keyval.find('=') + 1
encoded_value = encoded_keyval[eq_idx:]
return encoded_value
def import_signing_key(base64_signing_key):
if not base64_signing_key:
tty.warn('No key found for signing/verifying packages')
tty.debug('ci.import_signing_key() will attempt to import a key')
# This command has the side-effect of creating the directory referred
# to as GNUPGHOME in setup_environment()
list_output = spack_gpg('list', output=str)
tty.debug('spack gpg list:')
decoded_key = base64.b64decode(base64_signing_key)
if isinstance(decoded_key, bytes):
decoded_key = decoded_key.decode('utf8')
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
sign_key_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'signing_key')
with open(sign_key_path, 'w') as fd:
key_import_output = spack_gpg('trust', sign_key_path, output=str)
tty.debug('spack gpg trust {0}'.format(sign_key_path))
# Now print the keys we have for verifying and signing
trusted_keys_output = spack_gpg('list', '--trusted', output=str)
signing_keys_output = spack_gpg('list', '--signing', output=str)
tty.debug('spack gpg list --trusted')
tty.debug('spack gpg list --signing')
def configure_compilers(compiler_action, scope=None):
if compiler_action == 'INSTALL_MISSING':
tty.debug('Make sure bootstrapped compiler will be installed')
config = cfg.get('config')
config['install_missing_compilers'] = True
cfg.set('config', config)
elif compiler_action == 'FIND_ANY':
tty.debug('Just find any available compiler')
find_args = ['find']
if scope:
find_args.extend(['--scope', scope])
output = spack_compiler(*find_args)
tty.debug('spack compiler find')
output = spack_compiler('list')
tty.debug('spack compiler list')
tty.debug('No compiler action to be taken')
return None
def get_concrete_specs(root_spec, job_name, related_builds, compiler_action):
spec_map = {
'root': None,
'deps': {},
if compiler_action == 'FIND_ANY':
# This corresponds to a bootstrapping phase where we need to
# rely on any available compiler to build the package (i.e. the
# compiler needed to be stripped from the spec when we generated
# the job), and thus we need to concretize the root spec again.
tty.debug('About to concretize {0}'.format(root_spec))
concrete_root = Spec(root_spec).concretized()
tty.debug('Resulting concrete root: {0}'.format(concrete_root))
# in this case, either we're relying on Spack to install missing
# compiler bootstrapped in a previous phase, or else we only had one
# phase (like a site which already knows what compilers are available
# on it's runners), so we don't want to concretize that root spec
# again. The reason we take this path in the first case (bootstrapped
# compiler), is that we can't concretize a spec at this point if we're
# going to ask spack to "install_missing_compilers".
concrete_root = Spec.from_yaml(
spec_map['root'] = concrete_root
spec_map[job_name] = concrete_root[job_name]
if related_builds:
for dep_job_name in related_builds.split(';'):
spec_map['deps'][dep_job_name] = concrete_root[dep_job_name]
return spec_map
def register_cdash_build(build_name, base_url, project, site, track):
url = base_url + '/api/v1/addBuild.php'
time_stamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M')
build_stamp = '{0}-{1}'.format(time_stamp, track)
payload = {
"project": project,
"site": site,
"name": build_name,
"stamp": build_stamp,
tty.debug('Registering cdash build to {0}, payload:'.format(url))
enc_data = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
opener = build_opener(HTTPHandler)
request = Request(url, data=enc_data, headers=headers)
response = opener.open(request)
response_code = response.getcode()
if response_code != 200 and response_code != 201:
msg = 'Adding build failed (response code = {0}'.format(response_code)
raise SpackError(msg)
response_text = response.read()
response_json = json.loads(response_text)
build_id = response_json['buildid']
return (build_id, build_stamp)
def relate_cdash_builds(spec_map, cdash_base_url, job_build_id, cdash_project,
if not job_build_id:
dep_map = spec_map['deps']
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
cdash_api_url = '{0}/api/v1/relateBuilds.php'.format(cdash_base_url)
for dep_pkg_name in dep_map:
tty.debug('Fetching cdashid file for {0}'.format(dep_pkg_name))
dep_spec = dep_map[dep_pkg_name]
dep_build_id = read_cdashid_from_mirror(dep_spec, cdashids_mirror_url)
payload = {
"project": cdash_project,
"buildid": job_build_id,
"relatedid": dep_build_id,
"relationship": "depends on"
enc_data = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
opener = build_opener(HTTPHandler)
request = Request(cdash_api_url, data=enc_data, headers=headers)
response = opener.open(request)
response_code = response.getcode()
if response_code != 200 and response_code != 201:
msg = 'Relate builds ({0} -> {1}) failed (resp code = {2})'.format(
job_build_id, dep_build_id, response_code)
raise SpackError(msg)
response_text = response.read()
tty.debug('Relate builds response: {0}'.format(response_text))
def write_cdashid_to_mirror(cdashid, spec, mirror_url):
if not spec.concrete:
tty.die('Can only write cdashid for concrete spec to mirror')
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
local_cdash_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'job.cdashid')
with open(local_cdash_path, 'w') as fd:
buildcache_name = bindist.tarball_name(spec, '')
cdashid_file_name = '{0}.cdashid'.format(buildcache_name)
remote_url = os.path.join(
mirror_url, bindist.build_cache_relative_path(), cdashid_file_name)
tty.debug('pushing cdashid to url')
tty.debug(' local file path: {0}'.format(local_cdash_path))
tty.debug(' remote url: {0}'.format(remote_url))
web_util.push_to_url(local_cdash_path, remote_url)
def read_cdashid_from_mirror(spec, mirror_url):
if not spec.concrete:
tty.die('Can only read cdashid for concrete spec from mirror')
buildcache_name = bindist.tarball_name(spec, '')
cdashid_file_name = '{0}.cdashid'.format(buildcache_name)
url = os.path.join(
mirror_url, bindist.build_cache_relative_path(), cdashid_file_name)
resp_url, resp_headers, response = web_util.read_from_url(url)
contents = response.fp.read()
return int(contents)
def push_mirror_contents(env, spec, yaml_path, mirror_url, build_id):
if mirror_url:
tty.debug('Creating buildcache')
buildcache._createtarball(env, yaml_path, None, mirror_url, None,
True, True, False, False, True, False)
if build_id:
tty.debug('Writing cdashid ({0}) to remote mirror: {1}'.format(
build_id, mirror_url))
write_cdashid_to_mirror(build_id, spec, mirror_url)
def copy_stage_logs_to_artifacts(job_spec, job_log_dir):
job_pkg = spack.repo.get(job_spec)
tty.debug('job package: {0}'.format(job_pkg))
stage_dir = job_pkg.stage.path
tty.debug('stage dir: {0}'.format(stage_dir))
build_env_src = os.path.join(stage_dir, 'spack-build-env.txt')
build_out_src = os.path.join(stage_dir, 'spack-build-out.txt')
build_env_dst = os.path.join(
job_log_dir, 'spack-build-env.txt')
build_out_dst = os.path.join(
job_log_dir, 'spack-build-out.txt')
tty.debug('Copying logs to artifacts:')
tty.debug(' 1: {0} -> {1}'.format(
build_env_src, build_env_dst))
shutil.copyfile(build_env_src, build_env_dst)
tty.debug(' 2: {0} -> {1}'.format(
build_out_src, build_out_dst))
shutil.copyfile(build_out_src, build_out_dst)
except Exception as inst:
msg = ('Unable to copy build logs from stage to artifacts '
'due to exception: {0}').format(inst)

View File

@ -303,19 +303,18 @@ def match_downloaded_specs(pkgs, allow_multiple_matches=False, force=False):
return specs_from_cli
def createtarball(args):
"""create a binary package from an existing install"""
if args.spec_yaml:
def _createtarball(env, spec_yaml, packages, directory, key, no_deps, force,
rel, unsigned, allow_root, no_rebuild_index):
if spec_yaml:
packages = set()
tty.msg('createtarball, reading spec from {0}'.format(args.spec_yaml))
with open(args.spec_yaml, 'r') as fd:
with open(spec_yaml, 'r') as fd:
yaml_text = fd.read()
tty.debug('createtarball read spec yaml:')
s = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_text)
elif args.packages:
packages = args.packages
elif packages:
packages = packages
tty.die("build cache file creation requires at least one" +
" installed package argument or else path to a" +
@ -324,18 +323,15 @@ def createtarball(args):
specs = set()
outdir = '.'
if args.directory:
outdir = args.directory
if directory:
outdir = directory
mirror = spack.mirror.MirrorCollection().lookup(outdir)
outdir = url_util.format(mirror.push_url)
signkey = None
if args.key:
signkey = args.key
# restrict matching to current environment if one is active
env = ev.get_env(args, 'buildcache create')
if key:
signkey = key
matches = find_matching_specs(pkgs, env=env)
@ -350,7 +346,7 @@ def createtarball(args):
tty.debug('adding matching spec %s' % match.format())
if args.no_deps is True:
if no_deps is True:
tty.debug('recursing dependencies')
for d, node in match.traverse(order='post',
@ -368,14 +364,25 @@ def createtarball(args):
for spec in specs:
tty.msg('creating binary cache file for package %s ' % spec.format())
bindist.build_tarball(spec, outdir, args.force, args.rel,
args.unsigned, args.allow_root, signkey,
not args.no_rebuild_index)
bindist.build_tarball(spec, outdir, force, rel,
unsigned, allow_root, signkey,
not no_rebuild_index)
except Exception as e:
tty.warn('%s' % e)
def createtarball(args):
"""create a binary package from an existing install"""
# restrict matching to current environment if one is active
env = ev.get_env(args, 'buildcache create')
_createtarball(env, args.spec_yaml, args.packages, args.directory,
args.key, args.no_deps, args.force, args.rel, args.unsigned,
args.allow_root, args.no_rebuild_index)
def installtarball(args):
"""install from a binary package"""
if not args.packages:
@ -477,6 +484,32 @@ def check_binaries(args):
configured_mirrors, specs, args.output_file, args.rebuild_on_error))
def download_buildcache_files(concrete_spec, local_dest, require_cdashid,
tarfile_name = bindist.tarball_name(concrete_spec, '.spack')
tarball_dir_name = bindist.tarball_directory_name(concrete_spec)
tarball_path_name = os.path.join(tarball_dir_name, tarfile_name)
local_tarball_path = os.path.join(local_dest, tarball_dir_name)
files_to_fetch = [
'url': tarball_path_name,
'path': local_tarball_path,
'required': True,
}, {
'url': bindist.tarball_name(concrete_spec, '.spec.yaml'),
'path': local_dest,
'required': True,
}, {
'url': bindist.tarball_name(concrete_spec, '.cdashid'),
'path': local_dest,
'required': require_cdashid,
return bindist.download_buildcache_entry(files_to_fetch, mirror_url)
def get_tarball(args):
"""Download buildcache entry from a remote mirror to local folder. This
command uses the process exit code to indicate its result, specifically,
@ -493,34 +526,10 @@ def get_tarball(args):
spec = get_concrete_spec(args)
result = download_buildcache_files(spec, args.path, args.require_cdashid)
tarfile_name = bindist.tarball_name(spec, '.spack')
tarball_dir_name = bindist.tarball_directory_name(spec)
tarball_path_name = os.path.join(tarball_dir_name, tarfile_name)
local_tarball_path = os.path.join(args.path, tarball_dir_name)
files_to_fetch = [
'url': tarball_path_name,
'path': local_tarball_path,
'required': True,
}, {
'url': bindist.tarball_name(spec, '.spec.yaml'),
'path': args.path,
'required': True,
}, {
'url': bindist.tarball_name(spec, '.cdashid'),
'path': args.path,
'required': args.require_cdashid,
result = bindist.download_buildcache_entry(files_to_fetch)
if result:
if not result:
def get_concrete_spec(args):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import shutil
import sys
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
import llnl.util.tty as tty
import spack.binary_distribution as bindist
import spack.ci as spack_ci
import spack.cmd.buildcache as buildcache
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.hash_types as ht
import spack.util.executable as exe
description = "manage continuous integration pipelines"
section = "build"
level = "long"
def get_env_var(variable_name):
if variable_name in os.environ:
return os.environ.get(variable_name)
return None
def setup_parser(subparser):
setup_parser.parser = subparser
subparsers = subparser.add_subparsers(help='CI sub-commands')
start = subparsers.add_parser('start', help=ci_start.__doc__)
'--output-file', default=None,
help="Absolute path to file where generated jobs file should be " +
"written. The default is .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of the " +
'--copy-to', default=None,
help="Absolute path of additional location where generated jobs " +
"yaml file should be copied. Default is not to copy.")
'--spack-repo', default=None,
help="Provide a url for this argument if a custom spack repo " +
"should be cloned as a step in each generated job.")
'--spack-ref', default=None,
help="Provide a git branch or tag if a custom spack branch " +
"should be checked out as a step in each generated job. " +
"This argument is ignored if no --spack-repo is provided.")
'--downstream-repo', default=None,
help="Url to repository where commit containing jobs yaml file " +
"should be pushed.")
'--branch-name', default='default-branch',
help="Name of current branch, used in generation of pushed commit.")
'--commit-sha', default='none',
help="SHA of current commit, used in generation of pushed commit.")
# Dynamic generation of the jobs yaml from a spack environment
generate = subparsers.add_parser('generate', help=ci_generate.__doc__)
'--output-file', default=None,
help="Absolute path to file where generated jobs file should be " +
"written. The default is .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of the " +
'--copy-to', default=None,
help="Absolute path of additional location where generated jobs " +
"yaml file should be copied. Default is not to copy.")
'--spack-repo', default=None,
help="Provide a url for this argument if a custom spack repo " +
"should be cloned as a step in each generated job.")
'--spack-ref', default=None,
help="Provide a git branch or tag if a custom spack branch " +
"should be checked out as a step in each generated job. " +
"This argument is ignored if no --spack-repo is provided.")
# Commit and push jobs yaml to a downstream CI repo
pushyaml = subparsers.add_parser('pushyaml', help=ci_pushyaml.__doc__)
'--downstream-repo', default=None,
help="Url to repository where commit containing jobs yaml file " +
"should be pushed.")
'--branch-name', default='default-branch',
help="Name of current branch, used in generation of pushed commit.")
'--commit-sha', default='none',
help="SHA of current commit, used in generation of pushed commit.")
# Check a spec against mirror. Rebuild, create buildcache and push to
# mirror (if necessary).
rebuild = subparsers.add_parser('rebuild', help=ci_rebuild.__doc__)
def ci_generate(args):
"""Generate jobs file from a spack environment file containing CI info.
Before invoking this command, you can set the environment variable
SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN to contain the CDash authorization token
for creating a build group for the generated workload and registering
all generated jobs under that build group. If this environment
variable is not set, no build group will be created on CDash."""
env = ev.get_env(args, 'ci generate', required=True)
output_file = args.output_file
copy_yaml_to = args.copy_to
spack_repo = args.spack_repo
spack_ref = args.spack_ref
if not output_file:
gen_ci_dir = os.getcwd()
output_file = os.path.join(gen_ci_dir, '.gitlab-ci.yml')
gen_ci_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file)
if not os.path.exists(gen_ci_dir):
# Generate the jobs
env, True, output_file, spack_repo, spack_ref)
if copy_yaml_to:
copy_to_dir = os.path.dirname(copy_yaml_to)
if not os.path.exists(copy_to_dir):
shutil.copyfile(output_file, copy_yaml_to)
def ci_pushyaml(args):
"""Push the generated jobs yaml file to a remote repository. The file
(.gitlab-ci.yaml) is expected to be in the current directory, which
should be the root of the repository."""
downstream_repo = args.downstream_repo
branch_name = args.branch_name
commit_sha = args.commit_sha
if not downstream_repo:
tty.die('No downstream repo to push to, exiting')
working_dir = os.getcwd()
jobs_yaml = os.path.join(working_dir, '.gitlab-ci.yml')
git_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, '.git')
if not os.path.exists(jobs_yaml):
tty.die('.gitlab-ci.yml must exist in current directory')
if not os.path.exists(git_dir):
tty.die('.git directory must exist in current directory')
# Create a temporary working directory
with spack_ci.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
git = exe.which('git', required=True)
# Push a commit with the generated file to the downstream ci repo
saved_git_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'original-git-dir')
shutil.move('.git', saved_git_dir)
git('init', '.')
git('config', 'user.email', 'robot@spack.io')
git('config', 'user.name', 'Spack Build Bot')
git('add', '.')
# If the environment contains a spack directory, do not commit
# or push it with any other generated products
if os.path.exists('./spack') and os.path.isdir('./spack'):
git('rm', '-rf', '--cached', 'spack')
tty.msg('git commit')
commit_message = '{0} {1} ({2})'.format(
'Auto-generated commit testing', branch_name, commit_sha)
git('commit', '-m', '{0}'.format(commit_message))
tty.msg('git push')
git('remote', 'add', 'downstream', downstream_repo)
push_to_branch = 'master:multi-ci-{0}'.format(branch_name)
git('push', '--force', 'downstream', push_to_branch)
shutil.move(saved_git_dir, '.git')
git('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD')
def ci_rebuild(args):
"""This command represents a gitlab-ci job, corresponding to a single
release spec. As such it must first decide whether or not the spec it
has been assigned to build is up to date on the remote binary mirror.
If it is not (i.e. the full_hash of the spec as computed locally does
not match the one stored in the metadata on the mirror), this script
will build the package, create a binary cache for it, and then push all
related files to the remote binary mirror. This script also
communicates with a remote CDash instance to share status on the package
build process.
The spec to be built by this job is represented by essentially two
pieces of information: 1) a root spec (possibly already concrete, but
maybe still needing to be concretized) and 2) a package name used to
index that root spec (once the root is, for certain, concrete)."""
env = ev.get_env(args, 'ci rebuild', required=True)
yaml_root = ev.config_dict(env.yaml)
# The following environment variables should defined in the CI
# infrastructre (or some other external source) in the case that the
# remote mirror is an S3 bucket. The AWS keys are used to upload
# buildcache entries to S3 using the boto3 api.
# S3_ENDPOINT_URL (only needed for non-AWS S3 implementations)
# If present, we will import the SPACK_SIGNING_KEY using the
# "spack gpg trust" command, so it can be used both for verifying
# dependency buildcache entries and signing the buildcache entry we create
# for our target pkg.
ci_artifact_dir = get_env_var('CI_PROJECT_DIR')
signing_key = get_env_var('SPACK_SIGNING_KEY')
root_spec = get_env_var('SPACK_ROOT_SPEC')
job_spec_pkg_name = get_env_var('SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME')
compiler_action = get_env_var('SPACK_COMPILER_ACTION')
cdash_build_name = get_env_var('SPACK_CDASH_BUILD_NAME')
related_builds = get_env_var('SPACK_RELATED_BUILDS_CDASH')
gitlab_ci = None
if 'gitlab-ci' in yaml_root:
gitlab_ci = yaml_root['gitlab-ci']
if not gitlab_ci:
tty.die('spack ci rebuild requires an env containing gitlab-ci cfg')
enable_cdash = False
if 'cdash' in yaml_root:
enable_cdash = True
ci_cdash = yaml_root['cdash']
job_spec_buildgroup = ci_cdash['build-group']
cdash_base_url = ci_cdash['url']
cdash_project = ci_cdash['project']
proj_enc = urlencode({'project': cdash_project})
eq_idx = proj_enc.find('=') + 1
cdash_project_enc = proj_enc[eq_idx:]
cdash_site = ci_cdash['site']
tty.debug('cdash_base_url = {0}'.format(cdash_base_url))
tty.debug('cdash_project = {0}'.format(cdash_project))
tty.debug('cdash_project_enc = {0}'.format(cdash_project_enc))
tty.debug('cdash_build_name = {0}'.format(cdash_build_name))
tty.debug('cdash_site = {0}'.format(cdash_site))
tty.debug('related_builds = {0}'.format(related_builds))
tty.debug('job_spec_buildgroup = {0}'.format(job_spec_buildgroup))
remote_mirror_url = None
if 'mirrors' in yaml_root:
ci_mirrors = yaml_root['mirrors']
mirror_urls = [url for url in ci_mirrors.values()]
remote_mirror_url = mirror_urls[0]
if not remote_mirror_url:
tty.die('spack ci rebuild requires an env containing a mirror')
tty.debug('ci_artifact_dir = {0}'.format(ci_artifact_dir))
tty.debug('root_spec = {0}'.format(root_spec))
tty.debug('remote_mirror_url = {0}'.format(remote_mirror_url))
tty.debug('job_spec_pkg_name = {0}'.format(job_spec_pkg_name))
tty.debug('compiler_action = {0}'.format(compiler_action))
spack_cmd = exe.which('spack')
os.environ['FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE'] = '1'
cdash_report_dir = os.path.join(ci_artifact_dir, 'cdash_report')
temp_dir = os.path.join(ci_artifact_dir, 'jobs_scratch_dir')
job_log_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'logs')
spec_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'specs')
local_mirror_dir = os.path.join(ci_artifact_dir, 'local_mirror')
build_cache_dir = os.path.join(local_mirror_dir, 'build_cache')
enable_artifacts_mirror = False
artifact_mirror_url = None
if 'enable-artifacts-buildcache' in gitlab_ci:
enable_artifacts_mirror = gitlab_ci['enable-artifacts-buildcache']
if enable_artifacts_mirror:
artifact_mirror_url = 'file://' + local_mirror_dir
mirror_msg = 'artifact buildcache enabled, mirror url: {0}'.format(
# Clean out scratch directory from last stage
if os.path.exists(temp_dir):
if os.path.exists(cdash_report_dir):
job_spec_yaml_path = os.path.join(
spec_dir, '{0}.yaml'.format(job_spec_pkg_name))
job_log_file = os.path.join(job_log_dir, 'pipeline_log.txt')
cdash_build_id = None
cdash_build_stamp = None
with open(job_log_file, 'w') as log_fd:
os.dup2(log_fd.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
os.dup2(log_fd.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
current_directory = os.getcwd()
tty.debug('Current working directory: {0}, Contents:'.format(
directory_list = os.listdir(current_directory)
for next_entry in directory_list:
tty.debug(' {0}'.format(next_entry))
# Make a copy of the environment file, so we can overwrite the changed
# version in between the two invocations of "spack install"
env_src_path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'spack.yaml')
env_dst_path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'spack.yaml_BACKUP')
shutil.copyfile(env_src_path, env_dst_path)
tty.debug('job concrete spec path: {0}'.format(job_spec_yaml_path))
if signing_key:
spec_map = spack_ci.get_concrete_specs(
root_spec, job_spec_pkg_name, related_builds, compiler_action)
job_spec = spec_map[job_spec_pkg_name]
tty.debug('Here is the concrete spec: {0}'.format(job_spec))
with open(job_spec_yaml_path, 'w') as fd:
tty.debug('Done writing concrete spec')
with open(job_spec_yaml_path) as fd:
tty.debug('Wrote spec file, read it back. Contents:')
# DEBUG the root spec
root_spec_yaml_path = os.path.join(spec_dir, 'root.yaml')
with open(root_spec_yaml_path, 'w') as fd:
if bindist.needs_rebuild(job_spec, remote_mirror_url, True):
# Binary on remote mirror is not up to date, we need to rebuild
# it.
# FIXME: ensure mirror precedence causes this local mirror to
# be chosen ahead of the remote one when installing deps
if enable_artifacts_mirror:
mirror_add_output = spack_cmd(
'mirror', 'add', 'local_mirror', artifact_mirror_url)
tty.debug('spack mirror add:')
mirror_list_output = spack_cmd('mirror', 'list')
tty.debug('listing spack mirrors:')
# 2) build up install arguments
install_args = ['-d', '-v', '-k', 'install', '--keep-stage']
# 3) create/register a new build on CDash (if enabled)
cdash_args = []
if enable_cdash:
tty.debug('Registering build with CDash')
cdash_build_stamp) = spack_ci.register_cdash_build(
cdash_build_name, cdash_base_url, cdash_project,
cdash_site, job_spec_buildgroup)
cdash_upload_url = '{0}/submit.php?project={1}'.format(
cdash_base_url, cdash_project_enc)
cdash_args = [
'--cdash-upload-url', cdash_upload_url,
'--cdash-build', cdash_build_name,
'--cdash-site', cdash_site,
'--cdash-buildstamp', cdash_build_stamp,
spec_cli_arg = [job_spec_yaml_path]
tty.debug('Installing package')
# Two-pass install is intended to avoid spack trying to
# install from buildcache even though the locally computed
# full hash is different than the one stored in the spec.yaml
# file on the remote mirror.
first_pass_args = install_args + [
tty.debug('First pass install arguments: {0}'.format(
# Overwrite the changed environment file so it doesn't
# the next install invocation.
shutil.copyfile(env_dst_path, env_src_path)
second_pass_args = install_args + [
tty.debug('Second pass install arguments: {0}'.format(
except Exception as inst:
tty.error('Caught exception during install:')
spack_ci.copy_stage_logs_to_artifacts(job_spec, job_log_dir)
# 4) create buildcache on remote mirror
spack_ci.push_mirror_contents(env, job_spec, job_spec_yaml_path,
remote_mirror_url, cdash_build_id)
# 5) create another copy of that buildcache on "local artifact
# mirror" (only done if cash reporting is enabled)
spack_ci.push_mirror_contents(env, job_spec, job_spec_yaml_path,
artifact_mirror_url, cdash_build_id)
# 6) relate this build to its dependencies on CDash (if enabled)
if enable_cdash:
spec_map, cdash_base_url, cdash_build_id, cdash_project,
artifact_mirror_url or remote_mirror_url)
# There is nothing to do here unless "local artifact mirror" is
# enabled, in which case, we need to download the buildcache to
# the local artifacts directory to be used by dependent jobs in
# subsequent stages
tty.debug('No need to rebuild {0}'.format(job_spec_pkg_name))
if enable_artifacts_mirror:
tty.debug('Getting {0} buildcache'.format(job_spec_pkg_name))
tty.debug('Downloading to {0}'.format(build_cache_dir))
job_spec, build_cache_dir, True, remote_mirror_url)
def ci_start(args):
"""Kicks of the CI process (currently just calls ci_generate() then
def ci(parser, args):
if args.func:

View File

@ -1669,7 +1669,8 @@ class PackageBase(with_metaclass(PackageMeta, PackageViewMixin, object)):
elif kwargs.get('cache_only', False):
tty.die('No binary for %s found and cache-only specified')
tty.die('No binary for %s found and cache-only specified'
% self.name)
tty.msg('No binary for %s found: installing from source'
% self.name)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,24 @@
:lines: 13-
image_schema = {
'oneOf': [
'type': 'string'
}, {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'name': {'type': 'string'},
'entrypoint': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'string',
#: Properties for inclusion in other schemas
properties = {
@ -58,24 +76,7 @@ properties = {
'additionalProperties': True,
'required': ['tags'],
'properties': {
'image': {
'oneOf': [
'type': 'string'
}, {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'name': {'type': 'string'},
'entrypoint': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'string',
'image': image_schema,
'tags': {
'type': 'array',
'default': [],
@ -95,6 +96,27 @@ properties = {
'enable-artifacts-buildcache': {
'type': 'boolean',
'default': False,
'enable-debug-messages': {
'type': 'boolean',
'default': False,
'final-stage-rebuild-index': {
'type': 'object',
'additionalProperties': False,
'required': ['tags'],
'properties': {
'image': image_schema,
'tags': {
'type': 'array',
'default': [],
'items': {'type': 'string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import pytest
from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError
import spack.ci as ci
import spack.main as spack_main
import spack.config as cfg
import spack.paths as spack_paths
import spack.spec as spec
import spack.util.gpg as gpg_util
import spack.util.web as web_util
def testing_gpg_directory(tmpdir):
old_gpg_path = gpg_util.GNUPGHOME
gpg_util.GNUPGHOME = str(tmpdir.join('gpg'))
gpg_util.GNUPGHOME = old_gpg_path
def tmp_scope():
"""Creates a temporary configuration scope"""
base_name = 'internal-testing-scope'
current_overrides = set(
x.name for x in
num_overrides = 0
scope_name = base_name
while scope_name in current_overrides:
scope_name = '{0}{1}'.format(base_name, num_overrides)
num_overrides += 1
with cfg.override(cfg.InternalConfigScope(scope_name)):
yield scope_name
def test_urlencode_string():
s = 'Spack Test Project'
s_enc = ci.url_encode_string(s)
assert(s_enc == 'Spack+Test+Project')
def test_import_signing_key(testing_gpg_directory):
signing_key_dir = spack_paths.mock_gpg_keys_path
signing_key_path = os.path.join(signing_key_dir, 'package-signing-key')
with open(signing_key_path) as fd:
signing_key = fd.read()
# Just make sure this does not raise any exceptions
def test_configure_compilers(mutable_config):
def assert_missing(config):
assert('install_missing_compilers' not in config or
config['install_missing_compilers'] is False)
def assert_present(config):
assert('install_missing_compilers' in config and
config['install_missing_compilers'] is True)
original_config = cfg.get('config')
ci.configure_compilers('FIND_ANY', scope='site')
second_config = cfg.get('config')
last_config = cfg.get('config')
def test_get_concrete_specs(config, mock_packages):
root_spec = (
dep_builds = 'diffutils;libiconv'
spec_map = ci.get_concrete_specs(root_spec, 'bzip2', dep_builds, 'NONE')
assert('root' in spec_map and 'deps' in spec_map)
nonconc_root_spec = 'archive-files'
dep_builds = ''
spec_map = ci.get_concrete_specs(
nonconc_root_spec, 'archive-files', dep_builds, 'FIND_ANY')
assert('root' in spec_map and 'deps' in spec_map)
assert('archive-files' in spec_map)
def test_register_cdash_build():
build_name = 'Some pkg'
base_url = 'http://cdash.fake.org'
project = 'spack'
site = 'spacktests'
track = 'Experimental'
with pytest.raises(URLError):
ci.register_cdash_build(build_name, base_url, project, site, track)
def test_relate_cdash_builds(config, mock_packages):
root_spec = (
dep_builds = 'diffutils;libiconv'
spec_map = ci.get_concrete_specs(root_spec, 'bzip2', dep_builds, 'NONE')
cdash_api_url = 'http://cdash.fake.org'
job_build_id = '42'
cdash_project = 'spack'
cdashids_mirror_url = 'https://my.fake.mirror'
with pytest.raises(web_util.SpackWebError):
ci.relate_cdash_builds(spec_map, cdash_api_url, job_build_id,
cdash_project, cdashids_mirror_url)
# Just make sure passing None for build id doesn't throw exceptions
ci.relate_cdash_builds(spec_map, cdash_api_url, None, cdash_project,
def test_read_write_cdash_ids(config, tmp_scope, tmpdir, mock_packages):
working_dir = tmpdir.join('working_dir')
mirror_dir = working_dir.join('mirror')
mirror_url = 'file://{0}'.format(mirror_dir.strpath)
mirror_cmd = spack_main.SpackCommand('mirror')
mirror_cmd('add', '--scope', tmp_scope, 'test_mirror', mirror_url)
mock_spec = spec.Spec('archive-files').concretized()
orig_cdashid = '42'
ci.write_cdashid_to_mirror(orig_cdashid, mock_spec, mirror_url)
# Now read it back
read_cdashid = ci.read_cdashid_from_mirror(mock_spec, mirror_url)
assert(str(read_cdashid) == orig_cdashid)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import filecmp
import os
import pytest
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import spack
import spack.ci as ci
import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.hash_types as ht
import spack.util.gpg as gpg_util
from spack.main import SpackCommand
import spack.paths as spack_paths
import spack.repo as repo
from spack.spec import Spec
from spack.test.conftest import MockPackage, MockPackageMultiRepo
import spack.util.executable as exe
import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
ci_cmd = SpackCommand('ci')
env_cmd = SpackCommand('env')
mirror_cmd = SpackCommand('mirror')
gpg_cmd = SpackCommand('gpg')
install_cmd = SpackCommand('install')
buildcache_cmd = SpackCommand('buildcache')
git = exe.which('git', required=True)
def testing_gpg_directory(tmpdir):
old_gpg_path = gpg_util.GNUPGHOME
gpg_util.GNUPGHOME = str(tmpdir.join('gpg'))
gpg_util.GNUPGHOME = old_gpg_path
def env_deactivate():
spack.environment._active_environment = None
os.environ.pop('SPACK_ENV', None)
def initialize_new_repo(repo_path, initial_commit=False):
if not os.path.exists(repo_path):
with fs.working_dir(repo_path):
init_args = ['init', '.']
# if not initial_commit:
# init_args.append('--bare')
if initial_commit:
readme_contents = "This is the project README\n"
readme_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'README.md')
with open(readme_path, 'w') as fd:
git('add', '.')
git('commit', '-m', 'Project initial commit')
def get_repo_status(repo_path):
with fs.working_dir(repo_path):
output = git('rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD', output=str)
current_branch = output.split()[0]
output = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', output=str)
current_sha = output.split()[0]
return current_branch, current_sha
def set_env_var(key, val):
os.environ[key] = val
def test_specs_staging(config):
"""Make sure we achieve the best possible staging for the following
spec DAG::
c b
e d
f g
In this case, we would expect 'c', 'e', 'f', and 'g' to be in the first stage,
and then 'd', 'b', and 'a' to be put in the next three stages, respectively.
default = ('build', 'link')
g = MockPackage('g', [], [])
f = MockPackage('f', [], [])
e = MockPackage('e', [], [])
d = MockPackage('d', [f, g], [default, default])
c = MockPackage('c', [], [])
b = MockPackage('b', [d, e], [default, default])
a = MockPackage('a', [b, c], [default, default])
mock_repo = MockPackageMultiRepo([a, b, c, d, e, f, g])
with repo.swap(mock_repo):
spec_a = Spec('a')
spec_a_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a)[1]
spec_b_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['b'])[1]
spec_c_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['c'])[1]
spec_d_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['d'])[1]
spec_e_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['e'])[1]
spec_f_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['f'])[1]
spec_g_label = ci.spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['g'])[1]
spec_labels, dependencies, stages = ci.stage_spec_jobs([spec_a])
assert (len(stages) == 4)
assert (len(stages[0]) == 4)
assert (spec_c_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_e_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_f_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_g_label in stages[0])
assert (len(stages[1]) == 1)
assert (spec_d_label in stages[1])
assert (len(stages[2]) == 1)
assert (spec_b_label in stages[2])
assert (len(stages[3]) == 1)
assert (spec_a_label in stages[3])
def test_ci_generate_with_env(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path, env_deactivate,
install_mockery, mock_packages):
"""Make sure we can get a .gitlab-ci.yml from an environment file
which has the gitlab-ci, cdash, and mirrors sections."""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- bootstrap:
- cmake@3.4.3
- old-gcc-pkgs:
- archive-files
- callpath
- hypre@0.2.15
- matrix:
- [$old-gcc-pkgs]
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
- name: bootstrap
compiler-agnostic: true
- match:
- arch=test-debian6-x86_64
- donotcare
image: donotcare
image: donotcare
tags: [donotcare]
build-group: Not important
url: https://my.fake.cdash
project: Not used
site: Nothing
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
outputfile = str(tmpdir.join('.gitlab-ci.yml'))
with ev.read('test'):
ci_cmd('generate', '--output-file', outputfile)
with open(outputfile) as f:
contents = f.read()
yaml_contents = syaml.load(contents)
found_spec = False
for ci_key in yaml_contents.keys():
if '(bootstrap)' in ci_key:
found_spec = True
assert('cmake' in ci_key)
assert('stages' in yaml_contents)
assert(len(yaml_contents['stages']) == 6)
assert(yaml_contents['stages'][0] == 'stage-0')
assert(yaml_contents['stages'][5] == 'stage-rebuild-index')
def test_ci_generate_with_env_missing_section(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path,
env_deactivate, install_mockery,
"""Make sure we get a reasonable message if we omit gitlab-ci section"""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- archive-files
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
expect_out = 'Error: Environment yaml does not have "gitlab-ci" section'
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
with ev.read('test'):
output = ci_cmd('generate', fail_on_error=False, output=str)
assert(expect_out in output)
def test_ci_generate_with_cdash_token(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path,
env_deactivate, install_mockery,
"""Make sure we it doesn't break if we configure cdash"""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- archive-files
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
enable-artifacts-buildcache: True
enable-debug-messages: True
- match:
- archive-files
- donotcare
image: donotcare
build-group: Not important
url: https://my.fake.cdash
project: Not used
site: Nothing
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
with ev.read('test'):
fake_token = 'notreallyatokenbutshouldnotmatter'
os.environ['SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN'] = fake_token
copy_to_file = str(tmpdir.join('backup-ci.yml'))
output = ci_cmd('generate', '--copy-to', copy_to_file, output=str)
# That fake token should still have resulted in being unable to
# register build group with cdash, but the workload should
# still have been generated.
expect = 'Problem populating buildgroup'
assert(expect in output)
dir_contents = os.listdir(tmpdir.strpath)
assert('backup-ci.yml' in dir_contents)
orig_file = str(tmpdir.join('.gitlab-ci.yml'))
assert(filecmp.cmp(orig_file, copy_to_file) is True)
def test_ci_generate_with_external_pkg(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path,
env_deactivate, install_mockery,
"""Make sure we do not generate jobs for external pkgs"""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- archive-files
- externaltest
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
- match:
- archive-files
- externaltest
- donotcare
image: donotcare
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
outputfile = str(tmpdir.join('.gitlab-ci.yml'))
with ev.read('test'):
ci_cmd('generate', '--output-file', outputfile)
with open(outputfile) as f:
contents = f.read()
print('generated contents: ')
yaml_contents = syaml.load(contents)
for ci_key in yaml_contents.keys():
if 'externaltool' in ci_key:
print('Erroneously staged "externaltool" pkg')
def test_ci_generate_debug_with_custom_spack(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path,
env_deactivate, install_mockery,
"""Make sure we generate cloning of spack in job script if needed"""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- archive-files
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
enable-artifacts-buildcache: True
enable-debug-messages: True
- match:
- archive-files
- donotcare
image: donotcare
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
outfile = str(tmpdir.join('.gitlab-ci.yml'))
with ev.read('test'):
spack_repo = 'https://github.com/usera/spack.git'
spack_ref = 'custom-branch'
expected_clone_str = 'git clone "{0}"'.format(spack_repo)
ci_cmd('generate', '--output-file', outfile, '--spack-repo',
spack_repo, '--spack-ref', spack_ref)
with open(outfile) as f:
contents = f.read()
yaml_contents = syaml.load(contents)
for ci_key in yaml_contents.keys():
if '(specs)' in ci_key:
next_job = yaml_contents[ci_key]
assert('before_script' in next_job)
before_script = next_job['before_script']
for step in before_script:
if expected_clone_str in step:
msg = 'job "{0}" did not clone spack repo'.format(
assert('script' in next_job)
script = next_job['script']
for step in script:
if 'spack -d ci rebuild' in step:
msg = 'job {0} missing rebuild command'.format(
def test_ci_rebuild_basic(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path, env_deactivate,
install_mockery, mock_packages,
working_dir = tmpdir.join('working_dir')
mirror_dir = working_dir.join('mirror')
mirror_url = 'file://{0}'.format(mirror_dir.strpath)
signing_key_dir = spack_paths.mock_gpg_keys_path
signing_key_path = os.path.join(signing_key_dir, 'package-signing-key')
with open(signing_key_path) as fd:
signing_key = fd.read()
spack_yaml_contents = """
- packages: [archive-files]
- $packages
test-mirror: {0}
enable-artifacts-buildcache: True
- match:
- archive-files
- donotcare
image: donotcare
build-group: Not important
url: https://my.fake.cdash
project: Not used
site: Nothing
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
with ev.read('test'):
root_spec = ('eJyNjsGOwyAMRO/5Ct96alRFFK34ldUqcohJ6BJAQFHUry9Nk66'
# Create environment variables as gitlab would do it
set_env_var('CI_PROJECT_DIR', working_dir.strpath)
set_env_var('SPACK_SIGNING_KEY', signing_key)
set_env_var('SPACK_ROOT_SPEC', root_spec)
set_env_var('SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME', 'archive-files')
set_env_var('SPACK_CDASH_BUILD_NAME', '(specs) archive-files')
rebuild_output = ci_cmd(
'rebuild', fail_on_error=False, output=str)
def test_ci_pushyaml(tmpdir):
fake_yaml_contents = """generate ci jobs:
- "./share/spack/qa/gitlab/generate-gitlab-ci-yml.sh"
- "spack-pre-ci"
- ci-generation
when: always
local_repo_path = tmpdir.join('local_repo')
initialize_new_repo(local_repo_path.strpath, True)
remote_repo_path = tmpdir.join('remote_repo')
current_branch, current_sha = get_repo_status(local_repo_path.strpath)
print('local repo info: {0}, {1}'.format(current_branch, current_sha))
local_jobs_yaml = local_repo_path.join('.gitlab-ci.yml')
with local_jobs_yaml.open('w') as f:
pushyaml_args = [
'--downstream-repo', remote_repo_path.strpath,
'--branch-name', current_branch,
'--commit-sha', current_sha,
with fs.working_dir(local_repo_path.strpath):
with fs.working_dir(remote_repo_path.strpath):
branch_to_checkout = 'multi-ci-{0}'.format(current_branch)
git('checkout', branch_to_checkout)
with open('.gitlab-ci.yml') as fd:
pushed_contents = fd.read()
assert pushed_contents == fake_yaml_contents
def test_push_mirror_contents(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path, env_deactivate,
install_mockery, mock_packages, mock_fetch,
mock_stage, testing_gpg_directory):
working_dir = tmpdir.join('working_dir')
mirror_dir = working_dir.join('mirror')
mirror_url = 'file://{0}'.format(mirror_dir.strpath)
signing_key_dir = spack_paths.mock_gpg_keys_path
signing_key_path = os.path.join(signing_key_dir, 'package-signing-key')
with open(signing_key_path) as fd:
signing_key = fd.read()
spack_yaml_contents = """
- packages: [patchelf]
- $packages
test-mirror: {0}
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
with ev.read('test') as env:
spec_map = ci.get_concrete_specs(
'patchelf', 'patchelf', '', 'FIND_ANY')
concrete_spec = spec_map['patchelf']
spec_yaml = concrete_spec.to_yaml(hash=ht.build_hash)
yaml_path = str(tmpdir.join('spec.yaml'))
with open(yaml_path, 'w') as ypfd:
install_cmd('--keep-stage', yaml_path)
# env, spec, yaml_path, mirror_url, build_id
env, concrete_spec, yaml_path, mirror_url, '42')
buildcache_list_output = buildcache_cmd('list', output=str)
assert('patchelf' in buildcache_list_output)
logs_dir = working_dir.join('logs_dir')
if not os.path.exists(logs_dir.strpath):
ci.copy_stage_logs_to_artifacts(concrete_spec, logs_dir.strpath)
logs_dir_list = os.listdir(logs_dir.strpath)
assert('spack-build-env.txt' in logs_dir_list)
assert('spack-build-out.txt' in logs_dir_list)
# Also just make sure that if something goes wrong with the
# stage logs copy, no exception is thrown
ci.copy_stage_logs_to_artifacts(None, logs_dir.strpath)
dl_dir = working_dir.join('download_dir')
if not os.path.exists(dl_dir.strpath):
buildcache_cmd('download', '--spec-yaml', yaml_path, '--path',
dl_dir.strpath, '--require-cdashid')
dl_dir_list = os.listdir(dl_dir.strpath)
assert(len(dl_dir_list) == 3)

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import pytest
import re
import spack
import spack.environment as ev
from spack import repo
from spack.cmd.release_jobs import stage_spec_jobs, spec_deps_key_label
from spack.main import SpackCommand
from spack.spec import Spec
from spack.test.conftest import MockPackage, MockPackageMultiRepo
env = SpackCommand('env')
release_jobs = SpackCommand('release-jobs')
def env_deactivate():
spack.environment._active_environment = None
os.environ.pop('SPACK_ENV', None)
def test_specs_staging(config):
"""Make sure we achieve the best possible staging for the following
spec DAG::
c b
e d
f g
In this case, we would expect 'c', 'e', 'f', and 'g' to be in the first stage,
and then 'd', 'b', and 'a' to be put in the next three stages, respectively.
default = ('build', 'link')
g = MockPackage('g', [], [])
f = MockPackage('f', [], [])
e = MockPackage('e', [], [])
d = MockPackage('d', [f, g], [default, default])
c = MockPackage('c', [], [])
b = MockPackage('b', [d, e], [default, default])
a = MockPackage('a', [b, c], [default, default])
mock_repo = MockPackageMultiRepo([a, b, c, d, e, f, g])
with repo.swap(mock_repo):
spec_a = Spec('a')
spec_a_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a)[1]
spec_b_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['b'])[1]
spec_c_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['c'])[1]
spec_d_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['d'])[1]
spec_e_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['e'])[1]
spec_f_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['f'])[1]
spec_g_label = spec_deps_key_label(spec_a['g'])[1]
spec_labels, dependencies, stages = stage_spec_jobs([spec_a])
assert (len(stages) == 4)
assert (len(stages[0]) == 4)
assert (spec_c_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_e_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_f_label in stages[0])
assert (spec_g_label in stages[0])
assert (len(stages[1]) == 1)
assert (spec_d_label in stages[1])
assert (len(stages[2]) == 1)
assert (spec_b_label in stages[2])
assert (len(stages[3]) == 1)
assert (spec_a_label in stages[3])
def test_release_jobs_with_env(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path, env_deactivate,
install_mockery, mock_packages):
"""Make sure we can get a .gitlab-ci.yml from an environment file
which has the gitlab-ci, cdash, and mirrors sections."""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- packages: [archive-files]
- $packages
some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
- match:
- archive-files
- donotcare
image: donotcare
build-group: Not important
url: https://my.fake.cdash
project: Not used
site: Nothing
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
env('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
outputfile = str(tmpdir.join('.gitlab-ci.yml'))
with ev.read('test'):
release_jobs('--output-file', outputfile)
with open(outputfile) as f:
contents = f.read().replace(os.linesep, '')
assert('archive-files' in contents)
assert(re.search(r'stages:\s*\[\s*stage-0', contents))

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long