Fork 0

Retire Position::set_castling_rights()

Is called in just one place. And rename set_castle() in the
now free to use and more appropiate set_castle_right().

No functional change.

Signed-off-by: Marco Costalba <mcostalba@gmail.com>
Marco Costalba 2011-10-29 12:23:54 +01:00
parent f2e78d9f84
commit 2fe4e10b0b
2 changed files with 39 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -174,18 +174,41 @@ void Position::from_fen(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960) {
sideToMove = (token == 'w' ? WHITE : BLACK);
fen >> token;
// 3. Castling availability
// 3. Castling availability. Compatible with 3 standards: Normal FEN standard,
// Shredder-FEN that uses the letters of the columns on which the rooks began
// the game instead of KQkq and also X-FEN standard that, in case of Chess960,
// if an inner rook is associated with the castling right, the castling tag is
// replaced by the file letter of the involved rook, as for the Shredder-FEN.
while ((fen >> token) && !isspace(token))
Square rsq;
Color c = islower(token) ? BLACK : WHITE;
Piece rook = make_piece(c, ROOK);
token = char(toupper(token));
if (token == 'K')
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_H1); piece_on(rsq) != rook; rsq--) {}
else if (token == 'Q')
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_A1); piece_on(rsq) != rook; rsq++) {}
else if (token >= 'A' && token <= 'H')
rsq = make_square(File(token - 'A'), relative_rank(c, RANK_1));
set_castle_right(king_square(c), rsq);
// 4. En passant square. Ignore if no pawn capture is possible
if ( ((fen >> col) && (col >= 'a' && col <= 'h'))
&& ((fen >> row) && (row == '3' || row == '6')))
st->epSquare = make_square(File(col - 'a'), Rank(row - '1'));
Color them = flip(sideToMove);
if (!(attacks_from<PAWN>(st->epSquare, them) & pieces(PAWN, sideToMove)))
if (!(attackers_to(st->epSquare) & pieces(PAWN, sideToMove)))
st->epSquare = SQ_NONE;
@ -196,25 +219,25 @@ void Position::from_fen(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960) {
// handle also common incorrect FEN with fullmove = 0.
startPosPly = Max(2 * (startPosPly - 1), 0) + int(sideToMove == BLACK);
// Various initialisations
chess960 = isChess960;
st->checkersBB = attackers_to(king_square(sideToMove)) & pieces(flip(sideToMove));
st->key = compute_key();
st->pawnKey = compute_pawn_key();
st->materialKey = compute_material_key();
st->value = compute_value();
st->npMaterial[WHITE] = compute_non_pawn_material(WHITE);
st->npMaterial[BLACK] = compute_non_pawn_material(BLACK);
st->checkersBB = attackers_to(king_square(sideToMove)) & pieces(flip(sideToMove));
chess960 = isChess960;
/// Position::set_castle() is an helper function used to set
/// correct castling related flags.
/// Position::set_castle_right() is an helper function used to set castling
/// rights given the corresponding king and rook starting squares.
void Position::set_castle(int f, Square ksq, Square rsq) {
void Position::set_castle_right(Square ksq, Square rsq) {
int f = (rsq < ksq ? WHITE_OOO : WHITE_OO) << color_of(piece_on(ksq));
st->castleRights |= f;
castleRightsMask[ksq] ^= f;
@ -223,41 +246,6 @@ void Position::set_castle(int f, Square ksq, Square rsq) {
/// Position::set_castling_rights() sets castling parameters castling avaiability.
/// This function is compatible with 3 standards: Normal FEN standard, Shredder-FEN
/// that uses the letters of the columns on which the rooks began the game instead
/// of KQkq and also X-FEN standard that, in case of Chess960, if an inner Rook is
/// associated with the castling right, the traditional castling tag will be replaced
/// by the file letter of the involved rook as for the Shredder-FEN.
void Position::set_castling_rights(char token) {
Color c = islower(token) ? BLACK : WHITE;
Square sqA = relative_square(c, SQ_A1);
Square sqH = relative_square(c, SQ_H1);
Square rsq, ksq = king_square(c);
token = char(toupper(token));
if (token == 'K')
for (rsq = sqH; piece_on(rsq) != make_piece(c, ROOK); rsq--) {}
else if (token == 'Q')
for (rsq = sqA; piece_on(rsq) != make_piece(c, ROOK); rsq++) {}
else if (token >= 'A' && token <= 'H')
rsq = make_square(File(token - 'A'), relative_rank(c, RANK_1));
else return;
if (file_of(rsq) < file_of(ksq))
set_castle(WHITE_OOO << c, ksq, rsq);
set_castle(WHITE_OO << c, ksq, rsq);
/// Position::to_fen() returns a FEN representation of the position. In case
/// of Chess960 the Shredder-FEN notation is used. Mainly a debugging function.
@ -1714,13 +1702,13 @@ void Position::flip_me() {
// Castling rights
if (pos.can_castle(WHITE_OO))
set_castle(BLACK_OO, king_square(BLACK), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE_OO)));
set_castle_right(king_square(BLACK), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE_OO)));
if (pos.can_castle(WHITE_OOO))
set_castle(BLACK_OOO, king_square(BLACK), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE_OOO)));
set_castle_right(king_square(BLACK), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE_OOO)));
if (pos.can_castle(BLACK_OO))
set_castle(WHITE_OO, king_square(WHITE), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK_OO)));
set_castle_right(king_square(WHITE), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK_OO)));
if (pos.can_castle(BLACK_OOO))
set_castle(WHITE_OOO, king_square(WHITE), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK_OOO)));
set_castle_right(king_square(WHITE), flip(pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK_OOO)));
// En passant square
if (pos.st->epSquare != SQ_NONE)

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@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ private:
// Initialization helper functions (used while setting up a position)
void clear();
void put_piece(Piece p, Square s);
void set_castle(int f, Square ksq, Square rsq);
void set_castling_rights(char token);
void set_castle_right(Square ksq, Square rsq);
bool move_is_legal(const Move m) const;
// Helper functions for doing and undoing moves