Fork 0

Fix operator++ definition

ENABLE_OPERATORS_ON has incorrect definitions of
post-increment and post-decrement operators.

In particularly the returned value is the variable
already incremented/decremented, while instead they
should return the variable _before_ inc/dec.

This has no real effect because are only used in loops
and where the returned value is never used, neverthless
it is wrong. The fix would be to copy the variable to a
dummy, then inc/dec the variable, then return the dummy.

So instead, rename to pre-increment that can be implemented
without the dummy, actually the current implementation
it is already the correct pre-increment, with the only change
to return a reference (an l-value) and not a copy, so
to properly mimic the pre-increment on native integers.

Spotted by Kojirion.

No functional change.
Marco Costalba 2013-09-15 09:02:09 +02:00
parent 82f6779c2e
commit 7a1ff6d8ff
4 changed files with 49 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ void Bitboards::print(Bitboard b) {
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; rank--)
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; --rank)
std::cout << "+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+" << '\n';
for (File file = FILE_A; file <= FILE_H; file++)
for (File file = FILE_A; file <= FILE_H; ++file)
std::cout << "| " << (b & (file | rank) ? "X " : " ");
std::cout << "|\n";
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
BSFTable[bsf_index(1ULL << i)] = Square(i);
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
SquareBB[s] = 1ULL << s;
FileBB[FILE_A] = FileABB;
@ -169,22 +169,22 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
RankBB[i] = RankBB[i - 1] << 8;
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; f++)
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; ++f)
AdjacentFilesBB[f] = (f > FILE_A ? FileBB[f - 1] : 0) | (f < FILE_H ? FileBB[f + 1] : 0);
for (Rank r = RANK_1; r < RANK_8; r++)
for (Rank r = RANK_1; r < RANK_8; ++r)
InFrontBB[WHITE][r] = ~(InFrontBB[BLACK][r + 1] = InFrontBB[BLACK][r] | RankBB[r]);
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
ForwardBB[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & FileBB[file_of(s)];
PawnAttackSpan[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & AdjacentFilesBB[file_of(s)];
PassedPawnMask[c][s] = ForwardBB[c][s] | PawnAttackSpan[c][s];
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; s1++)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; s2++)
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; ++s1)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; ++s2)
SquareDistance[s1][s2] = std::max(file_distance(s1, s2), rank_distance(s1, s2));
if (s1 != s2)
@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
int steps[][9] = { {}, { 7, 9 }, { 17, 15, 10, 6, -6, -10, -15, -17 },
{}, {}, {}, { 9, 7, -7, -9, 8, 1, -1, -8 } };
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; ++pt)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
for (int k = 0; steps[pt][k]; k++)
Square to = s + Square(c == WHITE ? steps[pt][k] : -steps[pt][k]);
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
init_magics(RTable, RAttacks, RMagics, RMasks, RShifts, RDeltas, magic_index<ROOK>);
init_magics(BTable, BAttacks, BMagics, BMasks, BShifts, BDeltas, magic_index<BISHOP>);
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][s] = PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][s] = attacks_bb<BISHOP>(s, 0);
PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][s] |= PseudoAttacks[ ROOK][s] = attacks_bb< ROOK>(s, 0);
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; s1++)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; s2++)
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; ++s1)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; ++s2)
if (PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][s1] & s2)
Square delta = (s2 - s1) / square_distance(s1, s2);
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ namespace {
// attacks[s] is a pointer to the beginning of the attacks table for square 's'
attacks[SQ_A1] = table;
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
// Board edges are not considered in the relevant occupancies
edges = ((Rank1BB | Rank8BB) & ~rank_bb(s)) | ((FileABB | FileHBB) & ~file_bb(s));

View File

@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ Value do_evaluate(const Position& pos, Value& margin) {
// type of attacking piece, from knights to queens. Kings are not
// considered because are already handled in king evaluation.
if (weakEnemies)
for (PieceType pt1 = KNIGHT; pt1 < KING; pt1++)
for (PieceType pt1 = KNIGHT; pt1 < KING; ++pt1)
b = ei.attackedBy[Us][pt1] & weakEnemies;
if (b)
for (PieceType pt2 = PAWN; pt2 < KING; pt2++)
for (PieceType pt2 = PAWN; pt2 < KING; ++pt2)
if (b & pos.pieces(pt2))
score += Threat[pt1][pt2];
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ Value do_evaluate(const Position& pos, Value& margin) {
// Step 1. Hunt for unstoppable passed pawns. If we find at least one,
// record how many plies are required for promotion.
for (c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
// Skip if other side has non-pawn pieces
if (pos.non_pawn_material(~c))

View File

@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ void Position::init() {
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; ++pt)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
Zobrist::psq[c][pt][s] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; f++)
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; ++f)
Zobrist::enpassant[f] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (int cr = CASTLES_NONE; cr <= ALL_CASTLES; cr++)
@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ void Position::init() {
Zobrist::side = rk.rand<Key>();
Zobrist::exclusion = rk.rand<Key>();
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; ++pt)
PieceValue[MG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[MG][pt];
PieceValue[EG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[EG][pt];
Score v = make_score(PieceValue[MG][pt], PieceValue[EG][pt]);
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
psq[WHITE][pt][ s] = (v + PSQT[pt][s]);
psq[BLACK][pt][~s] = -(v + PSQT[pt][s]);
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void Position::set(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960, Thread* th) {
else if ((p = PieceToChar.find(token)) != string::npos)
put_piece(sq, color_of(Piece(p)), type_of(Piece(p)));
@ -255,10 +255,10 @@ void Position::set(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960, Thread* th) {
token = char(toupper(token));
if (token == 'K')
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_H1); type_of(piece_on(rsq)) != ROOK; rsq--) {}
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_H1); type_of(piece_on(rsq)) != ROOK; --rsq) {}
else if (token == 'Q')
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_A1); type_of(piece_on(rsq)) != ROOK; rsq++) {}
for (rsq = relative_square(c, SQ_A1); type_of(piece_on(rsq)) != ROOK; ++rsq) {}
else if (token >= 'A' && token <= 'H')
rsq = File(token - 'A') | relative_rank(c, RANK_1);
@ -317,11 +317,11 @@ void Position::set_castle_right(Color c, Square rfrom) {
Square kto = relative_square(c, cs == KING_SIDE ? SQ_G1 : SQ_C1);
Square rto = relative_square(c, cs == KING_SIDE ? SQ_F1 : SQ_D1);
for (Square s = std::min(rfrom, rto); s <= std::max(rfrom, rto); s++)
for (Square s = std::min(rfrom, rto); s <= std::max(rfrom, rto); ++s)
if (s != kfrom && s != rfrom)
castlePath[c][cs] |= s;
for (Square s = std::min(kfrom, kto); s <= std::max(kfrom, kto); s++)
for (Square s = std::min(kfrom, kto); s <= std::max(kfrom, kto); ++s)
if (s != kfrom && s != rfrom)
castlePath[c][cs] |= s;
@ -334,9 +334,9 @@ const string Position::fen() const {
std::ostringstream ss;
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; rank--)
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; --rank)
for (File file = FILE_A; file <= FILE_H; file++)
for (File file = FILE_A; file <= FILE_H; ++file)
Square sq = file | rank;
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ const string Position::fen() const {
int emptyCnt = 1;
for ( ; file < FILE_H && is_empty(sq++); file++)
for ( ; file < FILE_H && is_empty(++sq); ++file)
ss << emptyCnt;
@ -1210,9 +1210,9 @@ Key Position::compute_material_key() const {
Key k = 0;
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= QUEEN; pt++)
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pieceCount[c][pt]; cnt++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= QUEEN; ++pt)
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pieceCount[c][pt]; ++cnt)
k ^= Zobrist::psq[c][pt][cnt];
return k;
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ Value Position::compute_non_pawn_material(Color c) const {
Value value = VALUE_ZERO;
for (PieceType pt = KNIGHT; pt <= QUEEN; pt++)
for (PieceType pt = KNIGHT; pt <= QUEEN; ++pt)
value += pieceCount[c][pt] * PieceValue[MG][pt];
return value;
@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ void Position::flip() {
string f, token;
std::stringstream ss(fen());
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; rank--) // Piece placement
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; --rank) // Piece placement
std::getline(ss, token, rank > RANK_1 ? '/' : ' ');
f.insert(0, token + (f.empty() ? " " : "/"));
@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
int kingCount[COLOR_NB] = {};
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
if (type_of(piece_on(s)) == KING)
@ -1393,8 +1393,8 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
return false;
// Separate piece type bitboards must have empty intersections
for (PieceType p1 = PAWN; p1 <= KING; p1++)
for (PieceType p2 = PAWN; p2 <= KING; p2++)
for (PieceType p1 = PAWN; p1 <= KING; ++p1)
for (PieceType p2 = PAWN; p2 <= KING; ++p2)
if (p1 != p2 && (pieces(p1) & pieces(p2)))
return false;
@ -1420,21 +1420,21 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugPieceCounts)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; ++pt)
if (pieceCount[c][pt] != popcount<Full>(pieces(c, pt)))
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugPieceList)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; ++pt)
for (int i = 0; i < pieceCount[c][pt]; i++)
if ( board[pieceList[c][pt][i]] != make_piece(c, pt)
|| index[pieceList[c][pt][i]] != i)
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugCastleSquares)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; ++c)
for (CastlingSide s = KING_SIDE; s <= QUEEN_SIDE; s = CastlingSide(s + 1))
CastleRight cr = make_castle_right(c, s);

View File

@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ inline T& operator-=(T& d1, const T d2) { d1 = d1 - d2; return d1; } \
inline T& operator*=(T& d, int i) { d = T(int(d) * i); return d; }
inline T operator++(T& d, int) { d = T(int(d) + 1); return d; } \
inline T operator--(T& d, int) { d = T(int(d) - 1); return d; } \
inline T& operator++(T& d) { return d = T(int(d) + 1); } \
inline T& operator--(T& d) { return d = T(int(d) - 1); } \
inline T operator/(const T d, int i) { return T(int(d) / i); } \
inline T& operator/=(T& d, int i) { d = T(int(d) / i); return d; }
inline T& operator/=(T& d, int i) { return d = T(int(d) / i); }