Fork 0

Increase optimumTime depending on size of increment.

Bench 6658747
xoto10 2021-09-16 08:43:53 +01:00
parent 723f48dec0
commit 8298d97632
1 changed files with 7 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ void TimeManagement::init(Search::LimitsType& limits, Color us, int ply) {
TimePoint timeLeft = std::max(TimePoint(1),
limits.time[us] + limits.inc[us] * (mtg - 1) - moveOverhead * (2 + mtg));
// Use extra time with larger increments
double optExtra = std::clamp(1.0 + 10.0 * limits.inc[us] / limits.time[us], 1.0, 1.1);
// A user may scale time usage by setting UCI option "Slow Mover"
// Default is 100 and changing this value will probably lose elo.
timeLeft = slowMover * timeLeft / 100;
@ -78,15 +81,16 @@ void TimeManagement::init(Search::LimitsType& limits, Color us, int ply) {
if (limits.movestogo == 0)
optScale = std::min(0.0084 + std::pow(ply + 3.0, 0.5) * 0.0042,
0.2 * limits.time[us] / double(timeLeft));
0.2 * limits.time[us] / double(timeLeft))
* optExtra;
maxScale = std::min(7.0, 4.0 + ply / 12.0);
// x moves in y seconds (+ z increment)
optScale = std::min((0.8 + ply / 128.0) / mtg,
0.8 * limits.time[us] / double(timeLeft));
optScale = std::min((0.88 + ply / 116.4) / mtg,
0.88 * limits.time[us] / double(timeLeft));
maxScale = std::min(6.3, 1.5 + 0.11 * mtg);