Fork 0

Finally retire sp_search()

Fix the movcount updating bug and let search() to completely
subsititute sp_search().

No functional change even with fakes split.

Signed-off-by: Marco Costalba <mcostalba@gmail.com>
Marco Costalba 2010-10-23 07:38:48 +01:00
parent 65606bc49e
commit f6e11ee2a3
1 changed files with 11 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -284,9 +284,6 @@ namespace {
return search<PvNode, false>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth, ply);
template <NodeType PvNode>
void sp_search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply);
template <NodeType PvNode>
Value qsearch(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply);
@ -1246,7 +1243,10 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
newDepth = depth - ONE_PLY + ext;
// Update current move (this must be done after singular extension search)
movesSearched[moveCount++] = ss->currentMove = move;
movesSearched[moveCount] = ss->currentMove = move;
if (!SpNode)
// Step 12. Futility pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
if ( !PvNode
@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
sp->alpha = value;
if (value == value_mate_in(ply + 1))
if (!SpNode && value == value_mate_in(ply + 1))
ss->mateKiller = move;
ss->bestMove = move;
@ -1615,172 +1615,6 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// sp_search() is used to search from a split point. This function is called
// by each thread working at the split point. It is similar to the normal
// search() function, but simpler. Because we have already probed the hash
// table, done a null move search, and searched the first move before
// splitting, we don't have to repeat all this work in sp_search(). We
// also don't need to store anything to the hash table here: This is taken
// care of after we return from the split point.
template <NodeType PvNode>
void sp_search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply) {
StateInfo st;
Move move;
Depth ext, newDepth;
Value value;
Value futilityValueScaled; // NonPV specific
bool isCheck, moveIsCheck, captureOrPromotion, dangerous;
int moveCount;
SplitPoint* sp = ss->sp;
Move threatMove = sp->threatMove;
MovePicker& mp = *sp->mp;
int threadID = pos.thread();
CheckInfo ci(pos);
isCheck = pos.is_check();
// Step 10. Loop through moves
// Loop through all legal moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
while ( sp->bestValue < beta
&& (move = mp.get_next_move()) != MOVE_NONE
&& !ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID))
moveCount = ++sp->moveCount;
moveIsCheck = pos.move_is_check(move, ci);
captureOrPromotion = pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(move);
// Step 11. Decide the new search depth
ext = extension<PvNode>(pos, move, captureOrPromotion, moveIsCheck, false, sp->mateThreat, &dangerous);
newDepth = depth - ONE_PLY + ext;
// Update current move
ss->currentMove = move;
// Step 12. Futility pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
if ( !PvNode
&& !captureOrPromotion
&& !isCheck
&& !dangerous
&& !move_is_castle(move))
// Move count based pruning
if ( moveCount >= futility_move_count(depth)
&& !(threatMove && connected_threat(pos, move, threatMove))
&& sp->bestValue > value_mated_in(PLY_MAX))
// Value based pruning
Depth predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction<NonPV>(depth, moveCount);
futilityValueScaled = ss->eval + futility_margin(predictedDepth, moveCount)
+ H.gain(pos.piece_on(move_from(move)), move_to(move));
if (futilityValueScaled < beta)
if (futilityValueScaled > sp->bestValue)
sp->bestValue = futilityValueScaled;
// Step 13. Make the move
pos.do_move(move, st, ci, moveIsCheck);
// Step 14. Reduced search
// If the move fails high will be re-searched at full depth.
bool doFullDepthSearch = true;
if ( !captureOrPromotion
&& !dangerous
&& !move_is_castle(move)
&& !(ss->killers[0] == move || ss->killers[1] == move))
ss->reduction = reduction<PvNode>(depth, moveCount);
if (ss->reduction)
Value localAlpha = sp->alpha;
Depth d = newDepth - ss->reduction;
value = d < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(localAlpha+1), -localAlpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1)
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(localAlpha+1), -localAlpha, d, ply+1);
doFullDepthSearch = (value > localAlpha);
// The move failed high, but if reduction is very big we could
// face a false positive, retry with a less aggressive reduction,
// if the move fails high again then go with full depth search.
if (doFullDepthSearch && ss->reduction > 2 * ONE_PLY)
assert(newDepth - ONE_PLY >= ONE_PLY);
ss->reduction = ONE_PLY;
Value localAlpha = sp->alpha;
value = -search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(localAlpha+1), -localAlpha, newDepth-ss->reduction, ply+1);
doFullDepthSearch = (value > localAlpha);
ss->reduction = DEPTH_ZERO; // Restore original reduction
// Step 15. Full depth search
if (doFullDepthSearch)
Value localAlpha = sp->alpha;
value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(localAlpha+1), -localAlpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1)
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(localAlpha+1), -localAlpha, newDepth, ply+1);
// Step extra. pv search (only in PV nodes)
// Search only for possible new PV nodes, if instead value >= beta then
// parent node fails low with value <= alpha and tries another move.
if (PvNode && value > localAlpha && value < beta)
value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch<PV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -sp->alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1)
: - search<PV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -sp->alpha, newDepth, ply+1);
// Step 16. Undo move
assert(value > -VALUE_INFINITE && value < VALUE_INFINITE);
// Step 17. Check for new best move
if (value > sp->bestValue && !ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID))
sp->bestValue = value;
if (value > sp->alpha)
if (!PvNode || value >= beta)
sp->stopRequest = true;
if (PvNode && value < beta) // We want always sp->alpha < beta
sp->alpha = value;
sp->parentSstack->bestMove = ss->bestMove = move;
/* Here we have the lock still grabbed */
sp->slaves[threadID] = 0;
// connected_moves() tests whether two moves are 'connected' in the sense
// that the first move somehow made the second move possible (for instance
// if the moving piece is the same in both moves). The first move is assumed
@ -2432,12 +2266,10 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
ss->sp = tsp;
if (tsp->pvNode)
//search<PV, true>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
sp_search<PV>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
//search<NonPV, true>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
sp_search<NonPV>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
search<PV, true>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
else {
search<NonPV, true>(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply);
assert(threads[threadID].state == THREAD_SEARCHING);
threads[threadID].state = THREAD_AVAILABLE;
@ -2619,9 +2451,8 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// split point objects), the function immediately returns. If splitting is
// possible, a SplitPoint object is initialized with all the data that must be
// copied to the helper threads and we tell our helper threads that they have
// been assigned work. This will cause them to instantly leave their idle loops
// and call sp_search(). When all threads have returned from sp_search() then
// split() returns.
// been assigned work. This will cause them to instantly leave their idle loops and
// call search().When all threads have returned from search() then split() returns.
template <bool Fake>
void ThreadsManager::split(const Position& p, SearchStack* ss, int ply, Value* alpha,