/* Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tord Romstad (Glaurung author) Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski, Tord Romstad Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ //// //// Includes //// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "book.h" #include "evaluate.h" #include "history.h" #include "misc.h" #include "movegen.h" #include "movepick.h" #include "lock.h" #include "san.h" #include "search.h" #include "timeman.h" #include "thread.h" #include "tt.h" #include "ucioption.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; //// //// Local definitions //// namespace { // Types enum NodeType { NonPV, PV }; // Set to true to force running with one thread. // Used for debugging SMP code. const bool FakeSplit = false; // ThreadsManager class is used to handle all the threads related stuff in search, // init, starting, parking and, the most important, launching a slave thread at a // split point are what this class does. All the access to shared thread data is // done through this class, so that we avoid using global variables instead. class ThreadsManager { /* As long as the single ThreadsManager object is defined as a global we don't need to explicitly initialize to zero its data members because variables with static storage duration are automatically set to zero before enter main() */ public: void init_threads(); void exit_threads(); int active_threads() const { return ActiveThreads; } void set_active_threads(int newActiveThreads) { ActiveThreads = newActiveThreads; } void incrementNodeCounter(int threadID) { threads[threadID].nodes++; } void resetNodeCounters(); int64_t nodes_searched() const; bool available_thread_exists(int master) const; bool thread_is_available(int slave, int master) const; bool thread_should_stop(int threadID) const; void wake_sleeping_thread(int threadID); void put_threads_to_sleep(); void idle_loop(int threadID, SplitPoint* sp); template void split(const Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, int ply, Value* alpha, const Value beta, Value* bestValue, Depth depth, Move threatMove, bool mateThreat, int moveCount, MovePicker* mp, bool pvNode); private: friend void poll(); int ActiveThreads; volatile bool AllThreadsShouldExit, AllThreadsShouldSleep; Thread threads[MAX_THREADS]; Lock MPLock, WaitLock; WaitCondition WaitCond[MAX_THREADS]; }; // RootMove struct is used for moves at the root at the tree. For each // root move, we store a score, a node count, and a PV (really a refutation // in the case of moves which fail low). struct RootMove { RootMove() : mp_score(0), nodes(0) {} // RootMove::operator<() is the comparison function used when // sorting the moves. A move m1 is considered to be better // than a move m2 if it has a higher score, or if the moves // have equal score but m1 has the higher beta cut-off count. bool operator<(const RootMove& m) const { return score != m.score ? score < m.score : mp_score <= m.mp_score; } Move move; Value score; int mp_score; int64_t nodes; Move pv[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; }; // The RootMoveList class is essentially an array of RootMove objects, with // a handful of methods for accessing the data in the individual moves. class RootMoveList { public: RootMoveList(Position& pos, Move searchMoves[]); Move move(int moveNum) const { return moves[moveNum].move; } Move move_pv(int moveNum, int i) const { return moves[moveNum].pv[i]; } int move_count() const { return count; } Value move_score(int moveNum) const { return moves[moveNum].score; } int64_t move_nodes(int moveNum) const { return moves[moveNum].nodes; } void add_move_nodes(int moveNum, int64_t nodes) { moves[moveNum].nodes += nodes; } void set_move_score(int moveNum, Value score) { moves[moveNum].score = score; } void set_move_pv(int moveNum, const Move pv[]); void score_moves(const Position& pos); void sort(); void sort_multipv(int n); private: RootMove moves[MOVES_MAX]; int count; }; // When formatting a move for std::cout we must know if we are in Chess960 // or not. To keep using the handy operator<<() on the move the trick is to // embed this flag in the stream itself. Function-like named enum set960 is // used as a custom manipulator and the stream internal general-purpose array, // accessed through ios_base::iword(), is used to pass the flag to the move's // operator<<() that will use it to properly format castling moves. enum set960 {}; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const set960& m) { os.iword(0) = int(m); return os; } /// Adjustments // Step 6. Razoring // Maximum depth for razoring const Depth RazorDepth = 4 * ONE_PLY; // Dynamic razoring margin based on depth inline Value razor_margin(Depth d) { return Value(0x200 + 0x10 * int(d)); } // Maximum depth for use of dynamic threat detection when null move fails low const Depth ThreatDepth = 5 * ONE_PLY; // Step 9. Internal iterative deepening // Minimum depth for use of internal iterative deepening const Depth IIDDepth[2] = { 8 * ONE_PLY /* non-PV */, 5 * ONE_PLY /* PV */}; // At Non-PV nodes we do an internal iterative deepening search // when the static evaluation is bigger then beta - IIDMargin. const Value IIDMargin = Value(0x100); // Step 11. Decide the new search depth // Extensions. Configurable UCI options // Array index 0 is used at non-PV nodes, index 1 at PV nodes. Depth CheckExtension[2], SingleEvasionExtension[2], PawnPushTo7thExtension[2]; Depth PassedPawnExtension[2], PawnEndgameExtension[2], MateThreatExtension[2]; // Minimum depth for use of singular extension const Depth SingularExtensionDepth[2] = { 8 * ONE_PLY /* non-PV */, 6 * ONE_PLY /* PV */}; // If the TT move is at least SingularExtensionMargin better then the // remaining ones we will extend it. const Value SingularExtensionMargin = Value(0x20); // Step 12. Futility pruning // Futility margin for quiescence search const Value FutilityMarginQS = Value(0x80); // Futility lookup tables (initialized at startup) and their getter functions Value FutilityMarginsMatrix[16][64]; // [depth][moveNumber] int FutilityMoveCountArray[32]; // [depth] inline Value futility_margin(Depth d, int mn) { return d < 7 * ONE_PLY ? FutilityMarginsMatrix[Max(d, 1)][Min(mn, 63)] : 2 * VALUE_INFINITE; } inline int futility_move_count(Depth d) { return d < 16 * ONE_PLY ? FutilityMoveCountArray[d] : 512; } // Step 14. Reduced search // Reduction lookup tables (initialized at startup) and their getter functions int8_t ReductionMatrix[2][64][64]; // [pv][depth][moveNumber] template inline Depth reduction(Depth d, int mn) { return (Depth) ReductionMatrix[PV][Min(d / 2, 63)][Min(mn, 63)]; } // Common adjustments // Search depth at iteration 1 const Depth InitialDepth = ONE_PLY; // Easy move margin. An easy move candidate must be at least this much // better than the second best move. const Value EasyMoveMargin = Value(0x200); /// Global variables // Iteration counter int Iteration; // Scores and number of times the best move changed for each iteration Value ValueByIteration[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; int BestMoveChangesByIteration[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; // Search window management int AspirationDelta; // MultiPV mode int MultiPV; // Time managment variables int SearchStartTime, MaxNodes, MaxDepth, ExactMaxTime; bool UseTimeManagement, InfiniteSearch, PonderSearch, StopOnPonderhit; bool FirstRootMove, AbortSearch, Quit, AspirationFailLow; TimeManager TimeMgr; // Log file bool UseLogFile; std::ofstream LogFile; // Multi-threads related variables Depth MinimumSplitDepth; int MaxThreadsPerSplitPoint; ThreadsManager ThreadsMgr; // Node counters, used only by thread[0] but try to keep in different cache // lines (64 bytes each) from the heavy multi-thread read accessed variables. int NodesSincePoll; int NodesBetweenPolls = 30000; // History table History H; /// Local functions Value id_loop(const Position& pos, Move searchMoves[]); Value root_search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Move* pv, RootMoveList& rml, Value* alphaPtr, Value* betaPtr); template Value search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply); template inline Value search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply) { return search(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth, ply); } template Value qsearch(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply); template Depth extension(const Position& pos, Move m, bool captureOrPromotion, bool moveIsCheck, bool singleEvasion, bool mateThreat, bool* dangerous); bool connected_moves(const Position& pos, Move m1, Move m2); bool value_is_mate(Value value); Value value_to_tt(Value v, int ply); Value value_from_tt(Value v, int ply); bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value beta, int ply); bool connected_threat(const Position& pos, Move m, Move threat); Value refine_eval(const TTEntry* tte, Value defaultEval, int ply); void update_history(const Position& pos, Move move, Depth depth, Move movesSearched[], int moveCount); void update_killers(Move m, SearchStack* ss); void update_gains(const Position& pos, Move move, Value before, Value after); int current_search_time(); std::string value_to_uci(Value v); int nps(); void poll(); void ponderhit(); void wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit(); void init_ss_array(SearchStack* ss, int size); void print_pv_info(const Position& pos, Move pv[], Value alpha, Value beta, Value value); void insert_pv_in_tt(const Position& pos, Move pv[]); void extract_pv_from_tt(const Position& pos, Move bestMove, Move pv[]); #if !defined(_MSC_VER) void *init_thread(void *threadID); #else DWORD WINAPI init_thread(LPVOID threadID); #endif } //// //// Functions //// /// init_threads(), exit_threads() and nodes_searched() are helpers to /// give accessibility to some TM methods from outside of current file. void init_threads() { ThreadsMgr.init_threads(); } void exit_threads() { ThreadsMgr.exit_threads(); } int64_t nodes_searched() { return ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched(); } /// init_search() is called during startup. It initializes various lookup tables void init_search() { int d; // depth (ONE_PLY == 2) int hd; // half depth (ONE_PLY == 1) int mc; // moveCount // Init reductions array for (hd = 1; hd < 64; hd++) for (mc = 1; mc < 64; mc++) { double pvRed = 0.33 + log(double(hd)) * log(double(mc)) / 4.5; double nonPVRed = 0.33 + log(double(hd)) * log(double(mc)) / 2.25; ReductionMatrix[PV][hd][mc] = (int8_t) ( pvRed >= 1.0 ? floor( pvRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0); ReductionMatrix[NonPV][hd][mc] = (int8_t) (nonPVRed >= 1.0 ? floor(nonPVRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0); } // Init futility margins array for (d = 1; d < 16; d++) for (mc = 0; mc < 64; mc++) FutilityMarginsMatrix[d][mc] = Value(112 * int(log(double(d * d) / 2) / log(2.0) + 1.001) - 8 * mc + 45); // Init futility move count array for (d = 0; d < 32; d++) FutilityMoveCountArray[d] = int(3.001 + 0.25 * pow(d, 2.0)); } /// perft() is our utility to verify move generation is bug free. All the legal /// moves up to given depth are generated and counted and the sum returned. int perft(Position& pos, Depth depth) { MoveStack mlist[MOVES_MAX]; StateInfo st; Move m; int sum = 0; // Generate all legal moves MoveStack* last = generate_moves(pos, mlist); // If we are at the last ply we don't need to do and undo // the moves, just to count them. if (depth <= ONE_PLY) return int(last - mlist); // Loop through all legal moves CheckInfo ci(pos); for (MoveStack* cur = mlist; cur != last; cur++) { m = cur->move; pos.do_move(m, st, ci, pos.move_is_check(m, ci)); sum += perft(pos, depth - ONE_PLY); pos.undo_move(m); } return sum; } /// think() is the external interface to Stockfish's search, and is called when /// the program receives the UCI 'go' command. It initializes various /// search-related global variables, and calls root_search(). It returns false /// when a quit command is received during the search. bool think(const Position& pos, bool infinite, bool ponder, int time[], int increment[], int movesToGo, int maxDepth, int maxNodes, int maxTime, Move searchMoves[]) { // Initialize global search variables StopOnPonderhit = AbortSearch = Quit = AspirationFailLow = false; NodesSincePoll = 0; ThreadsMgr.resetNodeCounters(); SearchStartTime = get_system_time(); ExactMaxTime = maxTime; MaxDepth = maxDepth; MaxNodes = maxNodes; InfiniteSearch = infinite; PonderSearch = ponder; UseTimeManagement = !ExactMaxTime && !MaxDepth && !MaxNodes && !InfiniteSearch; // Look for a book move, only during games, not tests if (UseTimeManagement && get_option_value_bool("OwnBook")) { if (get_option_value_string("Book File") != OpeningBook.file_name()) OpeningBook.open(get_option_value_string("Book File")); Move bookMove = OpeningBook.get_move(pos, get_option_value_bool("Best Book Move")); if (bookMove != MOVE_NONE) { if (PonderSearch) wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit(); cout << "bestmove " << bookMove << endl; return true; } } // Read UCI option values TT.set_size(get_option_value_int("Hash")); if (button_was_pressed("Clear Hash")) TT.clear(); CheckExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Check Extension (PV nodes)")); CheckExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Check Extension (non-PV nodes)")); SingleEvasionExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Single Evasion Extension (PV nodes)")); SingleEvasionExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Single Evasion Extension (non-PV nodes)")); PawnPushTo7thExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Pawn Push to 7th Extension (PV nodes)")); PawnPushTo7thExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Pawn Push to 7th Extension (non-PV nodes)")); PassedPawnExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Passed Pawn Extension (PV nodes)")); PassedPawnExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Passed Pawn Extension (non-PV nodes)")); PawnEndgameExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Pawn Endgame Extension (PV nodes)")); PawnEndgameExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Pawn Endgame Extension (non-PV nodes)")); MateThreatExtension[1] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Mate Threat Extension (PV nodes)")); MateThreatExtension[0] = Depth(get_option_value_int("Mate Threat Extension (non-PV nodes)")); MinimumSplitDepth = get_option_value_int("Minimum Split Depth") * ONE_PLY; MaxThreadsPerSplitPoint = get_option_value_int("Maximum Number of Threads per Split Point"); MultiPV = get_option_value_int("MultiPV"); UseLogFile = get_option_value_bool("Use Search Log"); if (UseLogFile) LogFile.open(get_option_value_string("Search Log Filename").c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); read_weights(pos.side_to_move()); // Set the number of active threads int newActiveThreads = get_option_value_int("Threads"); if (newActiveThreads != ThreadsMgr.active_threads()) { ThreadsMgr.set_active_threads(newActiveThreads); init_eval(ThreadsMgr.active_threads()); } // Wake up needed threads for (int i = 1; i < newActiveThreads; i++) ThreadsMgr.wake_sleeping_thread(i); // Set thinking time int myTime = time[pos.side_to_move()]; int myIncrement = increment[pos.side_to_move()]; if (UseTimeManagement) TimeMgr.init(myTime, myIncrement, movesToGo, pos.startpos_ply_counter()); // Set best NodesBetweenPolls interval to avoid lagging under // heavy time pressure. if (MaxNodes) NodesBetweenPolls = Min(MaxNodes, 30000); else if (myTime && myTime < 1000) NodesBetweenPolls = 1000; else if (myTime && myTime < 5000) NodesBetweenPolls = 5000; else NodesBetweenPolls = 30000; // Write search information to log file if (UseLogFile) LogFile << "Searching: " << pos.to_fen() << endl << "infinite: " << infinite << " ponder: " << ponder << " time: " << myTime << " increment: " << myIncrement << " moves to go: " << movesToGo << endl; // We're ready to start thinking. Call the iterative deepening loop function id_loop(pos, searchMoves); if (UseLogFile) LogFile.close(); ThreadsMgr.put_threads_to_sleep(); return !Quit; } namespace { // id_loop() is the main iterative deepening loop. It calls root_search // repeatedly with increasing depth until the allocated thinking time has // been consumed, the user stops the search, or the maximum search depth is // reached. Value id_loop(const Position& pos, Move searchMoves[]) { Position p(pos, pos.thread()); SearchStack ss[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; Move pv[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; Move EasyMove = MOVE_NONE; Value value, alpha = -VALUE_INFINITE, beta = VALUE_INFINITE; // Moves to search are verified, copied, scored and sorted RootMoveList rml(p, searchMoves); // Handle special case of searching on a mate/stale position if (rml.move_count() == 0) { if (PonderSearch) wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit(); return pos.is_check() ? -VALUE_MATE : VALUE_DRAW; } // Print RootMoveList startup scoring to the standard output, // so to output information also for iteration 1. cout << set960(p.is_chess960()) // Is enough to set once at the beginning << "info depth " << 1 << "\ninfo depth " << 1 << " score " << value_to_uci(rml.move_score(0)) << " time " << current_search_time() << " nodes " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << " nps " << nps() << " pv " << rml.move(0) << "\n"; // Initialize TT.new_search(); H.clear(); init_ss_array(ss, PLY_MAX_PLUS_2); pv[0] = pv[1] = MOVE_NONE; ValueByIteration[1] = rml.move_score(0); Iteration = 1; // Is one move significantly better than others after initial scoring ? if ( rml.move_count() == 1 || rml.move_score(0) > rml.move_score(1) + EasyMoveMargin) EasyMove = rml.move(0); // Iterative deepening loop while (Iteration < PLY_MAX) { // Initialize iteration Iteration++; BestMoveChangesByIteration[Iteration] = 0; cout << "info depth " << Iteration << endl; // Calculate dynamic aspiration window based on previous iterations if (MultiPV == 1 && Iteration >= 6 && abs(ValueByIteration[Iteration - 1]) < VALUE_KNOWN_WIN) { int prevDelta1 = ValueByIteration[Iteration - 1] - ValueByIteration[Iteration - 2]; int prevDelta2 = ValueByIteration[Iteration - 2] - ValueByIteration[Iteration - 3]; AspirationDelta = Max(abs(prevDelta1) + abs(prevDelta2) / 2, 16); AspirationDelta = (AspirationDelta + 7) / 8 * 8; // Round to match grainSize alpha = Max(ValueByIteration[Iteration - 1] - AspirationDelta, -VALUE_INFINITE); beta = Min(ValueByIteration[Iteration - 1] + AspirationDelta, VALUE_INFINITE); } // Search to the current depth, rml is updated and sorted, alpha and beta could change value = root_search(p, ss, pv, rml, &alpha, &beta); // Write PV to transposition table, in case the relevant entries have // been overwritten during the search. insert_pv_in_tt(p, pv); if (AbortSearch) break; // Value cannot be trusted. Break out immediately! //Save info about search result ValueByIteration[Iteration] = value; // Drop the easy move if differs from the new best move if (pv[0] != EasyMove) EasyMove = MOVE_NONE; if (UseTimeManagement) { // Time to stop? bool stopSearch = false; // Stop search early if there is only a single legal move, // we search up to Iteration 6 anyway to get a proper score. if (Iteration >= 6 && rml.move_count() == 1) stopSearch = true; // Stop search early when the last two iterations returned a mate score if ( Iteration >= 6 && abs(ValueByIteration[Iteration]) >= abs(VALUE_MATE) - 100 && abs(ValueByIteration[Iteration-1]) >= abs(VALUE_MATE) - 100) stopSearch = true; // Stop search early if one move seems to be much better than the others int64_t nodes = ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched(); if ( Iteration >= 8 && EasyMove == pv[0] && ( ( rml.move_nodes(0) > (nodes * 85) / 100 && current_search_time() > TimeMgr.available_time() / 16) ||( rml.move_nodes(0) > (nodes * 98) / 100 && current_search_time() > TimeMgr.available_time() / 32))) stopSearch = true; // Add some extra time if the best move has changed during the last two iterations if (Iteration > 5 && Iteration <= 50) TimeMgr.pv_instability(BestMoveChangesByIteration[Iteration], BestMoveChangesByIteration[Iteration-1]); // Stop search if most of MaxSearchTime is consumed at the end of the // iteration. We probably don't have enough time to search the first // move at the next iteration anyway. if (current_search_time() > (TimeMgr.available_time() * 80) / 128) stopSearch = true; if (stopSearch) { if (PonderSearch) StopOnPonderhit = true; else break; } } if (MaxDepth && Iteration >= MaxDepth) break; } // If we are pondering or in infinite search, we shouldn't print the // best move before we are told to do so. if (!AbortSearch && (PonderSearch || InfiniteSearch)) wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit(); else // Print final search statistics cout << "info nodes " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << " nps " << nps() << " time " << current_search_time() << endl; // Print the best move and the ponder move to the standard output if (pv[0] == MOVE_NONE) { pv[0] = rml.move(0); pv[1] = MOVE_NONE; } assert(pv[0] != MOVE_NONE); cout << "bestmove " << pv[0]; if (pv[1] != MOVE_NONE) cout << " ponder " << pv[1]; cout << endl; if (UseLogFile) { if (dbg_show_mean) dbg_print_mean(LogFile); if (dbg_show_hit_rate) dbg_print_hit_rate(LogFile); LogFile << "\nNodes: " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << "\nNodes/second: " << nps() << "\nBest move: " << move_to_san(p, pv[0]); StateInfo st; p.do_move(pv[0], st); LogFile << "\nPonder move: " << move_to_san(p, pv[1]) // Works also with MOVE_NONE << endl; } return rml.move_score(0); } // root_search() is the function which searches the root node. It is // similar to search_pv except that it uses a different move ordering // scheme, prints some information to the standard output and handles // the fail low/high loops. Value root_search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Move* pv, RootMoveList& rml, Value* alphaPtr, Value* betaPtr) { StateInfo st; CheckInfo ci(pos); int64_t nodes; Move move; Depth depth, ext, newDepth; Value value, alpha, beta; bool isCheck, moveIsCheck, captureOrPromotion, dangerous; int researchCountFH, researchCountFL; researchCountFH = researchCountFL = 0; alpha = *alphaPtr; beta = *betaPtr; isCheck = pos.is_check(); depth = (Iteration - 2) * ONE_PLY + InitialDepth; // Step 1. Initialize node (polling is omitted at root) ss->currentMove = ss->bestMove = MOVE_NONE; // Step 2. Check for aborted search (omitted at root) // Step 3. Mate distance pruning (omitted at root) // Step 4. Transposition table lookup (omitted at root) // Step 5. Evaluate the position statically // At root we do this only to get reference value for child nodes ss->evalMargin = VALUE_NONE; ss->eval = isCheck ? VALUE_NONE : evaluate(pos, ss->evalMargin); // Step 6. Razoring (omitted at root) // Step 7. Static null move pruning (omitted at root) // Step 8. Null move search with verification search (omitted at root) // Step 9. Internal iterative deepening (omitted at root) // Step extra. Fail low loop // We start with small aspiration window and in case of fail low, we research // with bigger window until we are not failing low anymore. while (1) { // Sort the moves before to (re)search rml.score_moves(pos); rml.sort(); // Step 10. Loop through all moves in the root move list for (int i = 0; i < rml.move_count() && !AbortSearch; i++) { // This is used by time management FirstRootMove = (i == 0); // Save the current node count before the move is searched nodes = ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched(); // Pick the next root move, and print the move and the move number to // the standard output. move = ss->currentMove = rml.move(i); if (current_search_time() >= 1000) cout << "info currmove " << move << " currmovenumber " << i + 1 << endl; moveIsCheck = pos.move_is_check(move); captureOrPromotion = pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(move); // Step 11. Decide the new search depth ext = extension(pos, move, captureOrPromotion, moveIsCheck, false, false, &dangerous); newDepth = depth + ext; // Step 12. Futility pruning (omitted at root) // Step extra. Fail high loop // If move fails high, we research with bigger window until we are not failing // high anymore. value = - VALUE_INFINITE; while (1) { // Step 13. Make the move pos.do_move(move, st, ci, moveIsCheck); // Step extra. pv search // We do pv search for first moves (i < MultiPV) // and for fail high research (value > alpha) if (i < MultiPV || value > alpha) { // Aspiration window is disabled in multi-pv case if (MultiPV > 1) alpha = -VALUE_INFINITE; // Full depth PV search, done on first move or after a fail high value = -search(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth, 1); } else { // Step 14. Reduced search // if the move fails high will be re-searched at full depth bool doFullDepthSearch = true; if ( depth >= 3 * ONE_PLY && !dangerous && !captureOrPromotion && !move_is_castle(move)) { ss->reduction = reduction(depth, i - MultiPV + 2); if (ss->reduction) { assert(newDepth-ss->reduction >= ONE_PLY); // Reduced depth non-pv search using alpha as upperbound value = -search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth-ss->reduction, 1); doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha); } // The move failed high, but if reduction is very big we could // face a false positive, retry with a less aggressive reduction, // if the move fails high again then go with full depth search. if (doFullDepthSearch && ss->reduction > 2 * ONE_PLY) { assert(newDepth - ONE_PLY >= ONE_PLY); ss->reduction = ONE_PLY; value = -search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth-ss->reduction, 1); doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha); } ss->reduction = DEPTH_ZERO; // Restore original reduction } // Step 15. Full depth search if (doFullDepthSearch) { // Full depth non-pv search using alpha as upperbound value = -search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth, 1); // If we are above alpha then research at same depth but as PV // to get a correct score or eventually a fail high above beta. if (value > alpha) value = -search(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth, 1); } } // Step 16. Undo move pos.undo_move(move); // Can we exit fail high loop ? if (AbortSearch || value < beta) break; // We are failing high and going to do a research. It's important to update // the score before research in case we run out of time while researching. rml.set_move_score(i, value); ss->bestMove = move; extract_pv_from_tt(pos, move, pv); rml.set_move_pv(i, pv); // Print information to the standard output print_pv_info(pos, pv, alpha, beta, value); // Prepare for a research after a fail high, each time with a wider window *betaPtr = beta = Min(beta + AspirationDelta * (1 << researchCountFH), VALUE_INFINITE); researchCountFH++; } // End of fail high loop // Finished searching the move. If AbortSearch is true, the search // was aborted because the user interrupted the search or because we // ran out of time. In this case, the return value of the search cannot // be trusted, and we break out of the loop without updating the best // move and/or PV. if (AbortSearch) break; // Remember searched nodes counts for this move rml.add_move_nodes(i, ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() - nodes); assert(value >= -VALUE_INFINITE && value <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(value < beta); // Step 17. Check for new best move if (value <= alpha && i >= MultiPV) rml.set_move_score(i, -VALUE_INFINITE); else { // PV move or new best move! // Update PV rml.set_move_score(i, value); ss->bestMove = move; extract_pv_from_tt(pos, move, pv); rml.set_move_pv(i, pv); if (MultiPV == 1) { // We record how often the best move has been changed in each // iteration. This information is used for time managment: When // the best move changes frequently, we allocate some more time. if (i > 0) BestMoveChangesByIteration[Iteration]++; // Print information to the standard output print_pv_info(pos, pv, alpha, beta, value); // Raise alpha to setup proper non-pv search upper bound if (value > alpha) alpha = value; } else // MultiPV > 1 { rml.sort_multipv(i); for (int j = 0; j < Min(MultiPV, rml.move_count()); j++) { cout << "info multipv " << j + 1 << " score " << value_to_uci(rml.move_score(j)) << " depth " << (j <= i ? Iteration : Iteration - 1) << " time " << current_search_time() << " nodes " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << " nps " << nps() << " pv "; for (int k = 0; rml.move_pv(j, k) != MOVE_NONE && k < PLY_MAX; k++) cout << rml.move_pv(j, k) << " "; cout << endl; } alpha = rml.move_score(Min(i, MultiPV - 1)); } } // PV move or new best move assert(alpha >= *alphaPtr); AspirationFailLow = (alpha == *alphaPtr); if (AspirationFailLow && StopOnPonderhit) StopOnPonderhit = false; } // Can we exit fail low loop ? if (AbortSearch || !AspirationFailLow) break; // Prepare for a research after a fail low, each time with a wider window *alphaPtr = alpha = Max(alpha - AspirationDelta * (1 << researchCountFL), -VALUE_INFINITE); researchCountFL++; } // Fail low loop // Sort the moves before to return rml.sort(); return alpha; } // search<>() is the main search function for both PV and non-PV nodes and for // normal and SplitPoint nodes. When called just after a split point the search // is simpler because we have already probed the hash table, done a null move // search, and searched the first move before splitting, we don't have to repeat // all this work again. We also don't need to store anything to the hash table // here: This is taken care of after we return from the split point. template Value search(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply) { assert(alpha >= -VALUE_INFINITE && alpha <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(beta > alpha && beta <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(PvNode || alpha == beta - 1); assert(ply > 0 && ply < PLY_MAX); assert(pos.thread() >= 0 && pos.thread() < ThreadsMgr.active_threads()); Move movesSearched[MOVES_MAX]; StateInfo st; const TTEntry *tte; Key posKey; Move ttMove, move, excludedMove, threatMove; Depth ext, newDepth; Value bestValue, value, oldAlpha; Value refinedValue, nullValue, futilityBase, futilityValueScaled; // Non-PV specific bool isCheck, singleEvasion, singularExtensionNode, moveIsCheck, captureOrPromotion, dangerous; bool mateThreat = false; int moveCount = 0; int threadID = pos.thread(); SplitPoint* sp = NULL; refinedValue = bestValue = value = -VALUE_INFINITE; oldAlpha = alpha; isCheck = pos.is_check(); if (SpNode) { sp = ss->sp; tte = NULL; ttMove = excludedMove = MOVE_NONE; threatMove = sp->threatMove; mateThreat = sp->mateThreat; goto split_point_start; } // Step 1. Initialize node and poll. Polling can abort search ThreadsMgr.incrementNodeCounter(threadID); ss->currentMove = ss->bestMove = threatMove = MOVE_NONE; (ss+2)->killers[0] = (ss+2)->killers[1] = (ss+2)->mateKiller = MOVE_NONE; if (threadID == 0 && ++NodesSincePoll > NodesBetweenPolls) { NodesSincePoll = 0; poll(); } // Step 2. Check for aborted search and immediate draw if (AbortSearch || ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID)) return VALUE_DRAW; if (pos.is_draw() || ply >= PLY_MAX - 1) return VALUE_DRAW; // Step 3. Mate distance pruning alpha = Max(value_mated_in(ply), alpha); beta = Min(value_mate_in(ply+1), beta); if (alpha >= beta) return alpha; // Step 4. Transposition table lookup // We don't want the score of a partial search to overwrite a previous full search // TT value, so we use a different position key in case of an excluded move exists. excludedMove = ss->excludedMove; posKey = excludedMove ? pos.get_exclusion_key() : pos.get_key(); tte = TT.retrieve(posKey); ttMove = (tte ? tte->move() : MOVE_NONE); // At PV nodes, we don't use the TT for pruning, but only for move ordering. // This is to avoid problems in the following areas: // // * Repetition draw detection // * Fifty move rule detection // * Searching for a mate // * Printing of full PV line if (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, beta, ply)) { // Refresh tte entry to avoid aging TT.store(posKey, tte->value(), tte->type(), tte->depth(), ttMove, tte->static_value(), tte->static_value_margin()); ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); } // Step 5. Evaluate the position statically and // update gain statistics of parent move. if (isCheck) ss->eval = ss->evalMargin = VALUE_NONE; else if (tte) { assert(tte->static_value() != VALUE_NONE); ss->eval = tte->static_value(); ss->evalMargin = tte->static_value_margin(); refinedValue = refine_eval(tte, ss->eval, ply); } else { refinedValue = ss->eval = evaluate(pos, ss->evalMargin); TT.store(posKey, VALUE_NONE, VALUE_TYPE_NONE, DEPTH_NONE, MOVE_NONE, ss->eval, ss->evalMargin); } // Save gain for the parent non-capture move update_gains(pos, (ss-1)->currentMove, (ss-1)->eval, ss->eval); // Step 6. Razoring (is omitted in PV nodes) if ( !PvNode && depth < RazorDepth && !isCheck && refinedValue < beta - razor_margin(depth) && ttMove == MOVE_NONE && (ss-1)->currentMove != MOVE_NULL && !value_is_mate(beta) && !pos.has_pawn_on_7th(pos.side_to_move())) { Value rbeta = beta - razor_margin(depth); Value v = qsearch(pos, ss, rbeta-1, rbeta, DEPTH_ZERO, ply); if (v < rbeta) // Logically we should return (v + razor_margin(depth)), but // surprisingly this did slightly weaker in tests. return v; } // Step 7. Static null move pruning (is omitted in PV nodes) // We're betting that the opponent doesn't have a move that will reduce // the score by more than futility_margin(depth) if we do a null move. if ( !PvNode && !ss->skipNullMove && depth < RazorDepth && !isCheck && refinedValue >= beta + futility_margin(depth, 0) && !value_is_mate(beta) && pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move())) return refinedValue - futility_margin(depth, 0); // Step 8. Null move search with verification search (is omitted in PV nodes) if ( !PvNode && !ss->skipNullMove && depth > ONE_PLY && !isCheck && refinedValue >= beta && !value_is_mate(beta) && pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move())) { ss->currentMove = MOVE_NULL; // Null move dynamic reduction based on depth int R = 3 + (depth >= 5 * ONE_PLY ? depth / 8 : 0); // Null move dynamic reduction based on value if (refinedValue - beta > PawnValueMidgame) R++; pos.do_null_move(st); (ss+1)->skipNullMove = true; nullValue = depth-R*ONE_PLY < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1) : - search(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth-R*ONE_PLY, ply+1); (ss+1)->skipNullMove = false; pos.undo_null_move(); if (nullValue >= beta) { // Do not return unproven mate scores if (nullValue >= value_mate_in(PLY_MAX)) nullValue = beta; if (depth < 6 * ONE_PLY) return nullValue; // Do verification search at high depths ss->skipNullMove = true; Value v = search(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth-R*ONE_PLY, ply); ss->skipNullMove = false; if (v >= beta) return nullValue; } else { // The null move failed low, which means that we may be faced with // some kind of threat. If the previous move was reduced, check if // the move that refuted the null move was somehow connected to the // move which was reduced. If a connection is found, return a fail // low score (which will cause the reduced move to fail high in the // parent node, which will trigger a re-search with full depth). if (nullValue == value_mated_in(ply + 2)) mateThreat = true; threatMove = (ss+1)->bestMove; if ( depth < ThreatDepth && (ss-1)->reduction && connected_moves(pos, (ss-1)->currentMove, threatMove)) return beta - 1; } } // Step 9. Internal iterative deepening if ( depth >= IIDDepth[PvNode] && ttMove == MOVE_NONE && (PvNode || (!isCheck && ss->eval >= beta - IIDMargin))) { Depth d = (PvNode ? depth - 2 * ONE_PLY : depth / 2); ss->skipNullMove = true; search(pos, ss, alpha, beta, d, ply); ss->skipNullMove = false; ttMove = ss->bestMove; tte = TT.retrieve(posKey); } // Expensive mate threat detection (only for PV nodes) if (PvNode) mateThreat = pos.has_mate_threat(); split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here // Initialize a MovePicker object for the current position // FIXME currently MovePicker() c'tor is needless called also in SplitPoint MovePicker mpBase = MovePicker(pos, ttMove, depth, H, ss, (PvNode ? -VALUE_INFINITE : beta)); MovePicker& mp = SpNode ? *sp->mp : mpBase; CheckInfo ci(pos); ss->bestMove = MOVE_NONE; singleEvasion = !SpNode && isCheck && mp.number_of_evasions() == 1; futilityBase = ss->eval + ss->evalMargin; singularExtensionNode = !SpNode && depth >= SingularExtensionDepth[PvNode] && tte && tte->move() && !excludedMove // Do not allow recursive singular extension search && (tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && tte->depth() >= depth - 3 * ONE_PLY; if (SpNode) { lock_grab(&(sp->lock)); bestValue = sp->bestValue; } // Step 10. Loop through moves // Loop through all legal moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs while ( bestValue < beta && (move = mp.get_next_move()) != MOVE_NONE && !ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID)) { if (SpNode) { moveCount = ++sp->moveCount; lock_release(&(sp->lock)); } assert(move_is_ok(move)); if (move == excludedMove) continue; moveIsCheck = pos.move_is_check(move, ci); captureOrPromotion = pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(move); // Step 11. Decide the new search depth ext = extension(pos, move, captureOrPromotion, moveIsCheck, singleEvasion, mateThreat, &dangerous); // Singular extension search. If all moves but one fail low on a search of (alpha-s, beta-s), // and just one fails high on (alpha, beta), then that move is singular and should be extended. // To verify this we do a reduced search on all the other moves but the ttMove, if result is // lower then ttValue minus a margin then we extend ttMove. if ( singularExtensionNode && move == tte->move() && ext < ONE_PLY) { Value ttValue = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); if (abs(ttValue) < VALUE_KNOWN_WIN) { Value b = ttValue - SingularExtensionMargin; ss->excludedMove = move; ss->skipNullMove = true; Value v = search(pos, ss, b - 1, b, depth / 2, ply); ss->skipNullMove = false; ss->excludedMove = MOVE_NONE; ss->bestMove = MOVE_NONE; if (v < b) ext = ONE_PLY; } } newDepth = depth - ONE_PLY + ext; // Update current move (this must be done after singular extension search) movesSearched[moveCount++] = ss->currentMove = move; // Step 12. Futility pruning (is omitted in PV nodes) if ( !PvNode && !captureOrPromotion && !isCheck && !dangerous && move != ttMove && !move_is_castle(move)) { // Move count based pruning if ( moveCount >= futility_move_count(depth) && !(threatMove && connected_threat(pos, move, threatMove)) && bestValue > value_mated_in(PLY_MAX)) // FIXME bestValue is racy { if (SpNode) lock_grab(&(sp->lock)); continue; } // Value based pruning // We illogically ignore reduction condition depth >= 3*ONE_PLY for predicted depth, // but fixing this made program slightly weaker. Depth predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction(depth, moveCount); futilityValueScaled = futilityBase + futility_margin(predictedDepth, moveCount) + H.gain(pos.piece_on(move_from(move)), move_to(move)); if (futilityValueScaled < beta) { if (SpNode) { lock_grab(&(sp->lock)); if (futilityValueScaled > sp->bestValue) sp->bestValue = bestValue = futilityValueScaled; } else if (futilityValueScaled > bestValue) bestValue = futilityValueScaled; continue; } } // Step 13. Make the move pos.do_move(move, st, ci, moveIsCheck); // Step extra. pv search (only in PV nodes) // The first move in list is the expected PV if (!SpNode && PvNode && moveCount == 1) value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1) : - search(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth, ply+1); else { // Step 14. Reduced depth search // If the move fails high will be re-searched at full depth. bool doFullDepthSearch = true; if ( depth >= 3 * ONE_PLY && !captureOrPromotion && !dangerous && !move_is_castle(move) && !(ss->killers[0] == move || ss->killers[1] == move)) { ss->reduction = reduction(depth, moveCount); if (ss->reduction) { alpha = SpNode ? sp->alpha : alpha; Depth d = newDepth - ss->reduction; value = d < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1) : - search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, d, ply+1); doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha); } // The move failed high, but if reduction is very big we could // face a false positive, retry with a less aggressive reduction, // if the move fails high again then go with full depth search. if (doFullDepthSearch && ss->reduction > 2 * ONE_PLY) { assert(newDepth - ONE_PLY >= ONE_PLY); ss->reduction = ONE_PLY; alpha = SpNode ? sp->alpha : alpha; value = -search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth-ss->reduction, ply+1); doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha); } ss->reduction = DEPTH_ZERO; // Restore original reduction } // Step 15. Full depth search if (doFullDepthSearch) { alpha = SpNode ? sp->alpha : alpha; value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1) : - search(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth, ply+1); // Step extra. pv search (only in PV nodes) // Search only for possible new PV nodes, if instead value >= beta then // parent node fails low with value <= alpha and tries another move. if (PvNode && value > alpha && value < beta) value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO, ply+1) : - search(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth, ply+1); } } // Step 16. Undo move pos.undo_move(move); assert(value > -VALUE_INFINITE && value < VALUE_INFINITE); // Step 17. Check for new best move if (SpNode) { lock_grab(&(sp->lock)); bestValue = sp->bestValue; alpha = sp->alpha; } if (value > bestValue && !(SpNode && ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID))) { bestValue = value; if (value > alpha) { if (SpNode && (!PvNode || value >= beta)) sp->stopRequest = true; if (PvNode && value < beta) // We want always alpha < beta alpha = value; if (value == value_mate_in(ply + 1)) ss->mateKiller = move; ss->bestMove = move; } if (SpNode) { sp->bestValue = bestValue; sp->alpha = alpha; sp->parentSstack->bestMove = ss->bestMove; } } // Step 18. Check for split if ( !SpNode && depth >= MinimumSplitDepth && ThreadsMgr.active_threads() > 1 && bestValue < beta && ThreadsMgr.available_thread_exists(threadID) && !AbortSearch && !ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID) && Iteration <= 99) ThreadsMgr.split(pos, ss, ply, &alpha, beta, &bestValue, depth, threatMove, mateThreat, moveCount, &mp, PvNode); } if (SpNode) { /* Here we have the lock still grabbed */ sp->slaves[threadID] = 0; lock_release(&(sp->lock)); return bestValue; } // Step 19. Check for mate and stalemate // All legal moves have been searched and if there are // no legal moves, it must be mate or stalemate. // If one move was excluded return fail low score. if (!moveCount) return excludedMove ? oldAlpha : isCheck ? value_mated_in(ply) : VALUE_DRAW; // Step 20. Update tables // If the search is not aborted, update the transposition table, // history counters, and killer moves. if (AbortSearch || ThreadsMgr.thread_should_stop(threadID)) return bestValue; ValueType vt = (bestValue <= oldAlpha ? VALUE_TYPE_UPPER : bestValue >= beta ? VALUE_TYPE_LOWER : VALUE_TYPE_EXACT); move = (bestValue <= oldAlpha ? MOVE_NONE : ss->bestMove); TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ply), vt, depth, move, ss->eval, ss->evalMargin); // Update killers and history only for non capture moves that fails high if ( bestValue >= beta && !pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(move)) { update_history(pos, move, depth, movesSearched, moveCount); update_killers(move, ss); } assert(bestValue > -VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < VALUE_INFINITE); return bestValue; } // qsearch() is the quiescence search function, which is called by the main // search function when the remaining depth is zero (or, to be more precise, // less than ONE_PLY). template Value qsearch(Position& pos, SearchStack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, int ply) { assert(alpha >= -VALUE_INFINITE && alpha <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(beta >= -VALUE_INFINITE && beta <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(PvNode || alpha == beta - 1); assert(depth <= 0); assert(ply > 0 && ply < PLY_MAX); assert(pos.thread() >= 0 && pos.thread() < ThreadsMgr.active_threads()); StateInfo st; Move ttMove, move; Value bestValue, value, evalMargin, futilityValue, futilityBase; bool isCheck, deepChecks, enoughMaterial, moveIsCheck, evasionPrunable; const TTEntry* tte; Value oldAlpha = alpha; ThreadsMgr.incrementNodeCounter(pos.thread()); ss->bestMove = ss->currentMove = MOVE_NONE; // Check for an instant draw or maximum ply reached if (pos.is_draw() || ply >= PLY_MAX - 1) return VALUE_DRAW; // Transposition table lookup. At PV nodes, we don't use the TT for // pruning, but only for move ordering. tte = TT.retrieve(pos.get_key()); ttMove = (tte ? tte->move() : MOVE_NONE); if (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, beta, ply)) { ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); } isCheck = pos.is_check(); // Evaluate the position statically if (isCheck) { bestValue = futilityBase = -VALUE_INFINITE; ss->eval = evalMargin = VALUE_NONE; deepChecks = enoughMaterial = false; } else { if (tte) { assert(tte->static_value() != VALUE_NONE); evalMargin = tte->static_value_margin(); ss->eval = bestValue = tte->static_value(); } else ss->eval = bestValue = evaluate(pos, evalMargin); update_gains(pos, (ss-1)->currentMove, (ss-1)->eval, ss->eval); // Stand pat. Return immediately if static value is at least beta if (bestValue >= beta) { if (!tte) TT.store(pos.get_key(), value_to_tt(bestValue, ply), VALUE_TYPE_LOWER, DEPTH_NONE, MOVE_NONE, ss->eval, evalMargin); return bestValue; } if (PvNode && bestValue > alpha) alpha = bestValue; // If we are near beta then try to get a cutoff pushing checks a bit further deepChecks = (depth == -ONE_PLY && bestValue >= beta - PawnValueMidgame / 8); // Futility pruning parameters, not needed when in check futilityBase = ss->eval + evalMargin + FutilityMarginQS; enoughMaterial = pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move()) > RookValueMidgame; } // Initialize a MovePicker object for the current position, and prepare // to search the moves. Because the depth is <= 0 here, only captures, // queen promotions and checks (only if depth == 0 or depth == -ONE_PLY // and we are near beta) will be generated. MovePicker mp = MovePicker(pos, ttMove, deepChecks ? DEPTH_ZERO : depth, H); CheckInfo ci(pos); // Loop through the moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs while ( alpha < beta && (move = mp.get_next_move()) != MOVE_NONE) { assert(move_is_ok(move)); moveIsCheck = pos.move_is_check(move, ci); // Futility pruning if ( !PvNode && !isCheck && !moveIsCheck && move != ttMove && enoughMaterial && !move_is_promotion(move) && !pos.move_is_passed_pawn_push(move)) { futilityValue = futilityBase + pos.endgame_value_of_piece_on(move_to(move)) + (move_is_ep(move) ? PawnValueEndgame : VALUE_ZERO); if (futilityValue < alpha) { if (futilityValue > bestValue) bestValue = futilityValue; continue; } } // Detect non-capture evasions that are candidate to be pruned evasionPrunable = isCheck && bestValue > value_mated_in(PLY_MAX) && !pos.move_is_capture(move) && !pos.can_castle(pos.side_to_move()); // Don't search moves with negative SEE values if ( !PvNode && (!isCheck || evasionPrunable) && move != ttMove && !move_is_promotion(move) && pos.see_sign(move) < 0) continue; // Update current move ss->currentMove = move; // Make and search the move pos.do_move(move, st, ci, moveIsCheck); value = -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth-ONE_PLY, ply+1); pos.undo_move(move); assert(value > -VALUE_INFINITE && value < VALUE_INFINITE); // New best move? if (value > bestValue) { bestValue = value; if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; ss->bestMove = move; } } } // All legal moves have been searched. A special case: If we're in check // and no legal moves were found, it is checkmate. if (isCheck && bestValue == -VALUE_INFINITE) return value_mated_in(ply); // Update transposition table Depth d = (depth == DEPTH_ZERO ? DEPTH_ZERO : DEPTH_ZERO - ONE_PLY); ValueType vt = (bestValue <= oldAlpha ? VALUE_TYPE_UPPER : bestValue >= beta ? VALUE_TYPE_LOWER : VALUE_TYPE_EXACT); TT.store(pos.get_key(), value_to_tt(bestValue, ply), vt, d, ss->bestMove, ss->eval, evalMargin); assert(bestValue > -VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < VALUE_INFINITE); return bestValue; } // connected_moves() tests whether two moves are 'connected' in the sense // that the first move somehow made the second move possible (for instance // if the moving piece is the same in both moves). The first move is assumed // to be the move that was made to reach the current position, while the // second move is assumed to be a move from the current position. bool connected_moves(const Position& pos, Move m1, Move m2) { Square f1, t1, f2, t2; Piece p; assert(move_is_ok(m1)); assert(move_is_ok(m2)); if (m2 == MOVE_NONE) return false; // Case 1: The moving piece is the same in both moves f2 = move_from(m2); t1 = move_to(m1); if (f2 == t1) return true; // Case 2: The destination square for m2 was vacated by m1 t2 = move_to(m2); f1 = move_from(m1); if (t2 == f1) return true; // Case 3: Moving through the vacated square if ( piece_is_slider(pos.piece_on(f2)) && bit_is_set(squares_between(f2, t2), f1)) return true; // Case 4: The destination square for m2 is defended by the moving piece in m1 p = pos.piece_on(t1); if (bit_is_set(pos.attacks_from(p, t1), t2)) return true; // Case 5: Discovered check, checking piece is the piece moved in m1 if ( piece_is_slider(p) && bit_is_set(squares_between(t1, pos.king_square(pos.side_to_move())), f2) && !bit_is_set(squares_between(t1, pos.king_square(pos.side_to_move())), t2)) { // discovered_check_candidates() works also if the Position's side to // move is the opposite of the checking piece. Color them = opposite_color(pos.side_to_move()); Bitboard dcCandidates = pos.discovered_check_candidates(them); if (bit_is_set(dcCandidates, f2)) return true; } return false; } // value_is_mate() checks if the given value is a mate one eventually // compensated for the ply. bool value_is_mate(Value value) { assert(abs(value) <= VALUE_INFINITE); return value <= value_mated_in(PLY_MAX) || value >= value_mate_in(PLY_MAX); } // value_to_tt() adjusts a mate score from "plies to mate from the root" to // "plies to mate from the current ply". Non-mate scores are unchanged. // The function is called before storing a value to the transposition table. Value value_to_tt(Value v, int ply) { if (v >= value_mate_in(PLY_MAX)) return v + ply; if (v <= value_mated_in(PLY_MAX)) return v - ply; return v; } // value_from_tt() is the inverse of value_to_tt(): It adjusts a mate score from // the transposition table to a mate score corrected for the current ply. Value value_from_tt(Value v, int ply) { if (v >= value_mate_in(PLY_MAX)) return v - ply; if (v <= value_mated_in(PLY_MAX)) return v + ply; return v; } // extension() decides whether a move should be searched with normal depth, // or with extended depth. Certain classes of moves (checking moves, in // particular) are searched with bigger depth than ordinary moves and in // any case are marked as 'dangerous'. Note that also if a move is not // extended, as example because the corresponding UCI option is set to zero, // the move is marked as 'dangerous' so, at least, we avoid to prune it. template Depth extension(const Position& pos, Move m, bool captureOrPromotion, bool moveIsCheck, bool singleEvasion, bool mateThreat, bool* dangerous) { assert(m != MOVE_NONE); Depth result = DEPTH_ZERO; *dangerous = moveIsCheck | singleEvasion | mateThreat; if (*dangerous) { if (moveIsCheck && pos.see_sign(m) >= 0) result += CheckExtension[PvNode]; if (singleEvasion) result += SingleEvasionExtension[PvNode]; if (mateThreat) result += MateThreatExtension[PvNode]; } if (pos.type_of_piece_on(move_from(m)) == PAWN) { Color c = pos.side_to_move(); if (relative_rank(c, move_to(m)) == RANK_7) { result += PawnPushTo7thExtension[PvNode]; *dangerous = true; } if (pos.pawn_is_passed(c, move_to(m))) { result += PassedPawnExtension[PvNode]; *dangerous = true; } } if ( captureOrPromotion && pos.type_of_piece_on(move_to(m)) != PAWN && ( pos.non_pawn_material(WHITE) + pos.non_pawn_material(BLACK) - pos.midgame_value_of_piece_on(move_to(m)) == VALUE_ZERO) && !move_is_promotion(m) && !move_is_ep(m)) { result += PawnEndgameExtension[PvNode]; *dangerous = true; } if ( PvNode && captureOrPromotion && pos.type_of_piece_on(move_to(m)) != PAWN && pos.see_sign(m) >= 0) { result += ONE_PLY / 2; *dangerous = true; } return Min(result, ONE_PLY); } // connected_threat() tests whether it is safe to forward prune a move or if // is somehow coonected to the threat move returned by null search. bool connected_threat(const Position& pos, Move m, Move threat) { assert(move_is_ok(m)); assert(threat && move_is_ok(threat)); assert(!pos.move_is_check(m)); assert(!pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(m)); assert(!pos.move_is_passed_pawn_push(m)); Square mfrom, mto, tfrom, tto; mfrom = move_from(m); mto = move_to(m); tfrom = move_from(threat); tto = move_to(threat); // Case 1: Don't prune moves which move the threatened piece if (mfrom == tto) return true; // Case 2: If the threatened piece has value less than or equal to the // value of the threatening piece, don't prune move which defend it. if ( pos.move_is_capture(threat) && ( pos.midgame_value_of_piece_on(tfrom) >= pos.midgame_value_of_piece_on(tto) || pos.type_of_piece_on(tfrom) == KING) && pos.move_attacks_square(m, tto)) return true; // Case 3: If the moving piece in the threatened move is a slider, don't // prune safe moves which block its ray. if ( piece_is_slider(pos.piece_on(tfrom)) && bit_is_set(squares_between(tfrom, tto), mto) && pos.see_sign(m) >= 0) return true; return false; } // ok_to_use_TT() returns true if a transposition table score // can be used at a given point in search. bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value beta, int ply) { Value v = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); return ( tte->depth() >= depth || v >= Max(value_mate_in(PLY_MAX), beta) || v < Min(value_mated_in(PLY_MAX), beta)) && ( ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && v >= beta) || ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_UPPER) && v < beta)); } // refine_eval() returns the transposition table score if // possible otherwise falls back on static position evaluation. Value refine_eval(const TTEntry* tte, Value defaultEval, int ply) { assert(tte); Value v = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); if ( ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && v >= defaultEval) || ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_UPPER) && v < defaultEval)) return v; return defaultEval; } // update_history() registers a good move that produced a beta-cutoff // in history and marks as failures all the other moves of that ply. void update_history(const Position& pos, Move move, Depth depth, Move movesSearched[], int moveCount) { Move m; H.success(pos.piece_on(move_from(move)), move_to(move), depth); for (int i = 0; i < moveCount - 1; i++) { m = movesSearched[i]; assert(m != move); if (!pos.move_is_capture_or_promotion(m)) H.failure(pos.piece_on(move_from(m)), move_to(m), depth); } } // update_killers() add a good move that produced a beta-cutoff // among the killer moves of that ply. void update_killers(Move m, SearchStack* ss) { if (m == ss->killers[0]) return; ss->killers[1] = ss->killers[0]; ss->killers[0] = m; } // update_gains() updates the gains table of a non-capture move given // the static position evaluation before and after the move. void update_gains(const Position& pos, Move m, Value before, Value after) { if ( m != MOVE_NULL && before != VALUE_NONE && after != VALUE_NONE && pos.captured_piece_type() == PIECE_TYPE_NONE && !move_is_special(m)) H.set_gain(pos.piece_on(move_to(m)), move_to(m), -(before + after)); } // current_search_time() returns the number of milliseconds which have passed // since the beginning of the current search. int current_search_time() { return get_system_time() - SearchStartTime; } // value_to_uci() converts a value to a string suitable for use with the UCI protocol std::string value_to_uci(Value v) { std::stringstream s; if (abs(v) < VALUE_MATE - PLY_MAX * ONE_PLY) s << "cp " << int(v) * 100 / int(PawnValueMidgame); // Scale to pawn = 100 else s << "mate " << (v > 0 ? (VALUE_MATE - v + 1) / 2 : -(VALUE_MATE + v) / 2 ); return s.str(); } // nps() computes the current nodes/second count. int nps() { int t = current_search_time(); return (t > 0 ? int((ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() * 1000) / t) : 0); } // poll() performs two different functions: It polls for user input, and it // looks at the time consumed so far and decides if it's time to abort the // search. void poll() { static int lastInfoTime; int t = current_search_time(); // Poll for input if (Bioskey()) { // We are line oriented, don't read single chars std::string command; if (!std::getline(std::cin, command)) command = "quit"; if (command == "quit") { AbortSearch = true; PonderSearch = false; Quit = true; return; } else if (command == "stop") { AbortSearch = true; PonderSearch = false; } else if (command == "ponderhit") ponderhit(); } // Print search information if (t < 1000) lastInfoTime = 0; else if (lastInfoTime > t) // HACK: Must be a new search where we searched less than // NodesBetweenPolls nodes during the first second of search. lastInfoTime = 0; else if (t - lastInfoTime >= 1000) { lastInfoTime = t; if (dbg_show_mean) dbg_print_mean(); if (dbg_show_hit_rate) dbg_print_hit_rate(); cout << "info nodes " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << " nps " << nps() << " time " << t << endl; } // Should we stop the search? if (PonderSearch) return; bool stillAtFirstMove = FirstRootMove && !AspirationFailLow && t > TimeMgr.available_time(); bool noMoreTime = t > TimeMgr.maximum_time() || stillAtFirstMove; if ( (Iteration >= 3 && UseTimeManagement && noMoreTime) || (ExactMaxTime && t >= ExactMaxTime) || (Iteration >= 3 && MaxNodes && ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() >= MaxNodes)) AbortSearch = true; } // ponderhit() is called when the program is pondering (i.e. thinking while // it's the opponent's turn to move) in order to let the engine know that // it correctly predicted the opponent's move. void ponderhit() { int t = current_search_time(); PonderSearch = false; bool stillAtFirstMove = FirstRootMove && !AspirationFailLow && t > TimeMgr.available_time(); bool noMoreTime = t > TimeMgr.maximum_time() || stillAtFirstMove; if (Iteration >= 3 && UseTimeManagement && (noMoreTime || StopOnPonderhit)) AbortSearch = true; } // init_ss_array() does a fast reset of the first entries of a SearchStack // array and of all the excludedMove and skipNullMove entries. void init_ss_array(SearchStack* ss, int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++, ss++) { ss->excludedMove = MOVE_NONE; ss->skipNullMove = false; ss->reduction = DEPTH_ZERO; ss->sp = NULL; if (i < 3) ss->killers[0] = ss->killers[1] = ss->mateKiller = MOVE_NONE; } } // wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit() is called when the maximum depth is reached // while the program is pondering. The point is to work around a wrinkle in // the UCI protocol: When pondering, the engine is not allowed to give a // "bestmove" before the GUI sends it a "stop" or "ponderhit" command. // We simply wait here until one of these commands is sent, and return, // after which the bestmove and pondermove will be printed (in id_loop()). void wait_for_stop_or_ponderhit() { std::string command; while (true) { if (!std::getline(std::cin, command)) command = "quit"; if (command == "quit") { Quit = true; break; } else if (command == "ponderhit" || command == "stop") break; } } // print_pv_info() prints to standard output and eventually to log file information on // the current PV line. It is called at each iteration or after a new pv is found. void print_pv_info(const Position& pos, Move pv[], Value alpha, Value beta, Value value) { cout << "info depth " << Iteration << " score " << value_to_uci(value) << (value >= beta ? " lowerbound" : value <= alpha ? " upperbound" : "") << " time " << current_search_time() << " nodes " << ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched() << " nps " << nps() << " pv "; for (Move* m = pv; *m != MOVE_NONE; m++) cout << *m << " "; cout << endl; if (UseLogFile) { ValueType t = value >= beta ? VALUE_TYPE_LOWER : value <= alpha ? VALUE_TYPE_UPPER : VALUE_TYPE_EXACT; LogFile << pretty_pv(pos, current_search_time(), Iteration, ThreadsMgr.nodes_searched(), value, t, pv) << endl; } } // insert_pv_in_tt() is called at the end of a search iteration, and inserts // the PV back into the TT. This makes sure the old PV moves are searched // first, even if the old TT entries have been overwritten. void insert_pv_in_tt(const Position& pos, Move pv[]) { StateInfo st; TTEntry* tte; Position p(pos, pos.thread()); Value v, m = VALUE_NONE; for (int i = 0; pv[i] != MOVE_NONE; i++) { tte = TT.retrieve(p.get_key()); if (!tte || tte->move() != pv[i]) { v = (p.is_check() ? VALUE_NONE : evaluate(p, m)); TT.store(p.get_key(), VALUE_NONE, VALUE_TYPE_NONE, DEPTH_NONE, pv[i], v, m); } p.do_move(pv[i], st); } } // extract_pv_from_tt() builds a PV by adding moves from the transposition table. // We consider also failing high nodes and not only VALUE_TYPE_EXACT nodes. This // allow to always have a ponder move even when we fail high at root and also a // long PV to print that is important for position analysis. void extract_pv_from_tt(const Position& pos, Move bestMove, Move pv[]) { StateInfo st; TTEntry* tte; Position p(pos, pos.thread()); int ply = 0; assert(bestMove != MOVE_NONE); pv[ply] = bestMove; p.do_move(pv[ply++], st); while ( (tte = TT.retrieve(p.get_key())) != NULL && tte->move() != MOVE_NONE && move_is_legal(p, tte->move()) && ply < PLY_MAX && (!p.is_draw() || ply < 2)) { pv[ply] = tte->move(); p.do_move(pv[ply++], st); } pv[ply] = MOVE_NONE; } // init_thread() is the function which is called when a new thread is // launched. It simply calls the idle_loop() function with the supplied // threadID. There are two versions of this function; one for POSIX // threads and one for Windows threads. #if !defined(_MSC_VER) void* init_thread(void *threadID) { ThreadsMgr.idle_loop(*(int*)threadID, NULL); return NULL; } #else DWORD WINAPI init_thread(LPVOID threadID) { ThreadsMgr.idle_loop(*(int*)threadID, NULL); return 0; } #endif /// The ThreadsManager class // resetNodeCounters(), resetBetaCounters(), searched_nodes() and // get_beta_counters() are getters/setters for the per thread // counters used to sort the moves at root. void ThreadsManager::resetNodeCounters() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) threads[i].nodes = 0ULL; } int64_t ThreadsManager::nodes_searched() const { int64_t result = 0ULL; for (int i = 0; i < ActiveThreads; i++) result += threads[i].nodes; return result; } // idle_loop() is where the threads are parked when they have no work to do. // The parameter 'sp', if non-NULL, is a pointer to an active SplitPoint // object for which the current thread is the master. void ThreadsManager::idle_loop(int threadID, SplitPoint* sp) { assert(threadID >= 0 && threadID < MAX_THREADS); while (true) { // Slave threads can exit as soon as AllThreadsShouldExit raises, // master should exit as last one. if (AllThreadsShouldExit) { assert(!sp); threads[threadID].state = THREAD_TERMINATED; return; } // If we are not thinking, wait for a condition to be signaled // instead of wasting CPU time polling for work. while (AllThreadsShouldSleep || threadID >= ActiveThreads) { assert(!sp); assert(threadID != 0); threads[threadID].state = THREAD_SLEEPING; #if !defined(_MSC_VER) lock_grab(&WaitLock); if (AllThreadsShouldSleep || threadID >= ActiveThreads) pthread_cond_wait(&WaitCond[threadID], &WaitLock); lock_release(&WaitLock); #else WaitForSingleObject(WaitCond[threadID], INFINITE); #endif } // If thread has just woken up, mark it as available if (threads[threadID].state == THREAD_SLEEPING) threads[threadID].state = THREAD_AVAILABLE; // If this thread has been assigned work, launch a search if (threads[threadID].state == THREAD_WORKISWAITING) { assert(!AllThreadsShouldExit && !AllThreadsShouldSleep); threads[threadID].state = THREAD_SEARCHING; // Here we call search() with SplitPoint template parameter set to true SplitPoint* tsp = threads[threadID].splitPoint; Position pos(*tsp->pos, threadID); SearchStack* ss = tsp->sstack[threadID] + 1; ss->sp = tsp; if (tsp->pvNode) search(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply); else search(pos, ss, tsp->alpha, tsp->beta, tsp->depth, tsp->ply); assert(threads[threadID].state == THREAD_SEARCHING); threads[threadID].state = THREAD_AVAILABLE; } // If this thread is the master of a split point and all slaves have // finished their work at this split point, return from the idle loop. int i = 0; for ( ; sp && i < ActiveThreads && !sp->slaves[i]; i++) {} if (i == ActiveThreads) { // Because sp->slaves[] is reset under lock protection, // be sure sp->lock has been released before to return. lock_grab(&(sp->lock)); lock_release(&(sp->lock)); // In helpful master concept a master can help only a sub-tree, and // because here is all finished is not possible master is booked. assert(threads[threadID].state == THREAD_AVAILABLE); threads[threadID].state = THREAD_SEARCHING; return; } } } // init_threads() is called during startup. It launches all helper threads, // and initializes the split point stack and the global locks and condition // objects. void ThreadsManager::init_threads() { volatile int i; bool ok; // Initialize global locks lock_init(&MPLock); lock_init(&WaitLock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) #if !defined(_MSC_VER) pthread_cond_init(&WaitCond[i], NULL); #else WaitCond[i] = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); #endif // Initialize splitPoints[] locks for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ACTIVE_SPLIT_POINTS; j++) lock_init(&(threads[i].splitPoints[j].lock)); // Will be set just before program exits to properly end the threads AllThreadsShouldExit = false; // Threads will be put to sleep as soon as created AllThreadsShouldSleep = true; // All threads except the main thread should be initialized to THREAD_AVAILABLE ActiveThreads = 1; threads[0].state = THREAD_SEARCHING; for (i = 1; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) threads[i].state = THREAD_AVAILABLE; // Launch the helper threads for (i = 1; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { #if !defined(_MSC_VER) pthread_t pthread[1]; ok = (pthread_create(pthread, NULL, init_thread, (void*)(&i)) == 0); #else ok = (CreateThread(NULL, 0, init_thread, (LPVOID)(&i), 0, NULL) != NULL); #endif if (!ok) { cout << "Failed to create thread number " << i << endl; Application::exit_with_failure(); } // Wait until the thread has finished launching and is gone to sleep while (threads[i].state != THREAD_SLEEPING) {} } } // exit_threads() is called when the program exits. It makes all the // helper threads exit cleanly. void ThreadsManager::exit_threads() { AllThreadsShouldExit = true; // Let the woken up threads to exit idle_loop() ActiveThreads = MAX_THREADS; // Avoid any woken up thread comes back to sleep // Wake up all the threads and waits for termination for (int i = 1; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { wake_sleeping_thread(i); while (threads[i].state != THREAD_TERMINATED) {} } // Now we can safely destroy the locks for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ACTIVE_SPLIT_POINTS; j++) lock_destroy(&(threads[i].splitPoints[j].lock)); lock_destroy(&WaitLock); lock_destroy(&MPLock); // Now we can safely destroy the wait conditions for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) cond_destroy(&WaitCond[i]); } // thread_should_stop() checks whether the thread should stop its search. // This can happen if a beta cutoff has occurred in the thread's currently // active split point, or in some ancestor of the current split point. bool ThreadsManager::thread_should_stop(int threadID) const { assert(threadID >= 0 && threadID < ActiveThreads); SplitPoint* sp = threads[threadID].splitPoint; for ( ; sp && !sp->stopRequest; sp = sp->parent) {} return sp != NULL; } // thread_is_available() checks whether the thread with threadID "slave" is // available to help the thread with threadID "master" at a split point. An // obvious requirement is that "slave" must be idle. With more than two // threads, this is not by itself sufficient: If "slave" is the master of // some active split point, it is only available as a slave to the other // threads which are busy searching the split point at the top of "slave"'s // split point stack (the "helpful master concept" in YBWC terminology). bool ThreadsManager::thread_is_available(int slave, int master) const { assert(slave >= 0 && slave < ActiveThreads); assert(master >= 0 && master < ActiveThreads); assert(ActiveThreads > 1); if (threads[slave].state != THREAD_AVAILABLE || slave == master) return false; // Make a local copy to be sure doesn't change under our feet int localActiveSplitPoints = threads[slave].activeSplitPoints; // No active split points means that the thread is available as // a slave for any other thread. if (localActiveSplitPoints == 0 || ActiveThreads == 2) return true; // Apply the "helpful master" concept if possible. Use localActiveSplitPoints // that is known to be > 0, instead of threads[slave].activeSplitPoints that // could have been set to 0 by another thread leading to an out of bound access. if (threads[slave].splitPoints[localActiveSplitPoints - 1].slaves[master]) return true; return false; } // available_thread_exists() tries to find an idle thread which is available as // a slave for the thread with threadID "master". bool ThreadsManager::available_thread_exists(int master) const { assert(master >= 0 && master < ActiveThreads); assert(ActiveThreads > 1); for (int i = 0; i < ActiveThreads; i++) if (thread_is_available(i, master)) return true; return false; } // split() does the actual work of distributing the work at a node between // several available threads. If it does not succeed in splitting the // node (because no idle threads are available, or because we have no unused // split point objects), the function immediately returns. If splitting is // possible, a SplitPoint object is initialized with all the data that must be // copied to the helper threads and we tell our helper threads that they have // been assigned work. This will cause them to instantly leave their idle loops // and call sp_search(). When all threads have returned from sp_search() then // split() returns. template void ThreadsManager::split(const Position& p, SearchStack* ss, int ply, Value* alpha, const Value beta, Value* bestValue, Depth depth, Move threatMove, bool mateThreat, int moveCount, MovePicker* mp, bool pvNode) { assert(p.is_ok()); assert(ply > 0 && ply < PLY_MAX); assert(*bestValue >= -VALUE_INFINITE); assert(*bestValue <= *alpha); assert(*alpha < beta); assert(beta <= VALUE_INFINITE); assert(depth > DEPTH_ZERO); assert(p.thread() >= 0 && p.thread() < ActiveThreads); assert(ActiveThreads > 1); int i, master = p.thread(); Thread& masterThread = threads[master]; lock_grab(&MPLock); // If no other thread is available to help us, or if we have too many // active split points, don't split. if ( !available_thread_exists(master) || masterThread.activeSplitPoints >= MAX_ACTIVE_SPLIT_POINTS) { lock_release(&MPLock); return; } // Pick the next available split point object from the split point stack SplitPoint& splitPoint = masterThread.splitPoints[masterThread.activeSplitPoints++]; // Initialize the split point object splitPoint.parent = masterThread.splitPoint; splitPoint.stopRequest = false; splitPoint.ply = ply; splitPoint.depth = depth; splitPoint.threatMove = threatMove; splitPoint.mateThreat = mateThreat; splitPoint.alpha = *alpha; splitPoint.beta = beta; splitPoint.pvNode = pvNode; splitPoint.bestValue = *bestValue; splitPoint.mp = mp; splitPoint.moveCount = moveCount; splitPoint.pos = &p; splitPoint.parentSstack = ss; for (i = 0; i < ActiveThreads; i++) splitPoint.slaves[i] = 0; masterThread.splitPoint = &splitPoint; // If we are here it means we are not available assert(masterThread.state != THREAD_AVAILABLE); int workersCnt = 1; // At least the master is included // Allocate available threads setting state to THREAD_BOOKED for (i = 0; !Fake && i < ActiveThreads && workersCnt < MaxThreadsPerSplitPoint; i++) if (thread_is_available(i, master)) { threads[i].state = THREAD_BOOKED; threads[i].splitPoint = &splitPoint; splitPoint.slaves[i] = 1; workersCnt++; } assert(Fake || workersCnt > 1); // We can release the lock because slave threads are already booked and master is not available lock_release(&MPLock); // Tell the threads that they have work to do. This will make them leave // their idle loop. But before copy search stack tail for each thread. for (i = 0; i < ActiveThreads; i++) if (i == master || splitPoint.slaves[i]) { memcpy(splitPoint.sstack[i], ss - 1, 4 * sizeof(SearchStack)); assert(i == master || threads[i].state == THREAD_BOOKED); threads[i].state = THREAD_WORKISWAITING; // This makes the slave to exit from idle_loop() } // Everything is set up. The master thread enters the idle loop, from // which it will instantly launch a search, because its state is // THREAD_WORKISWAITING. We send the split point as a second parameter to the // idle loop, which means that the main thread will return from the idle // loop when all threads have finished their work at this split point. idle_loop(master, &splitPoint); // We have returned from the idle loop, which means that all threads are // finished. Update alpha and bestValue, and return. lock_grab(&MPLock); *alpha = splitPoint.alpha; *bestValue = splitPoint.bestValue; masterThread.activeSplitPoints--; masterThread.splitPoint = splitPoint.parent; lock_release(&MPLock); } // wake_sleeping_thread() wakes up all sleeping threads when it is time // to start a new search from the root. void ThreadsManager::wake_sleeping_thread(int threadID) { assert(threadID > 0); assert(threads[threadID].state == THREAD_SLEEPING); AllThreadsShouldSleep = false; // Avoid the woken up thread comes back to sleep #if !defined(_MSC_VER) pthread_mutex_lock(&WaitLock); pthread_cond_signal(&WaitCond[threadID]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&WaitLock); #else SetEvent(WaitCond[threadID]); #endif } // put_threads_to_sleep() makes all the threads go to sleep just before // to leave think(), at the end of the search. Threads should have already // finished the job and should be idle. void ThreadsManager::put_threads_to_sleep() { assert(!AllThreadsShouldSleep || ActiveThreads == 1); // This makes the threads to go to sleep AllThreadsShouldSleep = true; } /// The RootMoveList class // RootMoveList c'tor RootMoveList::RootMoveList(Position& pos, Move searchMoves[]) { SearchStack ss[PLY_MAX_PLUS_2]; MoveStack mlist[MOVES_MAX]; StateInfo st; bool includeAllMoves = (searchMoves[0] == MOVE_NONE); // Initialize search stack init_ss_array(ss, PLY_MAX_PLUS_2); ss[0].eval = ss[0].evalMargin = VALUE_NONE; count = 0; // Generate all legal moves MoveStack* last = generate_moves(pos, mlist); // Add each move to the moves[] array for (MoveStack* cur = mlist; cur != last; cur++) { bool includeMove = includeAllMoves; for (int k = 0; !includeMove && searchMoves[k] != MOVE_NONE; k++) includeMove = (searchMoves[k] == cur->move); if (!includeMove) continue; // Find a quick score for the move moves[count].move = ss[0].currentMove = moves[count].pv[0] = cur->move; moves[count].pv[1] = MOVE_NONE; pos.do_move(cur->move, st); moves[count].score = -qsearch(pos, ss+1, -VALUE_INFINITE, VALUE_INFINITE, DEPTH_ZERO, 1); pos.undo_move(cur->move); count++; } sort(); } // Score root moves using the standard way used in main search, the moves // are scored according to the order in which are returned by MovePicker. void RootMoveList::score_moves(const Position& pos) { Move move; int score = 1000; MovePicker mp = MovePicker(pos, MOVE_NONE, ONE_PLY, H); while ((move = mp.get_next_move()) != MOVE_NONE) for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (moves[i].move == move) { moves[i].mp_score = score--; break; } } // RootMoveList simple methods definitions void RootMoveList::set_move_pv(int moveNum, const Move pv[]) { int j; for (j = 0; pv[j] != MOVE_NONE; j++) moves[moveNum].pv[j] = pv[j]; moves[moveNum].pv[j] = MOVE_NONE; } // RootMoveList::sort() sorts the root move list at the beginning of a new // iteration. void RootMoveList::sort() { sort_multipv(count - 1); // Sort all items } // RootMoveList::sort_multipv() sorts the first few moves in the root move // list by their scores and depths. It is used to order the different PVs // correctly in MultiPV mode. void RootMoveList::sort_multipv(int n) { int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { RootMove rm = moves[i]; for (j = i; j > 0 && moves[j - 1] < rm; j--) moves[j] = moves[j - 1]; moves[j] = rm; } } } // namespace