Go to file
2023-09-30 09:10:02 -06:00
licenses Linky to SPDX acronyms 2023-09-29 18:16:47 -06:00
src Classifiers. Build. 2023-09-29 20:00:10 -06:00
.gitignore Classifiers. Build. 2023-09-29 20:00:10 -06:00
LICENSE-AGPL AGPLv3 2023-09-29 16:54:01 -06:00
pyproject.toml Classifiers. Build. 2023-09-29 20:00:10 -06:00
README.md TODO 2023-09-30 09:10:02 -06:00
requirements-dev.txt Classifiers. Build. 2023-09-29 20:00:10 -06:00
requirements.txt Python dep stub 2023-09-29 16:55:22 -06:00

Tasteful Python

Python suited to my taste.

Configuration files, code snippets, etc.


Install thusly.

Using Debian Bookworm (stable/12) as a base.


Dependencies that may be needed:

sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-virtualenv


Get code and set up Python, suit to taste, such as:

git clone https://spacecruft.org/deepcrayon/tasteful-python
cd tasteful-python
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt






./tasteful-python -h


Such as:

./tasteful-python foo
{"snark": "foo"}

devpi PyPI Caching Server

Set up a devpi PyPI (pip) caching server thusly:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-virtualenv --no-install-recommends
mkdir -p ~/devel/devpi
cd ~/devel/devpi
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -U setuptools wheel pip
pip install devpi-server devpi-web

sudo mkdir -p /srv/devpi
sudo chown jebba:jebba /srv/devpi

devpi-init \
    --serverdir /srv/devpi

devpi-gen-config \
    --host= \
    --port 4040 \
    --serverdir /srv/devpi \

# Don't use nginx (?)
#sudo apt install nginx
#sudo cp ~jebba/devel/devpi/gen-config/nginx-devpi.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
#cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
#sudo ln -s ../sites-available/nginx-devpi.conf .

# meh supervisor, I guess
sudo apt install supervisor
sudo cp ~jebba/devel/devpi/gen-config/supervisor-devpi.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/

crontab -e
@reboot /usr/local/sbin/supervisord -c /home/jebba/etc/supervisor-devpi.conf

supervisord -c gen-config/supervisord.conf
sudo reboot

cd ~/devel/devpi
source env/bin/activate
devpi use
devpi login root --password ''
devpi user -m root password=FOO
devpi user -l
devpi logoff
devpi user -c jebba password=BAR email=foo@bar
devpi login jebba --password=BAR
devpi index -c dev bases=root/pypi
devpi use jebba/dev
devpi install pytest

Open up firewall port 4040/tcp.

Set up the PyPI clients thusly substituting in the proper server IP:

mkdir -p ~/.config/pip
cat > ~/.config/pip/pip.conf <<EOF
trusted-host =
index-url =

index =


If different, typically older, versions of Python are needed, pyenv works well for this.

Set it up on a system thusly:

mkdir -p ~/devel/pyenv
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
    libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl liblzma-dev \
    libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev \
    python3-virtualenv python3-pip

curl https://pyenv.run | bash

If you want it to work every time the user logs in, add this to ~/.bashrc.

# pyenv
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

If you only want pyenv sometimes, copy the above lines to a file (e.g. ~/bin/deepcrayon-pyenv), the source the lines instead of running the file, ala source ~/bin/deepcrayon-pyenv.

To see versions of Python that can be installed:

pyenv install --list | sort -V

Perhaps install a bunch of versions, such as:

pyenv install 3.11.5
pyenv install 3.10
pyenv install 3.9
pyenv install 3.8
pyenv install 3.7
pyenv install 3.6
pyenv install 3.5
pyenv install 3.12.0rc1
pyenv install 3.12-dev
pyenv install 3.13-dev

Use pyenv to set a particular version in a virtualenv:

mkdir -p foodir
cd foodir/
pyenv local 3.11.5
virtualenv -p 3.11.5 env
source env/bin/activate
python --version
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install fooapp


To "develop", install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Then run black on the Python files for nice formatting:

black tasteful-python*


Alpha, under development.


Such as:

  • Find best-of-class ways to set up Python projects and code.
  • Starting code templates, headers for projects.
  • Proper directory layout, versioning, etc.
  • QT, argparse, daemon, web app, JACK, etc. templates.
  • Documentation system, perhaps Sphinx or something else SOTA.
  • Build system, probably hatch.
  • Push to PyPI test server.



Python Software Foundation


I am not a programmer, I'm learning Python.


Unofficial project, not related to the Python Software Foundation.

Upstream sources under their respective copyrights.


Source Code: AGPLv3+.

Copyright © 2023, Jeff Moe.