Fork 0

219 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from typing import Final, Dict, Callable, ClassVar, List, Optional, NamedTuple, DefaultDict, Tuple, Set, Union
import math, collections
from tinygrad.codegen.linearizer import Linearizer, UOps, UOp, LocalBuffer
from tinygrad.ops import ASTRunner, Op, UnaryOps, BinaryOps, FusedOps
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from tinygrad.helpers import getenv, all_same, partition, ImageDType, DEBUG, dtypes, colored
from tinygrad.runtime.lib import RawConst
from tinygrad.shape.symbolic import DivNode, AndNode, render_python, NumNode, Variable, Node, SumNode, MulNode
from tinygrad.lazy import LazyBuffer
# div is different in cl than python
render_cl = render_python.copy()
render_cl[DivNode] = lambda self,ops,ctx: f"({self.a.render(ops, ctx)}/{self.b})"
render_cl[AndNode] = lambda self,ops,ctx: f"({'&&'.join(sorted([x.render(ops,ctx) for x in self.nodes]))})"
NATIVE_EXPLOG = getenv("NATIVE_EXPLOG", 0) # this is needed as a switch for the tests to pass
class CStyleLanguage(NamedTuple):
kernel_prefix: str = ""
buffer_prefix: str = ""
buffer_suffix: str = ""
smem_prefix: str = ""
barrier: str = ""
gid: List[str] = []
lid: List[str] = []
extra_args: List[str] = []
float4: Optional[str] = None
half_prekernel: Optional[str] = None
uses_vload: bool = False
def to_image_idx(base_shape:Tuple[int, ...], idxy:Node, valid:Node, validhacks=False) -> Tuple[Node, Node]:
idy = (idxy//(4*base_shape[1]))
if validhacks and valid.min == 0:
idx = (idxy//4) + (idy*-base_shape[1])
# find the ones in idx that didn't factorize and remove them (TODO: this is not universal)
if isinstance(idx, SumNode):
unfactored, idx_nodes = partition(idx.nodes, lambda x: isinstance(x, MulNode) and x.b == -base_shape[1])
assert len(unfactored) <= 1
idx = Variable.sum(idx_nodes)
unfactored = (Variable.sum(unfactored) // base_shape[1])
idy += unfactored
# ugh really...handtuned garbage
if idx.min >= (base_shape[1]*3)//4:
idx -= base_shape[1]
idy += 1
idx = (idxy//4)%base_shape[1]
if DEBUG >= 5: print("to_image_idx", base_shape, idx.min, idx.max, idy.min, idy.max, idx, idy)
return idx, idy
code_for_op: Final[Dict[Op, Callable]] = {
UnaryOps.EXP: lambda x: f"native_exp({x})" if NATIVE_EXPLOG else f"exp({x})",
UnaryOps.LOG: lambda x: f"native_log({x})" if NATIVE_EXPLOG else f"log({x})",
BinaryOps.ADD: lambda a,b: f"({a}+{b})", BinaryOps.SUB: lambda a,b: f"({a}-{b})",
BinaryOps.MUL: lambda a,b: f"({a}*{b})", BinaryOps.DIV: lambda a,b: f"({a}/{b})",
BinaryOps.POW: lambda a,b: f"pow({a},{b})", BinaryOps.MAX: lambda a,b: f"max({a},{b})",
BinaryOps.CMPEQ: lambda a,b: f"({a}=={b})", FusedOps.MULACC: lambda a,b,c: f"(({b}*{c})+{a})"
def uops_to_cstyle(uops:List[UOp], bufs:List[Union[LocalBuffer,LazyBuffer]], lang:CStyleLanguage) -> Tuple[str, List[int], List[int]]:
def group_float4(grp:List[str]) -> str:
if all(g.endswith(e) for g,e in zip(grp, [".x", ".y", ".z", ".w"])) and all_same([g.split(".")[0] for g in grp]): return grp[0].split(".")[0]
else: return f"{lang.float4}({','.join(g for g in grp)})"
prekernel: Set[str] = set()
kernel = []
global_size = []
local_size = []
pend_close = None
bufnames = ["temp" if isinstance(b, LocalBuffer) else f"data{i}" for i,b in enumerate(bufs)]
depth = 0
def kk(s): kernel.append(" "*depth+s)
for uop,newvar,vin,args in uops:
if uop == UOps.LOOP:
root = None
for i,var in enumerate(args[0]):
if isinstance(var, NumNode):
if args[1] == "global" and lang.gid: global_size.append(1)
if args[1] == "local" and lang.lid: local_size.append(1)
# one number, not an index
if args[1] == "global" and lang.gid:
if len(args[0]) >= 4 and len(args[0])-i > 2:
# sometimes, there's more dimensions. compact all the dimensions into the last CL dimension
# TODO: these compactions should be searchable (they sort of are with reshapes and permutes)
if i == 0:
kk(f"{{ int {var.expr} = {lang.gid[-1]}; /* {var.max+1} */")
root = var.expr
kk(f"{{ int {var.expr} = {root} % {var.max+1}; {root} /= {var.max+1};")
global_size[-1] *= var.max+1
kk(f"{{ int {var.expr} = {lang.gid[len(args[0])-1-i]}; /* {var.max+1} */")
elif args[1] == "local" and lang.lid:
assert len(args[0]) <= len(lang.lid)
kk(f"{{ int {var.expr} = {lang.lid[len(args[0])-1-i]}; /* {var.max+1} */")
kk(f"for (int {var.expr} = {var.min}; {var.expr} <= {var.max}; ++{var.expr}) {{")
depth += 1
if uop == UOps.ENDLOOP:
if args[1] == "local" and len(lang.lid):
# TODO: this is a bit of a hack. the local loop isn't real on the GPU
kk(f"if ({Variable.sum(args[0]).render(render_cl)} == 0) {{")
pend_close = "}"*(len(args[0])+1) + f" /* {args[1]} */"
if args[1] == "global" and pend_close:
depth -= 1
pend_close = None
depth -= 1
kk("}"*len(args[0]) + f" /* {args[1]} */")
if uop == UOps.CONST:
if args == -math.inf:
kk(f"float {newvar} = -INFINITY;")
kk(f"float {newvar} = {args}f;")
if uop == UOps.ALU:
if newvar in vin:
kk(f"{newvar} = {code_for_op[args](*vin)};")
kk(f"float {newvar} = {code_for_op[args](*vin)};")
# TODO: refactor the next 14 lines
if uop == UOps.LOAD:
# TODO: merge with CONST?
if bufs[args.i] is not None and isinstance(bufs[args.i].realized, RawConst):
# nan? inf?
val = f"{bufs[args.i].realized._buf}f"
if lang.uses_vload and bufs[args.i].dtype == dtypes.float16:
val = f"vload_half({args.idx.render(render_cl)}, {bufnames[args.i]})"
val = f"{bufnames[args.i]}[{args.idx.render(render_cl)}]"
# NOTE: if min and max are both 0, it should be a CONST in the Linearizer
if args.valid.min == 1: kk(f"float {newvar} = {val};")
else: kk(f"float {newvar} = ({args.valid.render(render_cl)}) ? ({val}) : 0.0f;")
if uop == UOps.LOAD4:
if isinstance(bufs[args.i].dtype, ImageDType):
prekernel.add("const sampler_t smp = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE | CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP | CLK_FILTER_NEAREST;\n")
idx, idy = to_image_idx(bufs[args.i].dtype.shape, args.idx, args.valid)
val = f"read_imagef({bufnames[args.i]}, smp, (int2)({idx.render(render_cl)}, {idy.render(render_cl)}))"
val = f"(({lang.smem_prefix if isinstance(bufs[args.i], LocalBuffer) else lang.buffer_prefix}float4*){bufnames[args.i]})[{(args.idx//4).render(render_cl)}]"
# NOTE: if min and max are both 0, it should be a CONST in the Linearizer
if args[2].min == 1: kk(f"float4 {newvar} = {val};")
else: kk(f"float4 {newvar} = ({args.valid.render(render_cl)}) ? ({val}) : {group_float4(['0.0f']*4)};")
if uop == UOps.STORE:
assert args.valid.min == 1, "store must be valid"
if lang.uses_vload and bufs[args.i].dtype == dtypes.float16:
kk(f"vstore_half({vin[0]}, {args.idx.render(render_cl)}, {bufnames[args.i]});")
kk(f"{bufnames[args.i]}[{args.idx.render(render_cl)}] = {vin[0]};")
if uop == UOps.STORE4:
assert args.valid.min == 1, "store must be valid"
if isinstance(bufs[args[0]].dtype, ImageDType):
idx, idy = to_image_idx(bufs[args.i].dtype.shape, args[1], args[2])
kk(f"write_imagef({bufnames[args.i]}, (int2)({idx.render(render_cl)}, {idy.render(render_cl)}), {group_float4(vin)});")
kk(f"(({lang.smem_prefix if isinstance(bufs[args.i], LocalBuffer) else lang.buffer_prefix}float4*){bufnames[args.i]})[{(args.idx//4).render(render_cl)}] = {group_float4(vin)};")
if uop == UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL:
kk(lang.smem_prefix + f"float {args[0]}[{args[1]}];")
buftypes = [(i,f"{'read_only' if i > 0 else 'write_only'} image2d_t" if x.dtype.name.startswith('image') else
("const " if i > 0 else "")+lang.buffer_prefix+x.dtype.name+"*"+lang.buffer_suffix) for i,x in enumerate(bufs)
if not isinstance(x, LocalBuffer) and not isinstance(x.realized, RawConst)]
prg = ''.join([f"{lang.kernel_prefix} void KERNEL_NAME_PLACEHOLDER(",] +
[', '.join([f'{t} {bufnames[i]}' for i,t in buftypes] + lang.extra_args)] +
[") {\n"] + list(prekernel) + ['\n'.join(kernel), "\n}"])
return prg, global_size, local_size
class CStyleCodegen(Linearizer):
lang: ClassVar[CStyleLanguage] = CStyleLanguage()
supports_constant_folding: bool = True
supports_float4: bool = True
# for renaming
kernel_cnt: Final[DefaultDict[str, int]] = collections.defaultdict(int)
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kernel_name_cache: Final[Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = {}
def codegen(self):
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# sometimes, there's more dimensions than len(self.lang.gid).
# compact all the dimensions into the first
# NOTE: this might make multiview shapetrackers
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# TODO: this exposes bugs in the optimizers assuming the strides are on a single vie
if len(self.lang.gid) and self.first_reduce > len(self.lang.gid):
num_to_merge = (self.first_reduce - len(self.lang.gid))+1
self.reshape_and_permute(lambda x: (prod(x[0:num_to_merge]),)+x[num_to_merge:], None)
if DEBUG >= 4: print("reshaped to", self.full_shape, "due to too many global dimensions")
prg, global_size, local_size = uops_to_cstyle(self.uops, self.bufs, self.lang)
# if we have local_sizes, we have to correct the global_size
for i,s in enumerate(local_size): global_size[i] *= s
# painfully name the function something unique
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if prg in CStyleCodegen.kernel_name_cache: function_name, display_name = CStyleCodegen.kernel_name_cache[prg]
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CStyleCodegen.kernel_cnt[self.function_name] += 1
suffix = f"{'n'+str(CStyleCodegen.kernel_cnt[self.function_name]-1)}" if CStyleCodegen.kernel_cnt[self.function_name] > 1 else ""
CStyleCodegen.kernel_name_cache[prg] = function_name, display_name = self.function_name+suffix, self.display_name+colored(suffix, 'black', bright=True)
return ASTRunner(function_name, prg.replace("KERNEL_NAME_PLACEHOLDER", function_name),
global_size[::-1] if len(global_size) else [1], local_size[::-1] if len(local_size) else None,
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op_estimate=self.info.flops, mem_estimate=self.mem_estimate, display_name=display_name)