Fork 0

refactor ops_cpu and ops_torch to not share code

George Hotz 2023-02-08 11:11:42 -06:00
parent ee18420c13
commit 1029deccb1
4 changed files with 38 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
mypyc tinygrad/llops/ops_gpu.py tinygrad/shape/__init__.py tinygrad/ops.py tinygrad/ast.py \
tinygrad/helpers.py tinygrad/mlops.py tinygrad/nn/__init__.py tinygrad/graph.py tinygrad/lazy.py \
tinygrad/tensor.py tinygrad/llops/ops_cpu.py tinygrad/llops/ops_torch.py

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@ -1,36 +1,22 @@
import operator
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, ReduceOps, MovementOps, ProcessingOps, GenericExecAST
from tinygrad.helpers import shape_to_axis
from typing import Final
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, MovementOps, ProcessingOps, GenericBufExecAST, base_fxn_for_op
base_fxn_for_op = {
UnaryOps.NOOP: lambda x: x[:], UnaryOps.NEG: lambda x: -x, UnaryOps.GT0: lambda x: operator.gt(x, 0.0), UnaryOps.RECIPROCAL: lambda x: 1.0/x,
BinaryOps.ADD: operator.add, BinaryOps.SUB: operator.sub, BinaryOps.MUL: operator.mul, BinaryOps.DIV: operator.truediv, BinaryOps.POW: operator.pow,
ReduceOps.SUM: lambda x, new_shape: x.sum(shape_to_axis(x.shape, new_shape), keepdims=True) if tuple(x.shape) != tuple(new_shape) else x[:],
ReduceOps.MAX: lambda x, new_shape: (x.amax if hasattr(x, 'amax') else x.max)(shape_to_axis(x.shape, new_shape), keepdims=True) if tuple(x.shape) != tuple(new_shape) else x[:],
MovementOps.SHRINK: lambda x, arg: x[tuple(slice(p[0], p[1], None) for p in arg)],
class CPUBuffer(GenericExecAST):
fxn_for_op = (lambda d: d.update(base_fxn_for_op) or d)({
specialized_fxn_for_op = (lambda d: d.update(base_fxn_for_op) or d)({
UnaryOps.RELU: lambda x: np.maximum(x, 0), UnaryOps.EXP: lambda x: np.exp(x), UnaryOps.LOG: lambda x: np.log(x), BinaryOps.CMPEQ: lambda x,y: (x==y).astype(np.float32),
MovementOps.FLIP: lambda x, axis: np.flip(x, axis), MovementOps.PERMUTE: lambda x, order: x.transpose(order),
MovementOps.PAD: lambda x, padding: np.pad(x, padding), MovementOps.EXPAND: lambda x, new_shape: np.broadcast_to(x, new_shape),
MovementOps.STRIDED: lambda x, arg: np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x.ravel().reshape(x.shape), shape=[y[0] for y in arg], strides=[y[1]*x.dtype.itemsize for y in arg])
class CPUBuffer(GenericBufExecAST):
fxn_for_op : Final = specialized_fxn_for_op
def __init__(self, lbuf:np.ndarray): self.buf, self.shape = lbuf, tuple(lbuf.shape)
def fromCPU(x): return CPUBuffer(x)
def toCPU(x): return x.buf
def contiguous(x): return x.unary_op(UnaryOps.NOOP)
def unary_op(x, op): return type(x)(x.fxn_for_op[op](x.buf))
def binary_op(x, op, y): return type(x)(x.fxn_for_op[op](x.buf, y.buf))
def reduce_op(x, op, new_shape): return type(x)(x.fxn_for_op[op](x.buf, new_shape))
def movement_op(x, op, arg=None): return type(x)(x.fxn_for_op[op](x.buf, arg)) if op in x.fxn_for_op else type(x)(getattr(x.buf, op.name.lower())(arg))
def processing_op(x,op,w,C):
assert op == ProcessingOps.CONV, f"{op} isn't supported"
assert C.px == 0 and C.px_ == 0 and C.py == 0 and C.py_ == 0, "padding in conv is not supported"

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@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
import torch
from tinygrad.llops.ops_cpu import base_fxn_for_op, CPUBuffer # type: ignore
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, MovementOps, ProcessingOps, GenericExecAST
from typing import Final
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, MovementOps, ProcessingOps, GenericBufExecAST, base_fxn_for_op
from tinygrad.helpers import getenv
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else ("mps" if getenv("MPS", 0) else "cpu"))
class TorchBuffer(GenericExecAST):
fxn_for_op = (lambda d: d.update(base_fxn_for_op) or d)({
specialized_fxn_for_op = (lambda d: d.update(base_fxn_for_op) or d)({
UnaryOps.RELU: lambda x: x.relu(), UnaryOps.EXP: lambda x: x.exp(), UnaryOps.LOG: lambda x: x.log(), BinaryOps.CMPEQ: lambda x,y: (x==y).float(),
MovementOps.PAD: lambda x, padding: torch.nn.functional.pad(x, [item for sublist in padding[::-1] for item in sublist]),
MovementOps.STRIDED: lambda x, arg: x.contiguous().as_strided([y[0] for y in arg], [y[1] for y in arg])
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else ("mps" if getenv("MPS", 0) else "cpu"))
class TorchBuffer(GenericBufExecAST):
fxn_for_op : Final = specialized_fxn_for_op
def __init__(self, lbuf:torch.Tensor): self.buf, self.shape = lbuf, tuple(lbuf.shape)
def fromCPU(data): return TorchBuffer(torch.from_numpy(data).requires_grad_(False).to(device))
def toCPU(x): return x.buf.cpu().numpy()
contiguous, unary_op, binary_op, reduce_op, movement_op = CPUBuffer.contiguous, CPUBuffer.unary_op, CPUBuffer.binary_op, CPUBuffer.reduce_op, CPUBuffer.movement_op
def processing_op(x,op,w,C):
assert op == ProcessingOps.CONV, f"{op} isn't supported"

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import numpy as np
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Union, Type, NamedTuple, Tuple, Any, List, ClassVar
import functools, operator
from tinygrad.helpers import prod
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, shape_to_axis
from tinygrad.shape import ShapeTracker
from tinygrad.helpers import getenv
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class DeviceBuffer:
def exec_ast(cls, ast:LazyOp): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
# extend this if you don't have an exec_ast function
# used in CPUBuffer and TorchBuffer
class GenericExecAST(DeviceBuffer): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
def exec_ast(cls, ast:LazyOp, preprocess=lambda x: x):
@ -66,6 +65,22 @@ class GenericExecAST(DeviceBuffer): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
raise TypeError("unknown op")
return ret
# used in CPUBuffer and TorchBuffer
class GenericBufExecAST(GenericExecAST): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
def contiguous(self): return self.unary_op(UnaryOps.NOOP)
def unary_op(self, op): return type(self)(self.fxn_for_op[op](self.buf))
def binary_op(self, op, y): return type(self)(self.fxn_for_op[op](self.buf, y.buf))
def reduce_op(self, op, new_shape): return type(self)(self.fxn_for_op[op](self.buf, new_shape))
def movement_op(self, op, arg=None): return type(self)(self.fxn_for_op[op](self.buf, arg)) if op in self.fxn_for_op else type(self)(getattr(self.buf, op.name.lower())(arg))
base_fxn_for_op = {
UnaryOps.NOOP: lambda x: x[:], UnaryOps.NEG: lambda x: -x, UnaryOps.GT0: lambda x: operator.gt(x, 0.0), UnaryOps.RECIPROCAL: lambda x: 1.0/x,
BinaryOps.ADD: operator.add, BinaryOps.SUB: operator.sub, BinaryOps.MUL: operator.mul, BinaryOps.DIV: operator.truediv, BinaryOps.POW: operator.pow,
ReduceOps.SUM: lambda x, new_shape: x.sum(shape_to_axis(x.shape, new_shape), keepdims=True) if tuple(x.shape) != tuple(new_shape) else x[:],
ReduceOps.MAX: lambda x, new_shape: (x.amax if hasattr(x, 'amax') else x.max)(shape_to_axis(x.shape, new_shape), keepdims=True) if tuple(x.shape) != tuple(new_shape) else x[:],
MovementOps.SHRINK: lambda x, arg: x[tuple(slice(p[0], p[1], None) for p in arg)],
class GlobalCounters:
global_ops : ClassVar[int] = 0
global_mem : ClassVar[int] = 0