import unittest from tinygrad import Tensor from tinygrad import Device from tinygrad.helpers import Timing, CI, OSX import multiprocessing.shared_memory as shared_memory N = 4096 if CI else 16384 class TestCopySpeed(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): Device[Device.DEFAULT].synchronize() @unittest.skipIf(OSX, "no shm on OSX") def testCopySHMtoDefault(self): s = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name="test_X", create=True, size=N * N * 4) s.close() if CI: t = Tensor.empty(N, N, device="disk:/dev/shm/test_X").realize() else: t = Tensor.empty(N, N, device="disk:shm:test_X").realize() for _ in range(3): with Timing("sync: ", on_exit=lambda ns: f" @ {t.nbytes()/ns:.2f} GB/s"): with Timing("queue: "): Device[Device.DEFAULT].synchronize() s.unlink() def testCopyCPUtoDefault(self): t = Tensor.rand(N, N, device="cpu").realize() print(f"buffer: {t.nbytes()*1e-9:.2f} GB") for _ in range(3): with Timing("sync: ", on_exit=lambda ns: f" @ {t.nbytes()/ns:.2f} GB/s"): with Timing("queue: "): Device[Device.DEFAULT].synchronize() def testCopyCPUtoDefaultFresh(self): print("fresh copy") for _ in range(3): t = Tensor.rand(N, N, device="cpu").realize() with Timing( "sync: ", on_exit=lambda ns: f" @ {t.nbytes()/ns:.2f} GB/s" ): # noqa: F821 with Timing("queue: "): Device[Device.DEFAULT].synchronize() del t def testCopyDefaulttoCPU(self): t = Tensor.rand(N, N).realize() print(f"buffer: {t.nbytes()*1e-9:.2f} GB") for _ in range(3): with Timing("sync: ", on_exit=lambda ns: f" @ {t.nbytes()/ns:.2f} GB/s"):"cpu").realize() @unittest.skipIf(CI, "CI doesn't have 6 GPUs") @unittest.skipIf(Device.DEFAULT != "GPU", "only test this on GPU") def testCopyCPUto6GPUs(self): from tinygrad.runtime.ops_gpu import CLDevice if len(CLDevice.device_ids) != 6: raise unittest.SkipTest("computer doesn't have 6 GPUs") t = Tensor.rand(N, N, device="cpu").realize() print(f"buffer: {t.nbytes()*1e-9:.2f} GB") for _ in range(3): with Timing( "sync: ", on_exit=lambda ns: f" @ {t.nbytes()/ns:.2f} GB/s ({t.nbytes()*6/ns:.2f} GB/s total)", ): with Timing("queue: "): for g in range(6):"gpu:{g}").realize() Device["gpu"].synchronize() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()