import json import pathlib import zipfile import numpy as np from extra.utils import download_file import pycocotools._mask as _mask from examples.mask_rcnn import Masker from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval iou = _mask.iou merge = _mask.merge frPyObjects = _mask.frPyObjects BASEDIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "extra" / "datasets" / "COCO" BASEDIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) def create_dict(key_row, val_row, rows): return {row[key_row]:row[val_row] for row in rows} if not pathlib.Path(BASEDIR/'val2017').is_dir(): fn = BASEDIR/'' download_file('',fn) with zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(BASEDIR) fn.unlink() if not pathlib.Path(BASEDIR/'annotations').is_dir(): fn = BASEDIR/'' download_file('',fn) with zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(BASEDIR) fn.unlink() with open(BASEDIR/'annotations/instances_val2017.json', 'r') as f: annotations_raw = json.loads( images = annotations_raw['images'] categories = annotations_raw['categories'] annotations = annotations_raw['annotations'] file_name_to_id = create_dict('file_name', 'id', images) id_to_width = create_dict('id', 'width', images) id_to_height = create_dict('id', 'height', images) json_category_id_to_contiguous_id = {v['id']: i + 1 for i, v in enumerate(categories)} contiguous_category_id_to_json_id = {v:k for k,v in json_category_id_to_contiguous_id.items()} def encode(bimask): if len(bimask.shape) == 3: return _mask.encode(bimask) elif len(bimask.shape) == 2: h, w = bimask.shape return _mask.encode(bimask.reshape((h, w, 1), order='F'))[0] def decode(rleObjs): if type(rleObjs) == list: return _mask.decode(rleObjs) else: return _mask.decode([rleObjs])[:,:,0] def area(rleObjs): if type(rleObjs) == list: return _mask.area(rleObjs) else: return _mask.area([rleObjs])[0] def toBbox(rleObjs): if type(rleObjs) == list: return _mask.toBbox(rleObjs) else: return _mask.toBbox([rleObjs])[0] def convert_prediction_to_coco_bbox(file_name, prediction): coco_results = [] try: original_id = file_name_to_id[file_name] if len(prediction) == 0: return coco_results image_width = id_to_width[original_id] image_height = id_to_height[original_id] prediction = prediction.resize((image_width, image_height)) prediction = prediction.convert("xywh") boxes = prediction.bbox.numpy().tolist() scores = prediction.get_field("scores").numpy().tolist() labels = prediction.get_field("labels").numpy().tolist() mapped_labels = [contiguous_category_id_to_json_id[int(i)] for i in labels] coco_results.extend( [ { "image_id": original_id, "category_id": mapped_labels[k], "bbox": box, "score": scores[k], } for k, box in enumerate(boxes) ] ) except Exception as e: print(file_name, e) return coco_results masker = Masker(threshold=0.5, padding=1) def convert_prediction_to_coco_mask(file_name, prediction): coco_results = [] try: original_id = file_name_to_id[file_name] if len(prediction) == 0: return coco_results image_width = id_to_width[original_id] image_height = id_to_height[original_id] prediction = prediction.resize((image_width, image_height)) masks = prediction.get_field("mask") scores = prediction.get_field("scores").numpy().tolist() labels = prediction.get_field("labels").numpy().tolist() masks = masker([masks], [prediction])[0].numpy() rles = [ encode(np.array(mask[0, :, :, np.newaxis], order="F"))[0] for mask in masks ] for rle in rles: rle["counts"] = rle["counts"].decode("utf-8") mapped_labels = [contiguous_category_id_to_json_id[int(i)] for i in labels] coco_results.extend( [ { "image_id": original_id, "category_id": mapped_labels[k], "segmentation": rle, "score": scores[k], } for k, rle in enumerate(rles) ] ) except Exception as e: print(file_name, e) return coco_results def accumulate_predictions_for_coco(coco_results, json_result_file, rm=False): path = pathlib.Path(json_result_file) if rm and path.exists(): path.unlink() with open(path, "a") as f: for s in coco_results: f.write(json.dumps(s)) f.write('\n') def remove_dup(l): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in l if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))] class NpEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return super(NpEncoder, self).default(obj) def evaluate_predictions_on_coco(json_result_file, iou_type="bbox"): coco_results = [] with open(json_result_file, "r") as f: for line in f: coco_results.append(json.loads(line)) coco_gt = COCO(str(BASEDIR/'annotations/instances_val2017.json')) set_of_json = remove_dup([json.dumps(d, cls=NpEncoder) for d in coco_results]) unique_list = [json.loads(s) for s in set_of_json] with open(f'{json_result_file}.flattend', "w") as f: json.dump(unique_list, f) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(str(f'{json_result_file}.flattend')) coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iou_type) coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() return coco_eval def iterate(files, bs=1): batch = [] for file in files: batch.append(file) if len(batch) >= bs: yield batch; batch = [] if len(batch) > 0: yield batch; batch = []