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# tinygrad is a tensor library, and as a tensor library it has multiple parts
# 1. a "runtime". this allows buffer management, compilation, and running programs
# 2. a "Device" that uses the runtime but specifies compute in an abstract way for all
# 3. a "LazyBuffer" that fuses the compute into kernels, using memory only when needed
# 4. a "Tensor" that provides an easy to use frontend with autograd ".backward()"
print("******** first, the runtime ***********")
from tinygrad.runtime.ops_clang import ClangProgram, compile_clang, MallocAllocator
# allocate some buffers
out = MallocAllocator.alloc(4)
a = MallocAllocator.alloc(4)
b = MallocAllocator.alloc(4)
# load in some values (little endian)
MallocAllocator.copyin(a, bytearray([2, 0, 0, 0]))
MallocAllocator.copyin(b, bytearray([3, 0, 0, 0]))
# compile a program to a binary
lib = compile_clang("void add(int *out, int *a, int *b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; }")
# create a runtime for the program (ctypes.CDLL)
fxn = ClangProgram("add", lib)
# run the program
fxn(out, a, b)
# check the data out
print(val := MallocAllocator.as_buffer(out).cast("I").tolist()[0])
assert val == 5
print("******** second, the Device ***********")
DEVICE = "CLANG" # NOTE: you can change this!
import struct
from tinygrad.helpers import dtypes
from tinygrad.device import Buffer, Device
from tinygrad.ops import LazyOp, BufferOps, MemBuffer, BinaryOps
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
# allocate some buffers + load in values
out = Buffer(DEVICE, 1, dtypes.int32)
a = Buffer(DEVICE, 1, dtypes.int32).copyin(memoryview(bytearray(struct.pack("I", 2))))
b = Buffer(DEVICE, 1, dtypes.int32).copyin(memoryview(bytearray(struct.pack("I", 3))))
# NOTE: a._buf is the same as the return from MallocAllocator.alloc
# describe the computation
ld_1 = LazyOp(
BufferOps.LOAD, (), MemBuffer(1, dtypes.int32, ShapeTracker.from_shape((1,)))
ld_2 = LazyOp(
BufferOps.LOAD, (), MemBuffer(2, dtypes.int32, ShapeTracker.from_shape((1,)))
alu = LazyOp(BinaryOps.ADD, (ld_1, ld_2))
st_0 = LazyOp(
BufferOps.STORE, (alu,), MemBuffer(0, dtypes.int32, ShapeTracker.from_shape((1,)))
# convert the computation to a "linearized" format (print the format)
lin = Device[DEVICE].get_linearizer(st_0).linearize()
for u in lin.uops:
# compile a program (and print the source)
fxn = Device[DEVICE].to_program(lin)
# NOTE: fxn.clprg is the ClangProgram
# run the program
fxn.exec([out, a, b])
# check the data out
print(val := out.toCPU().item())
assert val == 5
print("******** third, the LazyBuffer ***********")
from tinygrad.lazy import LazyBuffer
from tinygrad.realize import run_schedule
# allocate some values + load in values
# TODO: remove numpy here
import numpy as np
a = LazyBuffer.fromCPU(np.array([2], np.int32)).copy_to_device(DEVICE)
b = LazyBuffer.fromCPU(np.array([3], np.int32)).copy_to_device(DEVICE)
# describe the computation
out = a.e(BinaryOps.ADD, b)
# schedule the computation as a list of kernels
sched = out.schedule()
for si in sched:
print(si.ast.op) # NOTE: the first two convert it to CLANG
# DEBUGGING: print the compute ast as a tree
from tinygrad.graph import print_tree
# NOTE: sched[-1].ast is the same as st_0 above
# run that schedule
# check the data out
print(val := out.realized.toCPU().item())
assert val == 5
print("******** fourth, the Tensor ***********")
from tinygrad import Tensor
a = Tensor([2], dtype=dtypes.int32, device=DEVICE)
b = Tensor([3], dtype=dtypes.int32, device=DEVICE)
out = a + b
# check the data out
print(val := out.item())
assert val == 5