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101 lines
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from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, List
import unittest, math
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.helpers import dtypes, getenv, DType, PtrDType
from tinygrad.device import Buffer, Device
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps
from tinygrad.device import CompiledASTRunner, Compiled
from tinygrad.codegen.linearizer import UOps, UOp
def _uops_to_prg(uops):
src, runtime_args = Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer("test", uops)
return CompiledASTRunner(None, "test", src,
[1] if Device[Device.DEFAULT].linearizer_opts.has_local else None, [1] if Device[Device.DEFAULT].linearizer_opts.has_local else None,
runtime_args=runtime_args).build(Device[Device.DEFAULT].compiler, Device[Device.DEFAULT].runtime)
def uop(uops:List[UOp], uop:UOps, dtype:Optional[DType], vin:Tuple[UOp, ...], arg:Any=None) -> UOp:
uops.append(UOp(uop, dtype, tuple(vin), arg))
return uops[-1]
def _test_single_value(vals, op, dtype):
uops = []
buf_store = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, PtrDType(dtype), (), ('data0', dtype))
buf_loads = [uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, PtrDType(dtype), (), (f'data{i+1}', dtype)) for i in range(len(vals))]
loads = (uop(uops, UOps.LOAD, dtype, [buf_loads[i], uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0)]) for i in range(len(vals)))
alu = uop(uops, UOps.ALU, dtype, loads, op)
uop(uops, UOps.STORE, None, (buf_store, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), alu))
buf = Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, dtype)
buf2 = [Buffer.fromCPU(Device.DEFAULT, np.array([a], dtype=dtype.np)) for a in vals]
prg = _uops_to_prg(uops)
return buf.toCPU()[0]
def _test_single_value_const(vals, op, dtype):
uops = []
buf_store = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, PtrDType(dtype), (), ('data0', dtype))
loads = (uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtype, [], a) for a in vals)
alu = uop(uops, UOps.ALU, dtype, loads, op)
uop(uops, UOps.STORE, None, (buf_store, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), alu))
buf = Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, dtype)
prg = _uops_to_prg(uops)
return buf.toCPU()[0]
class TestUOps(unittest.TestCase):
def _equal(self, v1, v2):
if not (math.isnan(v1) and math.isnan(v2)): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, places=5)
def _test_uop_fxn(self, bop, fxn, dt=dtypes.float32):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
self._equal(f([a], bop, dt), fxn(a))
def _test_bop_fxn(self, bop, fxn, dt=dtypes.float32, no_b_zero=False):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
for b in [-3.0, 1.0] + ([] if no_b_zero else [0.0]):
self._equal(f([a,b], bop, dt), fxn(a,b))
def _test_top_fxn(self, bop, fxn, dt=dtypes.float32):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0, 1]:
for b in [-3.0, 3.0]:
for c in [-4.0, 4.0]:
self._equal(f([a,b,c], bop, dt), fxn(a,b,c))
@unittest.skipIf(not isinstance(Device[Device.DEFAULT], Compiled), "only test for compiled backends")
class TestFloatUOps(TestUOps):
def test_neg(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.NEG, lambda a: -a)
def test_exp2(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.EXP2, lambda a: np.exp2(a))
def test_log2(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.LOG2, lambda a: math.log2(a) if a > 0 else float('-inf' if a==0 else 'nan'))
def test_sin(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.SIN, lambda a: math.sin(a))
def test_sqrt(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.SQRT, lambda a: math.sqrt(a) if a >= 0 else float('nan'))
# this is not on most backends
#def test_recip(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.RECIP, lambda a: 1.0/a if a != 0 else float('inf'))
def test_add(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.ADD, lambda a,b: a+b)
def test_sub(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.SUB, lambda a,b: a-b)
def test_mul(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: a*b)
def test_div(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.DIV, lambda a,b: a/b if b != 0 else a*float('inf'))
def test_max(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MAX, lambda a,b: max(a,b))
def test_cmplt(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPLT, lambda a,b: float(a<b))
# MOD isn't tested on floats
def test_mulacc(self): self._test_top_fxn(TernaryOps.MULACC, lambda a,b,c: (a*b)+c)
def test_where(self): self._test_top_fxn(TernaryOps.WHERE, lambda a,b,c: b if a!=0 else c)
# TODO: fix this on all the backends
@unittest.skipIf(not isinstance(Device[Device.DEFAULT], Compiled) or getenv('ARM64', False), "only test for compiled backends, broken on some")
class TestNonFloatUOps(TestUOps):
def test_neg_int32(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.NEG, lambda a: -a, dtypes.int32)
def test_add_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.ADD, lambda a,b: int(a)+int(b), dtypes.int32)
def test_sub_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.SUB, lambda a,b: int(a)-int(b), dtypes.int32)
def test_mul_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: int(a)*int(b), dtypes.int32)
def test_div_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.DIV, lambda a,b: int(a/b), dtypes.int32, no_b_zero=True)
def test_mod_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MOD, lambda a,b: abs(int(a))%abs(int(b))*(1,-1)[a<0], dtypes.int32, no_b_zero=True)
def test_cmplt_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPLT, lambda a,b: float(a<b), dtypes.int32)
def test_mul_bool(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: bool(a) and bool(b), dtypes.bool)
if __name__ == '__main__':