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# Implementation of waifu2x vgg7 in tinygrad.
# Obviously, not developed, supported, etc. by the original waifu2x author(s).
import numpy
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from PIL import Image
from tinygrad.helpers import fetch
# File Formats
# tinygrad convolution tensor input layout is (1,c,y,x) - and therefore the form for all images used in the project
# tinygrad convolution tensor weight layout is (outC,inC,H,W) - this matches NCNN (and therefore KINNE), but not waifu2x json
def image_load(path) -> numpy.ndarray:
Loads an image in the shape expected by other functions in this module.
Doesn't Tensor it, in case you need to do further work with it.
# file
na = numpy.array(Image.open(path))
if na.shape[2] == 4:
# RGBA -> RGB (covers opaque images with alpha channels)
na = na[:, :, 0:3]
# fix shape
na = numpy.moveaxis(na, [2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2])
# shape is now (3,h,w), add 1
na = na.reshape(1, 3, na.shape[1], na.shape[2])
# change type
na = na.astype("float32") / 255.0
return na
def image_save(path, na: numpy.ndarray):
Saves an image of the shape expected by other functions in this module.
However, note this expects a numpy array.
# change type
na = numpy.fmax(numpy.fmin(na * 255.0, 255), 0).astype("uint8")
# shape is now (1,3,h,w), remove 1
na = na.reshape(3, na.shape[2], na.shape[3])
# fix shape
na = numpy.moveaxis(na, [0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])
# shape is now (h,w,3)
# file
# The Model
class Conv3x3Biased:
A 3x3 convolution layer with some utility functions.
def __init__(self, inC, outC, last=False):
# The properties must be named as "W" and "b".
# This is in an attempt to try and be roughly compatible with https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/Waifu2x
# though this cannot necessarily account for transposition and other such things.
# Massively overstate the weights to get them to be focused on,
# since otherwise the biases overrule everything
self.W = Tensor.uniform(outC, inC, 3, 3) * 16.0
# Layout-wise, blatant cheat, but serious_mnist does it. I'd guess channels either have to have a size of 1 or whatever the target is?
# Values-wise, entirely different blatant cheat.
# In most cases, use uniform bias, but tiny.
# For the last layer, use just 0.5, constant.
if last:
self.b = Tensor.zeros(1, outC, 1, 1) + 0.5
self.b = Tensor.uniform(1, outC, 1, 1)
def forward(self, x):
# You might be thinking, "but what about padding?"
# Answer: Tiling is used to stitch everything back together, though you could pad the image before providing it.
return x.conv2d(self.W).add(self.b)
def get_parameters(self) -> list:
return [self.W, self.b]
def load_waifu2x_json(self, layer: dict):
# Weights in this file are outChannel,inChannel,X,Y.
# Not outChannel,inChannel,Y,X.
# Therefore, transpose it before assignment.
# I have long since forgotten how I worked this out.
Tensor(layer["weight"]).reshape(shape=self.W.shape).transpose(2, 3)
class Vgg7:
The 'vgg7' waifu2x network.
Lower quality and slower than even upconv7 (nevermind cunet), but is very easy to implement and test.
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = Conv3x3Biased(3, 32)
self.conv2 = Conv3x3Biased(32, 32)
self.conv3 = Conv3x3Biased(32, 64)
self.conv4 = Conv3x3Biased(64, 64)
self.conv5 = Conv3x3Biased(64, 128)
self.conv6 = Conv3x3Biased(128, 128)
self.conv7 = Conv3x3Biased(128, 3, True)
def forward(self, x):
Forward pass: Actually runs the network.
Input format: (1, 3, Y, X)
Output format: (1, 3, Y - 14, X - 14)
(the - 14 represents the 7-pixel context border that is lost)
x = self.conv1.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv2.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv3.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv4.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv5.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv6.forward(x).leakyrelu(0.1)
x = self.conv7.forward(x)
return x
def get_parameters(self) -> list:
return (
+ self.conv2.get_parameters()
+ self.conv3.get_parameters()
+ self.conv4.get_parameters()
+ self.conv5.get_parameters()
+ self.conv6.get_parameters()
+ self.conv7.get_parameters()
def load_from_pretrained(self, intent="art", subtype="scale2.0x"):
Downloads a nagadomi/waifu2x JSON weight file and loads it.
import json
data = json.loads(
+ intent
+ "/"
+ subtype
+ "_model.json"
def load_waifu2x_json(self, data: list):
Loads weights from one of the waifu2x JSON files, i.e. waifu2x/models/vgg_7/art/noise0_model.json
data (passed in) is assumed to be the output of json.load or some similar on such a file
def forward_tiled(self, image: numpy.ndarray, tile_size: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
Given an ndarray image as loaded by image_load (NOT a tensor), scales it, pads it, splits it up, forwards the pieces, and reconstitutes it.
Note that you really shouldn't try to run anything not (1, 3, *, *) through this.
# Constant that only really gets repeated a ton here.
context = 7
context2 = context + context
# Notably, numpy is used here because it makes this fine manipulation a lot simpler.
# Scaling first - repeat on axis 2 and axis 3 (Y & X)
image = image.repeat(2, 2).repeat(2, 3)
# Resulting image buffer. This is made before the input is padded,
# since the input has the padded shape right now.
image_out = numpy.zeros(image.shape)
# Padding next. Note that this padding is done on the whole image.
# Padding the tiles would lose critical context, cause seams, etc.
image = numpy.pad(
image, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [context, context], [context, context]], mode="edge"
# Now for tiling.
# The output tile size is the usable output from an input tile (tile_size).
# As such, the tiles overlap.
out_tile_size = tile_size - context2
for out_y in range(0, image_out.shape[2], out_tile_size):
for out_x in range(0, image_out.shape[3], out_tile_size):
# Input is sourced from the same coordinates, but some stuff ought to be
# noted here for future reference:
# + out_x/y's equivalent position w/ the padding is out_x + context.
# + The output, however, is without context. Input needs context.
# + Therefore, the input rectangle is expanded on all sides by context.
# + Therefore, the input position has the context subtracted again.
# + Therefore:
in_y = out_y
in_x = out_x
# not shown: in_w/in_h = tile_size (as opposed to out_tile_size)
# Extract tile.
# Note that numpy will auto-crop this at the bottom-right.
# This will never be a problem, as tiles are specifically chosen within the padded section.
tile = image[:, :, in_y : in_y + tile_size, in_x : in_x + tile_size]
# Extracted tile dimensions -> output dimensions
# This is important because of said cropping, otherwise it'd be interior tile size.
out_h = tile.shape[2] - context2
out_w = tile.shape[3] - context2
# Process tile.
tile_t = Tensor(tile)
tile_fwd_t = self.forward(tile_t)
# Replace tile.
:, :, out_y : out_y + out_h, out_x : out_x + out_w
] = tile_fwd_t.numpy()
return image_out