Fork 0

93 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from ane import ANE, ANETensor
def benchmark(ane):
tin = ANETensor(512 * 0x20)
tout = ANETensor(512 * 0x20)
dat = open("../ops/gemm.hwx", "rb").read()
for k, v in ane.debug(dat[0x4000:0x4300], 16).items():
print(k, v)
comp = ane.compile(dat)
st = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
ret = ane.run(comp, tin, tout)
et = time.time()
ts = et - st
ops = 1000 * 512 * 512 * 2
print("%.2f ms, %.2f gigaops/sec" % (ts * 1000, ops * 1e-9 / ts))
if __name__ == "__main__":
ane = ANE()
# 0x20 per row
tin = ANETensor(0x60)
tout = ANETensor(0x60)
tw = ANETensor(0x60)
tind = tin.data()
toutd = tout.data()
twd = tw.data()
# tind[0:4] = [-1,1,-2,2]
tind[0] = 1
tind[0x20] = -2
tind[0x40] = 3
# toutd[0] = \
# tind[0] * twd[0] + \
# tind[0x20] + twd[1] + \
# tind[0x40] + twd[2]
twd[0] = 4
twd[1] = 0x100
twd[0x20] = 5
twd[0x21] = 5
twd[0x22] = 5
twd[0x40] = 12
print("** before **")
# benchmark(ane)
# exit(0)
dat = list(open("../ops/sum.hwx", "rb").read())
dat = bytes(dat)
for k,v in ane.debug(dat[0x4000:0x4300], 16).items():
comp = ane.compile(dat)
ret = ane.run(comp, tin, tout, tw)
datb = open("../ops/sum.hwx", "rb").read()
dat = open("../ops/conv.hwx", "rb").read()
dd = ane.unpack(dat[0x4000:0x4300])
# use the 3rd arg as the weights
dd["aneTD.Header[9].KBase0"] = 6
dd["aneRegs.NE.PostScale.PostScale"] = 0x3C00
# dd["aneRegs.L2.L2Cfg.InputReLU"] = 1
# dd["aneRegs.NE.MACCfg.NonlinearMode"] = 1
# dd["aneRegs.TileDMADst.Fmt.MemFmt"] = 0
# dd["aneRegs.L2.ResultBase.Addr"] = 0
# dd["aneRegs.Common.ChCfg.InFmt"] = 1
# dd["aneRegs.TileDMADst.Fmt.ZeroPadFirst"] = 0
# dd["aneRegs.TileDMADst.DMAConfig.En"] = 0
for k, v in dd.items():
print(k, v)
dat = datb[:0x4000] + ane.pack(dd, dat[0x4000:0x4300]) + datb[0x4300:]
comp = ane.compile(dat)
ret = ane.run(comp, tin, tout, tw)
print("** after **")