Fork 0

75 lines
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# this file needs to be very careful with its imports as to not accidentally initialize the runtimes
from multiprocessing.connection import Connection
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
from tinygrad.helpers import DEBUG, getenv
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
# this needs to be called before everything else if you are using distributed
def preinit():
os.environ["DELAYED_RUNTIME_INIT"] = "1"
# out-of-band communication/synchronization
class _OOB:
def __init__(self, pipes: List[Tuple[Connection, Connection]]):
self.pipes = pipes
# send some data to a target rank, blocks until data is received
def send(self, data: Any, target_rank: int):
self.pipes[getenv("RANK") * getenv("WORLD_SIZE") + target_rank][1].send(data)
# receive some data from a target rank, blocks until data is received
def recv(self, target_rank: int) -> Any:
return self.pipes[target_rank * getenv("WORLD_SIZE") + getenv("RANK")][0].recv()
OOB: Optional[_OOB] = None
def init_oob(world_size: int):
os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(world_size)
global OOB
OOB = _OOB([mp.Pipe(False) for _ in range(world_size * world_size)])
# this runs in the spawned process so we can do all the delayed runtime initialization
def _process_wrap(rank: int, device: str, oob: _OOB, fn: Callable, args=()):
# setup the rank
os.environ["RANK"] = str(rank)
# setup out of band communication
global OOB
OOB = oob
# do specific runtime initialization for distributed
from tinygrad import Device
device, device_num = Device.canonicalize(device), 0 if ":" not in device else int(
if "GPU" in device:
from tinygrad.runtime.ops_gpu import CL
elif "HIP" in device:
os.environ["HIP_DEFAULT_DEVICE"] = os.environ["HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(
if DEBUG >= 1:
print(f"distributed process {rank} initialized runtime for device {device}")
# convert device to be process specific
Device.DEFAULT = device.split(":")[0] if "GPU" in device else device
# wrapper around mp.Process that initializes the runtime
def spawn(rank: int, device: str, fn: Callable, args=()) -> mp.Process:
(p := mp.Process(target=_process_wrap, args=(rank, device, OOB, fn, args))).start()
return p