Fork 0

103 lines
5.6 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Any, Dict, cast, Union, Optional
import functools, itertools
from tinygrad.helpers import DEBUG, DType, merge_dicts
from tinygrad.ops import RawBuffer, Device, ASTRunner
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
from tinygrad.shape.symbolic import Variable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from weakref import ref, WeakKeyDictionary
class JitItem:
prg: ASTRunner
rawbufs: List[Optional[RawBuffer]]
class TinyJit:
def __init__(self, fxn:Callable):
self.fxn: Callable = fxn
self.cnt: int = 0
self.jit_cache: List[JitItem] = []
self.ret: Any = None
self.input_replace: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Union[int, str], ShapeTracker, DType]] = {} # (kernel_number, buffer_number) -> (input_name, expected_shapetracker, expected_type)
# add support for instance methods
def __get__(self, obj, objtype): return functools.partial(self.__call__, obj)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
if Device.DEFAULT.split(":")[0] not in JIT_SUPPORTED_DEVICE: return self.fxn(*args, **kwargs) # only jit on supported device
# all inputs are realized
input_tensors: Dict[Union[int, str], Tensor] = {cast(Union[int, str], k):v.realize() for k,v in itertools.chain(enumerate(args), kwargs.items()) if v.__class__ is Tensor}
# get rawbuffers
input_rawbuffers: Dict[Union[int, str], Tuple[RawBuffer, ShapeTracker]] = {k:(cast(RawBuffer, v.lazydata.realized), v.lazydata.st) for k,v in input_tensors.items()}
assert len(input_rawbuffers) != 0, "no inputs to JIT"
assert len(set(input_rawbuffers.values())) == len(input_rawbuffers), "duplicate inputs to JIT"
# get variables: they can either be in Tensors or passed in as arguments, and all must be bound. these are all global
var_vals: Dict[Variable, int] = merge_dicts([arg.lazydata.st.var_vals for arg in input_tensors.values()] + [dict(x.unbind() for x in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()) if isinstance(x, Variable))])
if self.cnt >= 2:
# check validity and assign the inputs
for (j,i),(input_name, expected_st, expected_type) in self.input_replace.items():
assert input_rawbuffers[input_name][0].dtype == expected_type, f"type mismatch in JIT, {input_rawbuffers[input_name][0].dtype} != {expected_type}"
assert input_rawbuffers[input_name][1].unbind() == expected_st, f"ShapeTracker mismatch in JIT, {input_rawbuffers[input_name][1].unbind()} != {expected_st}"
self.jit_cache[j].rawbufs[i] = input_rawbuffers[input_name][0]
for ji in self.jit_cache: ji.prg(cast(List[RawBuffer], ji.rawbufs), {v:var_vals[v] for v in getattr(ji.prg,"vars",[])}, jit=True)
elif self.cnt == 1:
self.ret = self.fxn(*args, **kwargs)
self.jit_cache = CacheCollector.finish()
assert len(self.jit_cache) != 0, "didn't JIT anything!"
if DEBUG >= 1: print(f"JIT captured {len(self.jit_cache)} kernels with {len(input_rawbuffers)} inputs")
# get the inputs for replacement
for j,ji in enumerate(self.jit_cache):
for i,a in enumerate(ji.rawbufs):
if a in [v[0] for v in input_rawbuffers.values()]:
self.input_replace[(j,i)] = [(k, v[1].unbind(), v[0].dtype) for k,v in input_rawbuffers.items() if v[0] == a][0]
assert set([x[0] for x in self.input_replace.values()]) == set(input_rawbuffers.keys()), "some input tensors not found"
elif self.cnt == 0:
self.ret = self.fxn(*args, **kwargs)
# clear the inputs
for (j,i) in self.input_replace.keys(): self.jit_cache[j].rawbufs[i] = None
self.cnt += 1
return self.ret
class PlaceHolder:
def __init__(self, buf:RawBuffer): self.size, self.dtype, self._device, self.ref, self.buftype, self.bufid = buf.size, buf.dtype, getattr(buf, '_device', None), ref(buf), type(buf), id(buf._buf)
def to_tuple(self): return (self.size, self.dtype, self._device, self.buftype, self.bufid)
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.to_tuple())
def __eq__(self, x): return isinstance(x, PlaceHolder) and self.to_tuple() == x.to_tuple()
def alloc_if_needed(self, buffer_cache: Dict[PlaceHolder, RawBuffer]) -> RawBuffer:
ret = self.ref()
if ret: return ret
if self not in buffer_cache: buffer_cache[self] = self.buftype(self.size, self.dtype, **({'device':self._device} if self._device is not None else dict()))
return buffer_cache[self]
class _CacheCollector:
def __init__(self):
self.cache: Optional[List[Tuple[ASTRunner, List[Union[RawBuffer, PlaceHolder]]]]] = None
def start(self, var_vals:Optional[Dict[Variable, int]]=None):
self.cache = []
self.placeholders: WeakKeyDictionary[RawBuffer, PlaceHolder] = WeakKeyDictionary()
self.var_vals = var_vals if var_vals is not None else {}
def add(self, prg, rawbufs, var_vals):
if self.cache is None: return
for k,v in var_vals.items(): assert k in self.var_vals and self.var_vals[k] == v, f"var_vals {k} mismatch {v} != {self.var_vals.get(k)}"
self.placeholders[rawbufs[0]] = PlaceHolder(rawbufs[0])
self.cache.append((prg, [self.placeholders.get(x, x) if isinstance(x, RawBuffer) else x for x in rawbufs]))
def finish(self) -> List[JitItem]:
if self.cache is None: return []
buffer_cache: Dict[PlaceHolder, RawBuffer] = {}
saved_cache, self.cache = self.cache, None
return [JitItem(prg, [x.alloc_if_needed(buffer_cache) if isinstance(x, PlaceHolder) else x for x in pl]) for prg, pl in saved_cache]
CacheCollector = _CacheCollector()