Fork 0

358 lines
20 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union, DefaultDict, cast
import math, functools
from collections import defaultdict
from tinygrad.codegen.linearizer import UOps, UOp
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps
from tinygrad.helpers import ImageDType, dtypes, prod, DType, strip_parens
class CStyleLanguage(NamedTuple):
size_prefix: str = "int"
generic_var_prefix: str = ""
kernel_prefix: str = ""
buffer_prefix: str = ""
buffer_suffix: str = ""
smem_align: str = ""
smem_prefix: str = ""
smem_prefix_for_cast: bool = True
arg_int_prefix: str = ""
barrier: str = ""
xid: List[str] = []
gid: List[str] = []
lid: List[str] = []
global_max: List[int] = []
local_max: List[int] = []
extra_args: List[str] = []
float4: Optional[str] = None
half_prekernel: Optional[str] = None
uses_vload: bool = False
external_local_bufs: bool = False
uses_ptr_arithmetic: bool = False
launch_bounds: bool = False
code_for_op: Dict = {
UnaryOps.NEG: lambda x,dtype: f"(-{x})" if dtype != dtypes.bool else f"(!{x})",
UnaryOps.EXP2: lambda x,dtype: f"exp2({x})", UnaryOps.LOG2: lambda x,dtype: f"log2({x})",
UnaryOps.SIN: lambda x,dtype: f"sin({x})", UnaryOps.SQRT: lambda x,dtype: f"sqrt({x})",
BinaryOps.ADD: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}+{b})", BinaryOps.SUB: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}-{b})",
BinaryOps.MUL: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}*{b})", BinaryOps.DIV: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}/{b})",
BinaryOps.MAX: lambda a,b,dtype: f"max({a},{b})", BinaryOps.MOD: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}%{b})",
BinaryOps.CMPLT: lambda a,b,dtype: f"({a}<{b})", TernaryOps.MULACC: lambda a,b,c,dtype: f"(({a}*{b})+{c})",
TernaryOps.WHERE: lambda a,b,c,dtype: f"({a}!=0?{b}:{c})"
# returns a str expression of the casted xs with the given type
def render_cast(self, x:List[str], var_dtype:DType) -> str:
if len(x) == 1: return f"({var_dtype.name})({x[0]})"
assert len(x) == var_dtype.sz, f"cast is wrong size {len(x)} != {var_dtype.sz}"
assert self.float4 is not None, "vectorized cast is not supported on this platform"
return f"{self.float4.replace('float4', var_dtype.name)}({','.join(x)})"
# returns a str expression of the const with the given type
def render_const(self, x:Union[float,int,bool], var_dtype) -> str:
if math.isnan(x): val = "NAN"
elif math.isinf(x): val = ("-" if x < 0 else "") + "INFINITY"
else: val = f"{float(x)}f" if dtypes.is_float(var_dtype) else f"{int(x)}" if dtypes.is_int(var_dtype) else f"{bool(x)}".lower()
return self.render_cast([val]*var_dtype.sz, var_dtype) if var_dtype.sz > 1 or var_dtype not in [dtypes.float, dtypes.int, dtypes.bool] else val
# returns a str expression of the loaded value with the output type
def render_load(self, output_dtype, buf_name, buf_dtype, idx, local=False) -> str:
if isinstance(buf_dtype, ImageDType):
assert output_dtype == dtypes.float.vec(4), f"images must be float4, getting {output_dtype}"
return f"read_imagef({buf_name}, smp, {idx})"
if self.uses_vload and buf_dtype.scalar() == dtypes.float16 and output_dtype.scalar() != dtypes.float16:
return f"vload_half{'' if output_dtype.sz == 1 else str(output_dtype.sz)}(0, {buf_name}+{idx})"
if output_dtype.sz > 1:
out_val = f"*(({self.smem_prefix if local and self.smem_prefix_for_cast else self.buffer_prefix}{buf_dtype.name}{output_dtype.sz}*)({buf_name}+{idx}))"
out_val = f"*({buf_name}+{idx})" if self.uses_ptr_arithmetic else f"{buf_name}[{idx}]"
return self.render_cast([out_val], output_dtype) if output_dtype != buf_dtype else out_val
def render_local(self, name:str, size:int):
return self.smem_align + self.smem_prefix + f"float {name}[{size}];"
def render_for(self, expr: str, _min:Union[int,str], _max:Union[int,str]) -> str:
return f"for (int {expr} = {_min}; {expr} < {_max}; ++{expr}) {{"
def render_if(self, cond: str):
return f"if ({cond}) {{"
def render_conditional(self, cond: str, x:str, y:str) -> str:
return f"({cond})?({x}):{y}"
def render_kernel(self, function_name:str, kernel:List[str], bufs:List[Tuple[str,DType]], local_size:List[int], prekernel:List[str]) -> str:
tmp = "const sampler_t smp = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE | CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP | CLK_FILTER_NEAREST;\n" if any(isinstance(dtype, ImageDType) for _,dtype in bufs) else ""
buftypes = [(name,f"{'read_only' if i > 0 else 'write_only'} image2d_t" if dtype.name.startswith('image') else
self.arg_int_prefix if dtype == dtypes._arg_int32 else
("const " if i > 0 else "")+self.buffer_prefix+dtype.name+"*"+self.buffer_suffix) for i,(name,dtype) in enumerate(bufs)]
prg = ''.join([f"{self.kernel_prefix}void {f'__launch_bounds__ ({prod(local_size)}, 1) ' if self.launch_bounds else ''}{function_name}(",] +
[', '.join([f'{t} {name}' for name,t in buftypes] + self.extra_args)] +
[") {\n" + tmp] + ['\n'.join(kernel), "\n}"])
if self.half_prekernel and any(dtype == dtypes.float16 for _,dtype in bufs): prg = ''.join([f"{self.half_prekernel}", "\n", prg])
return prg
# returns a str statement that does the store
def render_store(self, buf_name:str, buf_dtype:DType, var_name:str, var_dtype:DType, idx:str, local=False) -> str:
if isinstance(buf_dtype, ImageDType):
assert var_dtype == dtypes.float.vec(4), "images must be float4"
return f"write_imagef({buf_name}, {idx}, {var_name});"
if self.uses_vload and buf_dtype.scalar() == dtypes.float16 and var_dtype.scalar() != dtypes.float16:
return f"vstore_half{'' if var_dtype.sz == 1 else str(var_dtype.sz)}({var_name}, 0, {buf_name}+{idx});"
if var_dtype.sz > 1:
return f"*(({self.smem_prefix if local and self.smem_prefix_for_cast else self.buffer_prefix}{buf_dtype.name}{var_dtype.sz}*)({buf_name}+{idx})) = ({buf_dtype.name}{var_dtype.sz}){var_name};"
return f"*({buf_name}+{idx}) = {var_name};" if self.uses_ptr_arithmetic else f"{buf_name}[{idx}] = {var_name};"
def uops_to_cstyle(lang:CStyleLanguage, function_name:str, uops:List[UOp]) -> Tuple[str, Dict]:
local_size: List[int] = []
kernel,prekernel,bufs = [],[],[]
#pend_close = None
depth = 1
def kk(s): kernel.append(" "*depth+s)
c: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
r: Dict[UOp, str] = {}
def ssa(u, prefix="t"):
nonlocal c, r
c[prefix] += 1
return r[u]
child_count: DefaultDict[UOp, int] = defaultdict(int)
for ru in uops:
for v in ru.vin:
child_count[v] += 1
for u in uops:
uop,dtype,vin,args = u.uop,u.dtype,u.vin,u.arg
if uop == UOps.LOOP:
kk(lang.render_for(ssa(u,'ridx'), r[vin[0]], r[vin[1]]))
depth += 1
elif uop == UOps.IF:
depth += 1
elif uop == UOps.BARRIER:
elif uop == UOps.END:
depth -= 1
elif uop == UOps.WMMA:
if args[0] == "METAL":
assert dtype == dtypes.float.vec(2), "output dtype of METAL TC is _float2"
# ((lidx2*32)+(lidx3*4)+(lidx4*16)+(lidx5*8)+(lidx6*2))
output = ssa(u, 'wmma')
kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {output};")
kk("{ simdgroup_float8x8 a,b,c;")
kk(f"a.thread_elements()[0] = {r[vin[0]]}; a.thread_elements()[1] = {r[vin[1]]};")
kk(f"b.thread_elements()[0] = {r[vin[2]]}; b.thread_elements()[1] = {r[vin[3]]};")
kk(f"c.thread_elements()[0] = {r[vin[4]]}; c.thread_elements()[1] = {r[vin[5]]};")
kk("simdgroup_multiply_accumulate(c, a, b, c);")
kk(f"{output}.x = c.thread_elements()[0]; {output}.y = c.thread_elements()[1]; }}")
elif args[0] == "HIP":
assert dtype == dtypes.float.vec(8), "output dtype of HIP TC is _float8"
kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {ssa(u, 'wmma')} = __builtin_amdgcn_wmma_f32_16x16x16_f16_w32({r[vin[0]]}, {r[vin[1]]}, {r[vin[2]]});")
raise NotImplementedError(f"WMMA not implemented for {args}")
elif uop == UOps.ALU:
assert dtype is not None
# remove parens if ALU types are the same. TODO: can do more here
if vin[0].uop == UOps.ALU and vin[0].arg == args and args in {BinaryOps.ADD, BinaryOps.SUB, BinaryOps.MUL}:
val = lang.code_for_op[args](strip_parens(r[vin[0]]), *[r[x] for x in vin[1:]], dtype)
val = lang.code_for_op[args](*[r[x] for x in vin] + [dtype])
assert child_count[u] != 0, f"childless ALU op found {u}"
if (child_count[u] <= 1 or dtypes.is_int(dtype)) and args != BinaryOps.MAX: # fix index rendering issue. fix clang nested max macro issue
r[u] = val
kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {ssa(u,'alu')} = {val};")
elif uop == UOps.DEFINE_ACC:
assert dtype is not None
kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {ssa(u,'acc')} = {lang.render_const(args, dtype)};")
elif uop == UOps.SPECIAL:
xid = lang.gid if args[1].startswith("g") else (lang.xid if args[1].startswith("i") else lang.lid)
kk(f"{lang.size_prefix} {args[1]} = {xid[args[0]]}; /* {args[2]} */")
if args[1].startswith("l"): local_size.append(args[2])
r[u] = args[1]
elif uop == UOps.CONST:
r[u] = lang.render_const(args, dtype) if args >= 0 else f"({lang.render_const(args, dtype)})"
elif uop == UOps.LOAD:
assert dtype is not None
val = lang.render_load(dtype, r[vin[0]], vin[0].dtype, strip_parens(r[vin[1]]), vin[0].uop == UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL)
if len(vin) > 3: val = lang.render_conditional(r[vin[2]], val, r[vin[3]])
kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {ssa(u,'val')} = {val};")
elif uop == UOps.PHI:
kk(f"{r[vin[0]]} = {r[vin[1]]};")
r[u] = r[vin[0]]
elif uop == UOps.STORE:
assert vin[0].dtype is not None and vin[2].dtype is not None
if len(vin) > 3: kk(lang.render_if(r[vin[3]]))
kk(lang.render_store(r[vin[0]], vin[0].dtype, r[vin[2]], vin[2].dtype, strip_parens(r[vin[1]]), vin[0].uop == UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL))
if len(vin) > 3: kk("}")
elif uop == UOps.CAST and dtype is not None:
val = lang.render_cast([r[x] for x in vin], dtype)
if child_count[u] <= 1: r[u] = val
else: kk(f"{lang.generic_var_prefix if lang.generic_var_prefix else dtype.name} {ssa(u,'cast')} = {val};")
elif uop == UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL:
if lang.external_local_bufs:
prekernel.append(lang.render_local(args[0], args[1]))
kk(lang.render_local(args[0], args[1]))
r[u] = args[0]
elif uop == UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL:
r[u] = args[0]
elif uop == UOps.GEP:
if cast(DType, vin[0].dtype).sz > 4:
r[u] = f"({r[vin[0]]})[{args}]" # this is correct for HIP
r[u] = f"({r[vin[0]]}).{'xyzw'[args]}"
raise RuntimeError(f"failed to render {uop}")
return lang.render_kernel(function_name, kernel, bufs, local_size, prekernel), {}
class OpenCLLanguage(CStyleLanguage):
kernel_prefix = "__kernel "
buffer_prefix = "__global "
smem_align = "__attribute__ ((aligned (16))) "
smem_prefix = "__local "
arg_int_prefix = "const int"
half_prekernel = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable"
barrier = "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);"
float4 = "(float4)"
gid = [f'get_group_id({i})' for i in range(3)]
lid = [f'get_local_id({i})' for i in range(3)]
xid = [f'get_global_id({i})' for i in range(3)]
uses_vload = True
# NOTE: mad is used so the loads aren't reordered into the math on 845
code_for_op = {**CStyleLanguage().code_for_op, TernaryOps.MULACC: lambda a,b,c,dtype: f"mad({a},{b},{c})"}
OpenCLRenderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, OpenCLLanguage())
class MetalLanguage(CStyleLanguage):
kernel_prefix = "#include <metal_stdlib>\nusing namespace metal;\nkernel "
buffer_prefix = "device "
smem_prefix = "threadgroup "
arg_int_prefix = "constant int&"
barrier = "threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_threadgroup);"
float4 = "float4"
gid = [f"gid.{chr(120+i)}" for i in range(3)]
lid = [f"lid.{chr(120+i)}" for i in range(3)]
extra_args = ['uint3 gid [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]]', 'uint3 lid [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]']
MetalRenderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, MetalLanguage())
class CUDALanguage(CStyleLanguage):
kernel_prefix = "#define INFINITY (__int_as_float(0x7f800000))\n#define NAN (__int_as_float(0x7fffffff))\nextern \"C\" __global__ "
smem_prefix = "__shared__ "
smem_prefix_for_cast = False
arg_int_prefix = "const int"
barrier = "__syncthreads();"
float4 = "make_float4"
gid = [f'blockIdx.{chr(120+i)}' for i in range(3)]
lid = [f'threadIdx.{chr(120+i)}' for i in range(3)]
xid = [f'(blockIdx.{chr(120+i)}*blockDim.{chr(120+i)}+threadIdx.{chr(120+i)})' for i in range(3)]
code_for_op = {**CStyleLanguage().code_for_op, BinaryOps.MAX: lambda a,b,dtype: f"max({a},{b})" if dtype != dtypes.half else f"__hmax({a},{b})"}
half_prekernel = """
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
struct half4 { half x, y, z, w; };
CUDARenderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, CUDALanguage())
class HIPLanguage(CStyleLanguage):
kernel_prefix = "#include <hip/hip_common.h>\n#define INFINITY (__builtin_inff())\n#define NAN (__builtin_nanf(\"\"))" + """
__device__ float4 max(float4 x, float4 y) { return float4(max(x.x, y.x), max(x.y, y.y), max(x.z, y.z), max(x.w, y.w)); }
__device__ float4 pow(float x, float4 y) { return float4(pow(x, y.x), pow(x, y.y), pow(x, y.z), pow(x, y.w)); }
__device__ float4 pow(float4 x, float4 y) { return float4(pow(x.x, y.x), pow(x.y, y.y), pow(x.z, y.z), pow(x.w, y.w)); }
__device__ float4 log2(float4 x) { return float4(log2(x.x), log2(x.y), log2(x.z), log2(x.w)); }
__device__ float4 exp2(float4 x) { return float4(exp2(x.x), exp2(x.y), exp2(x.z), exp2(x.w)); }
__device__ float4 sin(float4 x) { return float4(sin(x.x), sin(x.y), sin(x.z), sin(x.w)); }
typedef float float8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); __device__ float8 make_float8(float x, float y, float z, float w, float a, float b, float c, float d) { return {x, y, z, w, a, b, c, d}; }
extern "C" __global__
launch_bounds = True
smem_prefix = "__shared__ "
barrier = "__syncthreads();"
float4 = "make_float4"
arg_int_prefix = "const int"
half_prekernel = "#include <hip/hip_fp16.h>\n" + """
typedef union { struct { half x, y, z, w; } __attribute__((aligned(8))); half data[4]; } half4; __device__ half4 make_half4(half x, half y, half z, half w) { return {x, y, z, w}; }
typedef union { struct { half x, y, z, w, a, b, c, d; } __attribute__((aligned(16))); half data[8]; } half8; __device__ half8 make_half8(half x, half y, half z, half w, half a, half b, half c, half d) { return {x, y, z, w, a, b, c, d}; }
typedef _Float16 half16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); __device__ half16 make_half16(half x, half y, half z, half w, half a, half b, half c, half d, half e, half f, half g, half h, half i, half j, half k, half l) { return {x, y, z, w, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l}; }
__device__ float vload_half(size_t offset, const half *p) { return (float)*(p + offset); }
__device__ float2 vload_half2(size_t offset, const half *p) { return make_float2((float)*(p + offset*2), (float)*(p + offset*2 + 1)); }
__device__ float4 vload_half4(size_t offset, const half *p) { return make_float4((float)*(p + offset*4), (float)*(p + offset*4 + 1), (float)*(p + offset*4 + 2), (float)*(p + offset*4 + 3)); }
__device__ void vstore_half(float data, size_t offset, half *p) { *(p + offset) = (half)data; }
__device__ void vstore_half2(float2 data, size_t offset, half *p) { *(p + offset*2) = (half)data.x; *(p + offset*2 + 1) = (half)data.y; }
__device__ void vstore_half4(float4 data, size_t offset, half *p) { *(p + offset*4) = (half)data.x; *(p + offset*4 + 1) = (half)data.y; *(p + offset*4 + 2) = (half)data.z; *(p + offset*4 + 3) = (half)data.w; }
__device__ half exp2(half x) { return hexp2(x); }
__device__ half log2(half x) { return hlog2(x); }
__device__ half sin(half x) { return hsin(x); }
__device__ half sqrt(half x) { return hsqrt(x); }
__device__ half hmax(half a, half b) { return __hgt(a, b) ? a : b; }
__device__ half operator%(const half &a, const half &b) { return __hsub(a, __hmul(b, __float2half(floorf(__half2float(a) / __half2float(b))))); }
__device__ bool operator!=(const half &a, const int &b) { return (float)a != b; }
// HACKS for ALU ops on half and result of half2 GEP
__device__ half operator+(const half &a, const unsigned short &b) { return __hadd(a, (half)(b)); }
__device__ half operator-(const half &a, const unsigned short &b) { return __hsub(a, (half)(b)); }
__device__ half operator*(const half &a, const unsigned short &b) { return __hmul(a, (half)(b)); }
__device__ half operator/(const half &a, const unsigned short &b) { return __hdiv(a, (half)(b)); }
__device__ bool operator<(const half &a, const unsigned short &b) { return __hlt(a, (half)(b)); }
// now the other way
__device__ half operator+(const unsigned short &a, const half &b) { return __hadd((half)(a), b); }
__device__ half operator-(const unsigned short &a, const half &b) { return __hsub((half)(a), b); }
__device__ half operator*(const unsigned short &a, const half &b) { return __hmul((half)(a), b); }
__device__ half operator/(const unsigned short &a, const half &b) { return __hdiv((half)(a), b); }
__device__ bool operator<(const unsigned short &a, const half &b) { return __hlt((half)(a), b); }
gid = [f'blockIdx.{chr(120+i)}' for i in range(3)]
lid = [f'threadIdx.{chr(120+i)}' for i in range(3)]
xid = [f'(blockIdx.{chr(120+i)}*blockDim.{chr(120+i)}+threadIdx.{chr(120+i)})' for i in range(3)]
code_for_op = {**CStyleLanguage().code_for_op, BinaryOps.MAX: lambda a,b,dtype: f"max({a},{b})" if dtype != dtypes.half else f"hmax({a},{b})", TernaryOps.WHERE: lambda a,b,c,dtype: f"({a}!=0?{b}:{c})" if dtype != dtypes.half else f"(half)({a}!=0?{b}:{c})"}
HIPRenderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, HIPLanguage())
# TODO: how much of this can be merged with above?
class WGSLLanguage(CStyleLanguage):
gid = [f"i32(gindex.{'xyz'[x]})" for x in range(3)]
lid = [f"i32(lindex.{'xyz'[x]})" for x in range(3)]
size_prefix = "let"
generic_var_prefix = "var "
external_local_bufs = True
code_for_op = { **CStyleLanguage().code_for_op, BinaryOps.CMPLT: lambda x,y,dtype: f"f32({x}<{y})", TernaryOps.MULACC: lambda x,y,z,dtype: f"fma({x},{y},{z})", TernaryOps.WHERE: lambda a,b,c,dtype: f"select({c},{b},{a}!=0.)" }
type_map = {dtypes.float: "f32", dtypes.half: "f16", dtypes.int32: "i32", dtypes.uint32: "u32", dtypes.bool: "bool"}
def render_local(self, name: str, size: int):
return f"var<workgroup> {name}: array<f32,{size}>;"
def render_const(self, x:Union[float,int], var_dtype) -> str:
if math.isnan(x): return "nan()"
elif math.isinf(x): return ("-" if x < 0 else "") + "0x1.fffffep+127f"
return f"({super().render_const(x, var_dtype)})"
def render_kernel(self, function_name:str, kernel:List[str], bufs:List[Tuple[str,DType]], local_size:List[int], prekernel:List[str]) -> str:
local_size = local_size[::-1] if local_size else [1]
bind_it = iter(range(len(bufs)))
prg = "fn nan() -> f32 { let bits = 0xffffffffu; return bitcast<f32>(bits); }\n"
prg += "\n".join(prekernel+[f"@group(0) @binding({next(bind_it)}) var<storage,read_write> {name}: array<{self.type_map[dtype]}>;" for name,dtype in bufs])
prg += f"\n@compute @workgroup_size({','.join([str(x) for x in local_size])}) fn {function_name}(@builtin(workgroup_id) gindex: vec3<u32>, @builtin(local_invocation_id) lindex: vec3<u32>) {{\n" + "\n".join(kernel) + "\n}"
return prg
def render_for(self, expr:str, _min:Union[int,str], _max:Union[int,str]) -> str:
return f"for(var {expr} = {_min}; {expr} < {_max}; {expr}++) {{"
def render_if(self, cond: str):
return f"if (bool({cond})) {{"
def render_conditional(self, cond:str, x:str, y:str) -> str:
return f"select(f32({y}), {x}, bool({cond}))"
def render_cast(self, x:List[str], var_dtype:DType) -> str:
if self.type_map[var_dtype]: return f"{self.type_map[var_dtype]}({x[0]})"
raise NotImplementedError(f"no cast for {var_dtype}")
def render_store(self, buf_name:str, buf_dtype:DType, var_name:str, var_dtype:DType, idx, local=False) -> str:
return f"{buf_name}[{idx}] = {self.render_cast([var_name], buf_dtype) if var_dtype != buf_dtype else var_name};"
WGSLRenderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, WGSLLanguage())