Fork 0

115 lines
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from typing import Tuple
import time
from tinygrad import Tensor, TinyJit, nn, Variable
from tinygrad.helpers import dtypes # TODO: wouldn't need this if argmax returned the right dtype
import gymnasium as gym
from tqdm import trange
import numpy as np # TODO: remove numpy import
class ActorCritic:
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, hidden_state=32):
self.l1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_state)
self.l2 = nn.Linear(hidden_state, out_features)
self.c1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_state)
self.c2 = nn.Linear(hidden_state, 1)
def __call__(self, obs:Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
x = self.l1(obs).tanh()
act = self.l2(x).log_softmax()
x = self.c1(obs).relu()
return act, self.c2(x)
def evaluate(model:ActorCritic, test_env:gym.Env) -> float:
(obs, _), terminated, truncated = test_env.reset(), False, False
total_rew = 0.0
while not terminated and not truncated:
act = model(Tensor(obs))[0].argmax().cast(dtypes.int32).item()
obs, rew, terminated, truncated, _ = test_env.step(act)
total_rew += float(rew)
return total_rew
# TODO: time should be < 5s on M1 Max
if __name__ == "__main__":
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
model = ActorCritic(env.observation_space.shape[0], int(env.action_space.n)) # type: ignore
opt = nn.optim.Adam(nn.state.get_parameters(model), lr=1e-2)
def train_step(x:Tensor, selected_action:Tensor, reward:Tensor, old_log_dist:Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
with Tensor.train():
log_dist, value = model(x)
# get advantage
advantage = reward.reshape(-1, 1) - value
mask = selected_action.reshape(-1, 1) == Tensor.arange(log_dist.shape[1]).reshape(1, -1).expand(selected_action.shape[0], -1)
masked_advantage = mask * advantage.detach()
ratios = (log_dist - old_log_dist).exp() * masked_advantage
clipped_ratios = ratios.clip(1-0.2, 1+0.2) * masked_advantage
action_loss = -ratios.minimum(clipped_ratios).sum(-1).mean()
entropy_loss = (log_dist.exp() * log_dist).sum(-1).mean() # this encourages diversity
critic_loss = advantage.square().mean()
(action_loss + entropy_loss*0.0005 + critic_loss).backward()
return action_loss.realize(), entropy_loss.realize(), critic_loss.realize()
def get_action_dist(obs:Tensor) -> Tensor:
# TODO: with no_grad
Tensor.no_grad = True
ret = model(obs)[0].exp().realize()
Tensor.no_grad = False
return ret
BS = 256
st, steps = time.perf_counter(), 0
Xn, An, Rn = [], [], []
for i in (t:=trange(40)):
get_action_dist.reset() # NOTE: if you don't reset the jit here it captures the wrong model on the first run through
obs:np.ndarray = env.reset()[0]
rews, terminated, truncated = [], False, False
# NOTE: we don't want to early stop since then the rewards are wrong for the last episode
while not terminated and not truncated:
# pick actions
# TODO: move the multinomial into jitted tinygrad when JIT rand works
# TODO: what's the temperature here?
act = get_action_dist(Tensor(obs)).multinomial().item()
# save this state action pair
# TODO: don't use np.copy here on the CPU, what's the tinygrad way to do this and keep on device? need __setitem__ assignment
obs, rew, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(act)
steps += len(rews)
# reward to go
# TODO: move this into tinygrad
discounts = np.power(0.99, np.arange(len(rews)))
Rn += [np.sum(rews[i:] * discounts[:len(rews)-i]) for i in range(len(rews))]
X, A, R = Tensor(Xn), Tensor(An), Tensor(Rn)
# TODO: make this work
#vsz = Variable("sz", 1, MAX_REPLAY_BUFFER-1).bind(len(Xn))
#X, A, R = Tensor(Xn).reshape(vsz, None), Tensor(An).reshape(vsz), Tensor(Rn).reshape(vsz)
old_log_dist = model(X)[0] # TODO: could save these instead of recomputing
for i in range(5):
samples = Tensor.randint(BS, high=X.shape[0]).realize() # TODO: remove the need for this
# TODO: is this recompiling based on the shape?
action_loss, entropy_loss, critic_loss = train_step(X[samples], A[samples], R[samples], old_log_dist[samples])
t.set_description(f"sz: {len(Xn):5d} steps/s: {steps/(time.perf_counter()-st):7.2f} action_loss: {action_loss.item():7.2f} entropy_loss: {entropy_loss.item():7.2f} critic_loss: {critic_loss.item():7.2f} reward: {sum(rews):6.2f}")
test_rew = evaluate(model, gym.make('CartPole-v1', render_mode='human'))
print(f"test reward: {test_rew}")