Fork 0

382 lines
22 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import sys, operator, math
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union, List, Dict, Any, cast
from weakref import ref, WeakSet, WeakValueDictionary
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.graph import log_op
from tinygrad.helpers import GRAPH, DEBUG, prod, getenv, DType, dtypes, flatten, ImageDType
from tinygrad.ops import Device, Compiled, UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps, ReduceOps, MovementOps, LoadOps, OpType, LazyOp
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker, View, get_contraction
from tinygrad.shape.symbolic import Node
from tinygrad.runtime.lib import RawConst, RawBuffer, RawBufferMapped, RawBufferTransfer
from tinygrad.runtime.ops_cpu import RawNumpyBuffer
from tinygrad.runtime.ops_disk import RawDiskBuffer
# lazy can recurse a lot
OPT = getenv("OPT", 2)
LAZY = getenv("LAZY", 1)
P2P = getenv("P2P", 0)
# TODO: movement ops that only change shape are really nops. treat them as such
MERGE_ONE_REDUCE_INTO_ELEMENTWISE, SHUFFLE_PAD_OPS, SIMPLIFY_SUM_RESHAPE_EXPAND_SUM = OPT>=2, OPT>=2, OPT>=2 # shuffle pad ops is fine now since we only push to merge binops
def _simplify_sum_reshape_expand_sum(self:LazyBuffer, src: Any, prev_src: Any) -> Optional[LazyOp]:
if prev_src.op.op == MovementOps.EXPAND:
if src.op.op == ReduceOps.SUM:
if src.shape == self.shape:
dim_difference = [i for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(prev_src.shape, self.shape)) if a != b]
# NOTE: we can probably also handle the case where more than one dimension is different with more thought
if len(dim_difference) == 1:
expansion_index = dim_difference[0]
expansion_size = prev_src.shape[expansion_index]
return LazyOp(BinaryOps.MUL, (src, LazyBuffer.const(src, expansion_size)))
return None
# **** realize functions ****
def _ast_reduceops(self:LazyBuffer) -> LazyOp:
# TODO: this can also corealize a binary op after the reduce, not just before
# NOTE: mypy doesn't know that if not src.realized, then src.op must be a LazyOp so we have to ignore a bunch of warnings
src = self.op.src[0]
if not src.realized:
# When a tensor is reduced, reshaped/expanded back and then reduced again along the same axis,
# it's equivalent to performing the initial reduction and multiplying the result
# by the size of the expanded dimension.
if SIMPLIFY_SUM_RESHAPE_EXPAND_SUM and src.op.op == MovementOps.EXPAND: # type: ignore
expanded = src.op.src[0] # type: ignore
if expanded.op.op == MovementOps.RESHAPE: # type: ignore
reshaped = expanded.op.src[0] # type: ignore
simplified = _simplify_sum_reshape_expand_sum(self, reshaped, src)
simplified = _simplify_sum_reshape_expand_sum(self, expanded, src)
if simplified: return simplified
if MERGE_ELEMENTWISE_INTO_REDUCE and src.optype is BinaryOps and len(src.children) <= 1:
# If we did remove an expand above, we might stumble back into a case where the reduction is not necessary
if src.shape == self.shape:
return src.op # type: ignore
src = src.op # type: ignore
return LazyOp(self.op.op, (src,), self.op.arg)
# this supports late merging an upstream Reduce op and even an Elementwise op above that
def _ast_binaryops(self:LazyBuffer) -> LazyOp:
real_srcs: Dict[LazyBuffer, Union[None, LazyOp, LazyBuffer]] = {x:None for x in self.op.buffers}
# NOTE: contiguous does not always mean the same size with SHRINK. this is still mergeable but requires more thought how
# TODO: this can also support late fusion of BinaryOps, required for test_fold_conv_sgd
psrcs: List[Tuple[LazyBuffer, LazyBuffer]] = [(k,x) for k,x in zip(real_srcs.keys(), map(get_movementroot_contiguous, real_srcs.keys())) if x.optype == ReduceOps and not x.realized and prod(k.shape) == prod(x.shape) and len(x.children) <= 1 and len(k.children) <= 1]
intermediate_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = self.shape
psrc = psrcs[0] # NOTE: right now we can't handle multiple, as we'd have to check for loop
if psrc[1].optype == ReduceOps:
top = _ast_reduceops(psrc[1])
real_srcs[psrc[0]] = top
real_srcs.update({x:x for x in top.buffers}) # the reduce op buffers are not modified
# if the ReduceOp is followed by a reshape, we push this reshape before all the ElementwiseOp inputs
if psrc[0].shape != psrc[1].shape:
intermediate_shape = psrc[1].shape
assert psrc[0].shape == self.shape, f"shape mismatch {psrc[0].shape} != {self.shape}"
# reshape all the late ops into the output shape
# NOTE: these RESHAPEs will return self if they don't change the shape
for x in real_srcs.keys():
if not real_srcs[x]: real_srcs[x] = x.reshape(intermediate_shape)
ast = self.op.map_buffers(real_srcs)
return LazyOp(MovementOps.RESHAPE, (ast, ), self.shape) if intermediate_shape != self.shape else ast
# **** lazy operations ****
def get_single_root(root:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return get_single_root(cast(LazyBuffer, root.op.src[0])) if getattr(root, 'op', None) and len(root.op.src) == 1 else root
def get_movementroot(root:LazyBuffer, allow_contiguous=False) -> LazyBuffer: return get_movementroot(cast(LazyBuffer, root.op.src[0]), allow_contiguous) if not root.realized and (root.optype == MovementOps or (root.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS and allow_contiguous and root.op.src[0].st.contiguous)) else root
def get_movementroot_contiguous(x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return get_movementroot_contiguous(cast(LazyBuffer, x.op.src[0])) if not x.realized and x.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS else (get_movementroot(x, True) if x.optype == MovementOps and x.st.contiguous else x)
lazycache: WeakValueDictionary = WeakValueDictionary()
def create_lazybuffer(device:str, st:ShapeTracker, optype:OpType, op:LazyOp, dtype:DType):
# fromcpu aren't cached
if not LAZYCACHE or (optype is LoadOps and op.op in {LoadOps.EMPTY, LoadOps.RAND, LoadOps.CONST}): return LazyBuffer(device, st, optype, op, dtype)
# wop is the deduping key. i feel this used to compare more deeply
wop = (device, dtype, optype, ref(op))
if wop in lazycache:
for x in op.buffers: x.children.add(lazycache[wop])
return lazycache[wop]
lazycache[wop] = ret = LazyBuffer(device, st, optype, op, dtype)
return ret
UNSAFE_PAD_OPS = {BinaryOps.DIV, BinaryOps.CMPLT, UnaryOps.LOG2, UnaryOps.EXP2, UnaryOps.RECIP}
class LazyBuffer:
__deletable__ = ('op',)
def __init__(self, device:str, st:ShapeTracker, optype:OpType, op:LazyOp, dtype:DType, src:Optional[RawBuffer]=None):
self.st: ShapeTracker = st # NOTE: this is not a copy! this should be a "read-only" ShapeTracker
self.device, self.shape, self.optype, self.dtype = device, self.st.shape, optype, dtype
self.realized: Optional[RawBuffer] = src
self.output_buffer: Optional[RawBuffer] = None # TODO: do we really need this? or can we just use realized
# TODO: does children have to be a ref count instead of a set? can a Buffer be a double child?
self.children: WeakSet = WeakSet()
# NOTE: op should be read only after construction of LazyBuffer
self.op: LazyOp = op
for x in op.buffers: x.children.add(self)
if not LAZY: self.realize()
# log phantom ops to the graph
if GRAPH >= 3:
log_op(self, self.op, phantom=True)
def __repr__(self): return f"<LB {self.shape} {self.dtype} op={self.op.op if not self.realized else self.realized} st={self.st}>"
def key(self):
if self.realized: return (self.dtype, self.realized.key, self.st.key)
return (self.dtype, self.op.op, self.st.key)
def _device_extra_args(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {"device": self.device.split(":", 1)[1]} if ":" in self.device else {}
def realize(self:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
if not self.realized:
# get real ops first
if self.optype is BinaryOps: self.op = _ast_binaryops(self)
elif self.optype is ReduceOps:
self.op = _ast_reduceops(self)
if self.op.op in BinaryOps: self.op = _ast_binaryops(self)
elif self.optype is LoadOps: LOAD_OPS_DISPATCHER[cast(LoadOps, self.op.op)](self)
# run the ast if we still have to, and log the op
if not self.realized:
for x in self.op.buffers: x.realize()
# HACK: image shape can be wrong, hot cast it back to a normal float
if isinstance(self.dtype, ImageDType) and self.optype != MovementOps and (prod(self.shape) != prod(self.dtype.shape) or not any(self.shape[x]%4 == 0 for x in self.st.unit_stride_axes())):
if self.op.op == MovementOps.RESHAPE:
# put CAST before the final RESHAPE
self.op = LazyOp(MovementOps.RESHAPE, (LazyOp(UnaryOps.CAST, self.op.src, (dtypes.float32, False)),), self.op.arg)
self.op = LazyOp(UnaryOps.CAST, (self.op,), (dtypes.float32, False))
self.dtype = dtypes.float32
self.realized = Device[self.device].exec_ast(self.op, output=self, **self._device_extra_args())
assert self.realized and isinstance(self.realized, (RawConst, Device[self.device].buffer)), f"device mismatch on realized got {type(self.realized)} expected {self.device}"
# HACK: allow hot casting of images
assert self.realized.dtype == self.dtype or self.dtype.__class__ is ImageDType, f"dtype mismatch on realize got {self.realized.dtype} expected {self.dtype}"
self.dtype = self.realized.dtype
# log to the graph
if (DEBUG or GRAPH) and (self.realized.__class__ is not RawConst or GRAPH >= 2):
log_op(self, self.op)
# no need to keep the op after realization
del self.op
return self
def loadop(op, shape, dtype, device, arg=None, src=None) -> LazyBuffer:
return create_lazybuffer(device, ShapeTracker(tuple(shape)), LoadOps, LazyOp(op, tuple() if src is None else (src,), arg), dtype)
# create a constant with the shape and dtype of self
def const(self, val:Union[float, int]) -> LazyBuffer:
# NOTE: dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np) to deal with image types
return self.loadop(LoadOps.CONST, tuple(), dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np), self.device, arg=val).reshape((1,)*len(self.shape)).expand(self.shape)
def contiguous(self:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
if not self.realized and self.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS: return self # two CONTIGUOUS in a row is one
return create_lazybuffer(self.device, ShapeTracker(self.shape), LoadOps, LazyOp(LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS, (self,), None), self.dtype)
def fromCPU(x: np.ndarray) -> LazyBuffer:
return LazyBuffer("CPU", ShapeTracker(x.shape, [View(x.shape, tuple(st//x.itemsize for st in x.strides))]), LoadOps, LazyOp(LoadOps.EMPTY, (), None), dtypes.from_np(x.dtype), RawNumpyBuffer.fromCPU(x))
def toCPU(self) -> np.ndarray:
assert self.dtype.np, f"{self.dtype} is not supported in toCPU"
self_casted = self.e(UnaryOps.CAST, arg=(dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np), False)) if dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np) != self.dtype else self
realized = self_casted.contiguous().realize().realized
return cast(RawBuffer, realized).toCPU().reshape(self.shape)
def e(self:LazyBuffer, op:Union[UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps], *srcs:LazyBuffer, arg:Optional[Any]=None) -> LazyBuffer:
# srcs includes self
srcs = (self,)+srcs
# if we are separated from other binary ops by movement ops, we push those movement ops above those binaryops
if SHUFFLE_MOVEMENT_OPS: srcs = _push_movement_ops(srcs)
# get outputs now
out_device, out_shape, out_dtype = srcs[0].device, srcs[0].shape, max([x.dtype for x in srcs]) if op != UnaryOps.CAST else cast(Tuple[DType, bool], arg)[0]
# push all contiguous to the end of BinaryOps. kernels 198 -> 196
if PUSH_CONTIGUOUS and any(not x.realized and x.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS and len(x.op.src[0].children) <= 1 for x in srcs):
new_srcs: List[LazyBuffer] = []
for x in srcs:
if not x.realized and x.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS and len(x.op.src[0].children) <= 1:
new_srcs.append(cast(LazyBuffer, x.op.src[0]))
return new_srcs[0].e(op, *new_srcs[1:], arg=arg).contiguous()
# remove the buffers from any (childless) BinaryOps that feed into this
srcs = tuple([x.op if x.optype == BinaryOps and not x.children and not x.realized else x for x in srcs]) # type: ignore
return create_lazybuffer(out_device, ShapeTracker(out_shape), BinaryOps, LazyOp(op, srcs, arg), out_dtype)
def shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(self, st: ShapeTracker, op: MovementOps, arg: Union[Tuple[Union[Node,int], ...], Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]]) -> LazyBuffer:
if SHUFFLE_MOVEMENT_OPS and self.optype == BinaryOps and not self.realized and (op in {MovementOps.SHRINK, MovementOps.STRIDE, MovementOps.PERMUTE} or (op == MovementOps.RESHAPE and self.op.op in UnaryOps)) and not self.children:
return self.op.replace_with_movement_ops([(op, arg)])
ret = create_lazybuffer(self.device, st, MovementOps, LazyOp(op, (self,), arg), self.dtype)
if REMOVE_MOVEMENT_NOPS and not self.realized and not ret.realized and ret.st.contiguous:
# MovementOps aren't stacked any more, they each have one parent, find the root
root = get_movementroot(self)
if root.st.contiguous and root != self and prod(ret.st.shape) == prod(root.shape):
return root.reshape(ret.st.shape)
return ret
def _reduce_op(self:LazyBuffer, op:ReduceOps, new_shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if self.shape == tuple(new_shape): return self
srcs = _push_movement_ops((self,)) if SHUFFLE_MOVEMENT_OPS else (self,)
return create_lazybuffer(self.device, ShapeTracker(new_shape), ReduceOps, LazyOp(op, srcs, new_shape), self.dtype)
def reduce_op(self:LazyBuffer, op:ReduceOps, new_shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if any(not isinstance(s, int) for s in self.shape) or prod(self.shape) // prod(new_shape) < 32768: return self._reduce_op(op, new_shape) # The amount of work should be big enough to take the benefit of "2 kernels" approach.
heuristic, divisor, dim_to_split = max(((divisor := math.gcd(256, old))/(stride or math.inf), divisor, i) for i, (old, new, stride) in enumerate(zip(self.shape, new_shape, self.st.real_strides())) if old != new) # type: ignore
if divisor < 16 or heuristic < 0.125: return self._reduce_op(op, new_shape) # Choose largest divisor (>=16) to split on, penalize large strides.
def splitted_shape(dim_aft_div): return self.shape[:dim_to_split] + (self.shape[dim_to_split]//divisor,) + dim_aft_div + self.shape[dim_to_split+1:]
return self.reshape(splitted_shape((divisor,)))._reduce_op(op, splitted_shape((1,))).reshape(splitted_shape(()))._reduce_op(op, new_shape)
def reshape(self:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Union[Node, int], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if self.shape == arg: return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.RESHAPE:
self.op.src[0].children.discard(self) # NOTE: this is only required in reshape and when pushing permutes, why??
return self.op.src[0].reshape(arg)
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).reshape(arg), MovementOps.RESHAPE, arg)
def pad(self:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if all(b == 0 and e == 0 for b,e in arg): return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.PAD: return self.op.src[0].pad(tuple([(b1+b2, e1+e2) for (b1,e1),(b2,e2) in zip(self.op.arg, arg)]))
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).pad(arg), MovementOps.PAD, arg)
def expand(self: LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Union[Node,int], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if self.shape == arg: return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.EXPAND:
return self.op.src[0].expand(arg)
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).expand(arg), MovementOps.EXPAND, arg)
def permute(self: LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if arg == tuple(range(len(self.shape))): return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.PERMUTE: return self.op.src[0].permute(tuple([self.op.arg[i] for i in arg]))
if not self.realized:
if PUSH_PERMUTES and self.optype == ReduceOps:
# reduceops have one buffer input, permute it
narg = tuple([self.op.arg[arg[i]] for i in range(len(arg))])
src, rop = self.op.src[0], self.op.op
del self # TODO: why doesn't this delete remove it from the children
return src.permute(arg).reduce_op(cast(ReduceOps, rop), narg)
# move permutes before expands (always, this is safe)
if self.op.op == MovementOps.EXPAND:
return self.op.src[0].permute(arg).expand(tuple([self.op.arg[a] for a in arg]))
# move permutes before reshapes if we can
if PUSH_PERMUTES and self.op.op == MovementOps.RESHAPE and self.op.src[0].__class__ is LazyBuffer:
if shape_idx_groups := get_contraction(self.op.src[0].shape, self.shape):
self.op.src[0].children.discard(self) # NOTE: this is only required in reshape and when pushing permutes, why??
return self.op.src[0].permute(tuple(flatten(shape_idx_groups[i] for i in arg))).reshape(ShapeTracker(self.st).permute(arg).shape)
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).permute(arg), MovementOps.PERMUTE, arg)
def shrink(self:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
if all(b - a == s for s, (a, b) in zip(self.shape, arg)): return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.SHRINK: return self.op.src[0].shrink(tuple([(b1+b2, b1+e2) for (b1,_),(b2,e2) in zip(self.op.arg, arg)]))
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).shrink(arg), MovementOps.SHRINK, arg)
def stride(self:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
local_st = ShapeTracker(self.shape).stride(arg)
if self.shape == local_st.shape and local_st.contiguous: return self
if not self.realized and self.op.op == MovementOps.STRIDE: return self.op.src[0].stride(tuple(map(operator.mul, arg, self.op.arg)))
return self.shuffle_and_prune_movement_ops(ShapeTracker(self.st).stride(arg), MovementOps.STRIDE, arg)
def buffers(self) -> Tuple[LazyBuffer, ...]: return (self,)
def map_buffers(self, real_srcs: Dict[Any, Any]): return real_srcs.get(self, self)
def get_lazyops(self) -> List[Any]: return []
def replace_with_movement_ops(self: LazyBuffer, ops:List[Tuple[MovementOps, Any]]) -> LazyBuffer:
y = self
for op, arg in ops: y = MOVEMENT_OPS_DISPATCHER[op](y, arg)
return y
def _push_movement_ops(srcs:Tuple[LazyBuffer, ...]) -> Tuple[LazyBuffer, ...]:
new_srcs = []
for x in srcs:
mops: List[Tuple[MovementOps, Any]] = []
bx = x
# backwalk all the movement ops. don't push PAD or EXPAND
while not bx.realized and bx.optype is MovementOps and bx.op.op is not MovementOps.EXPAND and (SHUFFLE_PAD_OPS or bx.op.op is not MovementOps.PAD) and len(bx.children) <= 1:
assert isinstance(bx.op.op, MovementOps)
mops.append((bx.op.op, bx.op.arg))
assert isinstance(bx.op.src[0], LazyBuffer)
bx = bx.op.src[0]
# NOTE: can't push pads past anything where f(0, 0) != 0 or f(0) != 0
if mops and not bx.realized and bx.optype is BinaryOps and len(bx.children) <= 1 and (all(x[0] is not MovementOps.PAD for x in mops) or all(x.op not in UNSAFE_PAD_OPS for x in bx.op.get_lazyops())):
return tuple(new_srcs)
def _realize_contiguous(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
realized = buffer.op.src[0].realize().realized
if buffer.op.src[0].st.contiguous and realized.__class__ is not RawConst and realized is not None and realized.size == prod(buffer.shape):
# no need to run an AST, this is already contiguous
buffer.realized = realized
buffer.op = LazyOp(UnaryOps.NOOP, buffer.op.src)
def _realize_custom(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
# this needs to immediately realize
buffer.realized = buffer.op.arg(buffer, *[x.realize() for x in buffer.op.src])
def _realize_from(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
rawbuf = buffer.op.src[0].realize()
assert rawbuf.realized, "realize failed?"
if DEBUG >= 3: print(f"*** copy {buffer.device} <- {rawbuf.device} size {rawbuf.realized.size} dtype {rawbuf.realized.dtype}")
# TODO: make this generic
if isinstance(rawbuf.realized, RawDiskBuffer) and issubclass(Device[buffer.device].buffer, RawBufferMapped):
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer(prod(buffer.shape), buffer.dtype, **buffer._device_extra_args())
rawbuf.realized.readinto(cast(RawBufferMapped, buffer.realized)._buffer())
elif isinstance(rawbuf.realized, RawBufferTransfer) and issubclass(Device[buffer.device].buffer, RawBufferTransfer) and P2P >= 1:
buffer.realized = cast(RawBufferTransfer, Device[buffer.device].buffer).transfer(rawbuf.realized, buffer.shape, buffer.dtype, **buffer._device_extra_args())
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer.fromCPU(rawbuf.toCPU(), **buffer._device_extra_args())
def _realize_empty(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer(prod(buffer.shape), buffer.dtype, **buffer._device_extra_args())
def _realize_rand(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
rng = np.random.default_rng(buffer.op.arg)
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer.fromCPU(rng.random(size=buffer.shape, dtype=np.float32).astype(dtype=buffer.dtype.np, copy=False), **buffer._device_extra_args()) # type: ignore
def _realize_const(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
if isinstance(Device[buffer.device], Compiled) and buffer.device not in ["LLVM"]: # consts are broken in LLVM in NaN/inf
buffer.realized = RawConst(1, buffer.dtype, float(buffer.op.arg))
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer.fromCPU(np.array(buffer.op.arg, dtype=buffer.dtype.np), **buffer._device_extra_args())
LOAD_OPS_DISPATCHER: Dict[LoadOps, Callable] = {
LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS: _realize_contiguous,
LoadOps.CUSTOM: _realize_custom,
LoadOps.FROM: _realize_from,
LoadOps.EMPTY: _realize_empty,
LoadOps.RAND: _realize_rand,
LoadOps.CONST: _realize_const,
MOVEMENT_OPS_DISPATCHER: Dict[MovementOps, Callable] = {
MovementOps.RESHAPE: LazyBuffer.reshape,
MovementOps.EXPAND: LazyBuffer.expand,
MovementOps.SHRINK: LazyBuffer.shrink,
MovementOps.PERMUTE: LazyBuffer.permute,
MovementOps.PAD: LazyBuffer.pad,
MovementOps.STRIDE: LazyBuffer.stride,