What In The Zap Is That? AI categorization of spectra from LIBS/XRF analyzers.

Updated 2023-01-29 15:47:20 -07:00

Scripts for working with the SatNOGS Optical network, as it is being built.

Updated 2023-06-26 10:06:30 -06:00

Free Software and Documentation for Comma Three Self Driving Car AI Hardware.

Updated 2022-04-28 16:04:38 -06:00

PlantNet forklet notes.

Updated 2023-07-04 10:20:09 -06:00

AI notes.

Updated 2023-10-20 19:45:26 -06:00

Gitea configs and templates for SpaceCruft.

Updated 2020-01-03 19:50:49 -07:00

Documentation for GNU, Debian, Proxmox, KVM, Ceph Clusters

Updated 2022-02-22 13:14:41 -07:00

Updated 2019-12-06 16:28:10 -07:00

Scripts, etc. for SatNOGS

Updated 2019-12-28 01:10:14 -07:00

Fork of Comma AI OpenPilot

Updated 2022-03-25 22:26:41 -06:00

Buildroot fork.

Updated 2023-08-25 13:10:05 -06:00

AJA NTV2 Corvid Drivers updated for Linux Kernel 6.1.

Updated 2023-09-18 10:52:33 -06:00

Lesser fork of retropilot-server

Updated 2022-05-02 22:49:51 -06:00

Synchronize mpv video streaming playback between multiple computers.

Updated 2023-09-21 12:59:33 -06:00

Scripts & misc for using SatNOGS client on Raspberry Pi.

Updated 2019-11-22 18:03:17 -07:00

Lesser fork of retropilot-client

Updated 2022-05-03 13:15:48 -06:00

A scriptlet for easy writing commands to a virtual terminal.

Updated 2023-09-17 10:21:02 -06:00