tests: Skip basics/boundmeth1.py for native emitter.

Damien George 2015-03-03 18:06:45 +00:00
parent dc790977d4
commit 72ddcfd9ff
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ def run_tests(pyb, tests, args):
# Remove them from the below when they work
if args.emit == 'native':
skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'bytes_gen class_store_class class_super class_super_object closure1 closure2 closure_defargs del_deref del_local fun3 fun_calldblstar fun_callstar fun_callstardblstar fun_defargs fun_defargs2 fun_kwargs fun_kwonly fun_kwonlydef fun_kwvarargs fun_varargs gen_yield_from gen_yield_from_close gen_yield_from_ducktype gen_yield_from_exc gen_yield_from_iter gen_yield_from_send gen_yield_from_throw generator1 generator2 generator_args generator_close generator_closure generator_exc generator_return generator_send globals_del string_format string_join subclass_native2_list subclass_native2_tuple try_finally_loops try_finally_return try_reraise try_reraise2 unboundlocal with1 with_break with_continue with_return'.split()})
skip_tests.add('basics/boundmeth1.py') # requires support for many args
skip_tests.add('float/cmath_fun.py') # requires f(*args) support