tests/run-perfbench.py: Skip complex tests if target doesn't enable it.

Damien George 2019-10-15 16:46:06 +11:00
parent f1882636c0
commit 858e992d2e
1 changed files with 5 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -77,13 +77,17 @@ def run_benchmark_on_target(target, script):
return -1, -1, 'CRASH: %r' % err
def run_benchmarks(target, param_n, param_m, n_average, test_list):
skip_complex = run_feature_test(target, 'complex') != 'complex'
skip_native = run_feature_test(target, 'native_check') != ''
for test_file in sorted(test_list):
print(test_file + ': ', end='')
# Check if test should be skipped
skip = skip_native and test_file.find('viper_') != -1
skip = (
skip_complex and test_file.find('bm_fft') != -1
or skip_native and test_file.find('viper_') != -1
if skip: