# test that fixed dictionaries cannot be modified try: import uerrno except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit # Save a copy of uerrno.errorcode, so we can check later # that it hasn't been modified. errorcode_copy = uerrno.errorcode.copy() try: uerrno.errorcode.popitem() except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: uerrno.errorcode.pop(0) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: uerrno.errorcode.setdefault(0, 0) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: uerrno.errorcode.update([(1, 2)]) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: del uerrno.errorcode[1] except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: uerrno.errorcode[1] = 'foo' except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: uerrno.errorcode.clear() except TypeError: print("TypeError") assert uerrno.errorcode == errorcode_copy